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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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"Uh, yeah, I know where her room is. Right down the hall to your left, third door on your right. ((Just BS'ing room placements here.)) That's her room. And don't worry, Obsidian. She probably hates his guts like we do as well.", Rockshire said with a bit of a laughing tone.

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"Uh, yeah, I know where her room is. Right down the hall to your left, third door on your right. ((Just BS'ing room placements here.)) That's her room. And don't worry, Obsidian. She probably hates his guts like we do as well.", Rockshire said with a bit of a laughing tone.


"Thanks Shire. I'm grateful. Will you excuse me for a moment? I'd like to go check on her real quick to see how shes holding up. I know you're right about her despising him, but he's slick. I wouldn't put it past him to try taking her by force because he seems to think he owns anypony he's been with" She sighed.


"Anyway, I'll see you in a little bit....OH! If you need me, here"


She used her magic to write down a number.


"You should be able to reach me at this number after about an hour. Text or call."


She smiled and hugged her roomie then started out the door

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Nightfall awoke. Wait, how did he fall asleep?

"Must've just felt like closing my eyes," he muttered. He checked his phone; still no texts. Lovely must be really upset. And Obsidian... Who knows what she was thinking right now? He sighed and laid back down. He felt like, even though he had sent out "distress signals," they were being either ignored or forgotten...

Edited by Nightfall
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Lovely was shocked to see Ice Beam in her room, "oh hey Ice Beam." Lovely quickly wiped off any mascara that may heave leaked on to her face. She knew she probably looks like a mess, which only made her feel worse. "Never a lack of excitement here eh?" Lovely heaved, "I don't belong here. Eris was right, I should have never left home. I'm too weak." Lovely felt herself beginning to tear up again and was having difficulty suppressing it.

Cherished looked her new roommate up and down. She had been getting use to the privacy, needless to say the idea of a new roommate wasn't enthralling to her. Cherished pursed her lips, "well it sure looks that way. Cherished; my name." Cherished rolled her eyes, so far all the new ponies had proven themselves to be missing a few screws. 

Suddenly Vinyl entered the room and fell asleep. She had hardly even given a second thought to Lovely and her feelings. Lovely curled up on her bed, Vinyl must hate her. Did her break-up with Eris mean they weren't friends anymore? Lovely sighed again as she gave Ice Beam and Percussive a sad look. 

Cherished took the soda, but insisted she was fine. "I just want to know what happened. The thing about third party stories- you need to take them with a grain of salt." Cherished looked up at Parso as she sat on her bed. Everything was going to shit, but he was still a constant. Still the idea of commitment shook her up, hopefully she could avoid the impending conversation for a while.

Lovely smiled warmly at Percussive. Maybe he was right, maybe she was just overreacting..but. "I just don't know if I can ever look at him the same way after today. He hit her like she was nothing, he didn't even hesitate.."

Suddenly Lovely felt her phone vibrate, she figured it was Eris and ignored it for a while. Eventually curiosity got the better of her and she read the message; it was from Nightfall. Lovely sighed. She didn't want any association with that Obsidian bitch, but she couldn't just leave Nightfall alone in the hospital. "Let's go, Nightfall needs some company." Lovely led Percussive and Ice Beam to Nightfall's hospital room, and thankfully Obsidian wasn't here. "How are you feeling?"

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Nightfall looked up shocked. Considering no one had really acknowledged his texts, he thought he'd be alone for much longer.

"Oh... Better... I think. I still have a bad headache and my back still hurts a bit. It's better than when I woke up, though."

He sat up and motioned for the three to come in the room.

"I honestly didn't think anyone was coming. And... I'm not sure what happened... Could- could you please tell me what happened while my back was turned and after I was knocked out?"

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Parso sat on the bed next to Cherished, he put an arm around her but didnt say anything. Parso knew when mares said they were 'fine' there was always something up, he kept his mouth zipped as she would probably answer with 'no, I'm fine' 

"she's the only mare I care about, but she's only worried about breaking my heart. I need to find away to fix that problem"

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"Glad to.", Percussive said calmly.


"After you were knocked out, that new mare was using some sort of freezing spell on Eris, to which he melted it off with his own spell. Lovely broke down into tears, I went to comfort her, that mare, er, Rockshire was it? She took you to the hospital, and now you're here."


He scratched the back of his neck, looking to Lovely and Ice Beam. "That sounds about right."


He turned back to Nightfall. "I'm sorry, I never introduced myself. Percussive Force."

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"Nightfall. I am- um..."

