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open Mystery Across Ponyville RP


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/35273-mystery-across-ponyville-ooc/

Character - Game Maker - xremeidiot -Character - Firecracker - Danger Dashie -Character - Evening Crash - The Weapon -Character - Tacit Moon - Tacit Moon -Character - Draco O'mally - dragon4111 -Character - Shade - ~Muffin of Chaos~ -

Game Maker had been walking for miles. His destination: Ponyville. He had decided to move there from Manehattan for a nice change of pace. Finally, he caught sight of the town, and headed there with his saddlebag ready to be emptied at his new home. In the middle of town, he saw plenty of ponies going about their business. He happened to notice a few ponies who also seemed new to town...

  • Brohoof 2

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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Firecracker checked his map, he was outside of Ponyville. At last, he has returned to Ponyville after four years, he was actually wasn't new around here.


Firecracker was born and raised in Manehatten, then at the age of 15; moved on to Ponyville.

After five years of making fireworks for special events such as the Canterlot Wedding; at 20, he went away from Ponyville to a collage so he can study new techniques to make his Fireworks even more enjoyable; for four years. As he enter the town he left for four years, he almost felt new. Applejack bumped right into Firecraker after he was trotting around in circles trying to find his house.


"Sorry 'bout that" Firecracker said.


"Y'all new 'round here, partner?" Applejack questioned.


"No, it's just I've been away from here for so long, that for some strange reason; I forgot where I live......"


"I can show y'all 'round here, just let me know when y'all find your house."


"Thanks, I'm Firecracker"


"I'm Applejack, I sure do love makin' new friends."


Applejack gave Firecracker the grand tour around Ponyville after four years of being away from it,

When Firecracker finally saw his house, he thanked Applejack and went on to unlock his house;

he proceeded to put the keys in the keyhole of his house after being away from it for so long...


When the door opened, he went inside his house and closed the door behind him. He put his bags on the couch, then he than ran upstairs to his bedroom and went down on his bed. "Ahhhhhhh... after being away from my mansion for so long, it feels so comfortable here..." He planned on resting up a bit before unpacking all of his items he brought with him four years ago, and going outside for a while for some fresh air.

Edited by Danger Dashie
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Tacit moon awoke to the ringing of his alarm clock. Moon reaches over with his light purple hoof and turnes the alarm clock off.


”Sunup…” Moon said to himself. “The sun’s up.. get up.”


Moon sits up in his bed and lets out a yawn. He tiredly walks down his hallway rubbing his still sleeping eyes.


As he enters his kitchen, he reaches up and pulls the previous page off his calendar, exposing the new date. He walks over to the recycling bin and drops the paper in.


Moon spends the next few minutes making coffee and fixing breakfast. After he looks over the newspaper, he begins going through his daily checklist.


“Ok, let’s see.. fix the cabinet.. New cellar door handle….. Grocery day. Ohh…”


Moon looks over at his window.


“I guess I’m going to the market today!”


After finishing a few “every day” chores that were on moons list, make the bed, sweep the house, dust the book shelves, Clean the windows, Water the plants, Trim the bushes, Balance his checkbook, Plan for tomorrow, Ect, ect.. Moon packs up his saddlebag with some money and a few lists of things that he needed to get, and leaves his small tree cottage bound for the Ponyville market!


It wasn’t a long walk to the market. He was only a few minutes outside Ponyville. He happily trotts along until he reaches his destination. There were plenty of ponies around going about their business.


He even saw a few ponies he knew. Mayor Mare was happily walking down the street, admiring her fair town. Derpy was over at one of the many doors along the street, Trying to shove a newspaper through the small mail slot.


Moon also noticed Applejack showing another pony around.


Reaching into his saddle bag, he pulls out his first list. Entitled. “ THINGS TO GET AT THE MARKET”


He looks over his list for a moment and glances up across the town.




Just as Moon spies the celery stand and smiles, a small gust of wind tears the small paper from his hoof. It bobs and weaves its way down the street with Moon quickly, (but somewhat clumsily) chasing after it.


“W-Wait!.. Come back!!”

Edited by Tacit Moon
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Evening Crash carefully surveyed the road into Ponyville proper. After confirming her new job at the Lucky Stars store and restaraunt, she happily jumped down the road, fluttering her sort-of-butterfly-wings for the fun of it, much to the confusion of the few ponies wandering the road, some of which probably had thoughts of the 'Ponyville isn't quite normal anymore' kind.


Eve was a quite odd young unicorn with butterfly wings that were magically added on during one of the greatest recorded spell failures since the Nightmare Moon Incident. Don't worry, the doctors are SURE they're nonharmful. Just a bit of pegasus magic added in the mix. Unfortunately, it expanded her talent for failing spells... Spectacularly.


