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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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She looked over at Vinyl who had watched all of this in a state of shock. She gave her an apologetic expression and snuggled under the covers.


"What are you doing here? How did you find?"


She felt cold...she felt empty. All she wanted to do was disappear. She came here to learn control and yet it seemed she couldn't even be around other ponies without losing control. She had full memory now of what happened that night..the things Nightfall did in his lust and Parso did in his drugged state. She thought of the thing she let them do to her, wanted them to do to her and yet now, after the potion had left her system, she just wanted to be sick. She knew, from when she was in her out of control state, that she was pregnant. Her hoof moved to her belly and she began to cry all over again.


"Whirlwind....theres something you need to know."

(wait Vinyl was in the room :/ ........)

Whirlwind helped Obsidian get under her covers, it was still chillie and Whirlwind was cold, he didn't care.


"What are you doing here? How did you find?" asked Obsidian, Whirlwind just smiled "I got enrolled here on a Athletics scholarship" he replied as he tooked the over her and sat next to the bed, he rely didn't want to leave her side for a second.


"Whirlwind....there something i need you to know" cried Obsidian but Whirlwind was quick to put his arms around her and wipe her tears, he smiled " its ok, you can tell me in the morning its been a big day and you need you're rest"

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(wait Vinyl was in the room :/ ........)

Whirlwind helped Obsidian get under her covers, it was still chillie and Whirlwind was cold, he didn't care.


"What are you doing here? How did you find?" asked Obsidian, Whirlwind just smiled "I got enrolled here on a Athletics scholarship" he replied as he tooked the over her and sat next to the bed, he rely didn't want to leave her side for a second.


"Whirlwind....there something i need you to know" cried Obsidian but Whirlwind was quick to put his arms around her and wipe her tears, he smiled " its ok, you can tell me in the morning its been a big day and you need you're rest"

She had seen too many secrets get exposed unintentionally by third parties. He was being so nice to her and he didn't want that to change but she couldn't accept his kindness under false pretenses, so she told him everything..the spiked punch, what happened to her and Vinyl, Vinyl invited a 4 pony to join and her resulting pregnancy. She even told him what she did to Nightfall for his part in it.


"Y-y..you must be so ashamed of me..."

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Whirlwind sat there in shock of what Obsidian was telling him and all he could think of was making the ponys who used her pay, no wonder Obsidian was in this kind of state.

but after all she had told him including the fact she was pregnant he didn't flinch, he grabbed Obsidian and hug her, "it's ok, none this was you're fault, I could never be ashamed of you, I wish I could have just found you sooner"

Edited by PonyEcho
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Rockshire emerged from under the bed, coughing a little. "I think I might've swallowed a dust bunny or two, *cough* *cough*.", she said, as she went in to the bathroom.


About 10 minutes later, she came out with a towel around her mane, clean and fresh. "Thanks again for letting me use the shower. It feels good to get off all the filth." She removed the towel to reveal an unusually straight out orange mane. 


"So, I don't have any classes today. Thank Celestia for THAT schedule... Maybe later tonight, you and me co--" Immediately, she dropped to the floor, holding her side. The broken ribs weren't fully healed, as she tried to endure the pain. A tear formed form her eye.


Dogboots quickly rushed to her side trying to hold her up. She was still wet from the shower but the stallion led her to the other mattress where his former roommate slept. "Here, this should relieve the pain a bit." He said as he poured the last couple of pills in Rockshire's hoof. "She needs them more than I do. Besides, I can fight through the pain." He thought to himself reassuringly. It wasn't the worst injury he's suffered so it was a plus for him.

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Dogboots quickly rushed to her side trying to hold her up. She was still wet from the shower but the stallion led her to the other mattress where his former roommate slept. "Here, this should relieve the pain a bit." He said as he poured the last couple of pills in Rockshire's hoof. "She needs them more than I do. Besides, I can fight through the pain." He thought to himself reassuringly. It wasn't the worst injury he's suffered so it was a plus for him.

Rockshire immediately downed the pills and swallowed. She didn't care what they were or anything. She needed this pain to just go away.


