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It's alright. It's understandable why you would need to step back into reality for a bit. Life can be a jerk sometimes.

As for the RP, I'm ready when you are.

Edited by A.I. Pony
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(Kek, sorry for the delay. Life strikes again!)

A.I. had finally re-created a version of the virus.

However the main difference that separates this strand from the rest is it's ability to bond and fuse to inorganic material, still able to spread despite the lack of a living host. Instead of taking energy from living organisms it draws power from the crystals that form near space-time rips, now referred to as Flux Crystals.

"I've waited a long time for this moment to arrive."

*A.I. trots down along the corridors of the facility to the armory with Mod close in his hoofsteps.*

(Btw Crimson, if you want to join the fray just slap your super-powered character somewhere in Maretropolis or Manehattan.)

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Either way it has little connection to the original infectious entity. The physical makeup is the only real shared quality between the two, but just barely.

(R.I. is to A.I. as Entity 2 is to Original Entity.

Edited by A.I. Pony
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It was now morning.


"Celestia, are you ready to cast the spell?" 


"Yep. Want to watch?"




Celestia's horn begin to glow a deep gold. A massive plume of plasma rushed forth from the sun, crashing against Equestria's natural magnetic field. Massive amounts of electromagnetic radiation enveloped the whole planet, destroying all the delicate electronic workings of every machine and computer in Equestria.


"Yes! We've won! A.I. is now just a scrap metal in a gutter somewhere now!" Said Celestia.


"Na, he'll probably pull some horse-crap about being shielded from electromagnetic radiation. Which is why I came up with a back up plan. Using my complete control over space, I can artificially create the conditions required to form Flux Crystals. I can make them at will. With this power at my hooves I will to many great things"

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*A.I. laughed as everything around him sputtered and fizzled and as all devices were turned to mere metal casings full of scrap metal.*



*The Flux Crystal, corrupted with the altered entity, grew throughout A.I., replacing supports, wires, and circuits with living infectious tissue.*



I shall no longer be called A.I. for I am VENOMORPH!

This is the next step of our evolution!

(Please excuse me if my responses are a bit delayed as I'm currently reading Anthropology while simultaneously checking the forums for a response.)

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Dang. Well I hope you can join in soon. This RP has fallen into a pattern of Outwit, Prepare, Strike, Trap, and Adapt.

Kek, ninja'd.

Anyways, hope you have some fun in the Adv. RPs.

And use spiders. Plenty of spiders.

The posters are busy.

Post Wins.

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