He was about to say that he knew another alicorn on campus, but he remembered Obsidian wanted to keep that a secret.

"As far as I know, I'm the only alicorn on campus. I wouldn't doubt it if there was another... Still... thanks... Makes me know what, er- what I need to do."

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Obsidian just missed Lovely as she left to see Nightfall. The fates were obviously trying to prevent another incident. She flashed one more smile at Shire and closed the door. She followed the instructions to Vinyls room and stopped. What was she doing there? Maybe she wanted time alone. Well only one way to really know. She needed company. She didn't know who all the various ponies were with and she caught when someone said nightfall was trying to Get with Lovely. He lied to her. He want alone. To her knowledge only Vinyl and her were really alone. She sighed and withsome words of encouragement to herself, she knocked on Vinyl's door.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl was woken up by Lovely and the others leaving. While she was up, she figured she'd check her phone to see if Eris called or texted. She was about to call him when she heard a knock on the door. Vinyl panicked and threw her phone across the room. A thud could be heard outside. She got up and answered the door. "Oh, uh... H-hey Winter."

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Vinyl was woken up by Lovely and the others leaving. While she was up, she figured she'd check her phone to see if Eris called or texted. She was about to call him when she heard a knock on the door. Vinyl panicked and threw her phone across the room. A thud could be heard outside. She got up and answered the door. "Oh, uh... H-hey Winter."

Winters ears laid back when she heard something hit another something as if it had been thrown. She had just about reconsidered being there when Vinyl opened the door. "Hey, Vinyl....ummm, I-I'm I bothering you? I mean if your busy I can come back later. I don't want to be annoying or anything. I know you must still be upsewt over this morning......"


She paused and fumbled with her words for a moment.


"I guess I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl smiled and reassured Winter. "N-n-n-n-no! Come in. Come in." She led Winter into her room, sat on her bed, and gestured for Winter to follow suit. Her expression was a bit more somber now. *sigh* "Winter, I'm so ashamed. Before you came, I was about to call Eris... I don't know what it is... I guess I just feel like I need.. *sigh* like I need that feeling inside of me. You know?"

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Obsidian, thought carefully on those words she just spoke. She really didn't know how it was to need somepony like that, or to have a need that only somepony else could provide. "i guess its hard for me to really know....I've just shut ponies. I don't let them get close. They always let you down. Even Nightfall didn't tell me z about him and Lovely. Im not sure i can remember how to feel enough to relate to what you're saying. What do you feel you need from him?"

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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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After finishing his meal Dogboots stood up from his cot and made his way down to check the mail. He was expecting a package from a contact of his in Manehattan and was hoping that it arrived. As he walked out of the building he looked up at the sky. It was incredibly cloudy and it looked like a storm was about to hit the city. As he continued walking Dogboots was thinking to himself, "I wonder if this storm is my retribution? or the dark events that have happened so far? either way I can't wait to get out of this place and move on. I feel though I should take a photo with Parso or Draco. Just to have something added to the book. Then again I do have that note from the kitchen staff. I wonder who will take care of my garden when I leave? I could try and leave a note but I doubt any of those higher society ponies know how to garden. Oh well".  Dogboots approached the mailbox and opened the small door as he pulled out a huge pile. It didn't take long for him to identify that his package had arrived and with that he put the rest of the mail back and made his way to the broom closet and then the cafe.


The cafe was nearly empty when Dogboots arrived. The only ponies besides him that were there was the kitchen staff. "Mr.Dogboots!" one of the mares of the kitchen staff said as she approached him. The other members of the kitchen staff noticed him and approached him. Each and everyone of the members of the kitchen staff was bringing up the fiasco of Eris and Nightfall. "Something needs to be done about him. We need you to stand up to him! You look just as strong as him so you could have a shot!" One of the staff said but soon he shook his head at that idea. "I would be just as bad as him cause I would've resorted to violence but don't worry I have a plan and I can't do it without your help." Dogboots said as he ripped open the package and soon pulled out one of the pill bottles inside. "I need you guys to plant this in Eris's food. Only use a few pills though. Ground them and put him in his drink, sprinkle it on top of his dessert. I don't care how you do it but believe me by the end of tomorrow Eris will fall." He said with confidence as the kitchen staff had a look of hope on their faces. It had been a while since Dogboots had seen that look but it was something that drove him forward. "Here. As soon as you plant these in his food make sure to hide them or dispose of them so none of the other staff finds out about them." He said as he handed the pills to the head chef. The chef nodded as she took the pills and put them in her pocket. She knew what Dogboots had given her and she knew how to handle it. Before he made his way out he stopped and pulled out a camera. "How bout we get a quick picture in? To commemorate this moment?" He asked in enthusiasm. All the mares nodded in agreement and soon got in position. Dogboots set the timer to the camera and took position in the center. "All right! Say Hay!" Dogboots said as the ticker was counting down. "HAY" everypony said as the camera flashed taking the picture. They all stood and starting shaking Dogboots hoof while thanking him for what he was doing. Dogboots soon made his way out as he set off to his next destination.


