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private RP - Train Ride Headed West

Ganaram Inukshuk

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The celestial body of the day had been hovering over Ponyville, as it always has been, so it would normally be an uneventful day for most ponies.


However, for Ganaram, it wasn’t a typical day. He had finished packing up for a journey for the past half-hour, with the train ticket that had been given to him only an hour prior. He bound the ticket to his body and began to walk out.


The sound of a train whistle can be heard from a distance as he began taking the dirt road down to the train station. As nervous as he was, he knew that this trip was going to bring up old memories, but he had the suspicion that he was not the only one who had a similar journey...




All other RP participants, your tickets have been given to you. You have two hours (RP time, not real time) to pack up and get to the train station. Enjoy the ride.










;;Character Ganaram/Gem Inukshuk - Ganaram Inukshuk - Nakamura Nigh SukPosted Image


;;Character - Amber Vox - DrizzleSTAR - Posted Image


;;Character - Draco O'mally - dragon4111 - Posted Image


;;Character - Beat Spark - Motion Spark - Posted Image


;;Character - Electrobolt - Electrobolt - Posted Image


;;Character - Jade Flare - Jadefire - Posted Image


;;Character - Rook - AnonyPoni - Posted Image



Edited by Ganaramadingdong
  • Brohoof 5



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“I guess that will be all, miss. Yes thank you for everything. Oh yeah, I will certainly visit this place again, but not in a near future, I have a train to take. See you in a few months, miss!”


Sandweaver closed the inn’s door. As the hostess’ face disappeared behind the thin wood, he sighed. His stay in Ponyville was nothing but eventful. In less than a week he had seen a hydra attack, mouse infestation, a librarian went berserk, and a pie-eating contest went awry. Ponyville was a good place to live, but surrounded by such loud activities was not very fitting to his taste. His body wasn’t what it was used to be twenty years ago, and he wanted somewhere calm to spend his vacation.


Tugging his wooden briefcase behind him with his horn, Sandweaver trotted leisurely toward the train station. He flipped out his ticket, he double-checked the time and the day of departure, and it was still a good two hours away. Well, no harm could be done from being early.




After a few while, Sandweaver finally reached the Ponyville’s train station. The train’s whistle sounded like a foal’s lullaby to his ears, promising a new adventure! Or maybe another botched ride where he had to pull the entire cargo himself, Sandweaver thought to himself, snickering while so.


Sandweaver took a chair inside the station, resting his flank and his briefcase. He looked around him. “Where are the other passengers?”


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Draco heard the whistle"Oh son of a"Draco said as he pulled the large expensive cake onto the cargo train."Celestia better appreciate this I broke my right wing for this darn thing"Draco said as he struggled to bring it aboard"Son of a. if only I had not forgotten the talismans at home"Draco was mumbling to himself.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Electrobolt had his packing all done last night, although he didn't really need much. In his luggage, he had some mane styling gel, some puzzles, a deck of playing cards, and if he's really bored, his Gamepony Advance along with some games for it. As he looked at the clock and noticing he had less than an hour to get to the station, he said, "Uh oh, better get going!" Grabbing his luggage and strapping it onto his back, he then grabbed his ticket and began to leave the house. "Bye mom, bye dad! I'll be gone for a while! I'll write you a letter each day!" Without waiting for a response, he barreled out of the door and began to rush towards the train station.

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Stats: Two ponies on board or at the station, two ponies still en route, three more yet to depart.




Ganaram stopped midway to take the time to make sure he had not forgotten anything. Opening the saddlebag using his wing, he looked within for everything he believed he would need: Paper and pencil, logic puzzles, first aid kit, soap, extra jacket, extra glasses, extra money, and extra snacks.


"I guess that's everything..."


He then continued on to the train station.



----- ----- -----

Upon arrival, he was awestruck at the vehicle of choice: A brightly-coloured fully-functional steam locomotive, with at least ten cars coupled to it. A wave of reluctance once again coursed through him (or was it his bladder?) as he pulled out the ticket he had pinned to his jacket.


"That's the train, alright... I'm early, though..."


Ganaram began to look around for anypony else, disregarding the train conductor and other workers; Were there any other passengers...?



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"GET INTO THERE"Draco yelled out as he was now trying to get a large telescope into the storage area of the trainDraco growled slightly."They better pay me handsomely for this trouble i'm going through because i'm not laughing one bit"Draco mumbled with frustration as he paced back and forth.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Beat Spark's alarm was ringing for the 5th time.


*yawn* "5 more minutes please!" said the still sleepy stallion. But, he managed to open his eyes to realize that he was completely late.


