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I drew Fluttershy on MS paint


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I did it mainly for teh luls because I kept seeing silly praise at other people's work just because it was made in MS paint. Just wanted to make a point, and I even added a a few links in the video's description to bigger, better works made in MS paint.


Fair enough, I have seen a lot of those "but I made it in MS Paint" drawings around here and then people give them a lot of praise and disregard flaws in the drawings because of the tool used :P though I guess I can't really even use the "MS Paint" thing in my favor anymore since lately I've fallen in love with Grafx2 and someone would have to put a gun to my head to make me go back to paint :D




Please just admit the beauty. Please. For me.


Oh, I do admire his portrait indeed, like always so I think at this point it's safe to say he can assume I like what he makes. But since I notice things that I (personally) think could really improve the piece, it'd be shameful if I didn't at least share my thoughts with him. Then I would just be a bad critiquer and very unhelpful to him :P



What has fanfiction has Ashbad written lately?

We should totally find out by clicking this link.

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It's better production quality than the actual show's. Considering you've made plenty of pieces that are better than this, that's saying something! I love how nonchalant you are about your skills and MS Paint -- people fawn over your abilities and you go, `Meh, it's just another program.`


i love it!

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in ms paint. You, Did this, in MS PAINT. well, I have now seen everything


GameGrumps is a Match made in heaven :D Youtube www.youtube.com/swordmaster1337

I do fifa, and lets plays

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It's better production quality than the actual show's.

Well, what might we expect from a pixel artist who has an idea of what he's doing? Pixel art might be a time-consuming medium, but hey, because it takes advantage of the very element that makes up a computer screen, pixel art can achieve a quality on the computer screen that no other medium can hope to compete with.


The only thing is that pixel art is utterly impractical for large-scale animations though. It's usually used for smaller-scale game graphics. Eh.


Considering you've made plenty of pieces that are better than this, that's saying something! I love how nonchalant you are about your skills and MS Paint -- people fawn over your abilities and you go, `Meh, it's just another program.`

Partially because I took a hard lesson on how big of an ego I should have. Sure, there are very few bronies who could make something like this using only the basic of the basic drawing tools, but even then, if you start looking past my little clique of ponies and pixels, I'm not the best artist in the world, so I should be careful from acting like so. I also included two links to two bigger, better pieces of pixel art in the video's description that I kind of neglected to add into the annotations as the main point of this video is to say that yeah... MS paint is just another program once you know what to do with its tools. It's still a horrid piece of software though.... no keyboard shortcuts and no support for transparencies.

Edited by PixMeister
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Wow, that really is a great piece of art you've created there, so much details and shading, really wonderful.


Very nice work!




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That was simply incredible!

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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You drew THAT AMAZING Fluttershy on PAINT?!


You are AMAZING. D: I am completely jealous of your amazing skills


I can't even get a stick person to look like a stick person on Paint XD


"Love is just a Chemical. We give it Meaning by Choice."

- Eleanor Lamb (Bioshock 2)

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