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open Life in Ponyville

Ferret Girl

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20 bits! Discere was overjoyed. "Now that wasn't to hard now was it?" Discere thought to himself proudly. He gave his thanks to Snowflake and turned to go about his buisness... this time, HE ran into the mare.


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"Ooof." Asteria exclaimed. "Er, we need to stop doing that. Maybe we should get to know one another? Ya know, since we keep bumping into each other? My name is Asteria, and I'm new to Ponyville. I've been living here for about a month. Most of that time was spent checking the place out. I live in a cottage near the Everfree Forest with my friend Lapis Lazuli. He's like an older brother to me." Asteria explained. "How about you?" She took a good look at the earth pony, and realized she couldn't tell how old he was. He seemed to be about the age of Lapis, but she couldn't be sure.


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Discere's curiousity overloaded when she mentioned that they live near the Everfree forest. In fact he was almost... overjoyed knowing that there were other ponies living near the forest besides himself." Did you say that you live near the Everfree forest?" he just had to ask. "I also live in a cottage near the Everfree!"


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"Me and Lapis are studying how it works or something. He's the one in charge. I'm just his assistant. I take notes and stuff for him. You live near the Everfree Forest? How long have you been living there? Lapis would be interested to meet you." Asteria tried to contain her excitement. If this pony knew something that Lapis hadn't found out yet, it could really help him out. She just loved to see her pseudo-brother progress with his research. It meant he'd be happy. And if Lapis was happy, Asteria was even happier.


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Discere could tell that the pony in front of him was about to burst with excitement, both by how she appeared to be vibrating and by the rate at which she shot questions at him. "Why yes." he answered "I live on the outskirts of Ponyville not a hundred yards from the Everefree Forest, and who may I ask is Lapiz?"


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"Um, I told you, didn't I? Perhaps I'm speaking too fast...." Asteria tried to calm down. "Ok, Lapis Lazuli is my friend. He's a researcher who travels around, learning about the world. One day, he came to my village, asking questions. When I learned about his goals, I asked him if I could accompany him. Seeing that I could provide some help, he allowed me to journey with him. I've been his assistant for about a year now, and I've seen some neat stuff. He's really cool if you get to know him, but he's kind of shy in a quiet way. I've come to see him as an older brother." She took a deep breath and looked expectantly at the earth pony. "You haven't told me anything about yourself. Are you shy like Lapis?"


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Nevermore has just arrived in Ponyville, and is not working yet. She has recently retired from her post as a guard in Canterlot, and looking to start something new. She has met the Mane 6 through their connections to Luna and Celestia, but does not know anypony personally in Ponyville.


Today, Nevermore decided to take a walk through the town center in Ponyville and try to meet some of the locals.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
Post a link in the OOC thread to your character, not here.
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Discere thought abit, A new pony better yet A TRAVELING PONY, who could also use his help about the local wildlife in the Everfree. but that last question caught Discere's attention also, Are you shy like Lapiz? "well I would certainly like to meet this Lapiz." he responded, while avoiding some of the other questions. "How about you and Lapiz come by my cottage some time tomorrow and we can all formally introduce ourselves?"

((OOC: Sorry but i have got to go, can you wrap us up and say that I walked back to my cottage Coeus))

Edited by TheBronyHeart


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"Well me and Cherry Blossom have to go now so bye!" Snow Flake said while trotting home with Cherry Blossom. "So are we gonna have another date at Sugarcube Corner?" Cherry Blossom asked Snow Flake as they trotted back to their home.

((OOC: I've got to get some sleep myself so laters.))

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"Alright. But you haven't even told me your name....." Asteria was beginning to get frustrated. This pony kept dodging her questions. She tried to stay calm though. It wouldn't do to lose her head. But this was the first time anypony had blatantly avoided answering a simple question. "Also, you seem to be saying Lapis's name funny. It sounds like you're saying 'Lapiz'." This pony really was odd. Perhaps she should just walk away. Unfortunately, she hated not knowing something. It was a habit she picked up from Lapis Lazuli. Whenever something peaked her interest, she just had to know as much about it as possible. It might of been nosy or rude, but she didn't mean any harm by it.


((OOC: I'll just leave things like this. We can pick up later....))

Edited by Coeus


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Starbolt stepped of the train from Canterlot.

'I've been told after the disturbance I caused I had to move here for awhile. Hope it isn't to bad.' She thought as she walked through the town.


(OOC sorry I took so long, the electricity in my house died because of a storm.)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Discere woke up bright and early the next day, ate his breakfast, wrote in and reviewed his journal... the usual routine. Discere should have been happy, he had met some new ponies that had similar interests as him, and he had gotten a job working at the herbal store. But he wasn't, he was in sort of a deppressed mood, and this bothered him greatly. What was wrong with him?