"Th-thanks, honey..." Wait. Did she just call him 'honey'? Was she actually getting WAY too much with this affair? She wanted him, but she also wanted Star as well.... Affairs are so great, aren't they?

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Rockshire immediately downed the pills and swallowed. She didn't care what they were or anything. She needed this pain to just go away.


"Th-thanks, honey..." Wait. Did she just call him 'honey'? Was she actually getting WAY too much with this affair? She wanted him, but she also wanted Star as well.... Affairs are so great, aren't they?


Dogboots eyebrows raised in surprise after hearing Rockshire call him, "honey". "Another thing I will never get used." The stallion thought to himself as he got up. "Just laid down for a bit and let your ribs rest. I'm going to get my shower over with. Once I get done i'll try to see if I can whip up something for Breakfast." He said to Rockshire as he approached the bathroom. 


As soon as he shut the door behind him he took off the hospital gown and entered the shower. As soon as he turned on the water he had forgotten to let it run but he disregarded the cold water. He was used to it and any shower was better than no shower. He stood in there just reeling from what happened. "Let's recap shall we? We injure Rockshire to get her out of a love potion, We end up kissing after the argument with Star, get teleported to a rose garden and bucking and now being called honey. Does she love me? or is this a casual fling?" Dogboots thought to himself as he stared at the drain in wonder. He quickly washed himself and as soon as he got out he found out that Rockshire had used his only towel. "Once I get dressed, i'll make us some breakfast. I must warn you, I don't have a lot of ingredients to cook with." He said as he looked for his spare uniform. Dogboots was drenched from the shower to the point where his mane was obscuring his vision a little bit. "Gah! where did I put it?" He said out loud trying to remember what he did with his spare set of clothes.

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Whirlwind remained at Obsidian's bed side as she was resting and regaining her strength. "i'm not gona let anything happen to you ever again" he said under own breath before grabbing at his side which was still bruised a bit from being slammed against the wall, but it didn't rely bother him that much and he's defiantly been though worse.  


"bbbbbrrrrr it freezing in here " he said to him self and he grabbed the cover from the other bed "you could do with another layer to keep you warm" he said as he placed it over Obsidian.

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Obsidian stirred in uneasy dreams. She dreamed of everything bad she did and mostly dreamed of Nightfall. She figured he wished they had never met but to be fair, everything was cause and effect. She didn't mean to run into him. She didn't ask for him to leave out the part of him having a thing for Lovely. She didn't even want to go to the stupid Dance and she sure as hell didn't want a 4 way sex romp. She told everypony she was unstable.


She was cold and the extra blanket helped. Through it all she was glad in the deepest part of her mind to have someone at her side.

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Dogboots eyebrows raised in surprise after hearing Rockshire call him, "honey". "Another thing I will never get used." The stallion thought to himself as he got up. "Just laid down for a bit and let your ribs rest. I'm going to get my shower over with. Once I get done i'll try to see if I can whip up something for Breakfast." He said to Rockshire as he approached the bathroom. 


As soon as he shut the door behind him he took off the hospital gown and entered the shower. As soon as he turned on the water he had forgotten to let it run but he disregarded the cold water. He was used to it and any shower was better than no shower. He stood in there just reeling from what happened. "Let's recap shall we? We injure Rockshire to get her out of a love potion, We end up kissing after the argument with Star, get teleported to a rose garden and bucking and now being called honey. Does she love me? or is this a casual fling?" Dogboots thought to himself as he stared at the drain in wonder. He quickly washed himself and as soon as he got out he found out that Rockshire had used his only towel. "Once I get dressed, i'll make us some breakfast. I must warn you, I don't have a lot of ingredients to cook with." He said as he looked for his spare uniform. Dogboots was drenched from the shower to the point where his mane was obscuring his vision a little bit. "Gah! where did I put it?" He said out loud trying to remember what he did with his spare set of clothes.


"A-actually, it's fine... I need to head back to my dorm anyways... Star must be worried... And what am I going to tell Obsidian? Ohhh, this is bad to explain. Here, I'll text you later." Rockshire writes her number down, gives it to Dogboots, kisses him on the cheek, and teleports out of his room.