"Celestia!!! it's late! I must hurry before the train leaves!". Rapidly, the first thing he did was to wash his face, his teeth and his mane, then brush it carefully.


after he walked out of the bathroom, he took his favorite gold necklace and put it on, looked under his bed and took his favorite moccasins boots and put them on as well.


"where is my saddlebag!? at least I packed everything yesterday" said in a rush. "AH-HA there you are!" with his mouth, he grabbed the over equiped huge saddlebag and put on his back.


"Everything seems ready" while he approached to the door, he remembered something he may have forgotten!


he looked at himself in the mirror.


"yep! everything IS ready..." while he smiled at the mirror.


He went to the door and closed it behind him, and runned as fast as he could to the train station....

Edited by Motion Spark


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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As Electrobolt continued to hurry towards the station, his hurried pace had halted completely, almost slinging the luggage off his back. "Shoot, I forgot my bits!" he exclaimed, as he then turned around and started to rush back home. As he entered the house again, he said, "Forgot something, gotta move quick!" As he rushed back to his room, he scurried quickly to try and locate his sack of bits that he saved up for the trip. After about 5 minutes, he found them and attached it to the suitcase, making sure it was securely sealed before hurrying out again, this time moving twice as fast towards the station. *Darn, wasted too much time... Gotta hurry up if I wanna catch the train!*

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Sandweaver took himself a nice seat on a passenger car of the train, just by the window, and his wooden briefcase on his side. The train was a bit too colorful, but at least it looked much better than any of those worn-out trains out there. He absentmindedly took into account what kind of things he brought with him this time. Books, soaps, toothbrushes, another books, a weird spoon souvenir...


Looking around the train, Sandweaver took a mental note on the other passengers. A pegasus with a huge cake, another pegasus with glasses, and somepony that could be heard running to the station in a hurry. Sandweaver chuckled, youngsters...


And is that a telescope?


Sandweaver called out to the nearby grey pegasus, "Hello!"

Edited by Star Weaver


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"Finally"Draco said with frustration as he walked to his seat slowly."I hate doing delivieries when it's with just my broken wing"Draco looked at the Sandweaver and waved at him."ugh I wish i was a unicorn somethings that would make my whole life easier"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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The gray unicorn looked at the two pieces of parchment on his nightstand solemnly, before closing his eyes and giving a deep sigh. One paper was a two-way train ticket to Salt Lick City city center, the other a scroll covered with arcane symbols and complicated diagrams. Upon opening his eyes, the unicorn stallion looked down, before with a shimmer of green light the two papers floated and deposited into his bag.


The stallion walked to the door, and a mane-brush, a scarf, a stack of four books, and bundle of bananas floated from their locations in the room with another shimmer of green light and entered his bag, before the bag floated and fastened itself on the unicorn's back. As the stallion approached the door, he stopped. His bag opened, the bananas floated out, one seperated from the others, and the bundle went back into his bag's containment.


Satisfied he had everything, the latch of his house's front door glowed green and the door was pulled open, and the unicorn walked out, floating banana in tow.

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The Bartender splashed some water on Nocturnal, he woke up with a jolt, "Good mornin' sleepin' beauty!"


Nocturnal looked around, and saw the clock behind the Bartender, hanging on the wall. His pupils doubled in size, "OH BUCK! THE TRAIN!"


The Bartender gave him a puzzled look, "You mean the one leaving in five minutes?....Better hurry, Son."


Nocturnal nodded and payed the Bartender the money for all the rum he downed the other night. As he ran out, he noticed another pony, who he recognized as Berry Punch, sleeping at the table which had at least eight bottles of beer on it.


He reached his house and opened the door by kicking it with his rear legs. He ran upstairs to his room and grabbed his suitcase and tickets.


*4 minutes later*


Nocturnal reached the station platform in a period of time that surprised even him. It had been long since he had run that fast, but he still had it in him. He saw the train was still there, and gave a sigh of relief.


He approached the Conductor and spoke in a low voice, "Hope I'm not late"


The Conductor gave him a weird look and checked his hoof watch, "What you on about? Still about 10 minutes left."


"Bastard gave me the wrong time", thought Nocturnal as he recalled being told by the Bartender that the train was leaving very soon.


The Conductor took the ticket from Nocturnal and let him on board. He entered the passengers cabin and saw some other ponies sitting around. One levitating a banana above his head.


He grabbed his single suitcase, which was quite small and didn't have to be put in the storage car. He took the last seat in the last row so that he would be sitting alone, just the way he liked it.

