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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Vinyl looked up at Winter. "So I guess you've given up on them too? At least there are still mares, right?" Vinyl paused and looked at her phone. "So what should I tell him? Should I just run my battery down and tell him my phone died later? Should I send him a text back?"

"Yes, there are always Mares. Just tell him the truth. Tell him you passed on the message and I have refused and I will contact him if I want to see him. There is no reason to let him drag you in the middle of this. Maybe since he got hit in the back, they can give him a spine while he's there" She snickered to herself but felt kinda bad for saying it. She was so upset at him though.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Yes, there are always Mares. Just tell him the truth. Tell him you passed on the message and I have refused and I will contact him if I want to see him. There is no reason to let him drag you in the middle of this. Maybe since he got hit in the back, they can give him a spine while he's there" She snickered to herself but felt kinda bad for saying it. She was so upset at him though.

"Uh, ok." Vinyl sent Nightfall a text back. Winter and I don't want to see you right now. We'll call later you if we do decide to talk to you. Vinyl never seemed to be able to word things quite right. "So what do you want to do now? I obviously don't have plans to 'get stuffed like a turkey' anymore. At least, not by a guy."

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Yes, there are always Mares. Just tell him the truth. Tell him you passed on the message and I have refused and I will contact him if I want to see him. There is no reason to let him drag you in the middle of this. Maybe since he got hit in the back, they can give him a spine while he's there" She snickered to herself but felt kinda bad for saying it. She was so upset at him though.

"Uh, ok." Vinyl sent Nightfall a text back. Winter and I don't want to see you right now. We'll call later you if we do decide to talk to you. Vinyl never seemed to be able to word things quite right. "So what do you want to do now? I obviously don't have plans to 'get stuffed like a turkey' anymore. At least, not by a guy."

Nightfall's blood froze when he saw the text.

"Great. I screwed up with Lovely, and now, I've screw up with Obsidian. Now I know why colts commit suicide."

He felt horrible. He sat on the edge of the bed. So far, he was 0/2; or at least, he felt that way. He looked at the window, and opened it. He sighed wondering where he could go. He had nothing; he thought he may have had something in Obsidian, but those hopes were smashed by a text just now because he didn't think twice about Eris calling her a whore, and then he walked away. He could have called Eris's bluff... He should have taken Eris down at the jab at Obsidian. He sat at the window's edge wondering whether or not to jump, and whether or not, if he did, to just fly off.

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"Uh, ok." Vinyl sent Nightfall a text back. Winter and I don't want to see you right now. We'll call later you if we do decide to talk to you. Vinyl never seemed to be able to word things quite right. "So what do you want to do now? I obviously don't have plans to 'get stuffed like a turkey' anymore. At least, not by a guy."

Obsidian facehoofed herself  "You really do have a way with words......anyone ever tell you that? Well I have to make it back to the Deans office to see if I even made it into the college. Of course if word of this morning got around, I may not be here much longer."


She put a hoof on Vinyl's shoulder. "For whatever its worth to you, I like you just fine. If I do end up here, I hope we can be friends. You'll need support if your used to getting...err..'stuffed' often. You may lapse back and end up with Eris."

  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Obsidian facehoofed herself  "You really do have a way with words......anyone ever tell you that? Well I have to make it back to the Deans office to see if I even made it into the college. Of course if word of this morning got around, I may not be here much longer."


She put a hoof on Vinyl's shoulder. "For whatever its worth to you, I like you just fine. If I do end up here, I hope we can be friends. You'll need support if your used to getting...err..'stuffed' often. You may lapse back and end up with Eris."

Vinyl was helped to her feet by Winter. "I'll come with you." Vinyl and Winter then start walking to the Dean of Administration's office. "So... You meant what you said? About you being there for me? I really don't want to go back to Eris and I feel like I might do it if you're not there. Maybe we could be marefriends."

  • Brohoof 4

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Vinyl was helped to her feet by Winter. "I'll come with you." Vinyl and Winter then start walking to the Dean of Administration's office. "So... You meant what you said? About you being there for me? I really don't want to go back to Eris and I feel like I might do it if you're not there. Maybe we could be marefriends."