She didn't teleport to her room... She was in a hallway of the dorm. She needed to talk with some pony.But who? Any stallions would spread word... Obsidian was probably still freaked out... Who else?


Vinyl! Of course! She walked to Vinyl's door, knocking on it. "Vinyl? Are... you in here?"

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And with that, she was gone. Dogboots was all that occupied the dorm room. "Huh. Well, that happened. Oh well, more spam for me!" He thought as he shrugged off what just happened. He dug through his pack before finding his spare uniform. It was still a little difficult for the stallion to get it on as he wasn't even dry from his shower. "Obsidian. Is she that alicorn that caught me and Rockshire? She was also with that other alicorn. What was his name? Nightfall? Whatever. I need to get some info about her. Guess its time to go through the school records again! But first, it's spam time !" The earth pony thought as he grabbed a can of spam from the mini-fridge. He cracked open the can and soon a well rounded slap of processed meat fell onto the plate. It didn't take long for preparation as he inserted the simple meal in the microwave. After a few minutes the only thing that remained on the plate were the heated juices of the meat. Soon the stallion grabbed Rockshire's number and made his way out towards the school.


"Now then, let's see what we have here." He said as he was in the janitor closet with the alicorn's record. The stallion opened the file and was filled with surprise. "Woah! This is a first. I've never seen so many redacted censors in a file. All that's here is her name, species, gender and dorm room. Everything else is completely censored. Whoever she is, she's got a history. One that needs to be covered up by the higher ups in Canterlot. I'm guessing her psyche profile is the sam- eeyup. Damn, all the pages are redacted. However with this many pages i'm guessing she also has issues. None of my business but still. She caught me and Rockshire. Can I trust her? Can Rockshire trust her to keep it?" The janitor thought in silence in the dark room. The only noise that filled it was the small radio that was tuned to his favorite station

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Bored. Very bored. Star had pretty much given up hope of apologizing to everypony and giving them humorous greeting cards after he found out that Nightfall had been transferred to intensive care in Canterlot Central. His breakfast was lack luster and the morning overcast wasn't helping his mood. It's times like this where one reflects over the series of events that led to this moment. Of more importance was interpreting Celestia's cryptic talk of purpose. What purpose? Was he doomed to a destiny of ruining ponies lives?


Star Keeper took out the letter he had received months ago, the letter of acceptance from Canterlot College. Celestia's intentions were murky at best, always hidden behind intricate text. Even a code cracker such as Star couldn't fully understand what she spoke of. What role did he have to play here? He took one last look at the letter before screwing it in a ball and tossing it behind him. He'd had enough of this charade and just wanted to end his year on a higher note.


He had to take his mind off of it, something else. What about how Dogboots was acting odd early this morning? The tell tale signs of lying were written across his face, although he did admire him for his ability to hide many of these behind his relaxed tone. Either way he wasn't telling the whole truth, something about this mare he's courted, if it is even a mare.


No, just drop it now. Focus on one thing at a time. We have to find Rockshire. Dogboots said she headed off somewhere after she teleported them away. This begets the question; why did they teleport away? Where did they go? Where did they go afterwards? The only place to start looking was at her dorm, but that was out of the question as of current issues. Then again, Vinyl and Obsidian are the only ones in the room at the time when they teleported away. If anypony has any clue where Shire is it's them. Well, back up to the dorm I go.

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Vinyl watched the scene unfold in front of her. After Obsidian eventually fell into an uneasy slumber, Vinyl started to think of how this all started. She tried to blame someone else, as is our natural instinct. First, she blamed Nightfall. He was the one who pissed her off so bad, she nearly killed him and... come to think of it, he had pissed her off every single time she saw him. She then moved onto Star. He poured the love potion into the punch, in turn causing them to have a four-way and get pregnant. (Vinyl basically knew she was pregnant too. With the amount of male bodily fluids saturating her body that night, there was no questioning it.) In the end, she could only blame herself. She had brought Obsidian into this relationship. She had brought her to the dance. She was the one to really cause the four-way. She could only be mad at herself. On the other hand, Vinyl wanted to help Obsidian control herself. She also needed Obsidian to tame her. Without her, Vinyl would most likely go crawling back to Eris or even go selling herself out. They needed each other. Or at least, Vinyl needed her. Obsidian could probably get help somewhere else, but Vinyl, she needed her.