Edited by The Awesome One



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Meanwhile, earlier...


The unicorn arrived on the platform, walking past the other ponies who had arrived. He walked up to the train's conductor standing at the boarding stairs and showed him his ticket; the conductor looked at it absently, before clearing his throat. "Ah, 'Jade Flare', is it? Your sleeping car is second to the back." the conductor spoke, without lifting his head. Jade nodded wordlessly, and moved to board the train, when the conductor spoke up again. "Have a pleasant trip, ma;am". Jade froze for a moment, before groaning in annoyance and boarding the train.


Jade took his seat in one of the passenger cars, and began absentmindedly eating the banana he was levitating. He couldn't help but think to himself, I can't believe I'm going through with this...

  • Brohoof 1
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As Electrobolt continued rushing towards the train station, trying to get there before it left, he looked around, trying to see if he could see the clocktower to get a good read on the time. All this did, however, was cause him to smack right into a wall as he looked to see what was in front of him. Fortunately for him, his ticket didn't get lost in the collision, but at the same time, his face was bright red from the crash his face made. "Ow, my face..." he muttered, after pulling it off the side of the building. "Who put this building in the middle of my---" As he stopped to look around, however, he then noticed that there were railroad tracks and trains in the vicinity of the building.


*Wait... Did I just arrive at the train station, without being aware of it?* thought the young colt as he picked himself up and began to head into the building proper, avoiding any further attacks from the walls. Once he entered, he looked at the clock, seeing he had a little under ten minutes left to board the train. So he hurriedly made his way to the boarding platform, where his train was positioned at. Wordlessly, he showed his ticket to the conductor, who had told him that his sleeping car was third from the back, before allowing him entry. After boarding the train and stowing his luggage away in sleeping quarters, he returned to the passenger cars and sat down at one of the seats, right next to a window. *Not the most pleasant way to start a trip...*

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Stats so far: At least four onboard, two still lingering at the station, and one yet to arrive.




Ganaram heard another pony call out to him, confirming to himself that he truly wasn't the only passenger, but was more bewildered at the sudden influx of other passengers (and floating bananas).


"I guess I really am not the only passenger now. Oh boy..."


He proceeded to walk over to the pony who had called for him, both in reluctance and in still-persisting confusion:


"Did the conductor just call that one guy a girl, and and-- And I'm trying to remember the other thing I was gonna say but now I forgot..."


Clearly, the young pegasus was not that great at casual conversation, and he felt like he had started to blush.



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Draco leaned back on his back stretching and yawning slightly"ugh and it's morning too I hate mornings and Mondays"Draco said more to himself as he was going to take a nap while on the ride to Canterlot."Just because the princess has a sweet tooth no less"Draco mumbled.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Did that pegasus just mumbled how good it is to be an unicorn? Oh boy he have no idea how many headache I got from lifting heavy things, Sandweaver thought to himself.


Sandweaver grinned sheepishly while the red pegasus walked by him. He might be an unicorn, but this horn of his wasn't that good. Glanced around for a bit, Sandweaver noticed other two unicorns, and one was levitating a banana? Weird. Meanwhile, the earlier grey pegasus trotted slowly toward Sandweaver, mumbling something under his breath.


"Hello there!" Sandweaver called out to the grey pegasus. "Going to Appaloosa too?"


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"Oh, uhh, actually,... No. You see, I'm just, well, out to, uhh... I just wanna explore the area beyond Ponyville, you know..."


Ganaram felt somewhat embarrassed. Only he knew to himself his true reason: To revisit his past, which to him, was always difficult to explain to anypony else other than himself. He pulled out his own ticket and continued his now botched-up statement to Sandweaver:


"You, uhh... Going on the train soon? Looks like they're ahead of schedule, but I can't really tell." "What in the world am I getting myself into this time...?"



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Sandweaver raised an eyebrow. What's wrong? he thought to himself.


Sandweaver took a glance to the grey pegasus' Cutie Mark. It was something made of... triangles? He was not a Cutie Mark specialist, but he was damn sure this stallion's special talent is not being shy.


"So..." Sandweaver trailed, he raised a hoof to the grey pegasus. "My name is Sandweaver, from Trottingham. And you?"

Edited by Star Weaver


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Draco pulled out a deck of cards from his bard and began to play a game of solitaire ignoring the ponies coming in. He really didn't want to snap any anypony because of his aversion to mornings and mondays. He noticed a silver stalllion walking by with a flame cutie mark."hmm" "you the one with the flame cutie mark do you know how to play texas hold'em?"Draco had his courier hat over his eyes as he asked the stallion.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"My name's Ganaram... And I'm from Ponyville." "That was terrible, me..."


