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private Quest for the Forbidden Temple-Take 2-RP

Ice Storm

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~~~Ice Storm~~~


Ice tried to work as quickly as she could to get the Iron clad pegasus patched up so that she wouldn't bleed out during the night. Colt and Electrobolt both came over to help her with the process. Colt helped her stabilize Iron's leg as she wrapped it. She could see that dragon was really close to this mare. One could argue about as close as she herself was with the princesses, if not more so. The amount of tenderness that the dragon showed the pegasi was one that she had only ever personally had seen from the princess. She found it odd how a dragon of all creatures, the ones that everypony makes out to be the monsters, were more capable of compassion than many of the ponies she's actually dealt with face to face. It was actually kind of sad but funny at the same time. At the very least, she didn't have to worry about the dragon backstabbing her at any point in time. She couldn't always he certain about that with ponies that live in Canterlot.


With that in mind though, once she was finished wrapping the leg, and sealing in an ice cast so that Iron couldn't accidentally move it during the night and cause further injury to it, she turned to her chest as she saw Electrobolt already trying to wrap the bandages around her chest, but hadn't made it very far with them yet. she, as gently as she could with her magic, lifted iron up. She didn't have a lot of magic left in her at this point, as she was started to feel the effects of the entire day bearing down upon her once again, but this had to be done. She wasn't going to let herself succumb to sleep or exhaustion when there was a pony in dire danger of dieing if proper action wasn't taken immediately. Once Iron was raised up a bit, she used her magic to carefully wrap the bandage around her chest, focusing a majority of it around the stab wound, while placing some of the outer strands of the wrap around some of the lesser scrapes and bruises. She wanted to keep as many of them protected until morning as possible. By then she had hoped that the princess would have recovered enough strength to heal these injuries.