Vinyl laid down and stared blankly at the ceiling. She felt like her life would be empty and meaningless and that she would only make things worse for the mare she loved. Her phone vibrated on the nightstand.


"Hey... I'm in the main Canterlot hospital.. I'll be frank, I want to see Obsidian. Just tell her to come over, no matter her state, pissed or not. There have been rumors going around that someone tried to kill an alicorn. I've rejected the news, and all I want is her. Just tell her this. I don't want her to get into any more trouble... I've already gotten her into enough, and I want to help her out of it."

In her frustration, she sent a text back. "Look Nightfall, you need to move on. She hates you and doesn't need you in her life. And neither do I. We will take care of the foal together and you will stay out of our lives. Figure out your own life before you try to make yourself a part of someone else's."


Vinyl didn't know what to do from here. A flurry of emotions and thoughts were flying through her head. She contemplated going to the pub and drinking away her feelings, but she figured it would be best to just try to keep a level head and just sleep. She walked over to the other bed and kissed Obsidian goodnight, then lied back down and fell asleep.

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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2 days after Parso left campus for a getaway, front page headlines were being posted all over Equestria.

College Student Reported Missing, Presumed Dead

'Canterlot College student Parso Incendiare has been confirmed missing and presumed dead. The young stallion was on a group expedition to the Hoof Islands where he disappeared during the night. Searches have been underway, yet still no sign of him. Tour guide Far Trek states "Mr Incendiare kept to himself apart from saying that he was going back for the mare he loved, I think he said her name was Cherished" miss Cherished if you are reading this, we at United Equestria Paper are sorry for your loss'

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"Vinyl? Vinyl???", Rockshire kept asking, but she still couldn't get a response back. She only sighed and walked back to her room. The one mare that she thought she could trust, and she wasn't even here... Great.

She walked into her room, and laid down in her bed, looking at the wall. Did she have to continue with this affair? She probably couldn't keep it for long, that's for sure... But, she wanted a trustworthy friend with her... A few tears started to form in her eyes. The pain from her ribs was starting to diminish thanks to those painkillers of Dogboots.

That's it. She needed to tell her. Rockshire grabbed her phone, and went to text Obsidian.

"Hey, I really need somepony to talk to... It's pretty important. I'm in our room. I tried to get Vinyl earlier, but I couldn't hear her from her room."



Edited by Rockshire
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A buzz on his phone made him wake up. He looked and saw a text from Vinyl.

"Look Nightfall, you need to move on. She hates you and doesn't need you in her life. And neither do I. We will take care of the foal together and you will stay out of our lives. Figure out your own life before you try to make yourself a part of someone else's."


"Right... Ok... So... Great... I'm basically lost on funds, and I've failed. Twice. At least it seems I've hit the bottom, which means things only go up... Ok, so, I better not really talk to them..."

He would have muttered to himself more, but didn't quite feel so good.

"You had your chance to learn, Nightfall. And you know what? You blew-"

"I know I blew it! Why do you think I'm here in this hospital?!"

He sighed and tried sitting up. He felt a wave of pain, and thought the doctors should have done some magic healing on him while he was asleep. He was confused, but wide awake...

