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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Star Keeper chose to switch to default mode: Panic. He was indeed quite useless in theses situations. Why? He had never been liked by a mare, dead simple. He came across arrogant, stuck up and rude. So this sudden display of affection caught Star Keeper completely off guard.


"Well, looks like Eris did at least one thing right then it seems." That was panic? Okay, that works for me then.


Despite the lighting and the noise and the alcohol, Rockshire was pretty cute as well. What does that mean? Was he actually falling for somepony? No, he hadn't looked at anypony that way since- well, since along time ago. But that didn't matter anymore, he was enjoying Rockshire's company and he prayed that she was enjoying his.


God, she looked cute when she smiled like that...

Edited by The-Master
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parso took the punch from cherished and had a sip, not the stuff he normally drinks at events but stuff happens.

he stood against a wall and used his thousand yard stare to try and find a decent mare, he noticed Eris surrounded by mares

"why am I not surprised"

he kept searching again

"theres got to be at least ONE possible match"

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Draco slowly walked cross the campus mutter about lazy bosses and how he isn't a pizza delivery man. Draco sighed as he walked to the party"I have two deliveries for a Mrs.Cherished"Draco said outloud when he arrived at the party. Draco looked around slowly he was going to be hurting in class later for staying up late. He was glad he left his green scarf in his dorm room."Does anypony here know where a Miss Cherished is?"Draco asked once more.


He noticed the mare in the rauchy outfit"Ah there you are"Draco walked up to her slowly as he balanced both the fire heart ruby and the pizza on his head"Miss Cherised I presume"Draco asked as he put the two things onto a table"The pizza and the fireheart rub you ordered"Draco pulled out his pen and notepad and using his skill in ventriliquism he said"Just sign here,here, and here"He said as he pointed to the areas she was suppose to sign.

Edited by dragon4111
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A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Star Keeper rushed Ice Beam out the door, avoiding his question about the cologne. When they got to the party, Ice Beam and Star Keeper parted ways; Star Keeper began to talk with Eris.


Ice Beam stood awkwardly near the door. His nerves were starting to get the better of him; he was beginning to sweat and he knew that it was obvious that he was nervous. He hoped someone would talk to him before things got any more awkward.

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He closed the book. Yawn. So tired. I won't be able to wake tomorrow in time. He shoved the book away, and turned off the desk light. He then grabbed his laptop, and swiftly pressed the 'on' key. No matter how tired you are, there is always time for music and chillaxing.

  • Brohoof 1

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Eris eyes widened as Vinyl Blade clung to him. He was surprised by her sudden change in temperament. Of course he was good, but not usually that good. Other mares began to glare at Vinyl Blade, if looks could kill. Eris smiled at Vinyl Blade, "of course we can hun, have you had any punch?" Eris used his magic to bring over a cup of alcoholic punch up to Vinyl Blade's lips. "Drink up."


Cherished bat her eyes. She was pretty crunk and hadn't even remember ordering any such things, she thought the delivery boy was a secret admirer and presenting her with gift. "Wow! You're such a sweetie." Cherished seductively wrapped herself around Draco and gently ran her soft wet tongue up the side of his neck. "All these boys are so dull, hopefully you'll be more worth my while." Cherished gave Draco a quick love bite and pulled away, "why don't you go get me something to drink?"


Lovely looked around the buster and fluster of the party. She felt pretty uncomfortable She was glad that Eris and Vinyl Blade were getting along though. Lovely smiled to herself until she noticed a blue pegasus against the wall. He looked just as nervous and out of place as her. Lovely stood up and sauntered over, "wow. We totally don't fit in here at all." Ice beam made eye contact with her as she nervously bit her lip. "My name is Lovely."

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Draco mumbled to himself"Well I really need to get going miss"Draco said as he looked at Cherished then looked at Eris"Well aren't you an arrogant arse"Draco said loud enough for the stallion to hear him."And if I'm correct your already dating miss Cherished here so your a playstallion pathetic"Draco said walking towards Eris slowly his silver eyes glaring"I hate playstallions messing with a mare's heart" Draco shook his head"But whatever I don't need to deal with you on a social levekl so eh not my problem that your girl is an emotional wreck"Draco said as he began to walked away calmly.


He sang softly as he walked away"All of me

Why not take all of me

Can't you see

I'm no good without you


Take my lips

I want to lose them

Take my arms

I'll never use them


Your goodbye

Left me with eyes that cry

How can I

Go along without you"

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Lovely looked around the buster and fluster of the party. She felt pretty uncomfortable She was glad that Eris and Vinyl Blade were getting along though. Lovely smiled to herself until she noticed a blue pegasus against the wall. He looked just as nervous and out of place as her. Lovely stood up and sauntered over, "wow. We totally don't fit in here at all." Ice beam made eye contact with her as she nervously bit her lip. "My name is Lovely."