She finished wrapping the bandages around her chest and quickly wrapped her right wing while she was still somewhat sitting up as to not have to keep her up any longer than she had to. Once her right wing was adequately wrapped to her liking, she lowered Iron back into a more comfortable position so that she could finish the left wing, as that was the last of the bandages that she would be able to apply tonight. She couldn't help but over hear how Colt was talking to Iron and it only further confirmed her impression of how close they were. She placed the final clip on the wing bandage and let it rest against Iron. "It is done. Unfortunately I won't be able to do anymore until morning myself. What bit of strength I've gain from the adrenaline that was pumped through me when Iron first arrived is leaving my system. With that in mind, I think it's best that we all rest up for the night," she said as the Princess came back into the room, agreeing with her, and stating that the rest of the level was clear of hostility. "Finally, some rest without having to worry about somepony walking in on us...." Ice muttered to herself as her legs gave out from under her where she was, leaving her as a tired, sleeping, blue coated mound.


~~~Princess Luna~~~


The princess could sense that perhaps her answer wasn't the answer that he had hoped to of received, but unfortunately, even she was at a limit to what her powers could do. Yes, she could dream walk, but she didn't know the names of every single pony's dream she entered. She also didn't remember any specific dreams that had him in them. "Well, like I said, perhaps you can swing by the castle once this mess is all cleaned up and we can see where our investigation goes from there. I'm just not really in a position to do anything about this situation at this point in time," she stated as she looked a bit further into the room, making sure that there were no other hazards or anything that could pose a threat to them. "Come, we should get back with the others. Everything appears to be safe for now," she said turning to head back into the room where the group was.


When the princess re-entered the room where everypony else was at. She saw that Iron was now bandaged up, and Colt, Ice, and Electrobolt where all standing around her visibly drained. She managed to overhear Ice speaking about the wounds being sealed for now and that she herself could heal them as long as she had recovered her strength by morning. Luna started to speak up, as she wasn't sure if she would even have enough strength by morning to heal wounds of that magnitude, but she stayed quiet. There was no reason to give the group any more negative news at this point.


When she heard Ice mention resting, Luna nodded. "I agree. Resting would be the best course of action for everypony right now. The other room is clear so we won't have to worry about anything coming after us while we sleep." she stated as she saw Ice collapse from exhaustion and fall asleep where she was. With a soft smile she made her way over to Ice and laid next to her, draping a wing over her back. She tested her horn to see if she could us it yet, and it seemed that the little bit of rest she had while she was conversing with Alex was enough to get a small amount of strength back. With this, she made a small magic aura around Ice to keep both of them dry while she slept. She gave Ice a gentle nuzzle before looking over to Iron Wing. She was genuinely happy to see the mare again. After what had happened at the ravine... she wasn't sure if she was even still alive. Here she was now, barely alive, but alive still, and she had many powerful ponies watching over her. With a small light from her horn, and a short burst towards her, Luna transferred some of her remaining energy into the pegasi. "That should guarantee that she'll make it to morning. Once morning comes. I'll do what I can," Luna smiled before her own tiredness got the best of her as she lay her head next to Ice's and fell asleep as well.

  • Brohoof 3


Princess Luna is best pony

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Iron Wing just feeled many smaller aches and some pain was felt by the wounds as Ice and the others started to get the bandages on her. It sting badly, but at the same time she knew that there were friends that took care of her. She had to stay awake, stay strong as long as they needed for the treatment. Funny, she thought that she had packet enough bandages for some ponies in her saddlebag, and now she needed all these things for herself. As a proud knight she could scream about failing that badly, being stabbed, banged up wings and many injuries from the fight against this nasty timberwolf... But at least this was over now and she had to worry about other things. Iron was happy that she was able to endure the fight with a normal mind since she tended to get berserk when a pony was hurt she wanted to guard or if she took too many wounds and injuries herself in a fight. Since this did not happen to her mind, she could rest a bit more at ease as the treatment was finished. She feeled how the drake curled around her, warm and cozy. Her breath slowed down more and more, and the additional energy she received from Luna made her feel safe. Or course she didn´t even realize that Luna did anything since her blurred vision and perception hindered any clear situation analysis. She would sleep now, rest and recover her strength, hoping to see everypony in the morning.


The next morning


The next morning was silent in the Everfree Forest, and peacefull at the same time. Sun shine was iluminating the temple slowly, from minute to minute more. Finally, the light shined onto the ponies that were laying around sleeping. The bandaged pegasus mare was silent, with an emotionless expression on her face. Her fur felt a bit cold, and there was no movement that could be visible. Was she dead? Were the injuries that bad that she was not able to keep up for the next day? Just some pony who would look more closely would notice that this mare was not dead yet, but in a deep slumber. She already had recovered great, strength was building up inside of her since Iron had a good rate of regeneration, but the wounds of course remained until healed with magic or something else.


She probably would sleep for a much longer time if not wakened up, and even if someone would try to waken her up, it would be a difficult task. Her trained body needed much time for a good recovery, since the fight that had started on the other side of the ravine, went through it and on this side into the temple had taken many hours of exhausting and painfull movements. Also the armor was very very heavy. Ice Storm, Electrobolt and Colt had taken of her armor the day before, and probably they could have felt how ultra heavy this pile of metal actually was. Together with all parts assembled, it was nearly impossible to move it just like that. Only trained stallions would be able to lift it, or a powerfull levitation spell. Right now, Iron was sleeping to recover as much strength and power as possible. She only could hope to regain her awareness as soon as possible, so that no pony had to carry her.

Edited by Iron Wing
