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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Vinyl smiled and curled up next to Winter. "With your help, I'm pretty sure I can work through it." She blushed as she felt the loving nips on her neck. "That depends. Where do you want to go from here." She looked into Winter's eyes and bit her lip. "This could go a few different ways."

"This....this is true, it could."


She thought for a moment, running her hoof over Vinyls splendid mane. The look on Obsidians face was quiet...stilll...serene...It was nice. She liked that feelings. She remembered her Instructors lessons on opening up and letting people in. Boy could THAT be taken a few ways right now....She leaned down and kissed Vinyl. She decided that things would lead where they would lead...fates could decide.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"This....this is true, it could."


She thought for a moment, running her hoof over Vinyls splendid mane. The look on Obsidians face was quiet...stilll...serene...It was nice. She leaned down and kissed Vinyl. She decided that things would lead where they would lead...fates could decide.

I that moment, Vinyl realised that she loved having a hoof through her mane. She leaned into Winter's kiss and wrapped her hooves around her. She broke the kiss and looked looked into her eyes and she could feel that Winter wanted the same thing as she did. She put her hoof on Winter's flank and kissed her again.

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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In that moment, looking into those deep pools she knew where this was all leading, what was going to happen. She was so tired of caution and planning and focus and for once she just wanted to live in the moment. It had been so long since anypony wanted her....wanted her around...wanted her advice...wanted her friendship...or like this....A thought of Nightfall tried to enter her mind which carefully chased away. 'Live in the moment'. She did just that. *fade to black*

  • Brohoof 5

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Nightfall woke up. No one was in the room. He checked his phone. Still nothing. He picked it up and began writing a text to Vinyl. But just as he finished, he sighed and deleted it, and deleted Lovely's contact from his phone.

"Waiting... it is one of the worst things ever..."

  • Brohoof 3
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Obsidian awoke the next morning. Last night had been exhausting. She thought back on what had happened and smiled. It was late in the day. They had stayed up nearly all night together. Vinyl was still asleep, lazy thing....

She got up feeling sticky and sweaty so she headed to the shower. She closed her eyes and let the water run through her long mane and tail. After using a rather pleasent smelling shampoo and conditioner she shook herself off, combed her main and tail using her magic and checked herself in the mirror. She looked tired, but other then that, right as rain. She found a quill and piece of parchment:


Dear Vinyl,


You looked so at peace sleeping I didn't want to wake you. I've gone to see Nightfall in the hospital. I figure its the least I can do for the trouble I caused. Last night was wonderful. You were wonderful. I'm picking up a phone today. I hope you don't mind but I got your number off your phone. I'll text you later in the day.


My thoughts are with you,



  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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He heard knocking on the door, and wonder who it might be, his heart guessing it was Obsidian. But he didn't want hopes smashed, so he didn't quite believe it.

"Come in."

It was Obsidian. His heart did a weird flutter, and he wanted to spew out an explanation, but he decided that would be rash, a thing she seemed not to like.

"Hey, Obsidian..."

He made a motion that she should come in and sit near the bed.

  • Brohoof 2
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He heard knocking on the door, and wonder who it might be, his heart guessing it was Obsidian. But he didn't want hopes smashed, so he didn't quite believe it.

"Come in."

It was Obsidian. His heart did a weird flutter, and he wanted to spew out an explanation, but he decided that would be rash, a thing she seemed not to like.

"Hey, Obsidian..."

He made a motion that she should come in and sit near the bed.

"Hey Nightfall. You're looking....better then you did last I saw you. HOw do you feel?"


She made her way over to his bedside and sat, then looked around. He wasn't hooked up to much stuff so she decided he was certainly going to live. She placed a hoof on his bed, by his leg and sighed.


"We need to talk."

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Hey Nightfall. You're looking....better then you did last I saw you. HOw do you feel?"


She made her way over to his bedside and sat, then looked around. He wasn't hooked up to much stuff so she decided he was certainly going to live. She placed a hoof on his bed, by his leg and sighed.


"We need to talk."


"I feel better... a lot better."

He didn't know how to feel when she said they needed to talk. It was true. They did. He needed to tell her about himself, his love for her, and how that made him enemies with Lovely. But should she go first..? No. He should.

"Yeah... I- I must confess that I do like you. A lot. And when I told that to Lovely when she came by, she said we weren't friends anymore... I'm sure she now hates me... She didn't like it when she called you a two-faced bitch and I told her you weren't... She left in a huff, telling me to delete her contact on my phone..."

He blushed.

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Ice Beam left Nightfall's room after Lovely and Percussive headed out, and he saw that they had run into none other than Star Keeper. Ice Beam walked up just in time to hear Star Keeper say something about needing their help. "What's going on, bro?" asked Ice Beam.