A long and awkward pause. Ganaram looked around the station. The train wasn't due to leave just yet, as noted by the fact that the coal car was still being loaded.


"I guess I'll be going onboard now. I'll see you inside if you... You know..."


And with that closing statement, Ganaram handed his ticket to the conductor:


>> "Enjoy your trip, uhh..."


"You wouldn't be able to pronounce my name, anyway. At least not on paper."


Once inside, he noticed some of the ponies from before: A green-coated colt whose face was abnormally red, a unicorn stallion whose coat colour was eerily similar of his own, a third who appeared to be previously sodden, and a floating banana that was now half-eaten.


"That's the one guy who was called a mare... And why's the other guy's face all red...?"



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Beat Spark ran as fast as he could to reach the train station, on the road, he saw 2 earth stallions pulling from a taxi carriage, the mantained a decent speed.


Beat, being the stallion he is, fixed his gaze upon the 2 ponies to get their attention while they were slightly running in a fast motion.

Rapidly the 2 ponies looked at him, and he responded with a small grin, invitating both to participate in a race. They caught the message inmediatelly and grinned him back, as a signal of approbation for the invitation.


The customer of the taxi, who was an overweight mare, bluntly changed the look on her face in the anticipation for what was about to happen.


She rapidly started to yell: "don't you even daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaareeeeeee!!!...." while both Beat and the 2 stallions abruptly changed their running speed.


They ran for about 2 minutes, until Beat Spark realized that these ponies couldn't keep up with his pace.


"It's been fun, I recommend putting some weight on your hooves 4 times a week if you want to run as fast as me" said the confident stallion "I have a train to catch, if you permit me, I got to flee".


Then Beat changed his speed, leaving behind his running opponents with just a cloud of dust.


After 10 minutes of well paced running Beat finally reached the train station. He took 1 minute to catch his breath.


"Phew! that was a nice excercise! and I'm not late!" he saw a couple of ponies there, apparently waiting for the same ride, what caught his attention was an unicorn with a caramel-like color on his coat, he looked like he was observing everything around him.


Beat moved his head, he had no time to waste. He trotted up to the train conductor, "Good morning mister", Beat said with a well manered voice, he then, turned his neck to one of the pockets of his saddlebag and grabbed the ticket with his mouth and handed it to the train conductor.


"Beat Spark right?"




"welcome, on the ticket is your seat sir"


"thank you very much" he answer, and entered the train door. Much to his surprise, he was expenting a more luxurious train interior when he first saw it. He mumbled to himself:


"What is this? I really thought that I was traveling in first class".



"I hope that this trip worth it"

  • Brohoof 3


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco looked at the new pony that came aboard. The stallion looked to be like Rarity a clean freak if anything else.He continued his game of solitaire alone as he looked outside and saw the mare"hmm poor lass"Draco said more to himself"and I'm talking to myself again"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Nocturnal had been watching each and every passenger quietly without them noticing it but the pony that really caught his attention was the one that reminded him off Photo Finish, a pony he was once asked to assassinate, although that mission was spoiled thanks to her burly body guards.


He watched the brown earth pony, who looked more like one of the stallions from Canterlot, look around the train with disgust. Clearly, he was some sort of spoiled pony who loved luxury more than anything else and Nocturnal was not fond of that kind.


The brown earth pony approached Nocturnal and asked him if he could move over a bit.


Nocturnal looked up from his newspaper and saw the brown stallion standing infront of him.


Nocturnal took one look at his ticket from the corner of his eye, and saw it saying that the stallions seat was right next to him.


"Buck this trip"


(OOC: Both of my posts so far have had to be edited. I really need to know what to type >_>)

Edited by The Awesome One
  • Brohoof 1



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Ganaram? And I think that my family name is weird, Sandweaver silently thought to himself.


As Sandweaver readied himself to lift his briefcase, a stallion raced through the station's door, on his back was a massive saddlebag filled with various things. Sandweaver blinked in surprise. Now that what I call athletic...


While keep looking around, Sandweaver trotted to the train. He handed the conductor his ticket, and move to his designated seat. After briefly struggling to lift his briefcase on the compartment overhead, Sandweaver sat on chair, wheezing like a sodden pup. Looking around for a bit, Sandweaver noticed another passengers already took their own seats, well, almost.


Sandweaver nudged Ganaram with his hoof, "we meet again, I guess"

Edited by Star Weaver
  • Brohoof 1


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