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Electrobolt continued to work as he attempted to make progress on wrapping the bandage around Iron Wing's chest, but soon found it hard to continue right now. Before long though, Ice Storm began to lift Iron with her magic, before taking things from there. As Ice was taking care of that, Electrobolt backed up a bit before sitting down and closing his eyes. *Iron Wing should be fine now...* he thought, before sighing. Although everypony right now seemed to be alright, there still was the matter of Daylight having been put to sleep by the winds. Before long though, Ice spoke up, saying that they should rest up now.


Luna then came in as well, agreeing that rest would be well before she moved to Ice's side and lying down next to the sleeping unicorn. Before going to sleep herself, Luna then looked over to Iron before using her magic on the pegasus. The princess then spoke again, saying that should guarantee that Iron would make it to morning, where she'd see what more she could do before eventually falling asleep as well. Nodding, he silently whispered, "Thank you, Luna..." Looking around, he could see Iron was also sleeping, before yawning himself. "Mmmph... I seem to not have realized how tired I was..." he muttered, before lying down again.


But before falling asleep, Electrobolt saw Daylight from the corner of his eye before wearing a slightly-sad face. Why did this have to happen now? He looked so peaceful as he slept... With a small sigh, Electrobolt got back up and lied down next to the unicorn before resting his head near Daylight's. *Daylight, I...* Electrobolt began in his mind, before shaking his head. *I wish there was something I could have done to have prevented this from happening... There is only one thing to do now, though... And that is to end the source of these winds... Have faith in us, Daylight...* Sleep eventually caught up to the young stallion, as he then began to drift off to sleep.



As the next day rolled in, the light began to slowly creep into the room. As the light continued to flow in and shine on the group, Electrobolt winced a bit. He wasn't exactly ready to get up, but the light would not leave him alone. With a sigh, Electrobolt slowly opened his eyes as he began to wake up. "Ugh, what a night," he muttered silently to himself as he slowly picked himself up. The ground that he slept on was far from the most comfortable thing he had slept on, but there was really nothing else that could be done. Looking around the room, Electrobolt then saw that everyone else was still asleep. "I must be the first one up..." he whispered before sighing. He then reached into the saddlebag and pulled an apple out, before beginning to eat into it as he waited for the others to wake up.

Edited by Electrobolt
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The day was starting the meek rays from the sun were starting to light up the place but they were barely able to warm up the forest, even less the dark and somber interior of the temple which thanks of the fire and the bodies of those in the room proved to be a fair shelter better than no thing that was for sure. For the dragon who passed the night in such a place the last hours were a hard time, almost every single hour he woke up to check on the mare-knight who was covered by his body she had her good and bad times during this hours some times showing she was In pain some other times her body relaxed and it looked she was able to rest. The mind of the dragon was unease and worried for the safety and wellbeing of the group. Those ponies were much more than a set of chosen stewards among them now the princess of the moon resided and this caused grave worries for Colt. The princess of the moon was far to important for the realm her presence in the face of danger was placing Equestria into jeopardy. The drake had experienced in this kind of situations, if there was something like that, and he had good reasons to believe the treats ahead would become more powerful and hard to overcome Colt knew they were in no condition to face them. “We need to recover… we need more time” his mind got to those two conclusions and the more he thought about it the more it looked like the possible idea and the right action to take.
After what felt like a couple of hours from the daybreak having some remorse for leaving the side of the azure knight Colt moved away from her being perfectly careful to not disturb her slumber. His body felt heavy a little stiff it still had some spikes of pain around his back and the base of his wings but he really felt better compared to the day before. Walking towards the princess and her closest one being nervous about what he was going to say. “Miss Ice…your majesty” he called for the leathers of the mission not knowing if they were awake or still into their slumber. “I think we need to plan our next move” by the sound of his voice the dragon meant business this was crucial and not just to them but to all of equestria.

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Alex finished reaching to a max of twenty-five wing-ups and push-ups when Princess Luna explained how she needed more information and actual time to do so.  Her reasons weren't unfounded, but it still didn't make him feel a little better at the idea of how even Princess Luna would not have any idea who his parents might be.  Maybe he gave her a bit too much power to think that she could do something like that, but again she was right.  She wasn't exactly in the best shape to do anything of the sort.  Although he thought that he could start with his last name.  Maybe he had it passed onto him from his mother or father.


By the time he was done with his thoughts and work-out to prevent his muscles from cramping, Princess Luna was already heading back to the group feeling satisfied that there was nothing here to threaten their presence.  Alex shrugged it off and headed back with Princess Luna, wondering briefly how the others were doing particularly Ice Storm and Iron Wing.




"I agree. Resting would be the best course of action for everypony right now. The other room is clear so we won't have to worry about anything coming after us while we sleep." she stated as she saw Ice collapse from exhaustion and fall asleep where she was. With a soft smile she made her way over to Ice and laid next to her, draping a wing over her back.


Alex kicked a bit of dust underneath his feet as he listened to Luna's instructions.  He wasn't feeling particularly sleepy, but he supposed it was a good idea anyway considering he may need the rest for energy and there's no telling of how much sleep he'll get.  As Princess Luna was draping her wing over Ice Storm with a small smile, he was starting to suspect that there was something deep between the two of them.  He couldn't tell what it was exactly, but he could sense they were close almost like family.  He didn't think to ask as it wasn't wise to do so yet, but he beared it in mind as he thought about where to sleep.