She pondered for a moment.....she wondered if this could be a trick of some kind....I mean she just met her and she had a history with Eris.....'your being paranoid Obsidian.....this is all about learning control and trust' she said to herself.


"Well, that would make you my first friend of any kind so sure. I guess we can be marefriends. Sure."


She walked on to the Deans Office with a slight warm feeling in her heart.

  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She pondered for a moment.....she wondered if this could be a trick of some kind....I mean she just met her and she had a history with Eris.....'your being paranoid Obsidian.....this is all about learning control and trust' she said to herself.


"Well, that would make you my first friend of any kind so sure. I guess we can be marefriends. Sure."


She walked on to the Deans Office with a slight warm feeling in her heart.

Nightfall decided he couldn't jump now. I mean, yeah, he felt alone, but he knew others would be devastated to learn he had killed himself. He sighed and went back to the bed. No, it wasn't enough. He remembered that Obsidian had to return to the Dean's office to see if she was accepted. He needed to apologize in pony. Even if she was still pissed, he might feel better. He dashed off (with pain), hoping, as he turned the last corner, she would, if she was there, accept his apology.

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Parso galloped to CC hospital, asked the receptionist where to find Nightfall and continued up to his ward. He busted in through the door

"Nightfall, I saw what happened and I want t- where's he gone? BUCK!"

the room was empty but the window was open

"he must've escaped, great! I better go find Cherished, she seemed upset"

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After spending a little while in the cafe and enjoying a nice dinner meal, Lavender decided to head back up to her dorm room. If her roommate didn't return, she would start asking other ponies if they had seen her. As she neared her room she realized that her friend Ice Beam was also attending Canterlot College. "I'll go look around for him tomorrow as well." Feeling sleepy again, she drifted off to sleep in her bed. (:

Edited by Little Miss Fluttershy
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Signature made by Cloud Chaser. Ask her to make you one! biggrin.png

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((Warning: I've placed my next post in a spoiler box because it is very long and isn't too necessary to read at this moment, I wrote it so that I had something to continue my characters story on, also contributing to a major attitude change. Read at your own risk.))





Star Keeper lowered his head nervously, avoiding the princess’ gaze. “I didn’t expect you to be so… welcoming.”


Celestia gave a welcoming smile, beckoning him closer. “And why would that be so? There is no reason for you to feel that way.”


“But after the archives and the forbidden-“


Celestia silenced him, placing a hoof softly over his mouth. “I’ve already forgotten. Your lesson was learned. But that was not the reason you came, was it not. So tell me Star Keeper, why have you come?”


Star struggled to find the right words, stuttering his next sentence. The princess giggled slightly before inviting him to have a seat next to her own. Star nervously accepted, trying not to feel too overwhelmed. He regained himself, taking a few deep breathes before speaking.


“It’s a long story really.”


“And we have time.”


Star chuckled a bit, something he hadn’t done in sometime. “I guess so, but where to start?”


“I would suggest from the beginning. You have yet to tell me of your adventures in Ponyville, and I am only too egger to hear what has befallen you since that day.”


Star looked up to the regal princess, a smile etching across his face. “I guess I could start from there. Nearly 4 years ago to the day, the day I fled.” He took a deep sigh before continuing on.


“Well, here it goes. Soon after my judgment, I had turned seventeen. I couldn’t remain in Canterlot, my reputation ruined by my actions, so I fled. I sold what belongings I had and fled south on the road. I did not know where I was going but I just had to get away.”

“After two days of walking across the land I came to Ponyville. It was a small reclusive town away from any focus; it was perfect. I used what money I had to rent myself a small apartment with another pony, a mare named Demeter. After a rather interesting series of events, I had found that I was homeless again by unfortunate circumstances. By this point though I was now eighteen and had saved enough money from my job to put down a deposit in a home. I found a nice cottage near the edge of town with an observatory precariously placed on its side; perfect again. I moved in as soon as I could. My new job was at the Town Hall as record keeper and manager. It was dull but it paid the bills, not to mention it was as easy as counting for me.”

