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private Need for Heroes!

Cherry Blossom

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Sapphire responded,"We could go to your place. My place is out of browny ingredients, so it'd be nice. Plus, I've been wondering what it looked like for a while now."


Delphina sat in her seat and looked at the audience. She sighed; rather poor attendance. "Oh well," she said under her breath, which earned a sympathetic look from her stand partner; "Not a ton of people have been coming recently. To dangerous." She sighs and they get ready to play the first set.


Den's brother (Now named Neil) had patched up the foal as best he could, but with the hospital out of commission, he wasn't sure he'd make it. It was almost as if someone had ripped his back of; not a pretty site. He had bandaged it, but there wasn't much he could do but sit and wait for a miracle.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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The flames cleared. Jack looked to be unaffected once again. "You're wrong on two accounts. The first is that destroying my aura will kill me. The second is that you are more powerful than your host. I came here to fight Lapis Lazuli because he is more powerful than you. You have size, and nothing more. I have seen demons the size of shopping malls, and they were all weak. The only thing size does is make you louder when you bitch! Now release my true opponent! I do not quarrel with the weak!"




The foal opened one eye. He wanted to ask where he was, but he could not speak.



Butajiri was in his Pegasus form again. He sat himself down on a park bench in the town square when he saw Windward approaching. He seemed to have as much on his mind as Butajiri did.

Edited by The Beautiful Snailzuki


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Windward walked into the town square. Now where is that alley way. He thought looking around for a small street branching off from the town square. There it is. So what do you plan to do once you have taken over this city ? I dont want to take over the city. I want to kill this city. They thought as Windward walked into the alley towards a Colthole (Manhole ;)) he looked around to make sure nopony was watching, Then he pulled away the lid and climbed down into the sewers closing the hole behind him.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Sapphire responded,"We could go to your place. My place is out of browny ingredients, so it'd be nice. Plus, I've been wondering what it looked like for a while now."


Delphina sat in her seat and looked at the audience. She sighed; rather poor attendance. "Oh well," she said under her breath, which earned a sympathetic look from her stand partner; "Not a ton of people have been coming recently. To dangerous." She sighs and they get ready to play the first set.


Den's brother (Now named Neil) had patched up the foal as best he could, but with the hospital out of commission, he wasn't sure he'd make it. It was almost as if someone had ripped his back of; not a pretty site. He had bandaged it, but there wasn't much he could do but sit and wait for a miracle.


"To tell the truth, I don't really have a home."

Nightfall was still a bit red, but he hung his head as if he was ashamed.

"There was a place in the station to rest, and I had a couple of freinds who would occasionally let me stay with them, but..."

It was painful for him to remember. The station was like a home- no, it was home. Sure, he had enough money to buy an apartment, but he never really got around to it.

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Neil went out and came back with some water. He noticed that the foal had somehow woken up and felt a twinge of pity for his pain. "Relax, your safe. You need to drink this; it's water," he adds, setting the water down. "Whatever happend to you kid... Not sure if I even want to know."


"Then I guess we'er going to the station, huh?" She replies, smiling faintly, "They have an oven in the break room, and a quick nap never hurt anypony," she adds. She angles towards the station and starts skipping. She was happy, happy enough to sing, but also tired.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Look, Sapphire..."

Nightfall walked next to the skipping mare.

"I don't think baking right now is the best idea. Don't get me wrong, I love your brownies, but..."

He faded off. Was he being hurtful and too blunt? Maybe it was the fatigue. He knew being tired wouldn't help Anypony. He decided to keep his mouth shut unless he needed to open it.

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"Okay, we can just sleep then," she says, skipping in circles around him. She calms down a little, leaning on him. "You really should lighten up, Nighty. Things will work out; maybe Celestia herself will come! And I could bake brownies for her, too," she sighed.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Okay, we can just sleep then," she says, skipping in circles around him. She calms down a little, leaning on him. "You really should lighten up, Nighty. Things will work out; maybe Celestia herself will come! And I could bake brownies for her, too," she sighed.


Nightfall still blushed a bit when she leaned into him.

"Maybe I should lighten up. Maybe I should do something that will make me feel better... Maybe sleep will... I don't know..."

He mumbled the last bit, and kept walking towards the station, which was quite close now, in silence.

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Wind climbed down the ladder into the sewer and pulled out a small map from his saddle bag, He followed the main pipe until he hit a two way fork. Windward pulled out one of the packs of C4 and placed it in the center of the split, then walked down the left path.