He honestly wished that he could sleep up on top of a cloud, but the situation with the winds wasn't gonna make that a pleasing option.  He spotted a small adjutant that was big enough for one pony to sleep on top of and took it.  He found it to be off the ground and was an acceptable substitute except that it wasn't as soft as a cloud.  Alex turned back to the group to see Iron Wing being enveloped by Luna's magic to help sustain her or something like that.  He noticed Electrobolt sleeping next to Daylight wearing a little long face.  Something in his gut was telling him something was wrong by that sight, but it could be just the fact that they all went through something very strange and almost lost a friend.  Either way, he couldn't help it right now and stared towards the ceiling.  He glanced a bit at his silver star necklace, wondering if his parents were still out there somewhere.  He gave a slightly angry look to the star and gently set it back down on his chest before closing his eyes to try and sleep, finally succumbing to the night's dream fifteen minutes later.


The Next Day...


Alex woke up to the sound of an apple and turned his head quickly to the right.  "Breakfast!"  Alex said sharply to himself as he jumped off his perch and flew right for his satchel.  He looked inside to see that he only had three apples with his canteen to drink.  "Well, I suppose it's better than berry hunting."  Alex said to himself as he poured a bit of his water on the apple to make it more pleasing to eat and took a bite out of it.  He looked around the group as he wondered what their next move was, tapping his other front hoof impatiently.  He never was a fan of staying cooped up in one place for long and was glad to hear Colt wanted to do something right now rather than keep resting.

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~~~Ice Storm~~~


Sleep came rather quickly for Ice Storm, and by quickly, more like instantly. She barely felt something wrap around her body and pull her close, but what it was, she didn't have the energy to attempt to see. With her completing her trip into the dreamworld, many of the visions that she had seen from the night before were starting to show themselves once again. It was almost as if that they were trying to clearly tell her something, and each time more and more of the vision was seen. Of course, there was always the fact that these were dreams, and that they were completely unpredictable. They were almost always, a very unreliable source of information, and if somepony walked up to her and told her that her dream told her to step in this exact spot at this exact time, she would normally say that they were crazy. That being said, if her body had any energy, she would be shifting about from as realistic as these dreams were.


~The next morning~


Starting to feel a majority of her strength returning to her body from the night's rest. She could still feel that she wasn't quite at full strength, but after what they had gone through the previous day, she didn't think that she would be at full strength for a while. Slowly, her eyes began to flutter open at the sound of movement around her. When her eyes opened, Luna was still wrapped tightly around her, which made Ice blush profusely knowing her issue and what's already happened once on this trip. However, when she noticed that she felt dry, and there was no puddle around them, she was relieved. She didn't know, of course, that Luna had cast a spell on her the night before, but she knew that she was dry all the same. Slowly her blush faded away as she realized this.


A few moments later, she barely managed to catch the dragon ask about their next move. With that she gave Luna a gentle nuzzle to wake her up as well causing the royal blue alicorn to stir. "The fir..." she started as a long yawn cut her off as her body was still waking up. "First thing we need to do is tend to Iron. We'll need another pot of water to sterilize the bandages once again just in case we should still need them. With that in mind, the princess is the only one here with any sort of healing magic at this point," she said looking to a stretching Luna as she seemed to be waking herself up as well.




the night for Luna was probably one of the most uneventful nights that she'd had in a while. Not only was she completely drained for energy, but even her sleep was completely dreamless. This was exceptionally odd giving her abilities to dreamwalk. Usually if she's not dreaming herself, then she is usually in somepony else's dream. Tonight though, nothing. It was extremely eery, and lead her to believe that these winds were affecting more and more by the day. A fact that made her somewhat ashamed of leaving Canterlot unprotected, but at this particular point in time, she had no other choice. Using the hallway of visions she say that Equestria's only real hope of getting through this was in danger of failing at the hands of some unworldly creature that not even her had seen the likes of before. Not even as her time as Nightmare Moon had she seen anything like that and it made her wonder where in Tartartus that thing came from.


Whatever it was though, she did learn one thing about it if they ever faced anything like it again. Light was it's weakness, which meant it's strength was darkness. Of course, this meant that if they ever had to fight anything like that again on this mission, she'd have to be careful. Using the wrong magic on something like that could accidentally make it stronger. She made a mental note of that for herself at a later point. For the moment though, there was only rest. The sound of others snoring, and the comfort of Ice being next to her. It did pain her a bit when she was watching earlier and she heard Icy questioning the legitimacy of how much she actually cared for the mare. Luna could personally attest that she did not just take Ice Storm in to make her image look better in the eyes of ponies, and even had that been the only goal, it had been rather inessential in many of the opinions of others so it wouldn't have been practical to keep caring for her as long as Luna had if she was only doing it for her image. She couldn't really say that she wasn't taking care of Ice Storm for personal gain though, as she personally gained a very loving companion that she enjoyed being around when she could be. That was possibly the largest personal gain that somepony could ask for, and it certainly wasn't a loss. On more than one occasion she tugged the mare a bit closer, and by morning, Luna was wrapped almost completely around her.


When she felt a nuzzle on her neck though, her body stirred, still a bit achy from the night before. She would definitely be feeling the after effects of this mission, but it was worth it completely. She then heard Ice Storm, who had been the one to wake her apparently mention that the first thing they needed to do was take care of Iron. She instructed Colt to get a fire ready to sterilize the bandages once more in case they needed them again and stated that Luna was the only one with healing magic. At this point Luna started to stand up and began to stretch a bit to try to get her muscles to stop aching. This revealed the very slight magical aura around Icy's hind quarters that Luna quickly did away with discretely. "Indeed taking care of the wounded is always the first priority," Luna said as she began to move over to injured pegasi. The cast that was on her leg had melted as expected, and the bandages looked like they held pretty well. They were greatly discolored though, especially the one over Iron's chest which made Luna worried. She only hoped that the wound had healed up at least a small bit on it's own overnight. Otherwise, Luna knew that it could be quite taxing, and travel would be slow to get started for the day if that were the case. "I am ready to begin the healing once she's awake, and you both are ready to remove the bandages. I don't want to start working on her wounds while she's asleep," Luna explained.

