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private Welcome to Exile


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Misty rolled her eyes. After letting go of her sadness, she was beginning to feel the way she wanted to. Sarcastic and barely caring. In reality it was just some form of depression. Misty was none the wiser. "Love? What an odd foal. He easily confuses grown up discussion with....love." she said the word with disgust. She didn't like Relampago. Her only interest in him had been as a leader and a protector. But she'd let her love of attention caused her trouble and allow her to be misguided. Perhaps the earth pony would fail her instead of the other way around. "Hey, didn't I ask you to leave? Twice, I do believe. I grow weary. Please, just go away. The others need you. I am a broken mare who needs time to heal." She meant both physically and emotionally. Hopefully the luchador would catch on.


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Relámpago smiled once again, he turned around and listen to her words. He said one last thing, "If that was the case, than why do you continue to ask these questions of me? I was more than willing until you keep adding on suggestion on what I should do as a leader. Not to mention telling me that you pretty much hate me." Relámpago shook his head at the skies. The purple dome really looked bigger than usual. It seemed impossible to reach, as if any goal of leaving would be impossible. He wonder what he would of said if his mask was taken off. "I'll be the leader in hopes of keeping everypony alive. That's what I'll do. Rest up." Relámpago didn't bother to hear what Misty would say. He just walked out of the shelter...

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Scout flew back quick with his basket full of berries, "Look, more food!" he says, displaying it proudly. He flies to the lake and drinks more. He washes his scrathc again and then walks cautiously towards the fire. I need to be fit for duty... He lunged for a long and seared the wound, closing it painfully. He grimaces and tosses the log back into the fire. Then he backs off cringing.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Usaf tired of the arguing flew up in to the air and said rather loudly "All right now that the married couple are done squabbling. can we get down to some real business? we have yet to establish any form of defense. we have no plans of action for the future can we get a meeting of everyone to sit down by the lake and establish a course of action for our group." he flew over to Relámpago "yes you are right we are to injured for a full movement but we have two more bodies to use we can make at least a two man search party". he walked over to Misty "you are also right we have to do something but we need to keep in mind that we are a few ponies down."

then looking at both of them sharply "If you would quit bickering and start a form conflict resolution that took input from all we might get something done!"

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She watched as he left and breathed a sigh of relief. Her face was burning. That stallion was getting on her nerves. He should of left the first time. He seemed arrogant and annoying to Misty. Whatever it was about that mask, it made him unlike the others. Something she couldn't put her hoof on. She shrugged it off. He was of no concern to her. So long as they left, she'd be happy. Relampago was just a necessary thing if she wanted to get out of here. Of course she had no idea how he could make a difference. It was all very pointless. She closed her eyes and entered the perfect world in her mind.


She ignored Usaf and turned away from him.

Edited by Berry Pie


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Ronald held Rocky tightly to his chest. He didn't know where in the city he was, but the guards couldn't have been far behind. He took his eyes away from where he was gong to look behind him, and consequently flew into a streetlight. They both dropped to the ground.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Relámpago shook his head, "I don't want to get into some conflict resolution when we have bigger problems in our hooves, I don't want to start a search with just two ponies. It was hard enough for us to defeat a group of wolves. We need to established a line defense before we do anything like a search party." Relámpago added. It would be better to start a defense so when a search party is established that everypony will be okay.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Scout flew over, standing his height, "I'm ready sir!" he says saluting Relampago. "I move for trenches, maybe underground tumbling systems; there aren't a ton of things that like it underground. Plus, it provides a choke point. However, it restricts flights and escape routes."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Im not saying that we have to start scouting missions but that is an option, you can't just condemn ideas the way you did with Misty. You as the leader have to take in the input from us all then make a formal decision that is the best for us. And don't forget that i was the one that suggested the meeting to talk about defenses before trench's men got here. A 4 foot deep three feet wide trench with sharpened sticks sticking out with a 3 foot high wall behind it is a sound defense but it takes some labor to do it."


Usaf was getting tired of the way that Relámpago seemed to force ideas with no conglomeration for others ideas. But as a wrestler that is what he is used to. One on one. No one to lead but himself.

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Relámpago nodded at Usaf, seems like most ponies really didn't like the style Relámpago was really making. From the way Usaf made it, it seemed like it, at least. "I don't mind doing some labor to create something of that magnitude if it will protect us from any types of danger. We do have some healthy ponies."


Relámpago looked at Scout, he tired to listen to Usaf style. Maybe that would work better, "Scout, what do you think?"

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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He thought about it, "It should work, as long as the other ponies don't fall into it. I think it should be deaper than three feet though. Forests can have really big creatures. I also think there should be a large fire every night. It'll draw more ponies, and scare away animals."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"A night fire would be good, and ya three feet might be a little shallow. but if we do this do you think we should have a bridge. i think would be a good idea to have some sort of plank so that we can leave and then others can get in but only if we lower the bridge"


good this was good there was back and forth between a group this was progress in group relations.

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"Hmm, well we'll need some wood for any defense plan we use. Quick," Relámpago knew that if started breaking down trees randomly it would end in something bad. He decide to tried the alternative and use Quick for some work, "I'll need your help finding some trees that I can break down."

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Scout nods, walking to Ralempago. "Do you want me to fly ahead or walk with you?" he asks. He was also thinking about kinds of trees to use for each task, and a little bit distracted by his scratch. And also wondering about Starbolt's safety here in the camp without them.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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