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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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The death mare drank the spiked punch leisurely, but not even the slightest buzz effectd her. Having been half reptilian, her own venom was likely much stronger, so there was little to worry about her becoming drunk. The akward silence between Saphira had grown dramatically, but Eris soothed the tension by speaking to her sister of all that had become of their time away. She shyed away from the bloody details, fully away of how Alora may, or may not, react. The truth of the matter was that they seperated strictly for business. Eris had people to kill and Alora had thing to bring to life. Of course, Alora wasn't a simple goodie-two-shoes. Eris was fully aware that, more often than not, her shy exterior was a thin ruse to (effectively) hide her dark inner being. This was simmilar to the effect the night mare's appearance had on people. Sweet, charming, gorgeous exterior gave way to sadistic tendancies and an increasingly strong pain fetish. Eris chuckled at the conversation they were having, for Alora was speaking of Ninon and their adventures were always quite....amusing. He was obsessed with her, but had no chance. It was a pretty simple truth, but for some reason he just wouldn't give up.


Alora hadn't even touched the punch. After all, her venom would likely leak into the mixture if she were to drink it, and even she couldn't handle that much alchohol.


" I'm not entirely sure he knows what flirting is," Alora paused in her story and blushed softly, " he isn't very subtle."


She had been speaking with Eris and Saphira for the entire party, and not a single pony had approached her or even her sister, which was increadably surprising. After all, Alora was aware that many ponies had attractions to all three of them in a various asortment of places. Men of all ages had flirted with her in fillydelphia and manehattan. To think! Eris avoided speaking of her sexual encounters durring her leave, but if Alora had been flirted it would be very obvious that Eris had gotten more than even she may have hoped for. And Saphira, Alora didn't even want to think about that skank's relations. Alora sighed and leaned her head on the bad gently, her soft hair framing her face.


Saphira hadn't been listening too hard to the snake freak because she was far more interested in the death mare. Saphira had no chance...she knew, but this didn't mean she didn't want to know EXACTLY what she as thinking about. She occassionally glanced back at the male Eris, but she wasn't sure if she was interested or not. Yet.

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although the power was out, it didnt seem to phase Parso, mostly because the room was partially dark already. the only thing that lighted the room was the green exit sign in front of the door.

"I'm not gonna let some power buck up spoil my night. just my luck, sexy mare approaches me and then the power cuts"

he poured another cup of punch and let the alcohol clear his head of that problem

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"I see, well still I don't know if this comes to a surprise to you but there will be other parties to go to. As for the fusebox as much as I appreciate the offer I can't really have some drunk try to fix it and end up electrocuting himself. Not only that but just looking at it if I I were to try and repair it now it would take me maybe an hour or half-hour at best to get it up and running again. Plus I got to deal with the pranksters who made this mess in the first place. Now let's say I do get the power back up and running. There's going to be a good chance that those pranksters will come back and do something even worse which would add an even bigger problem. I'm sorry kid but there's not much I can do here except get everypony home. I'm sorry kid." He said trying to sympathize with Star Keeper. He could tell that the kid really wanted to have a good time but this wasn't his idea of a good time.
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Star Keeper was, to say the least, a bit offended. Despite being a bit restricted by intoxication, he had spent a year studying pony behavior on top of his history scholarship. Dogboot's had avoided direct eye contact, his breathing rate increased, his pupils dilated. He might as well post a sign around you neck saying "I am lying". There wasn't much point in trying to change his mind though. He seemed dead set on ending this party. There was only one option left.


"If you'll excuse me, I have to go tell hic everypony that the party is now over early." An obvious lie, but he almost implied it. Ice Beam appeared to do very little except follow and listen. He was a bit... odd. The two ponies walked back down the hall till they were out of sight. "Sorry I dragged you into this."


But back to the task at hand. He had to do something, or get somepony. Hmmm...


"I think I need to quickly phone a courier. Draco to be hic exact."

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Eris smirked at Vinyl Blade and took the bag of weed from her. Eris wandered over to his bed and came back with a large purple and orange bubbler. Eris packed a large bowl and used a lighter to brew the toke. Eris took out the bowl and fully inhaled the smoke, he held it for a few second and blew a few smoke rings out in Vinyl Blade's direction. Eris packed another bowl and handed it over to Vinyl so she could take a hit. Vinyl pressed her lips to begin to brew when the power was suddenly cut. Eris' thoughts immediately went to Lovely. Eris used his illumination spell to maintain some light around him and quickly appeared by his sister's side. Lovely was relieved to see Eris, especially since Ice Beam was pulled out of the room by Star Keeper. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, I'm glad you're here though." Lovely was so cute. "I'd never let anyone hurt you." Eris nuzzled the side of Lovely's face as she smiled.