  • Brohoof 3


Princess Luna is best pony

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Iron Wing was laying and sleeping there, having several strange and even some magnificent dreams. She feeled how something left her side as it was there protecting her the complete time. Softly she heared voices, and the sunbeams that shined somewhat between the branches of the trees warmed her fur. Slowly she woke up, still having pain on the critical wounds, but they felt different than before. Her friends seemed ot have cared about these and got the bandages for her and now she was all patched up. Slowly she started to move a bit, more and more and she opened her eyes also slowly. There was an urge... an urge to stretch. She could not hold this in any longer and started to stretch her legs and her muscles. As she cutely yawned in the process of waking up, the pain of her wounds stung and made her stop stretching. "... oowwiee...." she just mumbled and looked up, seeing Colt, Alex, Electro, Ice and Luna even coming close to her.


The pain was strong enough for her to realize how serious her wounds were, especially the stab-wound from the shadow beast. Some small tears came up onto her eyes but this was not as bad as yesterday. Her wings also were wrapped up with bandages since she had banged them up a bit. Luckily Iron had a good recovery rate for smaller things. But the big wound was important that she got medical attention. "Good morning..." she said with a bit sore voice, looking to everypony. "Glad to be back..." she said and tried to stand up. She wanted to stay strong in front of her Commander, Luna in this case. Or former, since she was not at the Night Watch anymore, but she felt that she somehow still was loyal towards her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As he said this words the moments between the answer from the moon alicorn and her protegee felt long and heavy even the two breaths he take during those seconds felt more heavy and even hurtful, the golden eyes of the dragon stayed over the equestrian governor looking at her for real ever since she came to the group. During those seconds it all came down to him, memories meaning importance of this being he almost lost the strength in his legs. "Im sorry highness" he said as she passed in front of him making a slight bow. 




"First thing we need to do is tend to Iron. We'll need another pot of water to sterilize the bandages once again just in case we should still need them. With that in mind, the princess is the only one here with any sort of healing magic at this point,"



"Indeed taking care of the wounded is always the first priority,"


A sigh of relief came straight from the mouth of the drake it looked like his thoughts were not needed, at least not for now. With this reassured by the princess of the night the drake moved away from the princess path to see Iron Wing still his eyes over her trying to stay on the ground but fell to see the avatar of night itself. He felt so nervous so unease to be in her presence as if he wanted to say something and at the same time nothing and he may have done something stupid but before that could happen the only possible thing that could break this state in the scaled one happened. Iron Wing woke up.




"... oowwiee...."


The pointy ears fliked in response of that sound he turned his head instantly to see her opening her eyes and for a moment their eyes crossed a heavy weight was lifted from him and he felt as if the air was less rough. "Wait Iron lay down" he said and moved quicky towards the mare passing luna by her side to hold Iron's head with his paws so she was able to rest down with her head a little up. "Hey there no need for you to stand up we are resting and you are at ease soldier" were the words that accompany a nice caress over her face, it was half of a joke to rise her mood as he knew a lot the martial pride she got in her. "The princess is ready to start healing you with her magic, just endure a little more ok, your little sister and I will be here to help just wait a moment" Colt said and moved to get the pot of water with a very strange looking care from a dragon he held the mare's head on the exact same height with his tail as he hot the pot. "I have recovered some magic ice and fire should be so hard now" he thought, moments later a flame started to but and in the pot a piece of solid ice formed "there is enough water in the air" his mind concluded a moment later the metal was being heated to melt the ice and boil the water. "Everything is going to be ok, just hold a little more" the drake said expecting the bandage removal to be painful for the azure pegasus.

Colt moved his paws over the fire making sure that the flames would touch his claw tips and palms the flames ran across his scales and some weird scent shot out, he was not burning but whatever that he had at his paws did he was "cleaning" so that his paws woundt infect the wounds from the injured knight. Removing from the fire he turned to see the regal alicorn and the hoarfrost unicorn "im ready when you are" 

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Ice Storm followed Luna over to where Iron Wing was laying, and as if on cue of Luna mentioning her, Iron Wing woke. Ice's heart pinged for a second as Iron immediately made her pain known. She wished so much that she would have been the one that had fallen down into that ravine. At least if it was her, she wouldn't have been missed by many if any at all. Of course there was always Luna that would miss her, but Luna lived forever so she was sure that she'd be able to find somepony that could easily replaced herself. She started to feel a bit down on herself, but then shook her head. No, she couldn't give into those types of thoughts now. Right now the best thing that she could do was to get the bandages off of Iron Wing and be prepared to re-bandage anything that Luna may not be able to heal in this occurrence.


Slowly, she began to unravel the bandages. The one she focused on the most was the one around Iron's chest, as she presumed that would be the first injury that Princess Luna would attend to. It would also probably be the most difficult. Colt had the water and everything ready so when she removed the first bandage, she dropped it into the pot and let it boil. She then did the same with the rest of the bandages. It actually appeared that some of the smaller scrapes on her sides were already mostly healed. She was mainly concerned about her wings and leg now as Luna began to work on the stab wound from the shadow beast. "We'll let those boil while the princess is working. It will ensure they are sterile," she added to the dragon.

