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Carrick turned to hear the word S-class magic. The rabbit hole gets deeper the more we walk inside. S-class magic?


Spike thought it about "Actually, I don't even think she used any magic in a month."


Carrick interrupted "No magic? Isn't magic second nature to most unicorns?"


"Yeah, she usually gets books with her magic, but she just used the ladder instead. I ask her about it but she just said that she felt like getting it by hoof. I don't remember any other time she tried to use her magic. Least when I was with her."


Carrick wrote this down, could this mean she lost her magic? or maybe...she didn't want to? If it wasn't her, than who was the one who used this powerful spell? The more information that pours in, the more questions pop up. The only idea of what this could be is magic user.


Carrick than hears the blue alicorn again. Calling Carrick's name. He went over to see what this blue alicorn has. He went to see it. Carricked looked up and saw a quote:


I begin were all things end.


Carrick took a deep breath, a lot of information that is coming in. Carrick went down and read his notes again. He slowly read each line that he had written down. Suspicious activity from victim, Twilight Sparkle. Disused of magic from Twilight yet, magic has been used from possible suspect. A note and a light show that have peculiar sayings. "I begin were all things end." Carrick said aloud.


"I...begin...were all things end." Slowly a suspect came into his mind. If order ends, chaos begins. Discord. Discord does have the magic to create something is big as a S-class. He has intent since all the six ponies stopped his plans of chaos. However, the problem is that he hasn't come out. If anyone saw this Discord than we would of found out by now, right? He wrote down Discord on his notepad. "Looks like we might have some big trouble in our hooves." Carrick said.

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Means that right now a possible suspect is Discord." Carrick said.


"Wait, how is that possible. He was turned to stone by Twilight" Spike seemed to be peeved about Carrick's theory.


"Let me finish, Spike. It's only a possible suspect. Think about it. I begin were all things end. If order ends, what comes up? Chaos. Chaos is something Discord is infamous about. Now, let's think about it here. He is an all powerful creature. I'm pretty sure there are ways to come back from being in stone"


"His motive are pretty obvious, he wants revenge. Now, if I was an all powerful dragonequus and someone took away what I wanted. Wouldn't you want your revenge? I know I would."


Carrick took a second to gather his thoughts again and continued "Now the question is how he did it. Well, he has a way to manipulative ponies' mind. From his slithering tongue to his ability to create magic no doubt as high as S. What S-class magic he had done is still debatable but, I'm also pretty sure a sleep spell is probably pretty easy for someone as powerful as him. Maybe even a temporary mind wipe." Carrick put his right hoof on his chin, he had an idea to improve on his theory.


"Blaze, is it possible to see if traces of magic are on Spike?"

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Sure it is, unless spike has been around other magics recently, which then that would mask the previous magic." Blaze answered


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"If we can get the same magic signature from both the S-Class Magic and Spike than that means that my theory could has some proof to it. There was a magic user at least to have been here and did something to Spike and possibly Twilight." Carrick said.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Blaze pointed his horn towards spike, his horn began to glow. "... That is odd... I am getting a S class spell reading, but it feels... different. Like There was a different S class spell cast around spike." Blaze put his hoof up to his head. "Ack, it hurts..." Blaze suddenly faints.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Hmm i think ive seen this kind of spell before." Said Ponyborn. "I believe whoever our magic user was put a barrier on Spike so we cannot detect who cast the spells or what spells were cast, it would take hours to get this spell off of him, although it is just a guess."

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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"What did they do to me?!" Spike started to panic. Carrick went up to Spike and said to him in the same demeanor "Listen Spike, you'll be fine. It seems like you don't have any physical problems to worry about it. So just take a deep breath and relax, ok?"


Carrick's calm voice seemed to have calmed down Spike's panic. The dragon gave a little smile and said "Thanks." Carrick nodded as he saw Blaze fall down.


"Well it seems I have my work cut out for me," A white pegasus said, walking inside the treehouse.


"Yeah, you and me both." Carrick agreed with peagsus. This case not only having not one, both two, S class magic spells in here. The more investgation the more it leads to complications. Carrick went and grabbed Blaze again pulling him on his back. He gave a slight groan as he dragged him to Twilight's bed and placed them there. They were some advantage on being an earth pony.