After placing the packs of C4 around the pipes below town square, Windward walked back to the Colthole (I laugh every time) and opened it up just enough to see if anypony was watching. Once he had made sure no pony could see, Windward pushed open the entrance to the sewers, and started walking towards the abandoned factory on the outskirts of Manehattan.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"Oh Nighty," she sighed, walking through the doors of the police station, "You are very orderly, which is nice; but you also stress out a lot. Relax Nighty," she smiles. She was beginning to notice things like the fact Nightfall smelled nice, that he was tall, and handsom in her opinion.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Photon looked down upon Jackson Snow. In the unicorn's poor addled mind, he really believed what he said. He was beginning to look like a powerful new host as well. If he was as foolish as he looked, he'd take the bait. "Of course I'll release Lapis Lazuli. You can have him!" he bellowed, The energy field dissipated, most of the excess aimed at Jackson Snow. In the plasma dragon's place stood a half dazed Lapis Lazuli. "I have no idea what happened. But since I am still alive, I'll take it the battle is still on." he mumbled while reestablishing his barrier. He raised his hooves and fired bolts of energy. "This is growing boring. I shoot you. You deflect. I try to do the same. Now, how can we make this battle more interesting?" Lapis knew what came next. He could feel it in the air.


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"You can start by ditching the chains." Jack said, "I know that you are more powerful than this. I have seen your kind before. Always destined to be the strongest. You and I arent as different after all. As with all blood mages, I too have a living demon inside me. You cannot control it, you will learn if you can survive. Do not be fooled, the fact that you aren't dead means that you are stronger than it." He didn't expect Lapis to understand what he said. The message was for the beast.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Lapis stared on in confusion. Within his gem, Photon swirled restlessly. Jackson Snow was an annoying creature. He darned to call him weak, then imply his host was stronger than him. Unfortunately, manifesting himself had drained his own personal power supply. Photon watched from his emerald prison hoping Jackson Snow would kill Lapis Lazuli while his guard was still low. Then Photon would leap from his host into the unicorn. Nothing could resist him. And even if the fool miraculously succeeded, Photon could escape and build a new body. It was a win-win situation. But it all depended on Jackson Snow.


Lapis blinked and raised a questioning eyebrow. "Come again? What nonsense is this?" he asked trying to maintain his patience.


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"Oh Nighty," she sighed, walking through the doors of the police station, "You are very orderly, which is nice; but you also stress out a lot. Relax Nighty," she smiles. She was beginning to notice things like the fact Nightfall smelled nice, that he was tall, and handsom in her opinion.


He sighed.

"It's hard to relax during a crime wave..."

He headed to one of the resting rooms. It's true; he was orderly. Maybe he could relax... The resting room had several bunkbeds in it, and a couple extra rooms at the end for officers. He opened the door to one of the rooms, which was slightly bigger than the other, and almost threw himself on the bed. He looked up at the ceiling, thinking.

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She crawled into the bed next to him and wrapped her wings tightly around herself. She then curled into a ball, comforted by the weight of her alicorn companion.


Delphina had finished her first set with orchestra, which had been a dramatic success. Over the break, ponies were whispering about her recent improvement, which made her nervous. She'd only wanted a little attention, but the amount she was getting now was unprecedented. She retreated to a practice room.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She crawled into the bed next to him and wrapped her wings tightly around herself. She then curled into a ball, comforted by the weight of her alicorn companion.


Delphina had finished her first set with orchestra, which had been a dramatic success. Over the break, ponies were whispering about her recent improvement, which made her nervous. She'd only wanted a little attention, but the amount she was getting now was unprecedented. She retreated to a practice room.


"I hope you sleep well, Sapphire..."

He almost mumbled it, not wanting to wake her. He looked down... She seemed so peaceful. He lie there, blinking for a second. He then, accompanied be a bit of blushing, hugged her, and tried falling asleep with her in his arms. It seemed to help him relax a bit...

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She felt his arms around her and relaxed. She slowly uncurled and leaned into his hug. She breathed him in and sighed. Although her heart was beating rapidly, her breathing gradually slowwed as she slipped into a light sleep, filled with dreams of him, his scent, and brownies.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Nightfall's heart was beating quickly, but he noticed that she smelled quite nice. He nuzzled her with his muzzle, then noticed her slowed breathing. His own breath slowed, and soon he found he was dreaming...