"That damn Draco!" Cherished shouted she knew he was toying with her and now he cut the power too. Paros was practically eye bucking her all night and before she got to make her move, he ruined it again. Cherished used the same illumination spell as Eris and trotted out into the hall after Star Keeper, Ice Beam and Paros. Cherished pushed Ice Beam and Star Keeper to the side and got right into Dogboot's face, "what the buck is the big idea her hm!? I called in extra security and you incompetent morons couldn't even stop a shit-brains pegasus!" Cherished was flaring, her deep blue eyes nearly blazing red. "Unlike you, some ponies are actually gunna get laid tonight!"

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If I were to suddenly feel compelled to wear pants, about now they would be soiled. The biggest damn fright he got. It seemed though that Cherished had distracting Dogboot's all under control for a small while at least, meaning there was some time to sort out lose ends. Star Keeper turned back to Ice Beam, looking at him apologetically.


"Thanks fro the help, anyway." And with that he galloped back down the hall till he was out of sight, leaving a confused Ice Beam stuck in the hall. Star Keeper reached his dorm fast enough, instantly going for his phone which was tossed on the bed. Looking up the number in the phone book, he quickly dialed the number for the courier.


"Damn it, pick up the phone you stupid- hello!" 'Bugger. Note to self: Think before speaking, especially when on the phone.'


"Sorry, could you put me through to Draco.

...This is sort of urgent.

...No I'm not related.

...No I just need to speak with him.

...No I am not drunk, just put me through."

Edited by The-Master
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Nightfall wasn't used to alcohol, and was sure he didn't really like it. But the next thing he knew, he was on his second cup, wondering where the first one had gone. And then it happened. He bumped into a mare on accident. "Of course, it's like me to be clumsy." Turns out the mare was Saphira, not your usual pegasus. Her looks... the way she just.. was... "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," was all he could get out. He tried not to stare, but it was too hard not to.

The death mare drank the spiked punch leisurely, but not even the slightest buzz effectd her. Having been half reptilian, her own venom was likely much stronger, so there was little to worry about her becoming drunk. The akward silence between Saphira had grown dramatically, but Eris soothed the tension by speaking to her sister of all that had become of their time away. She shyed away from the bloody details, fully away of how Alora may, or may not, react. The truth of the matter was that they seperated strictly for business. Eris had people to kill and Alora had thing to bring to life. Of course, Alora wasn't a simple goodie-two-shoes. Eris was fully aware that, more often than not, her shy exterior was a thin ruse to (effectively) hide her dark inner being. This was simmilar to the effect the night mare's appearance had on people. Sweet, charming, gorgeous exterior gave way to sadistic tendancies and an increasingly strong pain fetish. Eris chuckled at the conversation they were having, for Alora was speaking of Ninon and their adventures were always quite....amusing. He was obsessed with her, but had no chance. It was a pretty simple truth, but for some reason he just wouldn't give up. Alora hadn't even touched the punch. After all, her venom would likely leak into the mixture if she were to drink it, and even she couldn't handle that much alchohol. " I'm not entirely sure he knows what flirting is," Alora paused in her story and blushed softly, " he isn't very subtle." She had been speaking with Eris and Saphira for the entire party, and not a single pony had approached her or even her sister, which was increadably surprising. After all, Alora was aware that many ponies had attractions to all three of them in a various asortment of places. Men of all ages had flirted with her in fillydelphia and manehattan. To think! Eris avoided speaking of her sexual encounters durring her leave, but if Alora had been flirted it would be very obvious that Eris had gotten more than even she may have hoped for. And Saphira, Alora didn't even want to think about that skank's relations. Alora sighed and leaned her head on the bad gently, her soft hair framing her face. Saphira hadn't been listening too hard to the snake freak because she was far more interested in the death mare. Saphira had no chance...she knew, but this didn't mean she didn't want to know EXACTLY what she as thinking about. She occassionally glanced back at the male Eris, but she wasn't sure if she was interested or not. Yet.

"Of course I'm not noticed... even by a pretty mare, and even when I bump into her accidentally."

She wanted to meet a few ponies, but unfortunately, they were all occupied, and he felt awkward walking in and butting into conversations to meet mares. He knew he needed Eris (male). He found him quickly, but noticed he was in a conversation with his younger sister.

"Wait, her name was... I know I can remember... hang on, hang on... Lovely! Yes!"

He walked over to them.

"So... Eris... I need help..."

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Cherished was in Dogboots face shouting at him for the lack of security and throwing insults at the same time but nothing that really phased him "Listen lady, security was overbooked so they called me in and its difficult to track down a pegasis and his two buddies at the same time with no help. Plus with the fusebox broke to shit it just makes things more difficult for me." He said trying to explain but he knew there would be no reasoning with her. She was drunk off her ass and nothing would get through to her kind. It was like trying to talk to a child to him "However if you want this fixed then get the hell out of my face and let me do my damn job you worthless piece of garbage!" He yelled back at her glaring right at her. He never usually yelled but this was only a special case as he had only a couple hours of sleep and it was one of the only ways to get through to a drunk.