"Alright, we better leave him here." Carrick said as he took a deep breath. "Though if Spike does have a S class magic spell, it could me that others in Ponyville could have one too, probably the six disappearing ponies in question." The detective went and looked at the pegasus and blue alicorn.


The blue alicorn chimed in "Hmm i think I've seen this kind of spell before. I believe whoever our magic user was put a barrier on Spike so we cannot detect who cast the spells or what spells were cast, it would take hours to get this spell off of him, although it is just a guess."


The pegasus walked up to Carrick "That one is weird,"


Carrick turned to the white pegasus "Yeah."


The detective got back to the matter at hand "Theories are we got at this point. Though we have a note,a vile, and odd quote we have nothing that has been precise except for these two S-class magic spells."


"Not only that, Spike's testimony is in question as now, tainted with magic that could have altered his memory." Carrick said. "Hey!" Spike said, he believed that was told the truth. However, Carrick ignored it.


The detective shook his head. More questions pop up and only a small few have been answered. He then looked at Blaze, fainted. "What about Blaze? Could this be fatigue or could a magic spell do that since it is a S class?" Carrick asked Ponyborn.

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Its hard to tell, though i know a spell that can wake him up i believe....well...wake him up or turn him into a fish, how about i just do a normal check." Said Ponyborn as he bent down to examine Blaze. "O hes fine, the spell just knocked him out from fatigue he should be good to go in about an hour." He reported

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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"An hour? Alright, didn't seem too long." Carrick said to Ponyborn than to hear Thunder say "I know a pony who can use that spell and had a vendetta against Twilight Sparkle, if you're interested,"


"Well, we don't exactly knew what spell is. A vendetta against Twilight Sparkle is something I need to hear." Carrick said.


"Are you talking about that pony, Trixie?" Spikte interjected to Thunder.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"Yeah I opened up for her a while back and we had a uh..... private afterparty, she cast a spell similar to what was described so the paparazi wouldn't see the uhhh..... sterility spell," Thunder said as a blush crept up his cheeks.

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Blaze woke up with a start, flailing his hooves around as if in a trance around screaming "I BEGIN WHERE ALL THINGS END". Blaze looked around at all the ponies in the room (who were at this point staring mouth agape at Blaze) "What?" Blaze finally asked.

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[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Carrick gave a "heh." He knew what Thunder talk about. However, there was a baby dragon and you don't talk about those things around a kid. Carrick gave Thunder a slight tap on his shoulder and then changed the subject. "Well, what about Trixie's vendetta?"


"I BEGIN WHERE ALL THINGS END." Carrick's attention turned to Blaze. His screams and fails of hooves would get anypony's attention a mile away. Blaze then looked at the ponies and dragon as he gave naive "What?"


"Seems like you got caught in the spell." Carrick said. He adjusted his fedora "Looks like that light show does mean something."

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"sounds like a motive enough." Said Ponyborn "Do we know were she is?" He asked.

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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"Woah, woah, woah. Did i totally miss something here?" Blaze asked "Trixie is a suspect? Last time I checked she wasn't even powerful enough to do anything about that ursa minor, how in tartarus could she cast a S class spell?" Blaze asked confused.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"No," Blaze replied "But I only know a couple of S class spells myself, and it took me years and years of training. I find it hard to believe she managed to pull off an S class spell. But I guess I can't argue with an eye witness." Blaze stated


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Well, we also got to take into consideration that she can not only do one but, two S class spells." Carrick replied to Blaze. "We also got to consider why did she write and make you say I begin where all things end. "

Carrick wrote down Trixie on his notepad.


"In any case, we better found out where she is and ask her questions. Do any of you know where she is?" Carrick asked the ponies.

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Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"I know a few pegasi in the search and rescue division i can ask them to track her down if you want." Offered Ponyborn

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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"I know a basic spell to get in touch with them, give me..o about 5 minutes." Said Ponyborn as he went over to a quiet area to conduct the spell.

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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