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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Draco looked back"Yeah no kidding if anything we would probably be at eachothers throuts which I have to remind myself now that I have two friends' throut's I have to strangle for about that fire work prank that they set up. And it wasn't funny"Draco said as he started to look for his two friends.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"Sounds great! Oh, and this is Sugar Rush. And don't worry, I wasn't going to ask about him anyways.", Rockshire rushedly said to Star Keeper, quickly moving out of the room, dragging him throughout the hall and out of her dorm. They stopped over at a bench near the fountain.

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Eris smirked at Vinyl Blade as he declared the party over and helped the drunken attendees out of his room. As he escorted Lovely and Nightfall he grabbed Nightfall aside, "if I hear any funny stuff happened to my sister tonight. It'll be the last memories you'll ever have." Eris shut the door and tackled Vinyl Blade to his bed. He was aggressive and bursting with testosterone. He was an animalistic beast in bed. Vinyl didn't even have to do any of the work, all she had to do was sit back and enjoy the ride. The two went at it a couple times before collapsing from exhaustion. Eris rolled over onto his side and fell asleep next to Vinyl Blade.


Cherished sat up and smoked with a long side Paros in bed together. "So, what's your roommate like?" Cherished noticed the empty bed on the other side of the room. "Mine's kinda weird... I'm pretty sure she's a crazy lesbian. So if you're ever down for a threesome, let me know." Cherished laughed to herself.


"Shessh. Boy's do only care about one thing after all." Lovely huffed as she stood with Ice Beam and Nightfall outside Eris' dorm. They could hear everything that was going on in their, Vinyl Blade was a screamer. "Let's get out of here. Your dorm is nearby right Nightfall?" Lovely followed Nightfall back to his dorm as they entered Lovely's face lit up. "Cherished!" "Awh, hey my baby girl." Cheriesh opened her hooves as Lovely ran over and leaped into her arms. "Is there enough room for all of us?" Soon Paros found himself sandwiched between Lovely and Cherished. Lovely rolled over and fell asleep, it was way past her usual bed time. "Such a cute little thing. You like her don't you?" Cherished looked up at Nightfall.

  • Brohoof 2

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Eris smirked at Vinyl Blade as he declared the party over and helped the drunken attendees out of his room. As he escorted Lovely and Nightfall he grabbed Nightfall aside, "if I hear any funny stuff happened to my sister tonight. It'll be the last memories you'll ever have." Eris shut the door and tackled Vinyl Blade to his bed. He was aggressive and bursting with testosterone. He was an animalistic beast in bed. Vinyl didn't even have to do any of the work, all she had to do was sit back and enjoy the ride. The two went at it a couple times before collapsing from exhaustion. Eris rolled over onto his side and fell asleep next to Vinyl Blade.


Cherished sat up and smoked with a long side Paros in bed together. "So, what's your roommate like?" Cherished noticed the empty bed on the other side of the room. "Mine's kinda weird... I'm pretty sure she's a crazy lesbian. So if you're ever down for a threesome, let me know." Cherished laughed to herself.


"Shessh. Boy's do only care about one thing after all." Lovely huffed as she stood with Ice Beam and Nightfall outside Eris' dorm. They could hear everything that was going on in their, Vinyl Blade was a screamer. "Let's get out of here. Your dorm is nearby right Nightfall?" Lovely followed Nightfall back to his dorm as they entered Lovely's face lit up. "Cherished!" "Awh, hey my baby girl." Cheriesh opened her hooves as Lovely ran over and leaped into her arms. "Is there enough room for all of us?" Soon Paros found himself sandwiched between Lovely and Cherished. Lovely rolled over and fell asleep, it was way past her usual bed time. "Such a cute little thing. You like her don't you?" Cherished looked up at Nightfall.


Nightfall felt a bit nervous. He was relieved, yet sad that nothing had happened between them... Yet. But then Cherished spoke to him.

"I, er, um..."

He blushed.

"I- yes. Yes, I do like her. To be honest. But I didn't mean anything. Eris just has his room... Occupied, and so Lovely decided to come here, and we found you here, and... Yeah..."

His cheeks were a deep red by now. He sat on the edge of his bed.

"And don't tell Eris I like her. I've seen the way he protects her, and he will kill me if... Well, he said he would kill me if anything funny happened to her..."

Edited by Nightfall
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Ah yes, Star Keeper had been out here earlier today for reasons he would rather forget. He took in deep breathe of fresh air, something he hadn't done for a while now. He enjoyed it rushing through his body, the tingling in his head from the alcohol subsided. Star Keeper sat down on the bench again after being dragged here by Rockshire, which was quite funny when you thought about it. He kinda enjoyed her taking the lead, he had allot to learn and she was a good teacher.


'Well, it's your turn to seize the moment. make a move.' Star Keeper panicked, again, but this time he flung a foreleg around Rockshire, bringing her in closer. That was odd, and awfully bold of him. It pretty much defied every element of his personality. Was he... enjoying it? He couldn't tell, his head was a blur.