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Lapis Lazuli opened his eyes. Staring back at him was a pair of golden orbs. "Gah! Oh, wait, it's just you Asteria. How many time have I told you not to do that?" he said after nearly having a heart attack. He got up off his straw bed and began for the restroom. While Lapis was taking care of business, Asteria was trying to contain her excitement. She had told that mysterious earth pony she and Lapis would meet him at the town square. From there, he'd take them to his cottage. When she got home, her pseudo-brother had returned from Sugarcube Corner. Clearly his chat with Grey Thunder wasn't that exciting since he seemed bored when asked about it. But, when she told him about the earth pony she'd met, Lapis's face lit up a bit. Luckily he wasn't mad that Asteria had already agreed to meet with the pony without asking him first. "Alright Asteria, let's head out." the blue stallion announced from the front door. Asteria had been so lost in thought, she hadn't seen that Lapis had already finished his business and was almost out the door. "Okay, I'm ready to go!" the young unicorn cried. With that, the two ponies began trotting towards Ponyville.


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Onyx had just finished eating his breakfast when a guard passed a letter on to him. "Well who is it from?" He asked the guard. "It is from the captin of the royal guard in canterlot i believe it was something about a pony who was told to move here after a disturbance they caused." said the guard. "Very well you can go now." Said Onyx as he made a motion for the guard to leave so that he could read the letter in peace. It told of a Starbolt who was moving to town because of a disturbance, that would go untold, and that Onyx might want to meat this pony so he knew what they looked like. "Very well then lets go find them." He said to himself

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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When Grey Thunder woke up he felt a chill running through his spine. He looked towards the window and saw that he had left it open. He let out a big sigh and went up to close it. "Yesterday was pretty fun, I didn't expect to find a friend so soon." Thought Grey. He was still full from eating too many cupcakes when he spoke with Lapis, so he thought it wouldn't be good if he ate right now. Grey didn't feel like going out today, so he went down to his office and began reading a book.

Edited by Mcayon


Signature made by Cherrybomb.

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Discere remembered that he had agreed to meet... wait... he had forgotten to get the young purple unicorn's name! Discere hoofed himself in the face, how rude of him. Any way he headed out towards Ponyville to meet her.


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The scholarly pair arrived at the center of town, in hopes of finding the mysterious earth pony. Once again ponies were going here and there, setting up their little shops. Lapis Lazuli looked around, trying to spot the pony they were supposed to meet. "What is does he look like, Asteria?" the blue stallion asked his assistant. Asteria stopped walking in circles long enough to reply. "Um, I think his coat is white. And he seemed a bit off. Uh, does that help? Oh wait, there he is!" Just then, a white earth pony with a green and blue mane approached the duo.


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Discere noticed a unicorn practicly jumping and waving at him over near the very center of Ponyville, it was definitly the energetic pony he had met the other day. He looked over at the other Pony standing next to her, a stallion by the looks of it, and his face held an expression that almost indicated that he did not wish to be here. Discere approached the duo.


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Grayson grumbled as he walked through the rest of the town, finishing up his deliveries. It turned out that the sisters had no time to look at the clocks in his store and had quickly headed off for home.

He was headed back there now, his bag filled with new books from the library. Hopefully he could read those to try and pass the time until some business showed up.

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The blue stallion cleared his throat. "Hello sir, I am Lapis Lazuli. And you have already met Asteria here." he announced, Lapis looked over the earth pony. He seemed like an average pony, nothing too special about him. The younger of the two then spoke up. "Oh don't mind him. He acts too formal some times." Lapis just stood there, ignoring Asteria's hyperactive behavior. She would soon calm down and business could continue as normal. Hopefully this pony was worth his time. He could have been studying plant growth right now.


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"Why hello Lapiz" Discere took a moment to study this pony. Asteria, that was her name!, had mentioned that he had traveled to many places. He certainly looked the part, Discere could tell by his eyes. He had very experienced perceptive eyes that bore a mark of a traveler. "And hello again Asteria," He gave a quick nod to her. He quickly went back to this stallion, it was ironic, but even though Discere was a bit awkward in public, he was a very good judge of character.

((OOC: well this slowing down... we need to have at least two things going on))

((also, if there are no more posts I am going offline to play nintendo 64))

Edited by TheBronyHeart


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"And who might you be? Asteria told me you live in a cottage near the Everfree, similar to us. Don't you find that dangerous? I've had a few run-ins with a wild animal or two." Lapis realized this pony was holding something back. "Perhaps we should head over to your home? We could talk more easily there." Asteria stood there silently, regaining control of herself. But, it was like trying to hold back a waterfall. This time, it didn't show she was going crazy under the surface.


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Byron walked out of his underground house, opening the secret hatch to the above ground. Byron had originally came from earth, but he doesn't talk about it, mostly because he loves ponyville. "Well, today I try to get a job..." Byron said. He grabbed his newspaper from his mailbox, which looks like it's out in the open. Byron conjoured up a bench with his horn, and started looking in the jobs section.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Discere contemplated his offer, and he accepted. It would be nice to have some company over at his cottage. "yes it's true, I live right near the forest edge, as for being dangerous I believe that's mostly hype from scared ponies who claim the place is taboo."he replied. "And yes of course there are a few dangerous critters critters running around but they are few and in between.... well shall we be going?"


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Byron looked up and saw Discere. Happy to see a friend, Byron went over to him. "Hi Discere! Long time no see!" Byron said. Byron noticed he was with another pony. "Hello there! Who are you?" Byron asked.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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