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"Dogboots! you copy over?" A voice cracked over the radio. Dogboots woke up from his nap as he glanced at the time. He wasn't out for long but still there wasn't much to be done. "This is Dogboots, over." The exhausted janitor replied as he stretched his hooves out. "What the hell happened to you last night? We heard that you had to go to the hospital. Should you even be working?" The concerned security stallion said as Dogboots was holding his head in pain. "It's a long story and don't worry about it. If I can stand and move, then I can work. So what do you need? over." He replied over the radio as he was straightening up the closet. "The dean wants you to go visit a student in some ICU. Apparently he got injured and thrown out of the 3rd floor window at Blueblood Hospital. The Canterlot Police tried talking to him but they're not getting anything out of him. So, we're to work with them in this little joint effort. According to eyewitness reports there were two mares who were seen on the same floor that he was thrown out of. Once they're ID'd they're going to be taken in for questioning. Any questions?" The security stallion said over the radio. Dogboots had a rough idea of who it was but he needed to be sure. "Who's the injured student?" The concerned janitor asked into the radio. "An alicorn named Nightfall." The voice said over the radio as Dogboots sat there in shock. He didn't know Nightfall personally but he could sympathize with him in one way or another. "Alright, i'm on my way." He said as he got up from his seat. He threw obsidian's file into his pack and made his way to the ICU.


The walk there was long but uneventful for Dogboots. His mind had been on Rockshire throughout the entire duration of his travel. "Damn, I can't get her out of my head. Try thinking of something else...nothing. Still on Rockshire. Should we go out sometime? Where would I take her? Can't take her to the pub. We'd be stared at all day and I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. How bout doing what she wants? That could work but eventually she might want to do something that I want. Gah! why do relationships have to be so complicated! Heh, look at me. I barely know anything about them and i'm already calling it complicated. I am so naive when it comes to this." The stallion thought to himself as he approached the receptionist. "Hello, i'm with Canterlot College, security division and i'm here to see Nightfall. I have some questions that I need to ask him. Is this a good time?" The stallion asked as he flashed his identification to the receptionist. "You sure can, i'll have one of the nurses escort you to his room." The receptionist said as she soon picked up the phone and called for one of the nurses. It wasn't long before he was approached by one and was told to follow her. The walk to his room wasn't long but it was dull for Dogboots. The pair stopped in front of the door to the alicorn's room and the nurse soon left him there as well. It was more than likely that she had other things to do and so did he. Dogboots entered the injured alicorn's room and soon closed the door behind him. He was taken aback by what he saw. Nightfall wasn't just injured physically but mentally as well. He knew that feeling all too well. Nightfall reminded him of himself long ago. Broken, both physically and mentally. "You look like you've hit rock bottom." The stallion said to the injured Nightfall. He wondered if he would acknowledge him at all. He knew that when you hit rock bottom, the only person that you acknowledge is yourself.

Edited by thor9356
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"Dogboots! you copy over?" A voice cracked over the radio. Dogboots woke up from his nap as he glanced at the time. He wasn't out for long but still there wasn't much to be done. "This is Dogboots, over." The exhausted janitor replied as he stretched his hooves out. "What the hell happened to you last night? We heard that you had to go to the hospital. Should you even be working?" The concerned security stallion said as Dogboots was holding his head in pain. "It's a long story and don't worry about it. If I can stand and move, then I can work. So what do you need? over." He replied over the radio as he was straightening up the closet. "The dean wants you to go visit a student in some ICU. Apparently he got injured and thrown out of the 3rd floor window at Blueblood Hospital. The Canterlot Police tried talking to him but they're not getting anything out of him. So, we're to work with them in this little joint effort. According to eyewitness reports there were two mares who were seen on the same floor that he was thrown out of. Once they're ID'd they're going to be taken in for questioning. Any questions?" The security stallion said over the radio. Dogboots had a rough idea of who it was but he needed to be sure. "Who's the injured student?" The concerned janitor asked into the radio. "An alicorn named Nightfall." The voice said over the radio as Dogboots sat there in shock. He didn't know Nightfall personally but he could sympathize with him in one way or another. "Alright, i'm on my way." He said as he got up from his seat. He threw obsidian's file into his pack and made his way to the ICU.