"Uh...yeah...uh...hi...I'm Ice Beam." Ice Beam's heart was pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe a mare this beautiful was talking to him. Maybe this party was gonna go a lot better than he thought. He just had to somehow get over his nervousness...this could finally be his chance to be with a pretty mare.

Edited by RainbowDash92
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Eris cocked his eyebrow in Draco's directed. "What a buzz kill," he muttered to Vinyl Blade. "Big words for the pizza delivery boy. Scram." Eris turned his attention back to Vinyl Blade.

"Wow, what a loser." "Who does he think he is? SO poor." "Poor and pathetic." "Eris is soooo cool!" Various mares chattered and glared at Draco from across the room.

"He's not my coltfriend. He's single and what he does with others is his business and his business alone." Cherished got in Draco's face her stare icy cold. "That goes for me too."

Emotional wreck? Messing with my heart? What a moron.


"Am I really that terrifying?" Lovely spoke warmly, her big blue eyes blinking in curiosity. "I'm a pony just like you after all, I'm not going to hurt you." Lovely's insecurities began to flare up. She was so excited to finally go out and meet and mingle with other ponies. "Just don't be weird." Eris would always warn her, "nopony likes weird ponies." Lovely sank into herself as her ears folded back, "you think I'm weird don't you?" Lovely whispered.

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parso watched the conflict from the wall he was leaning on

"poor bugger never had a shot"

he drunk the last of the punch he was given

"whoa, buck, thats some strong stuff"

the alcohol finally stuck through his system, he wasnt blitzed, but his worries surely vanished. he slipped off his shades and stuck them in his pocket

"time to party like a 'normal' pony"

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I believe it was at this point in time which we both knew. I was sitting next to an attractive sculptor and Ice Beam was hitting it off with the beautiful Lovely. I looked over to Ice Beam, and he looked back at me. We both gave each other a nod before turning back to the mares accompanying us. The nod was a far more subtle way of saying 'looks like we both got lucky tonight'. Things could have gone worse. I looked back at my watch to see how long I had exactly spent at the party. Would it be over soon? Thirty minutes. We'd been here only 30 minutes... okay. That was thirty minutes that I wouldn't remember in the morning.


So, we had hours to kill, and even then who would know what would happen after then? Wait, that sounded bad. I take it back. That was the intoxication talking. Oh, I wonder what a hangover feels like. I can't imagine it's pleasant. 'Stupid Eris, I'll get you, or should I thank him for hooking me up with a mare? Oh crap.' Aside from the inevitable headache and the mixed feelings for the popular colt, things went very well. Very well indeed,


...until a certain point, but that comes later on.

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"says the arrogant aristocrat"Draco said with sarcasm in his voice and chuckled slightly."You know what I just mght stay I love ruining social gatherings"Draco said just to annoy the two. He walked around socializing ignoring the rich morons."Honestly to me you two are what I strive not to be heartless and coniving and manipulative""Say what you want about me but I know where I stand. I make my own way"Draco said and looked around. He was alittle lucky to even be here but his job as a courier made him alot of bits. He also collected artifacts that to some ponies were quite valuable."oh yes I'm also a second year so I know about you two. Takwe my words with a grain of salt or that of a ocean doesn't matter to me."


Draco walked away and saw his two best friends there waiting for him"Hey boys let's show those rich ponies how to really have fun"Draco said as he walked outside to clear his mind. Makuro smiled devilishly as he was ready for an all night pranking session, shiro was too. Makuro was a Zebra and Shiro was a white earth pony. Draco took to the air while the other two went with him into town to cause some trouble.

Edited by dragon4111
  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"You think I'm weird don't you?" said Lovely to Ice Beam.


Weird??? Ice Beam couldn't believe what he was hearing. Why would he think she was weird? She was the most amazing pony he had ever talked to. He couldn't risk losing her...he had to think of something to say...and fast.


"What?...No, of course not!" exclaimed Ice Beam. "It's just that you're so pretty and I'm so nervous...I'm not used to talking to beautiful mares like you..."

Edited by RainbowDash92
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Cherished scoffed as Draco left. "Arrogant? Takes one the know one." Cherished pulled out her cellphone to call security, 'ruining social gathering' was enough to get some beefy security ponies around. Cherished provided a full description of Draco. Since the school security was over booked Dogboots got called to be on security duty for the male dorm, he was promised over-time pay and an extra vacation day for his inconvenience. Cherished huffed the pill she took earlier with Eris made her feel 'friskier' than normal. Cherished sighted Paros from across the room standing alone and frowned. She had tried dancing with him earlier, but he removed himself from her as soon as she turned her back. Cherished looked around, it seemed everyone was pairing up and she was the odd pony out. Cherished drunkenly staggered across the dorm and bumped into Star Keeper, nearly knocking him over. "Hey watch it kid!" Cherished barked at the nervous pegasus.