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parso heard cherished start yelling and decided to go to the source, he saw dogboots and cherished having an argument

"let me do my damn job you worthless piece of garbage!"

Parso grabbed dogboot's shirt and pushed him to the wall

"how dare you speak like that to a lady! you're gonna apologize, right now!"

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Ice Beam stood in the hall, having been left by Star Keeper, and he was starting to panic. He had barely gotten a chance to talk to Lovely before being dragged away and he couldn't lose the mare of his dreams...he had to find her...somehow...


He headed back and saw that Lovely was with Eris. "Lovely! There you are!" Ice Beam said, rushing over to her.

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Eris peeked up at Nightfall. "Sorry, what was your name again?" Lovely scoffed, "Eris! He didn't mean that Nightfall, he's just a little tipsy." Lovely smiled kindly. "Ah, Nightfall yes. What can I do you for?" Lovely smiled at nightfall, interested to hear. "Are you afraid of the dark? Cherished stormed out of here pretty quickly, I'm sure it'll get taken care of."


Cherished eye's widened. She couldn't believe a pauper had just called her worthless. Cherished's and Eris' family were the richest in Equestria, she was worth a lot. Cherished didn't get a chance to respond before Paros came to her rescue and demanded an apology. Cherished felt lifted from her foul mood and was now beaming and blushing. "My hero."


As Eris and Lovely waited For Nightfall's response Ice Beam returned. Lovely beamed at the sight of his arrival, "I'm so happy you're okay." Lovely embraced the blue pegasus. Eris felt a ping of jealousy crawl down his spine as he scowled at Ice Beam. "Did you find out what happened to the electricity?"

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Eris peeked up at Nightfall. "Sorry, what was your name again?" Lovely scoffed, "Eris! He didn't mean that Nightfall, he's just a little tipsy." Lovely smiled kindly. "Ah, Nightfall yes. What can I do you for?" Lovely smiled at nightfall, interested to hear. "Are you afraid of the dark? Cherished stormed out of here pretty quickly, I'm sure it'll get taken care of."


Cherished eye's widened. She couldn't believe a pauper had just called her worthless. Cherished's and Eris' family were the richest in Equestria, she was worth a lot. Cherished didn't get a chance to respond before Paros came to her rescue and demanded an apology. Cherished felt lifted from her foul mood and was now beaming and blushing. "My hero."


As Eris and Lovely waited For Nightfall's response Ice Beam returned. Lovely beamed at the sight of his arrival, "I'm so happy you're okay." Lovely embraced the blue pegasus. Eris felt a ping of jealousy crawl down his spine as he scowled at Ice Beam. "Did you find out what happened to the electricity?"


Nightfall laughed at Eris' joke.

"No, no. You see, the problem with me is, er..."

He hesitated a moment.

"Getting a mare's attention. I simply don't know what to do. You see, I can try, but I get ignored or dissed. And even when I, say, accidentally bump into a very pretty mare, they ignore me."

He noticed Lovely's hug, and was able to look like he ignored it, or at least didn't care, but in the back of his mind, he was having a personal conversation around it.

"You know you like her."

"Yes, but are you kidding? Her older brother would KILL you if you touched her!"

"Still, she is pretty..."

"Yeah, but don't do anything in front of Eris. He looks like he might trust you, and if that trust snaps, and he finds sees ANYTHING, you're dead. Literally."

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"This is Draco"Draco said via his company telephone"to whom am I speaking to"Draco said as he panted as he had finally gotten away from security. Sure he was going to get in trouble but if he had a job he'd do it"Thow can courier 6 help you friend you have a delivery or a special somepony you need to talk to"Draco said on his phone

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A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"how dare you speak like that to a lady! you're gonna apologize, right now!" Parso said pushing Dogboots against the wall."Or what? You going to beat me? I'm trying to do my job but I can't really do it if I have students in my face constantly complaining about some stupid party and pranksters." With that he pushed Parso's back and made his way back to the maintenance room and try to see how he could fix this mess. Getting the lights back on would be top priority for him. He fumbled around the with the keys again and opened the door. He turned on his flashlight and took a look at the fuse box. It wasn't badly damaged but it would take him a while before things could get up and running again to his dismay but still he doubt that they would wait long for the power to come back just to continue a party. He locked the door behind him to make sure he wasn't disturbed. "It's going to be a long night." He said as he began tinkering with the fuse box.
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Eris smirked at Vinyl Blade and took the bag of weed from her. Eris wandered over to his bed and came back with a large purple and orange bubbler. Eris packed a large bowl and used a lighter to brew the toke. Eris took out the bowl and fully inhaled the smoke, he held it for a few second and blew a few smoke rings out in Vinyl Blade's direction. Eris packed another bowl and handed it over to Vinyl so she could take a hit. Vinyl pressed her lips to begin to brew when the power was suddenly cut. Eris' thoughts immediately went to Lovely. Eris used his illumination spell to maintain some light around him and quickly appeared by his sister's side. Lovely was relieved to see Eris, especially since Ice Beam was pulled out of the room by Star Keeper. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, I'm glad you're here though." Lovely was so cute. "I'd never let anyone hurt you." Eris nuzzled the side of Lovely's face as she smiled.