~~~Princess Luna~~~


As the princess made her way over, she was relieved to see that Iron Wing had in fact made it through the night. Even though she had given her a bit of strength, Luna herself was honest still worried about her. There was no way to be sure how fast her body was using the energy that she had given. That in mind, even if Iron Wing was awake, Luna would have to be swift. She waited as Ice removed the main bandage, and as soon as she had done so, she placed her horn just above the stab wound on Iron Wing and began to channel healing magic into it. The intensity and the severity of the wound was noticed immediately, and the fact that Iron was able to move and fight through the ravine with something like this did wonders to impress the princess. She was definitely a pony worth looking after. She wished that she could be there for more ponies like her. Slowly after a good while, the magic dwindled, and the wound was completely sealed, but Luna looked visibly tired.


"The wound on your chest shall cause you no more ill, however I will not be able to heal you wings or leg until I've had a short rest and something to eat to restore my energy. That wound you suffered was mighty gruesome, I must say, I am impressed with your ability to fight through such a condition. Your determination has not gone unnoticed, my little pony," the princess spoke before sitting on her haunches to catch her breath for a bit.

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Princess Luna is best pony

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"Wait Iron lay down" he said and moved quicky towards the mare passing luna by her side to hold Iron's head with his paws so she was able to rest down with her head a little up. "Hey there no need for you to stand up we are resting and you are at ease soldier" were the words that accompany a nice caress over her face, it was half of a joke to rise her mood as he knew a lot the martial pride she got in her. "The princess is ready to start healing you with her magic, just endure a little more ok, your little sister and I will be here to help just wait a moment" Colt said


Iron was carefull with her movements as she heared the words of the dragon and the way he held her head. It was somehow calming in a way, but of course the wounds were hurting. She felt a bit better when she noticed how the ponies around her were still kicking and busy with doing things. Right now they seemed to be concerned about her health. She hated to be in such a state, but it was better that she was hurt instead of a friend, like those ponies around her. She wanted to make a good impression on Princess Luna, but it was difficult of course.




That in mind, even if Iron Wing was awake, Luna would have to be swift. She waited as Ice removed the main bandage, and as soon as she had done so, she placed her horn just above the stab wound on Iron Wing and began to channel healing magic into it.


Iron noticed the healing magic of the princesses horn, and it started to take effect. She had to concentrate not to do anything that would break the concentration of the princess. Now that Ice Storm had removed the bandages of the main wound, it hurt like hell, and she wanted to bite or scream on something. But doing something like that would not help anypony, so she concentrate on the dragon and on Ice Storm. Both seemed to do everything to care for her, and she was thankfull for everything both had done. Finally the princess was done with the healing, and Iron had to take a huge breath. It was draining power from both, Iron and Luna.