Where it started, he didn't know. All he knew was that he was fighting some monster back, Sapphire was missing, and the musical mare was fighting with him.

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About 30 minutes passed until she woke up. Trying to get out of his grip gently, so as not to wake him up, she performed her second calling; Baking. She had a batch ready in 10 seconds flat, and put it in the oven.


It was time to begin her seconds set with the orchestra. It was a little bit more filled, but still could use some more ponies. She began to tune up and noticed her stand partner starring at her, "What is it, Helios. My hair out of place?"


"No," he responded,"Your music... It has a weird effect on everypony. You... You have a gift, Delphina."


She blushed,"Thank you." An announcer stated the show would start in half an hour, and that there may be another after that.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Once Windward got to the old factory he walked in threw the double doors and took of his costume. What a great way to wake up the city. He thought, pulling out the switch that would activate the C4. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six... FIVEFOARTHREETWOONE. You bugger.

They thought as Wind flicked the switch. The ground shook, and a loud boom could be heard coming from the city.

Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Nightfall awoke several minutes after Sapphire. He noticed she was gone, and groggily went to find her. He decided that they should go to the concert hall now. And, of course, he found her in the kitchen.

"Sapphire.. I would like to go to the concert hall now... Would you like to come?"

He knew she may want to, sa asking seemed silly, but he wanted to make sure.

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She grinned, "Oka-a-ay? What was that?" She says, feeling ground shake. She jumped as the phones started ringing and sighed.


Delphina heard the explosion; kinda hard not too. She evacuated with everypony else, after putting her cello away. She rushed to her apartment and got dressed. By instinct she stopped by the police station.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Lapis stared on in confusion. Within his gem, Photon swirled restlessly. Jackson Snow was an annoying creature. He darned to call him weak, then imply his host was stronger than him. Unfortunately, manifesting himself had drained his own personal power supply. Photon watched from his emerald prison hoping Jackson Snow would kill Lapis Lazuli while his guard was still low. Then Photon would leap from his host into the unicorn. Nothing could resist him. And even if the fool miraculously succeeded, Photon could escape and build a new body. It was a win-win situation. But it all depended on Jackson Snow.


(Photon would be in for a big surprise. Jack already has an Abomination demon inside of him, and he doesn't like to share space.)


Lapis seemed clueless, that was little to no surprise to Jack. "A parasite. Perhaps it was drawn to your power. It does explain a few things. You needn't worry, though. It is less harmful than a tick. Now, as I was saying, ditch the chains. Show me what you're capable of, and might go to one hundred percent power."




The colt didn't want to answer Neil's question. He thought that if he didn't admit it, it somehow wouldn't be true. "He lied." he said softly, "He lied and now they're dead."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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She grinned, "Oka-a-ay? What was that?" She says, feeling ground shake. She jumped as the phones started ringing and sighed.


Delphina heard the explosion; kinda hard not too. She evacuated with everypony else, after putting her cello away. She rushed to her apartment and got dressed. By instinct she stopped by the police station.


Nightfall was putting on his uniform as the musical mare came in.

"Oh! Hey, there. I never did get your name... Never mind that. Let me get Sapphire, and we'll go."

Nightfall found Sapphire.

"Get your uniform on and follow us. Hurry!"

He turned back to the mare.

"Just a moment, ma'am."

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The Music Maven raised an eyebrow skeptically, "I very much so remember telling you my name," she says, looking around. "This... this explains a few things, for sure," she adds, saddly.


Sapphire dropped one of the phones and saluted comically, hastily getting in the outfit of an officer. She went to the front, "Oooh, is this the mare you were telling me about? The one who likes music? She's kinda pretty!"


TMM couldn't help but crack a smile, "Thank you. The few people who know me call me the Music Maven. You are?"


"I'm Sapphire. Sometimes."


"Sometimes?" Sapphire grins and a rather tired-looking Den, who was frowning apeared, making TMM jump a little. Den sighed, "Not a lot of people know. She came from my insanity and stabolized. Sir, we really need to go. The last I heard, there were people stuck in the rubble."




Neil started, "Hey, welcome back to the land of the living kid. Let's focus on keeping you alive, eh? Dangerous place out their; I have a fealing you know that better than most. My name is Neil; your safe here. You could say you're under half of the police force's part-time protection," he said, grinning. "Drink up, you need it."

  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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