“At Pinkies “House Warming Party” I was introduced to all the locals. I was overwhelmed, normally being a bit reclusive, but I made my best effort. After the evening was over I found myself slightly intoxicated from a little too much hard cider. I woke up the next morning with another- actually, I’d rather not say.”

“When I turned 21, Twilight Sparkle moved to Ponyville. It was the single most awkward day in my life to date. I could barely make out a hello to her let alone talk to anypony. At the welcome party rumour had made its way around (thanks to Dash) that I had a, well, crush on Twilight. When I denied this, they began to call me gay and stuff like that. I didn’t know at this point which was worse. By the end of the Nightmare Moon incident, everypony had forgotten and it was business as normal, mostly. I made sure to avoid Twilight when possible. I met with a mare called Derpy every now and then and we had our little talks during her breaks. They were nice but Derpy was off traveling with some brown colt most of the time, no place for a third unnecessary wheel.”

“One day after one of our chats with Derpy, I received a present. It wasn’t his birthday or any special occasion, yet here it was, wrapped in string and brown paper. I recognized the contence immediately, the first book I had attempted to read in the Royal Archives. With it came a note, written in funny hoof writing.”

“One thing you must understand is that history is not for any individual to be horded, but it is for many to learn from it. Your friend, the Doctor”

“I opened my eyes to his errors. All my motivations were lies, all my urges were false. I had two things to do now, and one was get a letter to you as soon as possible. The other was of far more importance, something that would set my mind at ease for the first time in years.”

“After I sent off the letter to you stating my new take on knowledge, I went off the town records. I would finally discover who my parents were. I had very little to work on, though I did know that at some point they lived in Ponyville. After weeks of research and interruptions, I finally had answers; my parents were Joule and Harness Keeper. They lived in Ponyville for many years, dropping me in Canterlot so that he may have a better life, and now rested in the town Cemetery. They died a peaceful death, together. And that is pretty much my life story to this day. It is rather odd, and lengthier than needs be, but it is a tale or two to be had within it.”


Celestia was taken aback my Star’s story, taking a few seconds to compute everything. “I’m glad you finally found your place, and that you finally have closure for your parents. But I find myself wondering yet still, why have you come to me this day? I enjoy our talks but this seems more than just a visit for old times’ sake. Something weighs heavy on your shoulders. Allow me to hear it and I may be of some aid.”


Star had come so far, deciding it would be best to reveal the last chapter of his tale. “After you sent the letter, and the offer of going to Canterlot College, I was so excited. It was a brilliant opportunity to regain what I had lost. There were no second thoughts in my decision. I was there the next day, preparing to face what was coming. I had a new room, a roommate and even a marefriend. That’s a long story. The simplified version is that there was a party and I go slightly drunk. It wasn’t my fault, I was forced into it. But the results speak for themselves, don’t they? Aside from that, things have been getting more difficult. After the dust had fallen a scene of carnage remained. My marefriend was raped, I nearly died from a forcefully taken overdose and there has been no shortage of drama. I nearly dropped everything and left at a point, but I couldn’t. They all convinced me to stay, but I don’t know what to do now? What do I do next? I’m not exactly… happy. I should be, new school and new education, so why don’t I? I just can’t take all the stress that come with friends and relationships and all that crap. At this point I’m still considering bailing on it all. We are only on day 3 of over 300 and I’m already about to crack. What do I do?”


Celestia smiled at Star, an unexpected result. “Oh my dear, do you not remember the letter I sent you? What I told you that day? Allow me to refresh your memory.”


Celestia’s horn lit up and the letter she had sent appeared in front of them. She highlighted one line of text that she wanted Star to look at, outlining it with a glowing gold. It read as follows;


‘I hope that over these next few months that you find all that you have been looking for, though you may not know what that is yet.’