Noting the ponies wandering normally around the market, Eve decided to do something random.


She checked her map of Ponyville, checked the distance from Rarity's boutique to Derpy's current location, and laughed evilly.


And of course, noticed a cute little piece of paper fluttering through the air, being chased by a pegasus.


"MINE!" Eve shouted, and attempted to fire a telekinesis spell to grab the list.


She failed, and ended up launching herself several feet towards the paper. Considering it a relative victory, Eve galloped at full speed in an attempt to grasp the paper. Considering her inability to handle basic telekinesis without atleast average spellcasting focus, while being a unicorn with wings galloping down the street at full speed periodically leaping, trying to grap a piece of paper also being chased by a pegasus, does not lend itself to normality easily.


In Rarity's boutique, somewhere else in Ponyville, Rarity impromptu facehoofed, much to the confusion of Sweetie Belle and the discomfort of Opal.


Opal's inquisitive look provoked an answer from Rarity.


"No worries dear, I just remembered I have to finish the last details on this dress' companion accessories before Pinkie's party." Rarity quickly replied, carefully adjusting the final decorative floral print bands on the hat and mask in question.

Edited by The Weapon
  • Brohoof 2

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Draco flew through Ponyville quickly as he making quite afew deliveries."AH CRIPES I'M LATE"Draco said as he sped up to Rarity's boutique with a shippment a a fire ruby which Draco had 'negotiated' aka threaten them witha make believe dragon story. Draco impacted on her door quite hard leaving an imprint.Draco peeled himself off painfully and saw the imprint and said slightly to himself"that's coming out of my paycheck"Draco then said aloud"Miss Rarity it's the O'mally Delivery Services,"Draco live in Ponyville for a week now and but never got to know anypony. He waited for her to open the door as he brought out the package, then pulled off two talismens which unshrunk the package and the durablity talismen which made the same packagewithstand high impacts. Draco pulled out a notepadand cleared his voice so that he can use his ventriliquism to cominucate with his costumers.

Edited by dragon4111
  • Brohoof 3

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Subconsciously making a note to get her door reinforced so the next thing to bash into it would not cause any damage, Rarity trotted to the severely dented door, opened it, and said hello to the deliveryman.


"Oh good, I see you've brought my package. I was hoping that It'd get here before my next dragon visit; I should have gotten a few good gems for Spike's snack if he comes over."


Rarity casually levitated a pen and made sure that the cash register was in telekinetic range. She signed the confirmation letters and stuff like that for payment of the larger fire rubies from another part of Equestria which she had ordered shipped ASAP by O'Malley Delivery Services, then hoofed over a few bits as a tip in exchange for her package.



She then retreated inside with intent to finish off the hat with a fire ruby right next to the flameproofed cloth flower. She gently shut the door behind her, still frazzled from all the outfits she'd done so she could stay far enough ahead of schedule to go to Pinkie Pie's next party.


Meanwhile, Evening Crash had eventully hit enough obstacles to slow down her pursuit of the list, and foused immensely on telekinesis.


She managed to halt the escape of the list, levitated it towards herself, then promptly pounced on it.


"Victory!" Eve said happily. "Hey, this isn't a secret message, this is just a grocery list! Is this yours?" Eve gently hoofed the letter over to the pegasus.

Edited by The Weapon
  • Brohoof 1

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Moon awkwardly skidded to a halt. In front of the white Pegasus. Or.. unicorn…


Moons eyes were glued to the other ponies wings as he took the paper from her hoof.


He stared in silence for just a moment, before he realized how rude he was being. His eyes flew down to the ground.


“oh. Uh.. Thanks! I mean, Sorry.. I was just..


Moon mentally smacked himself in the face.


“Moon... uh.. Is me. I mean.. my name is moon.”


(That was a little better) Moon thought to himself.


Moon was curious about the strange wings of the other pony, but decided that she might by shy or self-conscious about them and didn’t want to offend her or hurt her feelings.


“Thanks for saving my list!”

Edited by Tacit Moon
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Draco looked at the bits slightly"well I'll just consider this a generous tip then"Draco said to himself this a tip then because they already paid for my services when they ordered from his delivery services. He traveled all over equestria and then some and noticed two ponies in the road one had butterfly wings, then draco looked at the other and he could see the signs of awkwardness coming in so he walked over casually to hear what was going on.

  • Brohoof 2

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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After resting up a bit for 30 minutes he used his magic to grab everything out of his saddlebags and place everything where it was supposed to be "Perfect..." he said.