  • Brohoof 2



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"Oh, yes, um, hi Ice Beam. I'm sort of in a panicky mood right now so don't be alarmed if I start to overreact. Okay, well, here it goes." Star Keeper took a deep breath as he regained some matter of composure. Of all ponies in the school, these were probably the best to be talking to right now. If only he knew where Shire was. She'd try an stop him most probably. Oh well.


"Okay, so somepony here at school, I'm not saying who, has managed to set in place a plan to destroy Eris. This doesn't mean betting him up or a throw down with words, destroying his image. Long story short, I don't exactly know whether to stop it, help it or just leave it be. Does one pony so... unemphatic deserve it?"

  • Brohoof 2


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"A plan to destroy Eris? Sounds pretty good to me." thought Ice Beam.


Eris definitely deserves some payback for what he did to everypony. There was no way Ice Beam was gonna let him get away with all that stuff.


"All right dude, I'm in...what's the plan exactly?..."

  • Brohoof 2



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"The plan is to come up with a plan to either stop the plan, help the plan or ignore the plan. I need your guys help to figure out what to do. I see you, Ice, are happy with letting Eris take the fall. What about the rest of you? Lovely, Percussive, I could really use some help here."

  • Brohoof 2


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Percussive began to think about this for a bit. If Eris was going to take the fall, then Lovely was going to be devastated... And, well, he really liked her... Love, or plan to destroy her brother's reputation.... What a tough choice. He looked over to Lovely, and then back to Star Keeper.


"As much as I would want to extract revenge on a bully, which has been my dream for a considerable amount of time, I think I'll pass on this one. Sorry, Star Keeper..."

  • Brohoof 1
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Eris completely ignored Rockshire's bitter response and smiled again, "well if you see her let her know I'm looking for her." Eris sent a quick text asking to meet up with Cherished so he could help her get ready for the dance. 

Lovely couldn't believe her ears. She looked at Star Keeper in disbelief, "do you have family Star Keeper?" Lovely paused and spoke again, "what is the point in revenge? Yes, Eris can be a bully. But hurting a bully is bullying too. Revenge gets us nowhere. I believe in forgiveness. I can't control anyone or make their decisions for them." Lovely glanced over at Ice Beam shocked at how ready he was to 'destory' her brother, "but I will never be involved in something that would hurt another pony. At the end of the day we all bleed the same colour and just want to be loved." Lovely smiled sweetly at Star Keeper. It may seem like a no-brainer for the others to gang-up on Eris, but Lovely knew his better side. She grew-up with a kind and loving Eris, she could never hurt him.

  • Brohoof 4

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Lovely's point stood clear, and Star could not deny she had a point. This feud would get them nowhere in the end, only leading to the suffering of another. Star took another deep breath, turning to face the innocent mare. He did not return the smile, only offering a blank look.


"No, I don't have any family. I was orphaned as a young colt and here I am. I can only imagine the bond shared between siblings, but I hold your word true. I can't sit back and let this happen knowing that there was something I could have done. I have to help somehow... only... I'm not sure how to do it."

  • Brohoof 2


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Rockshire scoffed at Eris. "Like I would want to come looking for you anyways. Just stay away from me, you little bastard."


"Yeah... Trust me, usually, revenge will go nowhere. I often myself try to understand this theory to its full extent, but nevertheless, you're better off just being a sitting duck.", Percussive simply said to Star.

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" I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for putting you in that position. I knew you wanted to confront Eris, but I shouldn't have just taken it upon myself. I also wanted to thank you again for the kindness that you showed me when I first arrived." She looked down for a moment and chose her next words carefully.


"I also wanted to tell you that I'm not upset at you for not sticking up for me. I was disappoint, but not angry. I also believe that you should have told me about Lovely. I know I wasn't the only one who was feeling something that night I was in your room and at least a warning would have been nice." She took a deep breath


"But thats in the past. I want you to focus on getting better. I spent some time with Vinyl last night as she helped me see things a little more clear."

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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" I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for putting you in that position. I knew you wanted to confront Eris, but I shouldn't have just taken it upon myself. I also wanted to thank you again for the kindness that you showed me when I first arrived." She looked down for a moment and chose her next words carefully.


"I also wanted to tell you that I'm not upset at you for not sticking up for me. I was disappoint, but not angry. I also believe that you should have told me about Lovely. I know I wasn't the only one who was feeling something that night I was in your room and at least a warning would have been nice." She took a deep breath


"But thats in the past. I want you to focus on getting better. I spent some time with Vinyl last night as she helped me see things a little more clear."


"If you're saying, even indirectly, that I had something with Lovely... well... I didn't. Things didn't... well, things never felt quite right around her... And she just hates me now, so things will never be quite right around her... The same cannot be said about you."

He blushed.

"Everything feels better around you..."

He sat there, quiet.

"Great... hopefully that wasn't too cheesy..."

"Um... I- I can do that..."

Maybe the talk was over.