“Star, you still have yet to discover what it is you truly want. I sent you to that school so that you could not only learn, but discover yourself. I had a purpose for you from the beginning, the same for all my students. You must find that purpose out for yourself, I cannot help you discover what it is. I want you to go back to the College, I want you to see your friends, I want you to kiss you marefriend good night and I want you to find your true purpose in life. I trust you Star Keeper, my dearest Star. You were always meant for this. Though it may come in strange form, it is your destiny.”


Star Keeper’s smile grew to incalculable size, Celestia returning the gesture. “Go now, my student. Go and find yourself.”


Star did not need any more hints; he was up and galloping to the doors, the sun reaching late afternoon. He quickly turned back to Celestia, a warm smile on his face. “Thank you… for everything.”


“No Star Keeper, thank you. Good luck my dear.”




((Summary: Star talked to Celestia, he discusses his past and the events at the college. Celestia tells him that he needs to continue down this path to find his purpose she has set for him. The end.))

Edited by The-Master
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After the whole cafe incident, Rockshire went back to her dorm, to where Sugar Rush's stuff was gone. "Huh? What happened to her stuff?", she thought out loud. Then, she could see a school letter on her bed. Grabbing it with her magic, she read it.


"Wait. I have a new roommate? Who is this then?"


((OOC: This is for @Obsidian_Winter to continue with the storyline.))

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Ice Beam headed back to his dorm room. He just needed to relax and have some peace and quiet after what happened in the cafe. He would definitely go see Nightfall later to see how he was doing. Ice Beam wondered what other crazy drama would happen later on...it couldn't be good.

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Obsidian walked with her marefriend, Vinyl. She wondered what her special talent was and name meant but she kept quiet. She was happy to have company. She liked this Mare, even if she didn't totally trust and thought she was a bit over sexed. Poor thing. She just needs to realize there are other ways to show affection that can be even better. They made it back to the Deans office and opened the door. The dean wasn't there but the Secretary handed Obsidian a letter that was sealed with a royal crest. She tilted her head a little to the side, not understanding the seal and opened it up, reading it over carefully.


"Dearest Obsidian Winter,


            Your families old accounts have been transfered to your name. Though any property they once had has long since been sold or used for other things while I was away, I made certain you were compensated for their worth. Any royal title you once held has been removed from record to protect your background. I understand this letter must not make much sense but I can go into no more detail. I know its hard to not know where you come from, but for now, its for the best. As for your favor, you have been granted access to Canterlot College on full Scholarship. I will send for you when there is more to say.


It is good to have your family back in Canterlot.


With love,


Princess Luna.



  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Obsidian walked with her marefriend, Vinyl. She wondered what her special talent was and name meant but she kept quiet. She was happy to have company. She liked this Mare, even if she didn't totally trust and thought she was a bit over sexed. Poor thing. She just needs to realize there are other ways to show affection that can be even better. They made it back to the Deans office and opened the door. The dean wasn't there but the Secretary handed Obsidian a letter that was sealed with a royal crest. She tilted her head a little to the side, not understanding the seal and opened it up, reading it over carefully.


"Dearest Obsidian Winter,


            Your families old accounts have been transfered to your name. Though any property they once had has long since been sold or used for other things while I was away, I made certain you were compensated for their worth. Any royal title you once held has been removed from record to protect your background. I understand this letter must not make much sense but I can go into no more detail. I know its hard to not know where you come from, but for now, its for the best. As for your favor, you have been granted access to Canterlot College on full Scholarship. I will send for you when there is more to say.


It is good to have your family back in Canterlot.


With love,


Princess Luna.



He rounded the corner, and just barely caught a glimpse as Obsidian walked into the office. He waited outside a bit. His back hurt, and he assumed he had hit the ground hard after he had been struck in the head. His headache throbbed, and he couldn't wait longer. He slowly opened the door and walked in.

"Obsidian... May I please have a word with you..?"

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He rounded the corner, and just barely caught a glimpse as Obsidian walked into the office. He waited outside a bit. His back hurt, and he assumed he had hit the ground hard after he had been struck in the head. His headache throbbed, and he couldn't wait longer. He slowly opened the door and walked in.

