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Why are bronies so obsessed with spreading MLP?


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Because this:


From: The Cutie Mark Chronicles,

Pinkie Pie: I never felt joy like that before. It felt so good I just wanted to keep smiling forever. And I wanted everyone I knew to smile too!


If that line is not the perfect metaphor for what the show feels like I don't know what is.

  • Brohoof 1

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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I say, it is because we want to teach the world a lesson about what benefits there are to being an open person. The world has its own norms and so does everyone that lives in it. I believe that disliking something that could possibly be for everyone because of stereotyping is uncalled for and not necessary. These people who do this to me, are narro-minded. MLP has taught me many things, things that I can apply to real life. This show in fact, has changed my life in a sort of way.


Being a brony is a new experience for me. It gives me a chance to try something new. I used to think that My Little Pony was for girls and indeed it was. Every time I heard the song for merchandise, I would cover my ears and/or mute the TV. But now, hearing the song is not that bad. In fact, I actually love the song now!


So in short, the reason why I think bronies want to spread the fandom is to teach the world that being an open person is a very powerful thing, just as long as this openness doesn't go too far. (I still think that some bronies get a little too carried away.)

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To start let me say that your title is quite misleading in that it makes a false blanket statement about bronies. There are some bronies who do go out of there way to get people into the show. I would not call them "obsessed" as you have, because I think that choice of word exaggerates what actually goes on. Though there are probably a couple who are like that. Though certainly not all of us, or even some. Most of the time when I see a brony trying to "convert" it is usually them inviting the other person to watch the show and give it a chance. All the while extolling the virtues of it. Though they usually leave it at that because they are relying on the quality of the show to win people over. I have not seen a single one that is "obsessed" with getting people into the show. Doing so would likely have an opposite effect, and just serve to appear as "annoying".


If anything is a cult it is the insensitive and bigoted haters that routinely go out of their way to preach their message to hate and intolerance to every brony they meet. Even going as so far as to go to brony videos to bash bronies. Like any cult they have their reasons, usually gross generalizations of the people they seek to demonize. All the while have little tolerance of people who show even the slightest support for the target of their hatred. So you see it's not about bronies being a cult. It's more about showing people to think outside the box, and to give things a chance they would not have normally. Some people might perceive this as aggressive, but it's not unlike commenting about what your favorite food is. Doesn't mean your favorite food is less by comparison. It just means that it's their favorite food, and they want you to try it. To see if you like it too. However haters tend to want to look at this in a different way. They view it as a forceful, and often times aggressive way of including others into the community. Which could not be further from the truth. You know that there are plenty of shows that are quite good and should be given a chance too. Like Adventure Time, and Gravity Falls. I know a few bronies who do encourage people to watch MLP, because it is a good show. Though they also in the same breath talk about the other shows they love to.


This is what normal people do. They talk about things they like, and desire to find others who share similar interests. If there ever is someone who is being too aggressive with pandering their view. Tell them as much, and be sure they know that they have made their point and they need to stop now. Because this is the one thing that haters are most known for, but I am willing to bet there are a couple bronies who are like this too. These bronies do not represent us as a collective whole, because most of us know we cannot be overzealous like the haters. If we are to earn respect and credibility.

  • Brohoof 2
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Because, we want to spread our friendships! :D


The main reason is that we want people to know there is more to ponies than just rainbows, unicorns, and cuteness, we want to show them it is a great cartoon.

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Some people here are overlooking certain details behind the idea to "convert."


There is an abundant RESISTANCE that some people feel when getting into Friendship is Magic. How many fans can say, for certain, that they weren't the least bit reluctant when trying the show out for the first time? That they had small inclinations to -prevent- themselves from wanting to enjoy the show, thinking "I shouldn't/can't like this," due to certain stigma attached to the name "my little pony"?


But once they get over that, after the initial skepticism and doubt, they get this feeling of "oh wow, I love this, how unexpected," which is followed by a desire to share and make their interest known to others, wanting to express to people "no no! you've got the wrong idea!" when getting people they know to try it. Not to mention the presence of a large, supportive community of fans, which rubs off a sense of confidence to certain members.


This, sadly, is also the cause for much of the hype behind the show, with people feeling the need to over inflate some points of the show to win others over (just getting them past that initial hurtle to actually TRY the show), and leaving quite a few disappointed due to it not meeting expectations.


I'm not saying that this is with -all- fans, but it's with quite a few. There is just a general confusion surrounding people's love for the show, for both onlookers AND fans, especially since many die-hard haters are now full blown bronies.


Not to mention, we have no idea where the appeal for the show ends. We have fans of all ages and all backgrounds falling in love with it, many of which go through exactly what I described above.

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Because some (to be brutally honest most) Bronies just want attention. Either that or it's because their immature, which is another problem I see in all fandoms, not just Bronydom. It ticks me off too.


Another possible reason is that Bronies want people to know that it's not a show just for little girls, but like I always say, you can only change yourself, not other people, so it's a losing battle and just annoying people.

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I don't go about making people watch the show. The reason people do try to spread is I think because MLP is a great show, and people just want others to give the show a try. But I don't think anyone should actively or continuously make someone who clearly has no interest in the show watch it.

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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Well, different 'bronies' spread the show for different reasons.


The 'good' reason is because it's a show and fanbase like no other, and while many people still wouldn't be interested, there are many others who simply don't know what they're missing. It's the latter people who are capable of being shown the show and it's fanbase, and who may get in on the action themselves in one way shape or form.


Others spread it because MLP has become it's own internet meme and thusly a part of internet culture. They may or may not be fans of the show itself or the fanbase, but they spread it because it's the 'big thing' right now.


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I don't know what ya'll are talking about, I don't think anypony has some type of sick obsession with spreading the show!!! Silly, silly fillies!!! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for the weekly service at the First Church of Derpy.


Posted Image

Yes oh Derpy one!!! Hey anypony seen a spare god around here that I could bring to appease the Derpy one!!!!! B)

Edited by Batbrony


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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