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private Letrix's Romantic Houseparty


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Dimitri shrugged and hopped out of the hot tub. He jumped into the pool and caused a massive splash. "Ha, whoops! Sorry if I got anypony soaked! This water feels so great!" Dimitri swum around in circles doing the backstroke and humming to himself. He started to sing in his own tongue and kept repeatedly diving and surfacing.

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Letrix teleported outside into his garden and lent on the cold wall of his house as he watched everypony mess around in his hot tub and swimming pool. "If I get Wind Melody paired with Dimitri than everypony here will have a special somepony." Letrix mumbled to himself. "Well everpony but me, but who cares a good host puts his guests before himself. Speaking of which shouldn't somepony help Cherry Blossom outside." Letrix walked over to the glass sliding doors and opened them so he could hear if Cherry Blossom needed help.

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Letrix teleported outside into his garden and lent on the cold wall of his house as he watched everypony mess around in his hot tub and swimming pool. "If I get Wind Melody paired with Dimitri than everypony here will have a special somepony." Letrix mumbled to himself. "Well everpony but me, but who cares a good host puts his guests before himself. Speaking of which shouldn't somepony help Cherry Blossom outside." Letrix walked over to the glass sliding doors and opened them so he could hear if Cherry Blossom needed help.


Draco quietly snuck up behind Letrix"oh no you don't that's my job now get"Draco said pushing Letrix to the pool"mingle while i deal with Cherry"Said Draco as he pushed Letrix into the pool and laugh.Draco shook himself dry then went inside and found Cherry"cherry you ok?"
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"I could really use some more vodka as I swim...." Dimitri said as he swam by the pool's edge and reached for his bottle. "I don't want to get out....must....get....bottle!" He finally grasped the bottle and took a long swig. He wiped the drops from his face and placed the bottle back down. He floated onto his back and drifted in the pool.

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"C'mon, Letrix, this is your pool after all! Why don't you come swim," Wind Melody called to Letrix while floating on her back in the pool. She could see him open the door for who knows why, then get pushed forward by Draco toward the edge of the pool. She flipped over and swam over to the edge. "You coming in?"

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"Hey.. You still cold?"

He smiled, and chuckled a bit. He knew he wasn't cold. Her light green eyes, her good smelling light and lighter blue mane, her soft white coat... He has happy where he was. Who's cared if she lived off of other's money? She was here in his hooves right now. He knew he was lucky she was here, now.


"No" Krystal replied simply. She couldn't take it anymore. She closed her eyes, leaned in and kissed him on the lips. It was a simple, closed-mouth kiss but a heartfelt one. As it dragged on she could feel his warm breath on her nose as her exhaled and she felt his warm embrace around her as well.
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Letrix frowned at Draco's actions "I was just trying to be considerate" he thought to himself as he teleported to the roof of his house he watched everypony chat. "What's the point of mingling when all im going to do is interrupt somepony else." He chuckled to himself as he cocked his head up and looked at the night Sky "Well I should at least swim for a bit." Letrix thought as he teleported into the swimming and began to float on his back.

Edited by SkyDreamer
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Cherry Blossom seemed to have fallen asleep, but she immediately woke up after some chatter among the ponies. "Huh? What happened? Did I miss something?" her questions just kept piling up as she heard splashing noises that were coming from the back.

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Dimitri noticed the kiss and let out a "WOOO!" He laughed and went back into his dreamlike state of drifting across the pool. Dreaming of how great his life is now compared to how it used to be. No more depression, hate, rage or suicidal tendencies. Life is looking up for Dimitri, way way way up!

Edited by Comrade-Dimitri-Hammer
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Flaret used a floating spell to get herself out of the pool and shaked a little to get the water off her coat. She noticed Letrix standing on the roof and teleported to him. "What are you doing up here all alone? It's your party!" She smiled and brushed her wet mane back with her hoof, it seemed even longer this way. Her tail even reached onto the floor.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97Wwhe9Hx_w a song he sings)

Draco began to sing slightly to himself"No one to talk with,

All by myself,

No one to walk with,

But I'm happy on the shelf

Ain't misbehavin',

I'm savin' my love for you


I know for certain,

The one I love,

I through with flirtin',

It's just you I'm thinkin' of.

Ain't misbehavin',

I'm savin' my love for you

Like Jack Horner in the corner

Don't go no where,

What do I care,

Your kisses are worth waitin' for

Be-lieve me

I don't stay out late,

Don't care to go,

I'm home about eight,

Just me and my radio

Ain't misbehavin',

I'm savin' my love for" Draco danced slightly.

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"What an interesting way to travel," Wind Melody thought, watching him disappear from the pool's edge, and with a little eye adjusting she spotted him on the roof, staring at the sky. Then he was gone again, and she realized there was another figure in the pool, who, of course, was Letrix. She shook her head, a slight smile on her face, before she dove deep down into the pool and looked up at the other ponies. Almost half the pool was still empty, so she burst up toward the far side, where no pony so far was swimming.