"The wound on your chest shall cause you no more ill, however I will not be able to heal you wings or leg until I've had a short rest and something to eat to restore my energy. That wound you suffered was mighty gruesome, I must say, I am impressed with your ability to fight through such a condition. Your determination has not gone unnoticed, my little pony," the princess spoke before sitting on her haunches to catch her breath for a bit.


Iron looked towards the princess and blushed a bit as she said that she was impressed by her abilities. "To help friends... i would have gone to the point of no return. That´s the way i handle things..." she replied. "I think you princess for the healing... one day i shall repay you for this..." she said and tried to move. It was at first a bit difficult, but she was slowly able to get on her hooves again. she checked the wound... it was gone completely. So superb! Magic at the right hooves could be such a wonder! Within an instand she took Colt and Ice into a hug. "Thank you..." were the only words, and she stayed for a longer moment with them, just wanting to hug somepony.


After that time, she released both and looked at her armor parts and of course her other wounds. She sat down and took an armor part she could bite on. Sure, this was reckless in some way, but she knew very well many things about the body of a pony. She slowly stretched her left wing. It was banged up a bit and some of the bones were not correctly adjusted like they should be. She bit onto the small armor part, took the main part of her wing and stretched into the opposite direction, pulling her wing mainframe with her. CRACK! "Hnnngh!"  A bone made some small cracking noises and it was in correct order again. Of course this was painfull too, but not as painfull like the wound Luna just healed. The other wing luckily was not as banged up as the one she just took care of. She just had to stretch it a bit to release the tenseness of the muscles. Of course they had taken damage and she would not be able to fly for a while, but like that the wings at least did not hurt so bad anymore. "Ptuuh..." she spit out the armor part she held with her mouth. "Can´t do anything about the leg now... this shall be taken care of at a later time. Just happy to be back..." she said and looked towards her friends, breathing a bit faster because of her fixing her wing.

  • Brohoof 2
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As Electrobolt ate one of the apples that he pulled out, he saw that the others were waking up themselves. *Everyone except Daylight...* he thought, still a little down about the fact that Daylight was put to sleep because of the winds. He had eventually been pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Ice and Luna speak up, saying that they needed to take care of Ice's wounds first off. Before he could do anything though, Colt went to help out by taking care of the bandages to not only sanitize them, but also to allow Luna to heal Iron with her magic.

"The wound on your chest shall cause you no more ill, however I will not be able to heal you wings or leg until I've had a short rest and something to eat to restore my energy. That wound you suffered was mighty gruesome, I must say, I am impressed with your ability to fight through such a condition. Your determination has not gone unnoticed, my little pony," the princess spoke before sitting on her haunches to catch her breath for a bit.

After Luna had finished healing Iron Wing's chest wound, Luna looked tired while she spoke to the pegasus. Although the chest was healed, the wings and leg would need to wait until she got her energy back, to which she said she would need a short rest along with something to eat. Luna then went on to compliment Iron Wing before winding up on her haunches to rest up a little. Looking down to his saddlebag, Electrobolt looked at all the foodstuff he still had packed inside. There were about six apples and six bananas left inside, and he wasn't sure how much longer they would last the group. Before he could think anything more, he heard a loud CRACK noise.


Electrobolt winced and jumped at the sound of the cracking before looking over to Iron Wing, seeing that she was stretching her wings out while holding a piece of her armor in her mouth. *She must be trying to fix her wings out like that...* he thought, wincing a little at another cracking sound. *Sounds painful... Very painful...* After a bit, she spit the armor piece back out before saying she was unable to do anything about her leg right now, but that she was happy to be back. When she said that, Electrobolt let out a sigh as a smile found it's way on his face.


Picking up his saddlebag, he then got up and approached the group before gently hugging Iron. "Good to have you back, Iron," he said before setting the saddlebag down nearby. Looking to the nearby ponies, Electrobolt then added, "Anyways, um... Feel free to help yourselves to what food that I have in my saddlebag. It might not be much, but it should be enough for you all." After all that, Electrobolt then sat down nearby the group. *It sure is great to have you back, Iron...* he thought, smiling lightly.

