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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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As Electrobolt was listening to Amber talking to Jade on the other end of the call, he had heard Ganaram speaking to him. Turning his head over, he repeated the words that Ganaram had said to him. *Do I think the trip has been a disaster...? Hmm... Well, let's see... First of all, I had my face slammed into things three times... All in the same day... And then there was the fact that we had boarded the wrong train, and in turn lost our luggage...* He had to hold in a sigh from recalling his GamePony Advance and his bits being left on the other train. *And in addition to our lost luggage, we got separated from the others...*


Done with his thinking, he then began to speak to Ganaram, before Amber spoke up to the pegasus, asking him about where to regroup. After thinking about where to regroup, he told Amber to ask if the station at Appleloosa or somewhere beyond there would be okay. After that had been finished, he shook his head and silently cleared his throat. Now that Ganaram was done, Electrobolt decided to answer him by saying, "Um, about the trip being a disaster so far...? I would have to say yes... I mean, having my face slammed into different things three times in the same day? And all this happening...? Yeah... So far, to me, it seems to be disastrous..."


((Sorry for the over-delayed post, guys... Especially you, Ganny... I just kinda found myself... Yeah... :/ ))

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"Everywhere you go a disaster always occurs..." Eddie responded to Gem. "Better clean that up well, I want my restaurant sparkly clean" He said before going back into his office.


"SLAM!" he slammed the door very hard.


"what an asshole" Beat Spark soughed.


But he drifted his attention back to Jade, which was acting very strange, like if he was talking to somepony. "what is he doing?" Beat wondered. "I knew that he was hiding secrets!"



Beat was trying to eavesdrop whatever that Jade was doing. But all of the sudden got surprised...



((Ganaram  your missing Draco. He's in there too you know))

A unicorn mare walked in with the uppity attitude worthy of a Canterlot royalty. Her color was white. On her flanks was her cutie mark which was a microphone. She noticed Beat Spark and walked towards him slowly as if savoring the hunt. "Well hello handsome how are you this fine afternoon?" she said her voice seductive.






"what in the..."


Beat Spark was speechless because of how blunt this mare was to approach him in that way, he responded with a very strange "Good Evening"


 "can you excuse me? hehe" he weirdly said while turning to face Draco to ask about this mare...


"Draco do you know this ma..."



"yeah... you do" dry.png


((OOC: dragon, you should offer references of this mare so I can draw her in the future :) ))



My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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"My, my so shy aren't you? I'm not going to bite. Unless your into the then I'll gladly bite," The mare said as she sat next to Beat.  Her mane looked like that one element user of Carousel Boutique. "Now you handsome stallion tell me what your name is? Mine is...," She was about to introduce her self but Draco cut her off "Sana O'Hare married three times. Her suitors mysteriously disappeared. She has three record albums. Currently owns three shops within Canterlot itself and is wearing Lilac perfume to cover up the smell of cigarettes. Currently under the alias of  Silver Heart," Draco said as he took a drink from his whiskey.


How did you know all that are you....No, no ,no, NO. your supposed to be dead," Sana said with a panic to her voice. Her blues eyes met with Draco's own silver ones. "Hello love enjoyed your little vacation?" Draco said with his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh I'm sorry did I mess up your hunt for more money?" Draco asked with fake concern. Sana looked fearful then an idea struck her.

@Beat Spark

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Well, we'll be pulling into Appleloosa in a few hours, we've already made it to the desert. I don't know how long we'll be staying there, though, but if you leave by morning you will be really far behind." Jade answered her.


...He still isn't paying attention, is he?


Amber facehoofed. That freak-out might have been a little too much, but she still felt ignored - and she detested being ignored (or she only wanted attention). But in the end, she decided to try to forget about it, since not even Ganaram and the others seemed to give her the attention she wanted. Perhaps that wasn't the best situation after all.


"We'd have to regroup somewhere. Anyway, our next stop was supposed to be Appaloosa, but then..." Ganaram looked back at Electrobolt, and then back at Amber:

"Maybe we'd be able to meet at the station, or maybe somewhere beyond Appaloosa, but I don't know what town to stop at. Amber, can you see if that's OK with the others?"


Amber liked the idea of not waiting until the morning to leave, but at the same time, she was so tired of everything that only the thought of having to spend the night in another train seemed even worse than staying in Manehatten. Now that their lost belongings would be kept safe, she thought that it wouldn't be necessary to rush anymore. Either way, she was still too tired to think, and the whole horn call situation was also confusing her.