The walk there was long but uneventful for Dogboots. His mind had been on Rockshire throughout the entire duration of his travel. "Damn, I can't get her out of my head. Try thinking of something else...nothing. Still on Rockshire. Should we go out sometime? Where would I take her? Can't take her to the pub. We'd be stared at all day and I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. How bout doing what she wants? That could work but eventually she might want to do something that I want. Gah! why do relationships have to be so complicated! Heh, look at me. I barely know anything about them and i'm already calling it complicated. I am so naive when it comes to this." The stallion thought to himself as he approached the receptionist. "Hello, i'm with Canterlot College, security division and i'm here to see Nightfall. I have some questions that I need to ask him. Is this a good time?" The stallion asked as he flashed his identification to the receptionist. "You sure can, i'll have one of the nurses escort you to his room." The receptionist said as she soon picked up the phone and called for one of the nurses. It wasn't long before he was approached by one and was told to follow her. The walk to his room wasn't long but it was dull for Dogboots. The pair stopped in front of the door to the alicorn's room and the nurse soon left him there as well. It was more than likely that she had other things to do and so did he. Dogboots entered the injured alicorn's room and soon closed the door behind him. He was taken aback by what he saw. Nightfall wasn't just injured physically but mentally as well. He knew that feeling all too well. Nightfall reminded him of himself long ago. Broken, both physically and mentally. "You look like you've hit rock bottom." The stallion said to the injured Nightfall. He wondered if he would acknowledge him at all. He knew that when you hit rock bottom, the only person that you acknowledge is yourself.


Nightfall noticed someone in the room, and heard them say something about hitting rock bottom. It was true, that was how he felt. He turned his head, painfully, and looked at the pony. It was a stallion in... a security uniform. But before he spoke, Nightfall noticed it was a Canterlot College security uniform.

"So they're using the college security because they can't get anything out of me..?"

He sighed.

"Fine. You want something from me? Well, I can tell you it was my fault... always my fault. There. I will give names, but only if you promise not to let this case go any further."

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Nightfall noticed someone in the room, and heard them say something about hitting rock bottom. It was true, that was how he felt. He turned his head, painfully, and looked at the pony. It was a stallion in... a security uniform. But before he spoke, Nightfall noticed it was a Canterlot College security uniform.

"So they're using the college security because they can't get anything out of me..?"

He sighed.

"Fine. You want something from me? Well, I can tell you it was my fault... always my fault. There. I will give names, but only if you promise not to let this case go any further."


"The names I would appreciate and I will promise you this. The case will not go any further. In fact, i'll end it for you. All I have to do is make a few calls and i'll have Canterlot Police on a wild goose chase. Before long they'll probably give up and make it a cold case. Sound good?" Dogboots said as he paced around the room. He stared at the alicorn as if it was like looking at his past self. He grinned thinking back on the past.

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Obsidian Slept in a very uneasy sleep with Whirlwind close by. At some point she knew Vinyl had been close to her, had touched her, kissed her. It felt good. Vinyl and her needed each other. She knew that, but the more things went on the more they felt like sisters....well...step sisters with no relation. She loved Vinyl and she wasn;t about to give up on her, but now here was Whirlwind. He was a blast from the past despite everything and he made her feel safe. Was she feeling something for him? She couldn't tell, but...hey wait...

Why was Rockshire kissing that freaky looking pony earlier. Isn't she with somepony else?


Her phone vibrated and she struggled to find it. When she did she read it to herself and deleted the message. She needed to get to Rockshire, but she hurt so bad. She texted a message back saying should would be there in about an hour.


She laid back down next to Whirlwind and Vinyl and took a nice, nap.

  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"The names I would appreciate and I will promise you this. The case will not go any further. In fact, i'll end it for you. All I have to do is make a few calls and i'll have Canterlot Police on a wild goose chase. Before long they'll probably give up and make it a cold case. Sound good?" Dogboots said as he paced around the room. He stared at the alicorn as if it was like looking at his past self. He grinned thinking back on the past.

"As long as you hold your word... What happened was the punch at the dance was... weird, and I... I got a mare, Obsidian Winter, pregnant, despite... despite our relation. And when I broke her the news, she got really mad. She shattered my wing somehow (he made a slight motion towards his prosthetic wing.) and threw me out of the third story of the CC hospital. She and Vinyl already have a relationship. Vinyl was also there."

He sighed.

"And recently, I got a text from Vinyl to stay out of their lives, despite the foal being partly mine... My life, ever since my- my childhood has been going down. I think I'm at the bottom, but who knows? Things could, and might, get way worse."