Lovely sighed in relief, "oh thank goodness. I've never really had a friend outside my family and cherished before. So this is pretty new to me. You don't need to be nervous. I'm not see?" Lovely pushed her cheeks together and smiled, resulting in a silly face. Lovely noticed Star Keeper and Ice Beam exchange looks and nods, "is that your friend?" Lovely smiled up at Ice Beam.

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Draco noticed the security around the male dorms"CHEESE IT"Draco yelled as he and his friends scattered when they were drawing close to the Deans office. Draco then noticed Cherished he smiled wickedly as he formed a plan and executed it.. He threw his voice while he hid in a nearby clear"Oh come now lady can't you take a joke maybe not at that one stallion but certainly a beauty like yourself can take one"Draco said still using his ventriliquism skill why other ponies didn't know the skill or didn't use it never added up for him.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Parso saw cherished slowly trot up to him and gave her a playful wink. until he heard Draco start again

"damn, this postie just dont give up"

he focused back onto cherished who bumped into Star Keeper.

"this mare has fire, gotta love that"

he couldnt help but chuckle when he saw a burly security pony approach Draco

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Draco looked behind him and smiled" Uh hello big boy"Draco said then flew off at mach 2 speed. Draco heard a kaboom of thunder"I think that is going on my permanant record"Draco said as he hid in town. While true he's rude he was also polite he would apologise to the lass when the morning or afternoon came.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Eris eyes widened as Vinyl Blade clung to him. He was surprised by her sudden change in temperament. Of course he was good, but not usually that good. Other mares began to glare at Vinyl Blade, if looks could kill. Eris smiled at Vinyl Blade, "of course we can hun, have you had any punch?" Eris used his magic to bring over a cup of alcoholic punch up to Vinyl Blade's lips. "Drink up."


Vinyl took a sip of her drink and noticed the alcohol. "Ooh, y'all spiked the punch didn't you? Alright, I can hang." She finished her drink and poured herself another. The alcohol didn't do much to affect her, but it gave her a slight buzz. She remembered the bag in her sock and pulled it out. "Ooh, look what I got," she said in a sing-songy voice. "Wanna share it with me?"

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Nightfall wasn't used to alcohol, and was sure he didn't really like it. But the next thing he knew, he was on his second cup, wondering where the first one had gone. And then it happened. He bumped into a mare on accident.

"Of course, it's like me to be clumsy."

Turns out the mare was Saphira, not your usual pegasus. Her looks... the way she just.. was...

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," was all he could get out. He tried not to stare, but it was too hard not to.

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Dogboots approached the male dorm and was wearing his security. The dorm was making its presence to the entire campus with the loud music or what sounded like an abomination to Dogboots. He entered the dorm and wander around before hearing somepony shout, "CHEESE IT!" What followed next was the sound of a group of ponies scattering. Two ponies were running and a third was flying all in different directions. There was no time to choose as he followed what sounded like wings flapping. He could barely keep up with the pegasis. Then it stopped he couldn't hear the pegasis at all until a few moments later when he heard somepony talking. He followed the noise to its source. Sounded like he was trying to annoy the party that was going on upstairs. He didn't blame him but there were better ways to end a party than this and he would prove it to him. He approached the pegasis from behind trying not to scare the fella. However it was too little too late as he turned around and was staring at dogboots. "uh hello big boy" the pegasis said to him and before Dogboots could even respond to him he turned tail and bolted away from him both figuratively and literally. The sound of thunder was so loud that Dogboots ears were ringing from it. This only motivated him further to end this party once and for all.


He made his way to a locked door that was near the exit of the dorm and pulled out his keys. In a few seconds the door was open and there on the wall was the fusebox to the dorm. Now it was time for him to commence his plan. He bucked the fusebox and kill the dorm's electricity. He made sure not to buck it too hard so he could repair it in the morning. He figured that one of the unicorns up in the party would try to get the lights in their place going with magic but it would take a bit of concentration as it would be difficult for them to operate the lights and music at the same time while trying to party which would be a little difficult for them. Not only that but he was sure that they wouldn't anyway as these type of ponies were one's that couldn't handle a problem themselves so they get someone else to do it. Either way the party was finished.