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"No" Krystal replied simply. She couldn't take it anymore. She closed her eyes, leaned in and kissed him on the lips. It was a simple, closed-mouth kiss but a heartfelt one. As it dragged on she could feel his warm breath on her nose as her exhaled and she felt his warm embrace around her as well.


Fire Blade knew he was waiting for something like this. He kissed her back. The pool now only had the affect of making him feel like there was nothing around him. He just held Krystal next to him. He thought about how if he had decided not to come, he wouldn't be so lucky right now. He broke, slowly, still staying close to her head. He looked her in the eyes, just about nose to nose.

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Cherry Blossom seemed to have fallen asleep, but she immediately woke up after some chatter among the ponies. "Huh? What happened? Did I miss something?" her questions just kept piling up as she heard splashing noises that were coming from the back.


Draco shut his mouth when his song ended and said to cherry"Well look who's awake sleeping beauty"Draco said chuckling"I thought I might have to kiss you to wake you up which might i say is a tempting thought"Draco chuckled to himself as he sat next to Cherry.
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Letrix dove down to the deepest end of the pool and sat there. He could breathe underwater using one of the spells he had learnt about in magic school. He watched the night sky from under the water and began to think if it was in fact possible to get Dimitri and Wind Melody together.

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Wind Melody took a big breath of air and looked around the pool. Other than the pony with the Russian accent, everypony looked like they had a couple. Taking another look at the pony named Dimitri, she could smell the faint but lingering scent of vodka, and she turned her breath away. She definitely wasn't a drunkard, so there wasn't much of a chance that she was going to make him nothing other than a simple friend. Spotting Letrix at the bottom of the pool, she observed that he didn't come up for a breath of air. He must have learned it in magic school after she had left. Her magic ability was limited, and she didn't know too much, but the strange magic ability intrigued her.

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Just as Flaret had opened her mouth to start talking, Letrix went down to the pool again. She sighed and sat down, looking at everypony enjoying the party. She hadn't seen Gemstone anymore after she had talked to him inside, but right now she didn't really feel like looking either. She gazed up at the stars, content with looking at the different constellations she could discover for now.

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"Wow, you're really quite the charmer Draco, but please don't tell me you didn't do that drinking contest." Cherry Blossom gaved him a worried look, but she was feeling that she started to miss out on everything. "Is it okay if I go to the hot tub? I mean it sounds very nice."
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Fire Blade knew he was waiting for something like this. He kissed her back. The pool now only had the affect of making him feel like there was nothing around him. He just held Krystal next to him. He thought about how if he had decided not to come, he wouldn't be so lucky right now. He broke, slowly, still staying close to her head. He looked her in the eyes, just about nose to nose.


Krystal looked up at him innocently "I didn't go too fast did I?" Krystal asked. In perspective, she felt like she did. After all she did just meet him that night. But at the moment it just felt so... right. "I'm sorry, I just... I just do that sometimes; take things too far" she leaned her head against his chest.
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Dimitri finally exited the pool and shook himself off. He grabbed his leather jacket from inside the house and out it back on. He went back outside and twisted his mane and beard emptying the water from both. He then checked his horn, seemed fine as of late. He didn't really use magic often but he didn't care. "Wow that was such refreshing for Dimitri! Haven't been swimming for a whileI don't do many fun things I guess, with me being new and all." He said to himself as he sat looking up at the night sky.

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"Wow, you're really quite the charmer Draco, but please don't tell me you didn't do that drinking contest." Cherry Blossom gaved him a worried look, but she was feeling that she started to miss out on everything. "Is it okay if I go to the hot tub? I mean it sounds very nice."


"No I didn't do the drinking contest"Draco offered her his hoove"come on let's go to the hot tub I'll even join you my dear"Draco said slightly as he hummed his song to Cherry.when they got to the hot tub he helpped her in."want me to join you in there Cherry"Draco asked.
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((I'm going to say there's a table with drinks outside for a bit. xD ))


Flaret broke her gaze away from the stars from a bit to make a cocktail carefully float up. The liquid stayed almost perfectly still as she levitated it. She took a big sip, thinking that the pool had washed most of her tipsyness away, but then it hit her like a hammer again. She put the drink down and stared at the stars again.

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Letrix teleported out of the pool and onto the roof again were he saw Flaret watching the stars. "Do you usually watch the stars?" Letrix asked as he joined Flaret. "It's personally one of my favorite hobbies. It just helps me feel at peace and forget my worries." Letrix smiled.

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"Oh it's okay Draco, who is refusing to let you into the hot tub?" she giggled at him and set hoof into the hot tub. As soon as she got her whole lower body in the hot tub, she let out a sigh of relaxation. "This feels so great, my whole body feels like it just melted."
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Flaret almost knocked her drink over when Letrix appeared next to her again. She showed him a bit of a nervous smile, probably because he startled her, but calmed down quickly. "Yes, stargazing is very relaxing," she said. "I usually do it when I can't sleep, an hour later I'll sleep like a baby." She chuckled. "Are you enjoying your party?"

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