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(OCC: Time for one last post before I go on holiday.)


It was a bad idea, he knew it was, but he had was down to his last options. Star trotted carefully down the hospital hallway, being careful to avoid the view of any staff. He saw the door clearly in sight, 'Security'. It was obviously locked, that much he expected. From inside he could hear a guard shuffle around the room. Star quickly pressed himself around the corner and against the wall. The door opened and out stepped the security guard. He trotted off down the hall, letting the door slowly shut behind him. Silent as possible, Star crept from his position, sticking his hoof in before it shut. He silently slipped in, shutting the door behind him.


In front of him was a number of security screens that were recording the footage of the cctv all across the hospital. He went strait to work, jumping to the chair and hitting the computer to get it started. The password was stupidly written on a piece of paper. He was in, surfing through the recorded footage. He remembered the time they were in the room, the exact cam to examine. He had to find out where they had gone and what had happened between them, Obsidian and Vinyl. This was extreme, but he couldn't handle facing them again. That and, well, he was a tiny but suspicious of Dogboots. It was just a small thing gnawing at the back of his mind. At least if he was caught he could claim it was... okay he had no excuses planned.In fact the more he though of it the more he realised how bad the idea it was.


He found it, the footage before he entered the room. He didn't have time to watch it now. He ejected the disk and slipped it under his scarf. He crept out the door and calmly exited the hospital. Now all that was left was to examine an hours worth of footage. Fun. He only hoped than no pony had seen him. He was enough trouble as it was with the potion.


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"As long as you hold your word... What happened was the punch at the dance was... weird, and I... I got a mare, Obsidian Winter, pregnant, despite... despite our relation. And when I broke her the news, she got really mad. She shattered my wing somehow (he made a slight motion towards his prosthetic wing.) and threw me out of the third story of the CC hospital. She and Vinyl already have a relationship. Vinyl was also there."

He sighed.

"And recently, I got a text from Vinyl to stay out of their lives, despite the foal being partly mine... My life, ever since my- my childhood has been going down. I think I'm at the bottom, but who knows? Things could, and might, get way worse."


"They will only get worse if you keep thinking like that. The only way your going to get back uphill is if you make it happen and the only way to do that is crawl through that dark tunnel that you consider rock bottom. Now you may get hit again but don't EVER stop crawling. Don't stop until you reach the light and when you do reach it. You'll be changed. For better or worse, that's up to you. I've hit rock bottom before, I had my cutie mark burned off and my identity lost. But, when I crawled out I was a new colt. New name and purpose and I built from the ground up. Don't let doubters or anypony get in your way! Prove them wrong! And when you do, you will feel better for it and you will be better for it!" The stallion said trying to motivate Nightfall. He spoke with passion and wanted to plant a fire in the alicorn. He wanted to show that hitting rock bottom wasn't always the worst thing but sometimes it was the best thing to happen.

  • Brohoof 1
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"I am changed. But I see no tunnel, no light, no escape. I only feel emptiness, darkness, coldness deep inside. I only feel hate, suffering, discontent, despair,disappointment running through me. I feel lost and alone, and I can't shake that feeling. I never have shaken that feeling..."

  • Brohoof 1
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"I am changed. But I see no tunnel, no light, no escape. I only feel emptiness, darkness, coldness deep inside. I only feel hate, suffering, discontent, despair,disappointment running through me. I feel lost and alone, and I can't shake that feeling. I never have shaken that feeling..."


"heh, the reason you see no tunnel is because you're in it. Those feelings that you have are what make it dark and prevent you from seeing the light. Seeing the light won't happen over the course of a day. It takes time and i'm pretty sure you have plenty of it. You may not feel like crawling now, but you will soon. Whether you realize it or not."  Dogboots retorted to the depressed alicorn.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Yes, I do have time, but what I also have are my morbid, deadly thoughts. I haven't told anyone, and seeing as you're some kind of expert in the area of people skills, I have wanted to commit suicide... Multiple times. Out of anger, out of fear, out of sadness. And my thoughts cause these feelings. I have time alone, by myself, and only with myself and my thoughts."

He snorted.

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