Edited by The-Master
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After Draco dealt with his friends but got a nice black eye for his trouble he walked to his roof which was unfortunately next to Parso's room. He walked into his room slowly and pulled out an ice pack from his fridge."Well today was an okay day I guess"Draco muttered to himself. his friend makuro was his roommate as he walked in after him. Makuro plopped down onto his bed but one of his whooves hit the wall.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Vinyl looked over at the sleeping stallion next to her. "Typical stallions. They do their business, then fall asleep." Vinyl got up and walked back over to the table with her weed bag. She took the rolling paper out of her sock and rolled herself a joint. Vinyl got back in the bed and lit her joint.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"nightfall, he's an alright bloke, only spoken to him a couple times"

"So if you're ever down for a threesome, let me know."

"haha, I'll keep that in mind"

Parso leaned over and gave Cherished another passionate kiss until the door swung open

"oh, Nightfall"

Eris' sister jumped into cherished's forehooves and went to sleep

"Such a cute little thing. You like her don't you?"

Parso looked up to Nightfall with a curious smile on his face

  • Brohoof 2

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After sitting down, Rockshire was about to compliment Star Keeper, but then, his foreleg went around her, bringing her closer to him, their backlegs already touching. She blushed a little from this. She really wanted to make the first move, but he was so sweet and cute and... She looked into his eyes again, now seeing an entirely different Star Keeper than earlier. One that appears... happy. Unexpectedly, she leaned closer to him.

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So far so good. They were now held in a firm lock between each others gazes, neither daring to break it. Star Keeper felt a nagging urge in him that he couldn't put a hoof on. It was strong yet it was unspecific. He knew he had developed strong feelings for Shire, it was the following up that he struggled with. Maybe it was just the intoxication, or maybe was it more. She was cute, sweet, polite and forward. Was it... love? Couldn't be, he'd just met her.


Yet, here he was, sitting with the mare of his dreams, completely and utterly gobsmacked. It seemed that both were waiting to see who would act next...

  • Brohoof 1


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*Damn it, why I can't I already move?!*, Rockshire thought. *Am I already tensing up? I'm getting nervous again... Buck it, why not?*


She was the one who broke the gaze, as she closed her eyes and drew in Star Keeper for a kiss, her motions being smooth and calm. She couldn't believe it! She had just pulled off her first kiss! She didn't let the moment get to her though, as she was mostly seeing how Star would react.

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"I wouldn't tell Eris crap, so don't worry about it. And kill you is an understatement. Our parent's have been friends forever, so I grew-up with those two. And boy oh boy is Eris weird about her. Eris begged his parents for her to be privately schooled while he went to normal school. Besides my family and her own this is the first time she's ever seen other ponies. I thought that was weird, but then shrugged it off as over protective; kinda like what you're doing now. Then when Eris and I got older and we lost our virginities to each other he kept saying her name during sex. Obvious red flag is obvious. Eris is a pretty messed up stallion." Cherished snuggled up closer to Paros with a dead serious look on her face.

  • Brohoof 1

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Let me re-enact the scene for you:


Star Keeper was sitting with his thoughts, unable to stop looking into the mares eyes, when suddenly Bam! Rockshire made the first move, leaning in and kissing him without warning. The amount of different things surging in his body was unbelievable, finding a new source of energy. It was soft yet passionate, playful yet subtle. When they pulled away, Shire looking to Star Keeper for his reaction, there was only one thing to do. He pulled her in for round 2, only this time he seemed to add his own element, reaching his hoof up, he ran it through her soft mane, apply more pressure with his lips. He was acting on impulse alone, not by any calculation or thought, just what he felt was right. And hey, It was fun.

  • Brohoof 1


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Draco walked out of the room slowly his eye hurting him"now I forgot where is the infirmiry"Draco said loudly as he past by the door. Draco was wondering around the school and accidentally bumpped into Sugar rush"oh I'm so sorry miss"Draco apologised as he wasn't watching where he was going.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Vinyl Blade finished her joint and put the rest in an ashtray. She got up and opened the door to look out into the hallway to see if anypony was still there. Not seeing anypony, Vinyl walked back into the room, closed the door, and laid on top of Eris. She fell asleep within minutes

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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It was... Amazing for her. Rockshire felt like that the kiss couldn't have been any more perfect. When she pulled out of her, Star just dragged her back in for a nother round, going through her mane. She couldn't help but feel that she needed to spice this up. Her forehooves went to his back, and for an odd reason, they happen to fall onto the bench, Rockshire on top of Star. Even though she didn't like the impact, she still kept going with it...

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That I believe is where things got interesting:


Round 2 lasted a significantly longer amount of time than round 1. Before Star Keeper could keep up, Shire had already forced his back against the bench, climbing on top to meet him. A million thoughts and ideas whizzing around at once, deciding to bring her closer yet still. The kiss turned into something a bit more, Star began to prod his tongue, seeking entrance. This was a bold move on his part. But he was eager for a response.