"Obsidian... May I please have a word with you..?"

She finished reading the letter and was left with far FAR more questions then answers. She didn't know her families history at all. She didn't even really know how old she was. Her earliest memories were growing up with her Great Grandmother at their home in the Crystal Mountains, then moving to the Hollow. Princess Luna knew something but wouldn't say. Great. After she read the letter the Receptionist handed her a folder and welcomed her to the school. SHe flipped through it and saw where her room was to be.


"Hey Vinyl, I have a room assignment. Do you mind showing me wher....." She heard Nightfall.


"I thought I made it clear in the next if I wanted to see you I would go to you. Anyway, aren't you suppose to be in the hospital?"

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She finished reading the letter and was left with far FAR more questions then answers. She didn't know her families history at all. She didn't even really know how old she was. Her earliest memories were growing up with her Great Grandmother at their home in the Crystal Mountains, then moving to the Hollow. Princess Luna knew something but wouldn't say. Great. After she read the letter the Receptionist handed her a folder and welcomed her to the school. SHe flipped through it and saw where her room was to be.


"Hey Vinyl, I have a room assignment. Do you mind showing me wher....." She heard Nightfall.


"I thought I made it clear in the next if I wanted to see you I would go to you. Anyway, aren't you suppose to be in the hospital?"

"I was..."

He thought a bit about what he was going to say. He couldn't wing it...

"But what I did was wrong. I couldn't stand around, thinking about how badly I screwed up and doing nothing besides wallowing in self-pity. I'm sorry, Obsidian..."

The thoughts of her rejection ate at his already tired, throbbing brain. He found it a bit hard to stand. The pain was slowly getting worse. He fought a losing battle, and felt his knees beginning to buckle as the tunnel appeared and started closing in.

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"I was..."

He thought a bit about what he was going to say. He couldn't wing it...

"But what I did was wrong. I couldn't stand around, thinking about how badly I screwed up and doing nothing besides wallowing in self-pity. I'm sorry, Obsidian..."

The thoughts of her rejection ate at his already tired, throbbing brain. He found it a bit hard to stand. The pain was slowly getting worse. He fought a losing battle, and felt his knees beginning to buckle as the tunnel appeared and started closing in.

She sighed and used her magic to levitate him off the ground so he didn't have to waste his energy standing.


"Nightfall, I am grateful for all you have done for me and I can't be too upset at you for not standing up for yourself. Thats your choice. When I insulted Eris' sister he backhoofed me, called me a Bitch and then hit you with a chair. When he called me a Whore, you did NOTHING. You turned your back....You didn't even say something mellow like 'Hey man that was harsh' or something like that. I am at a point in my life where I need help just keeping control. How can you help me do that when you won't even take care of your own battles?"

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
  • Brohoof 4

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She sighed and used her magic to levitate him off the ground so he didn't have to waste his energy standing.


"Nightfall, I am grateful for all you have done for me and I can't be too upset at you for not standing up for yourself. Thats your choice. When I insulted Eris' sister he backhoofed me, called me a Bitch and then hit you with a chair. When he called me a Whore, you did NOTHING. You turned your back....You didn't even say something mellow like 'Hey man that was harsh' or something like that. I am at a point in my life where I need help just keeping control. How can you help me do that when you won't even take care of your own battles?"


"I said I'm sorry... I'm trying my hardest, ok..? Please... one more chance... If I fail then, why should you let me go on with life? I got caught up with my own feelings.. All I need is another choice."

He didn't struggle when she lifted him up; in fact, he seemed to enjoy it a bit.

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"I said I'm sorry... I'm trying my hardest, ok..? Please... one more chance... If I fail then, why should you let me go on with life? I got caught up with my own feelings.. All I need is another choice."

He didn't struggle when she lifted him up; in fact, he seemed to enjoy it a bit.

