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private Godzilla


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Cloud Maker arrived just in time to see a giant black shape rise out of the water behind a giant tsunami. "Oooooh boy, that looks bad." He looked around and saw a black and white unicorn pounding on a door, trying to escape the monster. "Hold on, kid!" He shouted as he zoomed down and managed to grab him before he was grabbed by the giant... thing. "WHAT IS THAT THING!?" He shouted as he was flying away with the Unicorn in tow.

Edited by Driku12
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Sapphire stuck her head out of the locked door "jeeze, chill out" She opend the door to let the pony in, she turned her head to Jacob "Uh, no"


As the wave closed in, it sucked a few ponys out, the reset were runing for there lives, the wave had almost gone down so it revealed the face of something strange (godzilla)

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Tune Twist began to freak out. The face was stretching out of the wave. "GAH!!!" He screamed as the pegasus carried him up. "What in the name of Celestia is that???" He yelled as he stared at it fearfully.

Edited by ThatGuyWhoAteTheCookies


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Morning star stopped in his place as he waited for this strange wave get close to the shore. He wanted to use his magic but he felt like it would do more bad than good.He thought to himself."what is this thing"?

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Okay...Wait...WHAT THE HAY IS THAT?" Sapphire bolted the door closed, and ran to the far wall


Yet another roar, this one closer then ever. It started to shake the hole home, makeing things fall and shatter


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Morning star heard the roar. He didn't know what it was so he shot out a magic bolt. He stood his ground he knew what ever it was it wasn't friendly. he thought out loud."What ever you are, your not welcome here go back now"!

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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The thing felt the magic bolt hit him, It harmlessly flicked off his skin. It turned its huge head to him. The next thing the ponies could see, was its back lighting up, It shot out some fire, ripping the the land up

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Cloud Maker shouted in fear "That's what I'm asking you! I-" He looks towards the ground and sees Morningstar standing his ground against the creature. "What in the name of Celestia is he doing!?" Cloud Maker said to himself as he landed. "Hey look kid, go back to town and hide. Don't come out, I've got something to take care of. *He sets the Pegasus down and begins to take off again* He quickly flew back to where he saw Morningstar, only to see the creature shoot a large beam of blue fire out of it's mouth, completely torching the beach. "MORNINGSTAR!"

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Tune Twist looked over at the pony (Morning Star) who was being attacked by the monster. "Eurgh!" His horn glowed, and he pushed the strange pony out of the way of the fire with his magic. "Are you crazy, man? Run!" He yelled to the strange stallion.

Edited by ThatGuyWhoAteTheCookies


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Morning star got out of the way."I am all powerful, now go back! no pony wants you here"! Morning star shot out another spell but it was a containment spell. He waited to see how it would far against the monster.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Sapphire looked at jacob 'Thats a good idea, ill go do it! you go see how the other ponys are doing" Sapphire teleported away


Godzilla looked at the thing around him, He took a step forward, and it shatted around him. He turned his head back

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Morning star got out of the way."I am all powerful, now go back! no pony wants you here"! Morning star shot out another spell but it was a containment spell. He waited to see how it would far against the monster.


Tune Twist saw as the spell exploded around the huge dinosaur. "Well Mr.AllPowerful, I'm sure you like living as much as I do, and you need to run if you want to live, guy!" He yelled mockingly to the strange stallion. Edited by ThatGuyWhoAteTheCookies


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Morning star looked in horror. "No you don't"! Morning star flied in the air, He used a communication spell."Go home! monster or you will face my wrath"! He hoped the monster now understood him he waited for it's reply.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Morning star looked in horror. "No you don't"! Morning star flied in the air, He used a communication spell."Go home! monster or you will face my wrath"! He hoped the monster now understood him he waited for it's reply.


Tune Twist knew that there was clearly no talking to this pony. "You're dead, man! I'm running!" He yelled back. Tune Twist ran into town fearfully.


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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*Cloud Maker lands on the beach as Morningstar flies up to the monster* "What is he doing!?" He angrily mutters to himself. "He's going to get himself killed!" "Morningstar, what are you doing!?" He shouted

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godzilla turned his head to look at morning star, he let out another roar that he was saying to morning star "Ill go now, but ill be back"

He then turned, and went back into the water


Sapphire got back with 9 colts, they had spears at the ready, they looked at godzilla leavein

"well, we will set up a botar here, if that THING trys to get past, it will be cut down

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godzilla turned his head to look at morning star, he let out another roar that he was saying to morning star "Ill go now, but ill be back"

He then turned, and went back into the water


Sapphire got back with 9 colts, they had spears at the ready, they looked at godzilla leaveing


Tune Twist turned around and saw the huge monster swimming back into the ocean. He trotted over the the Canterlot soldiers that a mare brought over. They began to ask him questions about what happened. "This huge, crazy lizard-like creature just came out of the sea with a huge wave." He began explaining to the soldiers. Edited by ThatGuyWhoAteTheCookies


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Flare Blitz was coming to Ponyville from Cloudsdale when he heard Godzilla's roar. ~That doesn't sound good. Better see whats going on.~ he thought as he sped up. When he arrived in Ponyville he didn;t see a monster, rather ruins that used to be Ponyville. "What in the hay happened?" he said to himself.


From space a giant three headed dragon [King Ghidorah] raced towards Equestria, unaware Godzilla was already there.

Edited by Ponymon Trainer Red



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Morning star still had a connection with Godzilla."Never return"! He began to descend to the ground. He was wondering why his spells had no affect on Godzilla. He was worried about Sapphire but he was more worried about this monster and what was it doing here?

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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The Colts looked around, they called in more men, and set up a line, just in case the thing came back


Sapphire stuck her head out, she saw flames, but the thing was gone, she stumbled out. She was happy now it was gone

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Tune Twist walked over to Sapphire. "Umm... Do you know what those earthquakes before the monster came here were about? I'm sorry, but I can't go back to Canterlot right now and I have quite the fear of earthquakes. Do they happen often around here?" He said worriedly.

Edited by ThatGuyWhoAteTheCookies


Thanks to Mr.Pillow for the awesome signature!

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Morning star began to look for sapphire."As any pony seen sapphire"? He began to look for her. He walked around looking for sapphire making sure she wasn't around when this happened. he called out to her.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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