Dogboots made his way to the stairs just waiting for the rest of the party goers to leave. He knew he was going to get into another tussle with Eris but this time seeing as how he is security he is allowed to fight back or in security terms, "Restrain him" but he wasn't sure if he could especially in front of his sister. He would just look as bad as he did back in the cafe. This gave dogboots an idea on how he could handle the guy without having to hurt him physically. He just needed time and the right opportunities. He grinned at the idea as he waited for the results of the party.

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After picking himself up the fall which he could blame on a certain drunk mare, Star Keeper saw as the lights and electronics of the room seemed to all crash at once. The music faded and the lights flickered till it was completely dark. Ensue chaos and panic. As you can imagine, with all the intoxicated ponies, they weren't that happy at the situation. Star Keeper looked across to see that other dorms till had their lights on, so it cant have been a normal power outage. Well, the only thing left was to try the fuse box. Maybe one of the wires came loose. He looked back at his hooves. They were shaking like made from the alcohol. He was in no state to be operating electric hardware. Star Keeper looked around the room, his eyes finding Ice Beam in the darkness.


Star Keeper left Rockshire in the dark and quickly trotted up to the blue stallion. He was obviously not very happy in his current situation. Nothing he could do about that. Star Keeper put a hoof on his shoulder to let him know he was there.


"Ice, I have a favor to ask of you." But even before he could respond, Ice beam was dragged off out of the dorm and into the hallway. All the lights were out and everything seemed to not be working. Very suspicious. He wouldn't be surprised if it was that idiot Draco behind all this.


"It's definatley something to do with the hic fuse box. I'm going to need some help though." His hooves still shaking in intoxication.


They saw the maintenance room down the hall. In there was located all the central wiring for the dorms on this level. Star Keeper walked up to the door, attempting to open it but failing. It was locked. He needed a new plan.


"Sorry if I pulled you out of maybe the one shot you had with a mare. I mean she was a nice one. Wait, that's not helping. In fact, this is the wrong time and place to talk about that. So, any ideas on how to get through this door?"

Edited by The-Master
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Dogboots saw some of the ponies in front of the maintenance door to the fusebox. More than likely they were going to try and fix it but they looked a bit out of it. One of them had a hard time keeping his balance. He shined his flashlight at the two, "What do you two think you're doing?" He said to the two as both of them turned their heads toward him. Looking at them now he could tell one was a little messed up probably drinking too much but he didn't seem like the type to go to parties. The other seemed a little nervous. A few seconds past and not an answer from the two. "Well?" he said waiting for their excuse.

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The first thing he thought to say was 'It was all his fault! He told me to!' but he didn't see that going down too well in terms of room mate co-operation. Well, honesty never hurt anyone, and by the looks of it he's a janitor, could he help us? I'm in no state to be operating electronics.


"Good evening officer."


'Really, that's how you choose to start off?'


"There seems to be an issue with the electricity in our dorm so I was merely just checking it for any faults. But now that you are here, we have a way in that doesn't involve breaking anything. Sorry to put you to the incon- hic inconvenience."


'Now smile, a smile always works. Well, in most cases.'

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Dogboots was a little surprised at Star Keeper. For being a bit drunk he still managed to maintained a level of civility. "Alright i'll take a gander at it." He said as he fumbled around for the keys to the door. After a few seconds of finding the right key he unlocked the door and shined a light at the fuse box. "Well it seems somepony really wanted your party to end and from the look of it its going to take me a while before I can get it back to working order. *sigh* alright listen I want you two to head back to your dorm. I'll take care of this in the morning but for now getting everyone home is more important than a party." He said trying to reassure the two that it would be fixed. He could tell that Star Keeper was going to have a bad hangover in the morning and he didn't look like the type that drinks. "Thanks for trying to help and here's something for your hangover. Take a few in the morning and you should be fine." He said to Star keeper handing him the pain killers from before. He seemed like a good kid to Dogboots but he doesn't fit in with Eris' kind.

Edited by thor9356
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Wait, no no. I mean, yeah he was all nice about it, but it can't end now. There was so much I had left to experience. Hell, we weren't even an hour into the damn party. That is short by any standards. Don't be rude though. Manner earns respe- hic respect.


"Thanks, but If you don't want to fix it then I don't mind taking a crack at it, though I may electrocute myself if my hooves wont sit still. It's just basic mech- hic mechanics. Besides, the party barley started and everyponie's just getting into hic it. That and, um..."


He shifted his eyes side to side, and whispered the next part so that only Dogboots could hear. "...there's a mare."


It was a flimsy argument, but he couldn't just let everyponies evening just end like that (especially his). Sure he didn't like the binge drinking and the strange substances, or the wubs, but it was fun, and others seemed to enjoy it. Seemed reasonable.

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