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Draco wandered onto the field by accident and noticed the two he quickly walked away so he doesn't disturb them"The night is for lovers I guess not for single guys like me"Draco said as he walked through the campus the only light was moonlight.the chilled wind felt good on his black eye.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Parso wrapped a wing around Cherished

"she has a point, man. I bet he's all talk"

he had a reassuring look on his face

"if he ever tries something, I'll back you up, what are friends for?"

he started to brush a hoof through cherished's sex-frizzed mane and smiled

  • Brohoof 2

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"Jezz those two were going at it like rabbit over there"Draco said as he saw that the party had died down alittle. Draco was never one for the social gatherings Draco noticed the fire heart ruby"huh she forgot it Well I might as well deliver this jewel to her before class"Draco said as he picked up the ruby.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Cherished nodded in agreement with Paros, "Eris will never touch you in front of Lovely. She's his Achilles' heel for lack of a better allusion. Besides, Lovely defiantly doesn't share any of his perverse feelings." Cherished took a long hard drag on her cigarette to finish it off and french exhaled. Cherished threw the dead bud in a nearby ash tray next to Paros' bed. "Rich kids problems, am I right?" Cherished grinned at Paros as he ran his hooves through her poofy red mane. "My, my, what a mess." Cherished used her unicorn magic to re-style her hair, "I prefer to not resemble a hopony as much as possible."


Eris turned in his sleep and cuddled into a spooning position with Vinyl Blade. His big strong arms wrapped around her in a warm safety hug. Eris nuzzled the side of her ear as she could feel his warm breath tickle the back of her neck.

Edited by Shankveld
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"And they wasted a good pizza too"Draco said as he crumpled up the note"You know what I'll just get the delivery out of the way and worry about it in the morning I've had to much reverly already"Draco said as he placed the ruby into his saddlebag. Draco looked at where her room was"now where is miss Cherished' room"Draco saw it as he looked on the map."Alright then i guess I'll leave it there"Draco said to himself.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Parso nuzzled Cherised's neck

"even then, you'll still be sexy in here..."

he rubbed his hoof across her forehead, kissing her neck and then resting her head on his shoulder

"this night has gone better than expected, how the hell am I going to sleep, I'm barely tired with this sexy angel beside me. Wynter is going to piss himself when i tell him about this"

  • Brohoof 2

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Dogboots was sound asleep in the maintenance room as he hasn't slept in nearly a day. However his sleep was soon interrupted when he heard the lock being tampered with. He didn't have time to react so he just pretended to be asleep or actually try to continue to sleep. The door opened and it was the pony from before. Dogboots lifted an eyelid enough to see that he was trying to fix the fusebox. It didn't matter to him anymore though because he knew that the students would suspect him of fixing it. The pony didn't do a bad job fixing it, well besides shocking himself but still impressive. After a few seconds the lights came back to life and the bright light stinged his eyes. With the lights on it was a good enough excuse to get back to his dorm and try get some more sleep before the night ended. However, the walk back to the dorm was not in anyway silent. As soon as he stepped outside he heard fireworks going off like crazy but it was quite fun to watch. He didn't suspect that this was the party goers doing. "Could it be the pranksters again?" He asked himself as he gazed at the lightshow in awe.


The spectacle reminded him of his first time he saw fireworks. He was only 6 when him and his family went out to Canterlot one time to see the fireworks of the Grand Galloping Gala. His family wasn't on the invite list but you didn't have to be on a list to watch a light show like that. He nearly teared up at that memory as it was one of the few positive memories with his family. He shook off the memory quickly though trying to figure out what was going on. The timing of the lights coming back on and the fireworks display are way too convenient. Not only that but this prank was definitely directed at the party goers and to be more specific it was probably those stuck up ones that were the target. "That pony from before definitely had a hand in this. Was he the one that hired those pranksters? If he is then he's one gutsy pony. I'm going to have a chat with that one soon." He thought to himself as he continued his way back to the dorm.


The way back was pretty uneventful though. He opened the door to his room and to his relief he saw sugar sleeping in bed. He crept in as quietly as possible trying not to wake her up. He carefully took off his boots and laid on the uncovered mattress that was his bed. He turned his head to an alarm clock on the nightstand. It was nearly morning and he would only have a couple hours of sleep to spare before being called in again for some other asinine reason. However he pushed it out of his head for now. It was a hectic first day and he was just glad to be done and over with it.

Edited by thor9356
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"I wouldn't tell Eris crap, so don't worry about it. And kill you is an understatement. Our parent's have been friends forever, so I grew-up with those two. And boy oh boy is Eris weird about her. Eris begged his parents for her to be privately schooled while he went to normal school. Besides my family and her own this is the first time she's ever seen other ponies. I thought that was weird, but then shrugged it off as over protective; kinda like what you're doing now. Then when Eris and I got older and we lost our virginities to each other he kept saying her name during sex. Obvious red flag is obvious. Eris is a pretty messed up stallion." Cherished snuggled up closer to Paros with a dead serious look on her face.


He looked a bit weirded out and disgusted, but he just sat there. He listened to their conversation, a bit glad about what Cherished had told him about her not sharing the perverse feelings of her older brother and that Eris wouldn't really kill him.

"One thing before I fall asleep... ok, two things: first off, I don't know if Lovely has feelings for me, and second off-"

He lied down, facing the wall with the covers over him.

"- Don't be too loud. Night."

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