As he promised himself, Firecracker went outside for a while; not much had changed since he came back, he walked past Rarity's Boutique and saw an awkward looking Pegasus who was red-colored, delivering something outside her door. He also noticed another Pegasus, this time; purple-colored chasing after some random piece of paper, as the scene goes by he sees yet, another Pegasus...? Or wait... was it a Unicorn? Catch it. He turned around his body a couple of degrees and he even noticed a Earth Pony who looked new here...


"Hello sir, you new around here?" Firecracker said as he walked up to him...


Applejack was heading straight back to Sweet Apple Acres, she needed to collect the remaining amount of apples that were at a small patch of trees and then she'd be done for the day, and just in time for Pinkie's party that she had been invited to; as usual.

Edited by Danger Dashie
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"Oh, yeah. Hello. Um, I can't help but notice that some ponies are holding party decorations. Something goin' on?" Game Maker asked.


Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle was cutting out small rectangles in large rolls of confetti paper, since Rarity still had some orders to fill. "This is so exciting! It seems like only yesterday I was the new pony on the block! And it's not just one new pony, it's several! I wonder how Pinkie plans to get them all here for the party?" "Beats me. I've heard some weird things about these ponies though. But I guess that won't be much of a problem here." Twilight's assistant, Spike, responded. "Ugh, please don't say stuff like that in front of them, Spike..."


(OOC How do I change to private?)

Edited by xremeidiot
  • Brohoof 2

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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(OOC:edit the first ever post)

Draco pulled out his pocket watch"AW CRIPES I'm LATE LATE I'M LATE CAN'T STOP NOW I'M LATE"Draco yelled while qwuickly flying into the air like a manticore was on his tail. He flew towards the library "oh this is gonna hurt"Draco rammed into the side of the trree pretty hard.He said slightly concussed"ouch yeah I think this is where miss sparkle lives let's see she ordered the Starswirl the Bearded's defense against the dark arts volllum 40 that's quite a rare find but I found it"Draco knocked on her door.

  • Brohoof 2

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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(OOC: Got into contact w/ darty on other forum. He may not be able to get on as much due to hurricane. :( Also, Eve's wings are not very strong butterfly wings, so she can fly at about pre-flight Scootaloo ability normally.)


Evening decided to visit the library in hopes of finding Twilight Sparkle, or possibly information on the origins of Princess Celestia's crown. She wasn't quite sure. She bolted for the tree library, completely ignoring everything except to get around it if it was in the way, occasionally flapping her wings to move faster.


She tripped on a rock and fell over. Flapping her wings furiously, she managed to right herself with some effort. Randomly, she mused aloud.


"I wonder... If Celestia has a school for gifted unicorns, do Luna and Cadence have schools for gifted pegasi and earth ponies? Or does Celestia do them all? I need to find out someday..."


She then trotted up to the front door of the library, and waited for the delivery pegasus to move.


Meanwhile, Rarity had left her boutique and headed to the library, and noticed the unusual... Unicorn? Pegasus? Flutterpony unicorn? (She'd need to ask Fluttershy and Twilight about that sometime) Dare she say it... Alicorn?


She settled for Unicorn-with-wings-but-not-quite-Alicorn, and followed the strange winged unicorn to the door. Rarity then noticed the delivery pegasus at the door, who she had generously tipped only a few minutes prior.

Edited by The Weapon
  • Brohoof 1

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Ok. Moon thought as he made his way down the street, his saddle bags nearly full. Only a few more stops to go. All I need now are some quills, then I’ll grab some muffins from sugar cube corner..



This had been a pretty good day so far for Moon. The weather ponies had done a splendid job with the sky, He almost had everything on his list, and he’d even meet a very nice pony earlier that helped him find his list when it had blown away.


Moon headed into the quills and sofas store, only having to stop once to rearrange some misplaced items on a shelf, he paid for his quills and made his way down to sugar cube corner for the last item.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Oh, yeah. Hello. Um, I can't help but notice that some ponies are holding party decorations. Something goin' on?" Game Maker asked.



"I don't know what the heck's going on here ever since I came back..."


Firecracker then went over to where Tacit Moon and Evening Crash were and asked them the same question, he also unknowingly broke the 4th wall by telling them when Season 3 is going to start...

  • Brohoof 2
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"I have no idea!" Evening shouted, then screamed momentarily as her mind shifted.


"Keep the fourth wall available for Pinkie to break, please. We are not the Roblox spy. Doctress out." Evening said in an unusually monotone and flat voice, as if she was relaying a message from forces beyond everypony's ken blah blah.


Evening blinked repeatedly, refocusing her eyes and shaking her head.


"Oh, did I just say something random? Sorry, I do that. Doctors say it's some form of overload tapping into the massive amounts of magic related to the world. No clue why though. But regardless, I heard that somepony was setting up something, but I didn't here exactly what. I bet it's a party." she finished normally.

  • Brohoof 2

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Moon stared at the two ponies for a moment without answering.