"If- if you haven't already been asked-"

He hesitated.

"Would you want to go to the dance with me..? It would give me something to want to get better for..."

  • Brohoof 2
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Parso thought it would be best to break the silence

"Cherished, I was wondering if you wanted to go to that dance thing with me, liven the party up"

he heard her phone go off and passed it to her

"looks like Eris had the same thing on his mind"

Parso wanted to go to the dance all the more, 1. to try and help Cherished love him 2. to avenge nightfalls injuries 

  • Brohoof 2

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"If you're saying, even indirectly, that I had something with Lovely... well... I didn't. Things didn't... well, things never felt quite right around her... And she just hates me now, so things will never be quite right around her... The same cannot be said about you."

He blushed.

"Everything feels better around you..."

He sat there, quiet.

"Great... hopefully that wasn't too cheesy..."

"Um... I- I can do that..."

Maybe the talk was over.

"If- if you haven't already been asked-"

He hesitated.

"Would you want to go to the dance with me..? It would give me something to want to get better for..."


She was shocked when he asked her out...shocked, sad and furious...


"Wha....You're asking me out? Now? After its too late?" Of course he hada no idea what she was refering to, but she couldn't help but be overflowed with guilt.


"You're telling me you didn't have anything to do with Lovely, well I've heard different. I heard you wanted her and I will not be someones second choice, Nightfall! You weren't straight with me and...and.....No, I can't...won't go to the Dance with you or anypony else. You are so frusterating! Why does this have to be so hard!"


She started crying and ran out of the room. Great. Emo-much? She felt bad on one hand, justified on the other. This was all a mix mash of raw emotion, compiled with he said, she said gossip crap. She ran passed everypony and into the afternoon sun.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Lightning was walking back to his dorm so he could finish his song when some mare ran past crying."Huh who was that and why was she crying?" Lightining thought about just staying out of if, but he couldn't just let a mare be in such a distrought state. "Hey wait!" He called after her, when she didn't stop he started running after her calling out after her."Hey! Wait up! Stop!"

  • Brohoof 2

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Lightning was walking back to his dorm so he could finish his song when some mare ran past crying."Huh who was that and why was she crying?" Lightining thought about just staying out of if, but he couldn't just let a mare be in such a distrought state. "Hey wait!" He called after her, when she didn't stop he started running after her calling out after her."Hey! Wait up! Stop!"

She ran and ran until she could hardly stand and came to edge of one of the waterfalls leading out of Canterlot. She set herself down and tried to dry her eyes. Great, another pony running to her rescue. She wasn't worth of the attention she got. She laid her head down and waited.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She was shocked when he asked her out...shocked, sad and furious...


"Wha....You're asking me out? Now? After its too late?" Of course he hada no idea what she was refering to, but she couldn't help but be overflowed with guilt.


"You're telling me you didn't have anything to do with Lovely, well I've heard different. I heard you wanted her and I will not be someones second choice, Nightfall! You weren't straight with me and...and.....No, I can't...won't go to the Dance with you or anypony else. You are so frusterating! Why does this have to be so hard!"


She started crying and ran out of the room. Great. Emo-much? She felt bad on one hand, justified on the other. This was all a mix mash of raw emotion, compiled with he said, she said gossip crap. She ran passed everypony and into the afternoon sun.


She left suddenly, but she had mentioned hearing that he wanted Lovely.

"Which unlucky bastard started that? Oh ho ho, they'll pay dearly."

He sighed. He'd have to try again... but he wouldn't give up on Obsidian. He couldn't give up. He had given up on Lovely, and he had seen the results. He wouldn't give up on Obsidian.


He felt better, and got up and moved around in his room. Hopefully Obsidian would come back...

Edited by Nightfall
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She ran and ran until she could hardly stand and came to edge of one of the waterfalls leading out of Canterlot. She set herself down and tried to dry her eyes. Great, another pony running to her rescue. She wasn't worth of the attention she got. She laid her head down and waited.

Lightning saw the mare stop."Oh sweet Celestia thank you." He said as he approached the mare. "Hey are you- wait... Obsidian? Why are you crying is everything okay?" He said as he stopped next to Obsidian. "Obsidian who's flank do I have to kick?" He asked as he put an arm around her to try and comfort her.

  • Brohoof 1

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Vinyl woke up well into the day. She checked her phone and it read 11:53. She looked over to see if Winter was still asleep. She's not even here... She looked on her bedside table and found a note.


Dear Vinyl,


You looked so at peace sleeping, I didn't want to wake you. I've gone to see Nightfall in the hospital. I figure it's the least I could do for the trouble I caused. Last night was wonderful. You were wonderful. I'm picking up a phone today. I hope you don't mind but I got your number off your phone. I'll text you later in the day.


My thoughts are with you,



She did say she'd text later... Couldn't be any harm in texting first. She sent Winter a text asking where she was.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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