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“Im in your debt majesty” the dragon said looking up to the alicorn of the night as she moved away from Iron after healing her. During all the healing process the drake held Iron’s head and her hoof at his paws for some reason the dragon showed true and honest concern for the former member of the Night’s Guard. It was until the healing process was finished and that both dragon and knight paid their gratitude to princess Luna that the dark scaled dragon let the knight tend her injuries. "Ok now try to rest and recover" the drake said laying down with care the body and head of the pegasus. When she was in a comfortable position his eyes started to look the room turning around, ideas and thoughts about the situation of the group started to pass by, this was interrupted by the sound of bones going back to their place.  The cracking noice of her wing almost wounded the drake and he even decided to look away from her “there is no use of talking her out of this she is just too stubborn…” the dragon sighed but in a way was relaxed when he saw her back into her normal self.



“Well just the wing” were his thoughts as he started to consider the situation, “He has a point we are running low on our supplies and both the leader and the princess don’t look like making a move out of this” the drake said and moved to the “stairs” from where they came from the scent of the outside was close and the light of the day outside showed that the entrance wasn’t very far away. “I thought we were deeper into the castle but we are barely inside” he understood. He walked to the sleeping body of daylight while the others were still around Iron, placed him on the corner close to the stairs from where the came in a safe and natural position, the dragon emptied Daylight’s saddles and took a couple of items with the saddles and then moved up alone “Ill be back in short, before noon for sure, you all rest and recover ” he said and walked to the exit. He had a good idea of what he was doing and none of it had to do with fighting or leaving the group they just needed more resources.

Edited by Colt
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"First thing we need to do is tend to Iron. We'll need another pot of water to sterilize the bandages once again just in case we should still need them. With that in mind, the princess is the only one here with any sort of healing magic at this point,"


Alex caught mention of Ice Storm fully awake and giving the plan of today.  He looked over at Iron Wing curiously as he continued to eat his apple who was now awake as well.  Getting a pot of water would be a trivial thing for Alex to do.  He could always use the water in his canteen, but then he would risk having no water to drink and given how he drinks plenty of water during his days as a Pegasus Weather Patrol he'd think that would be a bad idea for him and the others.  He was the scout of the group and was certainly the best distraction against creatures that want to hurt them because of his personality and agility.


He was about to go fly outside in search of water until he saw that Colt had boiled a chunk of ice turning it into hot water.  He turned right back around to focus on Iron Wing, staying ready in case she needed additional assistance.  When Colt brought the pot over, Ice Storm took the bandages off and put them into the water in order to sterilize them.  As Alex looked on towards Iron Wing, he could immediately see one of the big weaknesses of having to wear heavy armor like that.  She was a tank which comes with the benefits of durability and endurance at the cost of mobility.  Alex never did like the idea of being weighed down by heavy objects and wanted to maximize his speed.


After waiting and watching Ice and Luna tend to Iron Wing while eating his first apple for a few minutes, the wounds on Iron Wing started to look fine and almost as if nothing happened to her.  By the time it was all done, Alex was finished with his apple.  He needed to throw it away somewhere outside of their little shelter.  Given how he can fly, he could just fastball it far away into the expanding trees of the Everfree Forest.




Alex winced at the sound of that and knew very well that it was the sound of bones cracking.  He looked towards where the sound was and deduced that it was Iron Wing cracking the bones in her injured wing.  He knew it had to be her wing for two reasons.  One being that he noticed that her left wing was injured when they found her again.  The second thing being that he experienced a similar wing injury himself when trying to take care of a rogue Thunder Cloud that was kicking up quite a windy storm, causing him to crash into a house.


Alex swiftly flew right next to Iron Wing's side, giving her a pat on the back.  "Atta girl, Iron Wing.  I knew you'd pull through.  You're too tough to go down seeing how you carry a mountain on your back like it's nothing."  Alex said to Iron Wing, trying to be optimistic for her.  Seeing that she was going to be fine for the most part, he decided to go ahead and take a seat with his finished apple.  He looked towards the others.  "I think I'm gonna get some fresh air and fastball this apple core deep into the woods.  Anypony wanna join?"  Alex said casually, although he was just anxious to get outside.  Seeing how that they were going to stay for awhile, he wanted to at least get outside or explore the rest of this place.  He never like being bored by sitting around thanks to his active lifestyle.  He looked towards Daylight who was still sleeping on the ground.  He felt a bit of sympathy for the unicorn.  He used up a lot of magic and stamina yesterday.  It's no wonder why he looks so tired.

  • Brohoof 1

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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