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Alternative ASCII


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Hello everyone! Since i have gotten no suggestions for ponies or OCs or anything, i've decided to show you all of the other ASCII I have done while waiting! All pony ASCIIs are going to be at this domain http://mlpforums.com...ic/19236-ascii/. If you want to make a suggestion for a pony go to this domain http://mlpforums.com...ii-suggestions/ I will not be taking suggestions for non pony stuff because, i might not know it and I do non pony stuff on my own free time.


POST #1!!!!





















____________________________▀▀███████▀▀▀The second ASCII i ever made aaahhh goood memories









































You're going to see a lot of anime



























this one as well as the Deadmau5 were made for my two friends who love that stuff

  • Brohoof 1


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This is the biggest one i ever made!

  • Brohoof 1


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  On 2012-08-02 at 3:41 PM, 'enigmatia' said:

Awesome stuff, but making ASCII art hand made is kinda a lost art now since they invented ASCII art generators..


I have not found a generator that can produce ASCII of this quality yet, but i'm sure most people just wont take the time to figure out how to make it themselves or just take the time to do it
  • Brohoof 1


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  On 2012-08-03 at 10:03 AM, 'ASCII MASTER' said:

I have not found a generator that can produce ASCII of this quality yet, but i'm sure most people just wont take the time to figure out how to make it themselves or just take the time to do it


Well you're right actually, the quality is better! But hey then, means the art field is all yours :P
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  • 3 weeks later...






























































































































































































































Here's Death the Kid from Soul Eater >:D










































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Here are the Thompson sisters also from Soul Eater

































































































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  • 10 months later...



































































IT'S WHITEBEARD FROM ONE PIECE!!!!!!! This took a really really long time to make because it's so gigantic. Waay bigger than my standard size, but it needed to be done for the accuracy. Sadly it isn't working quite right because it's spreading it out for no reason img-1640015-1-sad.png



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hey isn't your username just a tiny bit braggy?


They're all good. And of course the look awesome. Though I would like to see you make another type of ascii art which is a little bit harder. Instead of just using boxes, try using different type of characters.

         |'-.--._ _________:         |  /    |  __    __\         | |  _  | [\_\= [\_\         | |.' '. \.........|         | ( <)  ||:       :|_          \ '._.' | :.....: |_(o           '-\_   \ .------./           _   \   ||.---.||  _          / \  '-._|/\n~~\n' | \         (| []=.--[===[()]===[) |         <\_/  \_______/ _.' /_/         ///            (_/_/         |\\            [\\         ||:|           | I|         |::|           | I|         ||:|           | I|         ||:|           : \:         |\:|            \I|         :/\:            ([])         ([])             [|          ||              |\_         _/_\_            [ -'-.__    snd <]   \>            \_____.>          \__/

as an example


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  On 2013-07-10 at 8:16 PM, Jokuc said:

hey isn't your username just a tiny bit braggy?


They're all good. And of course the look awesome. Though I would like to see you make another type of ascii art which is a little bit harder. Instead of just using boxes, try using different type of characters.

         |'-.--._ _________:         |  /    |  __    __\         | |  _  | [\_\= [\_\         | |.' '. \.........|         | ( <)  ||:       :|_          \ '._.' | :.....: |_(o           '-\_   \ .------./           _   \   ||.---.||  _          / \  '-._|/\n~~\n' | \         (| []=.--[===[()]===[) |         <\_/  \_______/ _.' /_/         ///            (_/_/         |\\            [\\         ||:|           | I|         |::|           | I|         ||:|           | I|         ||:|           : \:         |\:|            \I|         :/\:            ([])         ([])             [|          ||              |\_         _/_\_            [ -'-.__    snd <]   \>            \_____.>          \__/

as an example

I know that can be better at times, it can make more detail with smaller pictures; However, at least in my opinion, it looks jagged and looks like just an outline, meaning, no color just lines. Here are two companion cubes. One is in that method, and one I made.



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As you can see, my way is far more defined while the other way is somewhat difficult to see at a glance.



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