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open Life in Ponyville


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Byron... now that was an interesting pony. ((OOC: I hope I don't regret this Shade)) About a month ago Byron had suddenly appeared in ponyville. Discere had discovered him alone and confused and took him home with him to try and help him. It turns out.... that Byron wasn't really a pony. He was something called a hummus... err wait, a human. Supposedly Humans were some sort of super advanced civilization in another dimension that had been spying on ponies on strange devices called televisions. These humans who observed us reffered to themselves as bronies. Now all of this just made Discere think that the poor pony was just insane... but his knowledge of everything in ponyville shocked Discere and eventually he came to believe it. although Discere did his best to forget that every pony was being watched by another species.((OOC: PLOT TWIST #1, oh dear lord don't kill me))

Edited by TheBronyHeart


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"Erm, hello..." The sudden appearance of this odd unicorn made Lapis a bit flustered. Then he noticed something was definitely some different about this one. He looked a bit older than Asteria, but he was still a blank flank. "My name is Lapis Lazuli and this is my assistant Asteria." Lapis said, his patience a little frayed. "Hi, how ya doing?" the young unicorn asked, coming forward to see the new pony.


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Amelia was ... incredibly nervous, she had just moved to Ponyville from Trottingham, and she didn't know anyone!

the part of Trottingham she lived in wasn't exactly welcoming. "What if this isn't such a fresh start?" Amelia worried "what if the ponies here think i'm too posh?" Amelia slowed to a halt, as she saw the large, detailed structure above her, the sign read: "sugarcube corner." She looked around, unsure of where she was 'i thought this path was supposed to lead to carousel boutique... my house isn't here!" the yellow pegasus slumped next to sugarcube corner, confused, nervous, hoping for some sort of sign to her house.

Edited by Amelia Monicle


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Grey Thunder soon got bored of reading his book, so he put it down and went out to see what was happening in Ponyville. He saw Lapis and Asteria talking to a dark blue unicorn sitting on a bench that was beside a mailbox reading a newspaper. "That looks a bit odd, but I shouldn't be surprised, unicorns can do what they want with their magic..." He thought and decided to talk with them for a moment.


Signature made by Cherrybomb.

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"Hello there, I'm Byron." Byron said. He noticed Lapis was looking at his flank, where his cutie mark would be. He looked very embarressed. "Well, I see you notice I'm a blank flank. It's a long story, but I don't wanna talk about it." Byron said. He noticed another pony, walking towards them.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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((OOC: a surprise twist and everpony wants in?))

Discere thought that this conversation might not end soon.


"Hey, do you wan't to come back with us to my cottage? I got a fresh batch of sweet tea!" He asked Byron.


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Happy to see Lapis and Asteria, Grey walked up to them and said "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, but, hi!" He saw that the dark blue unicorn seemed a bit confused about him being there. "How rude of me, I should introduce myself, my name is Grey Thunder, what is your name?" Grey said.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by Cherrybomb.

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"My name is Byron." Byron said to Grey. "And yes, Disere, I would love some sweet tea! In fact, lets go... Right now." Byron was not exactly enjoying all the attention he was getting from the ponies. Byron dashed off in the direction of Discere's cottage.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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It didn't take long for Amelia to realise sitting slumped next to sugarcube corner wasn't getting her anywhere, She had to do something about it. Amelia splayed out her yellow wings, took a deeep breeth and yelled rushedly

"HELLO, MY NAME is Amelia Monocle can anypony show me the way too...'

her voice trailed of as she noticed ponies looking at her. Amelia tucked her wings back in, sat back down quickly and slumped her head.


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Seeing Grey Thunder, Lapis gave him a curt nod. He was the closest thing to a friend he had besides Asteria. "Well, let's get moving then." Lapis Lazuli said, following after Byron. Asteria wasn't far behind. So his name is Discere, eh? the purple unicorn thought. Well, at least I know that much now.


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On his way to Discere's cottage, Byron looked up into the sky. He noticed a lone pony with a gray body and a yellow mane and tail randomly flying around the sky, gathering a whole bunch of clouds together to make a thunderstorm. "Derpy..." Byron said to himself.

  • Brohoof 1

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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as Amelia looked for carousel boutique she noticed something dark in the distance, Amelia looked harder, and to her dismay, she saw that a big, black thunderstorm was brewing up. she needed to get home fast, or somewhere, anywhere to get out of the inevitable storm. She chose a direction, and aimlessly ran that way, she realised she was running towards a blue- grey pony, with red-brown eyes, and a neat cut brown mane and tail, she saw his cutie mark was a blue book. She stopped and asked him in a fit of tangled mane and anxiety "whats happening? why is there a storm? i didn't know a storm was due!"

Edited by Amelia Monicle


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Byron finally made it to Discere's cottage, right when the storm started. Byron waited for 5 minutes for the others to get there, then decided Discere wouldn't mind if he went inside the cottage. Byron opened the door and walked inside.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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as the formal pony didn't reply immeditely, and thunder started rumbling in the sky above her, she realised she was not home in time, she was lost, she made a terrible first impression on EVERYpony, and must look completely insane to the pony in front of her. it started to rain, and she gave up all hope of finding her way home, so, right then and there, she dug a hole in the ground, buried herself with her nose sticking out of the earth, and stayed there for the night.