"...This has been just a very agitated day for all of us. My head aches, and this spell isn't exactly helping." Amber spoke up with a tired, dull voice. "Jade, you do your thing and settle in Appleloosa with the others, like the planned. We'll discuss what to do next between ourselves and I'll call you back later... Thank you for taking care of our stuff while we're away..." She then waited for a response.

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Jade was leaving the developing situation behind him at this point as he walked away.




"...This has been just a very agitated day for all of us. My head aches, and this spell isn't exactly helping." Amber spoke up with a tired, dull voice.


Jade decided not to mention how the spell wasn't tiring him out at all lest she freak out on him again.




"Jade, you do your thing and settle in Appleloosa with the others, like the planned. We'll discuss what to do next between ourselves and I'll call you back later... Thank you for taking care of our stuff while we're away..." She then waited for a response.


"You're welcome. I'll see what I can do about meeting up with you guys." Jade said, before he disconnected from the call. "Doubt I'll be able to pull anything off. Ugh, social responsibilities." he then muttered to himself.

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===== Ganaram =====

"So now what...?"


Ganaram replied to Amber, who had now just ended the call.


"Do we just wait out the night or do we, like, find some way to catch up, like, right away...?"


He hoped it was the former because he, too, and probably Electrobolt and Rook as well, was tired. On top of that, his pessimistic mood, which he felt was cycling throughout the day, was returning to him... He figured that he could perhaps sleep it out, hoping that he'd feel better in the morning... That is, if he'd even have the chance to rest...


>> @@@Electrobolt,



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"My, my so shy aren't you? I'm not going to bite"



. Unless your into the then I'll gladly bite,"

"umm..excuse me?"


"Now you handsome stallion tell me what your name is? Mine is...,"

"well my name is  Be..."


  She was about to introduce her self but Draco cut her off "Sana O'Hare married three times. Her suitors mysteriously disappeared. She has three record albums. Currently owns three shops within Canterlot itself and is wearing Lilac perfume to cover up the smell of cigarettes. Currently under the alias of  Silver Heart," Draco said as he took a drink from his whiskey.


How did you know all that are you....No, no ,no, NO. your supposed to be dead," Sana said with a panic to her voice. Her blues eyes met with Draco's own silver ones. "Hello love enjoyed your little vacation?" Draco said with his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh I'm sorry did I mess up your hunt for more money?" Draco asked with fake concern. Sana looked fearful then an idea struck her.



The situation was too strange for Beat Spark to handle, and he was really interested in why Jade was acting so strange.


"well, I see that you guys have a lot to catch up on...so, ummm I'll leave you 2 in the privacy of your thoughts...hehe" said Beat awkardly.


"now if you excuse I'll go snea... erhhmmmm, I mean, go to my room! YES! *yawn* I'm quite tired, haha, yes, I'm going to my room, it's late hehe"



My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Sana slowly enveloped a bottle of whiskey with her blue magical aura. As she and Draco argued she had lifted the bottle above Draco's head. Draco grabbed the bottle of whiskey that was behind him "Don't do that," Draco said as he glared at Sana. She ran past Beat scared. Draco flipped two bits for the bottle of whiskey. He sighed as he looked to his broken wing.  "festis bei umo canavarum," Draco cursed in the griffin tongue. "Hmm Jade is acting strange isn't he Beat,"




A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Electrobolt was starting to feel pretty tired, as he was barely paying much attention to what Amber what saying. His mind was starting to go out on him as the events of the day caught up to him. He would need to get some rest, soon. As Amber spoke a bit more, he shook his head to try and wake himself up a bit to catch what she said, but it was no use as she had just finished talking. Just a little later, though, Ganaram began to speak up, asking the group about what they should do.


"Do we just wait out the night or do we, like, find some way to catch up, like, right away...?"


As he listened to what Ganaram asked them, he had to stifle a yawn. To be honest, he saw no way that he could focus clearly, let alone stay awake long enough. He needed to lie down and get some sleep soon. With a hint of tiredness, Electrobolt began to speak. "I say that we should..." he started, before a yawn slipped out. "Sorry... But I say we wait it out for the night... Right now, I'm very tired, and would most likely fall asleep on the way... By the way..." He then turned around to Amber before asking her a question. "Um, Amber... Where would the bedrooms be...?"



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Jade wandered through the train cars before returning to the caboose balcony and looking out over the desert. The sun hung low in the sky, and Jade was surprised at how much time had already passed. He shook his head and chuckled to himself.


This had certainly been a strange start to this trip. Assassins, magic talismans, everypony on this train being crazy. Here's hoping the rest of this trip won't be as "exciting" as today was, Jade thought to himself.

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