SHe narrowed her eyes "Do NOT make me the reason for you to live. When you mess up with a mare you can't make it right in one day. Plus I like Stallions and Mares and you don't strike me as the type who would be accepting of that. If you want another chance with me, which I might remind you, you never had me to begin with, then earn it. Vinyl is going to be helping me around campus. Get some rest and if you really want something, be patient and work it."


She sighed again and looked down


"Nightfall, I really liked you..you were my hero and now I am having trouble adjusting to how you really are. I need time and I need to get to know you more to see if we should even be special someponies."

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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SHe narrowed her eyes "Do NOT make me the reason for you to live. When you mess up with a mare you can't make it right in one day. Plus I like Stallions and Mares and you don't strike me as the type who would be accepting of that. If you want another chance with me, which I might remind you, you never had me to begin with, then earn it. Vinyl is going to be helping me around campus. Get some rest and if you really want something, be patient and work it."


She sighed again and looked down


"Nightfall, I really liked you..you were my hero and now I am having trouble adjusting to how you really are. I need time and I need to get to know you more to see if we should even be special someponies."


He knew he had made a rash decision.

"Right... I'm sorry. I'm just trying too hard."

He shook his head and sighed. How much worse could he make it? He needed to respect her choices.

"I'm going back to the hospital to get more rest... If you would please release me from your, er- hold..."

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He knew he had made a rash decision.

"Right... I'm sorry. I'm just trying too hard."

He shook his head and sighed. How much worse could he make it? He needed to respect her choices.

"I'm going back to the hospital to get more rest... If you would please release me from your, er- hold..."

She released the levitation spell and placed him gently down on the ground. "Go get some rest dear Nightfall and show me you are more than what we saw in the cafe'. I'll be aound. So will you. Please go get some rest now? I accept your apology and we are still friends. Anything more than that is a matter of waiting to see how things go.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She released the levitation spell and placed him gently down on the ground. "Go get some rest dear Nightfall and show me you are more than what we saw in the cafe'. I'll be aound. So will you. Please go get some rest now? I accept your apology and we are still friends. Anything more than that is a matter of waiting to see how things go.

Vinyl waited until the two were done conversing before she spoke. "Um, bye Nightfall... So, uh.. About that room." Vinyl looked at the sheet that contained Winter's living arrangements. "It looks like you're going to be staying in a dorm without a roommate... Do you mind if I move in? I'm rooming with Lovely right now and, well... You know."

  • Brohoof 4

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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She released the levitation spell and placed him gently down on the ground. "Go get some rest dear Nightfall and show me you are more than what we saw in the cafe'. I'll be aound. So will you. Please go get some rest now? I accept your apology and we are still friends. Anything more than that is a matter of waiting to see how things go.


"I will."

He stood there for a moment, and then slowly limped out. he didn't know how he did it, but next thing he knew, he was at his room in the bed slowly starting drifting off to sleep.

"Things I need: self-confidence, the ability to know when to stop..."

Then he slept.

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Vinyl waited until the two were done conversing before she spoke. "Um, bye Nightfall... So, uh.. About that room." Vinyl looked at the sheet that contained Winter's living arrangements. "It looks like you're going to be staying in a dorm without a roommate... Do you mind if I move in? I'm rooming with Lovely right now and, well... You know."

She read over the arrangements


"It looks like I'm rooming with a Mare named 'Rockshire', see?" She pointed out in the parchment (Shank said switching wasn't allowed :-(

)) "I hope shes nice. Want to help me find my new place?"


She watched Nightfall go and her heart sank. This day hadn't gotten gone like she thought it would at all.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She read over the arrangements

"It looks like I'm rooming with a Mare named 'Rockshire', see?" She pointed out in the parchment. "I hope shes nice. Want to help me find my new place?"


She watched Nightfall go and her heart sank. This day hadn't gotten gone like she thought it would at all.

Vinyl looked at the paper again. "Oh, my bad. I must have skipped over that. Well, lets go to your room. I think you'll like it there. Trust me, Rockshire's real nice." Vinyl escorted Winter to her room. They were pretty quiet on the way there. "This is it. So um... Did you want me to stay for a while or...?"

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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