Edited by Amelia Monicle


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Lapis stopped following Byron when a yellow pegasus began shouting at him. It took him a minute to register what was happening. The fact that it began raining didn't really help much. "Excuse me ma'am, but what are you doing?" the blue stallion asked, startled as she began burying herself in the ground. Asteria went up to the upset mare and poked her with a hoof. "You okay? What's the matter?" she said, looking slightly confused.


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Feeling a bit uncomfortable with the thunderstorm coming in, Grey said "I don't like this weather, I'm going home, see you later!" and continued running towards home. He was nearly home when it began to rain unbelievably fast and he slipped on the wet grass in front of his door. "This could only end bad" Grey thought before banging his head in the door. "Ouch! That hurt!" He said, massaging his head. Grey stood up, unlocked the door, went in to his house locking the door again and went to bed earlier than he used to.


((OOC: I must go now, but I'll come back tomorrow.))


Signature made by Cherrybomb.

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Starbolt walked towards the center of town passing by several shops.

'I do hope that spell I did didn't leave to big of a crater.' She thought as she recalled what got sent her here in the first place.



(OOC can somepony initiate conversation or bump into Starbolt? I'm kinda lost.)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Byron waited and waited for Discere, but he didn't show up. Byron sighed, and conjured up a bed. Byron laid down in bed, the sound of the rain hitting the roof lulling him to sleep.


((OOC: going offline))

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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As Onyx walked around town he spotted a new pony who he had not seen before. Then he looked at the picture that had come in the letter, and sure enough it was this Starbolt he was told about, so he headed over to her to introduce himself. "Well hello there." He said to the pony, "My name is Onyx, an you must be Starbolt yes?" He asked

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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Seeing as the mare didn't want to talk, and the fact that it was getting cold, Lapis and Asteria went to Discere's house. By the look of things, Byron had already fallen asleep inside. The two soon became sleepy. It hadn't been a long day, but the sound of the rain was very relaxing. They carefully went inside and lay down on the ground near the sleeping unicorn. The soothing rhythm of the storm quickly lulled them to sleep. ((OOC: I'm about done for now. See everyone later))


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"Yes, I am Starbolt. Do I know you?" She replied to Onyx

'Who is he? I'm quite sure I haven't met him before.' She thought.


(OOC I'm at school, sorry if my replies are few and far between. I only can post during recess and lunch.)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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((OOC: Sorry I haven't been posting for a bit. I needed to find a perfect place in sequence.))

Snow Flake was in his medicine shop cleaning all the shelves and wiping off any dirt while Cherry Blossom was watering her flowers at her flower shop. "Hmm... I wonder what everypony is doing today." Snow Flake thought to himself as he went back to work.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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((OOC: I am very sory guys... a huge storm went over and we lost our internet. But I am back now and I should stay back.))

Discere made sure that all his guests were situated before making his way to his room... but then he noticed something, He had left his journal out, right where everypony in the world could have read it! Quickly Discere snatched it up , but in his hast one of his bookmarks fell out. He placed the book back on the table and flipped pages around untill he found the page he was looking for. .... he found it of course, but he hadnt actually read this entry in quite some time... so he read. :


It feels more like a dream than a memory. But in fear of losing this memory i urge myself to remember it everyday, to write down what i remember in case i find something new... but it is always the same. A white Pegasus, flying passionately through the sky. She curves and arcs into a loop, her wings ,white as snow, reflect the sunlight. She is a shimmering ball of light, her outline barely visible. She gracefully comes to a landing only a foot in front of me. She wears a smile and her facial expressions reveal happines and love. I stare into her eyes... her crystaline blue eyes. Beautiful. The only word that comes to mind yet it does not do justice to the mare. Her lips begin to move, but I hear nothing. I think I am about to respond when suddenly she grabs ahold of me and pulls me into her arms. We stand there locked in the deep embrace. Her lips move again, and again I hear nothing. I feel a tiny tap of something wet hitting my shoulder, she releases me. I look into her eyes again, this time they are watery and a single tear stream is rolling onto her cheek. And then it ends.


That was truly the same dream he had every night, and every morning like he promised himself, he would try to remember. He quickly shut the book and went and put it in a drawer. Discere walked away and he didn't realize was that he had left the drawer open ever so slightly ((OOC: A big thank you to everyone so far please keep it up and I know that it can be difficult with the drastic differences in some time zones, but I would say we've done okay!))


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Byron woke up with a yawn. The rain had stopped, and the other ponies were still asleep. "Looks like I got an early start!" Byron said. He wandered around the cottage, looking for the sweet tea. He found himself in Discere's room. His drawer was slightly opened, and he saw a journal in there. He knew it was wrong to snoop, but he opened the journal to a random page. It talked about a White pegasus in his dreams every night, the same dream over and over. Just then, Discere started stirring, and put down the book on the dresser, leaving the drawer wide open. Byron ran to the bed, and pretended to sleep.

Edited by Shade

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Discere was thrashing around in his bed as if he was having a siezure. He awoke with a jump, eyes wide and breathing heavy... that was unusual for him.He slowly got up and walked out of the room, he was too tired to use the journal. he went downstairs to make food for his guests, they were still sleeping but it never hurt to get an early start.


((OOC: by the way I won't be on for about another hour maybe two... ))

Edited by TheBronyHeart


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