Vinyl took her hit from the bong and coughed a bit. "Hey! What the fuck, man? Mare can't have fun without the lights goin' out." She walked over to Eris, bong in hoof. "You seem quick to leave me. Here, your hit." She handed him the bong and took a seat in the nearest chair. Or was it on the floor? She couldn't really tell either way

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Everything just seemed to have happened at once for Rockshire. Once the power went out, she couldn't see anything.


"Ah! Why it's dark?! What happened?! Star Keeper?!", she cried out.


She was still in the dark... And no one was around to her knowledge... What now? She stumbled through the dark, hitting everything, until she got outside, exploring the campus, still peeved that Star Keeper stood her up.

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Yes, finally. A result.


"Draco, yes. We briefly met. Well, not met per say I just watched as you got into a battle of words with some of the most influential families in Canterlot. Listen, you up for a job. Not a courier job, just a simple break and entry. From what I've heard, you have a knack for opening doors. Although you may not want to be caught back here by Eris."


"Think you can handle it?"

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as soon as dogboots turned his back, Parso raised a hoof, about to strike him. until he thought

"even no matter how much i want to knock this bastards lights out, he needs to turn the power back on"

parso smiled and turned to cherished

"cherished, shall we go back to the party?"

he gave her a wink

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Draco smiled deviously"oh the more secretive eh alright then tell courier 6 what you need"Draco said as he planned to deal with this job"But how much you paying me to do this?"he asked. this was definitely high risk but it was going to be fun. Plus he could plant a stink bomb filled with poison joke.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"We'll agree on that later. Also, I saw how you came to conflict with Eris. Seems we both have a bone to pick in that respect. Anyway, if you accept to my offer meet me outside the Dorm. If you choose not to, well, your loss."


Star Keeper knew these types, and just the way to get them on his side temporarily. He needed a way to get the party back up and a way to get back at Eris for being a dick. That simple.


"So are you in or not?"

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Eris nodded, "you can't be TOO available. Bumping into every sexy mare with a great plot, ponies notice that sort of thing. You need to show them that you've got options. Let her know she needs to fight and romance you a bit. Like I said, get this whole 'one mare' idea out of your head."

"Eris that is awful advice." Lovely interrupted. "Nightfall, girls love sweet guys. Give her some flowers and maybe write her an anonymous love letter. Ah! That'd be so romantic."

"Romance is for virgins."

Lovely huffed.


Vinyl Blade handed Eris back his bubbler. "Oh, yeah sorry bout that doll. Lovely's never been around a black out before and she is such a cry baby." "Am not!" Eris nodded an 'she is' to Vinyl Blade and took a seat next to her. Eris put his arm around Vinyl and cozied her head to rest on his muscular and well defined chest.


Cherished moaned quietly. This Paros colt was very sexy, and Cherished was feeling very frisky. "Parties in the dark are much more fun anyway." Cherished whispered seductively to Paros. Cherished entered the room hoof in hoof, it was pitch dark and many ponies had left. Cherished led Paros to the bed and knocked him onto his back and crawled on top of him.

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"Are you shitting me I'd love to it will be my pleasure in putting those stuck up nobles in their place"Draco said as he laughed devilishly"so just meet you outside the dorms correct"Draco said as he got his lockpicking set from his room and hid it in his unkept mane.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"You seem to have it. I'll meet you here in five minutes. Just be there ready."


Star Keeper hung up, satisfied with the outcome. Killing two birds with one stone, in a matter of speaking. He put down his phone and rushed back to the dorm, checking to see if Dogboot was still around. Luckily they had a clear route to the electrics room. It should go off without a hitch. He felt... bad. He liked it!

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Parso laid back as Cherished climbed on him until he got an idea

"why dont we go back to my room, its more quiet there"

he gave her another playful wink and run a hoof across her back

"this is gonna be a perfect night"

he smiled at his thought and at the mare just millimetres away from his face

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Draco snuck out of the door quietly and waited for Star Keeper. Hey if he was going to get in trouble he might as well get somepony else in trouble too that's the mauraders way of doing things. Of course this was a big job for Draco breaking into a rich ponies room. He was going to enjoy this and maybe throw a stink bomb in there too.Draco chuckled to himself at the thought of it.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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