“What walls are you two talking…”




Moon stopped a moment and reconsidered asking his question..




“Uhh.. Anyways.. I’m not sure what anypony is setting up. I don’t really go to parties.”




These ponies were a little weird. But seemed pretty nice.


“I’m heading down to sugar cube corner, Maybe some pony there knows about it. They do cater most of the parties here.”

Edited by Tacit Moon
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Twilight opened the door. "Oh, thank you. Here you go." She paid the courier for the book and his hard work. Spike looked past her at the pony with the strange wings. He certainly was right about the new ponies being strange. He also noticed the courier was slightly tall and langly.

  • Brohoof 1

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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Draco looked at the baby dragon"What never saw a tall pegasus stallion like me little guy"Draco said jokingly as he started to see two of the dragon"I think I have a concussion"Draco said"Because I'm seeing two of you"Draco said as he went to sit down and bandage himself.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Meanwhile, Evening Crash and Rarity both entered the library. Evening Crash spotaneously decided to look very closely at a discarded piece of confetti, then looked up, and observed the room very carefully, catching lots of random details. Party decorations were in progress around the front room of the tree.


"I sense a party coming on." Evening said simply, then decided to try and stare down a random patch of wall for all of 2 seconds before swiveling around to view what was going on again.


(OOC: What do I put? Need definition here.)

  • Brohoof 1

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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"What did I just say there?" Firecracker said to himself confusingly...


Firecracker decided to follow Tacit Moon, since he was bored and had nothing to do. "Hey there, can I hang out with you for a while, it's just I'm bored and I got nothing else to do..."


Applejack has started to head back to Ponyville, she was done for the day with time to spare and in time for Pinkie's Party, when she got to the center, she saw a couple of strange looking ponies, including an awkward looking Pegasus. "I'm startin' to wonder, is there sumthin' goin' on in Ponyville?" Applejack said to herself, she decided to go to Twilight's so Applejack can check to see what's going here in Ponyville. On the way, she saw the Teal-colored Unicorn that she showed him around an hour ago, he was also with a Purple (looks more Navy Blue) Pegasus. When Applejack got to Twilight's place, she knocked on her door, and she went in, she saw a Pegasus or a Unicorn or whatever the heck that thing was, along with Rarity and Twilight "Howdy, y'all! I'm startin' to wonder, what's goin' on 'round here?"


(OOC: Am I doing fine with Applejack's accent? I just want your feedback.)

Edited by Danger Dashie
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As Moon and Firecracker walked down to SugerCube corner, Moon told him about how he was an inventor that lived just outside of ponyville. And that he didn’t really go to parties because he always had a lot of work to do..




“ I guess that I don’t have a TON of work to do… I guess I kind of get…. Uh…. Well. Most of the time I just tend to.. I take a long time with things some times because… ”


Moon stopped for a moment to think about what he wanted to say… then mentally facehoofed…


“I sometimes over think things…”


The two suddenly found themselves in front of Sugarcube corner.


“Great.” Moon said with a smile as he held the door open for firecracker.


“Maybe someone here will know about the party.”


Moon walked up to the counter, and range the little bell with a smile.

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Firecracker explained his backstory to Tacit Moon as they walked over to Sugarcube Corner, when they got to Sugarcube Corner, when Moon held the door open for him, Firecracker dashed inside "Dear Celestia, I'm acting like young colt..." Firecracker thought to himself. Moon came up right behind him and watched as he went up to the counter and rang the bell to get his order and see if they can find out what's going on around here...
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Draco walked to Sugarcube Corner slowly he walked in quickly to order a cup of coffee"You know my order Mr. Cake I'll be over here healing and being grumpy"Draco said jokingly as he sat doiwn in a chair slowly missing the other ponies as he looked around slowly."hmm?"Draco noticed an invite infront of him.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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  • 2 weeks later...

What SkyeRibbon had originally deduced as a peaceful day was slowly beginning to deteriorate as many ponies began to seep into Sugar Cube Corner. She had even managed to shake off Pinkie Pie for a few blissfully quiet moments. She sighed, swirling the tip of her hoof in her coffee, knowing that her peace and quiet would soon be over, and she would have to return to her wedding planning. "Mrs Cake, can i have my bill?" she sofly called, hesitant about leaving.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Eve suddenly suffered a bout of neurotic paranoia and freaked out. She bolted for her life out of the library and ran straight for Sugarcube Corner, screaming all the while. She crashed into a tree, and rolled over to see Pinkie Pie nearby.


"HI THERE PINK PONY!" Eve shouted, energetically waving her hoof trying to attract her attention, earlier paranoia forgotten.


(OOC: Sorry for the godmoddish finding, but I kinda had to move this along.)

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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