"Well here it is. Eris's locker. What's this? a lock? oh no! whatever shall I do?" He jokingly thought to himself as he pulled out his keys. For Dogboots, being a janitor had its perks. The halls of the school were incredibly quiet and he couldn't even hear a sound. He inserted the key into the locker and with a few turns the locker was open. Dogboots wasn't surprised by what he saw. It seemed like Eris would keep this kind of stuff in his locker. The locker had a pin-up calander with mares in scanty outfits representing each month, a small stack of ponyball magazines,  a picture of Lovely and a dashboard that listed how many mares Eris slept with. Dogboots was a little impressed but disgusted with the number. He took out the 2nd bottle and started taping a pair of pills inside each magazine that Eris had. Just in case if his magazines did spill, the pills wouldn't fall out. The bottle was half empty when he was done planting the evidence in Eris's locker. He put the pill bottle in his pocket and the magazines back in the locker in the exact order that they were in from top to bottom and made his way to the locker rooms.


The Ponyball locker rooms were completely barren and dead. Dogboots had his mop and bucket along with him as an act to make it look like he was cleaning the locker rooms. Dogboots approached locker number 32 and in bold letters it read, "NOVA, ERIS". Once again Dogboots pulled out his keys and unlocked the locker door. This time it wasn't as grotesque as his regular locker. In the locker was his sports equipment, some painkillers and his water bottle. He pulled out the last pill bottle and grabbed Eris's painkillers. He emptied the pills from the pain killers bottle and replaced them with the steroids. Both pills looked practically the same as they were both small white pills. Dogboots soon filled the contents of the empty steroids bottle with the pain killers. The bottles were the same but the contents were not as Dogboots soon placed the pain killer bottle filled with steroids back in Eris's sports locker and the other bottle filled with painkillers in his pocket. He shut his locker and locked it back up. After that he soon left the locker room with his mop and bucket with a smile of confidence. Everything was going without a hitch. Before he even planted the evidence and visiting the cafe he made sure to turn off the cameras that watched these three areas in the broom closet. He made his way back to his dorm as he hummed, "The Best Is Yet To Come".


He entered his dorm and it was empty and silent as usual. He noticed that he forgot to throw away the empty can of processed meat but he didn't care. He turned on a lamp as well as the radio to his favorite station. He laid down and had a huge smile of satisfaction on his face. 

Edited by thor9356
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Obsidian, thought carefully on those words she just spoke. She really didn't know how it was to need somepony like that, or to have a need that only somepony else could provide. "I guess it's hard for me to really know....I've just shut ponies. I don't let them get close. They always let you down. Even Nightfall didn't tell me about him and Lovely. I'm not sure I can remember how to feel enough to relate to what you're saying. What do you feel you need from him?"

Vinyl blushed and looked down. "You know. That feeling. The warmth inside of me. I don't know why. I've felt it before from other guys, but... It's like it's different when it comes from him." She leaned over and rested her head on Winter's chest. "Winter,... Am I a bad pony?"

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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((Once again, long and not too necessary to read. Continue at your own risk.))



Star Keeper had spent enough time as it was at the palace. He had to get beck to the College before anypony started to question his whereabouts. As he galloped down the streets until he reached the campus.It was getting later into the day now, the sun reaching the late afternoon glow. He didn't have much time left before the dance. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do, all he knew was that something had to be done.


He found himself at the cafe, the place where everything seemed to happen. No event made its way by without stopping here to cause chaos. He was surprised to see Dogboot here,but chose to ignore the coincidence fr now. He simply ordered his Coffee and sat down to think for a while. He certainly had plenty of think to do. First thing to think about; figure out what we need to think about.


He noticed after some time a dramatic emptiness; he was the only voice in his own head. No interference no nagging thoughts. His thoughts were his own. A nice improvement, a further pint to add to the fact he wasn't going mad. Next thing, we have to work out what that bunch of lads had in store for Eris. They seemed dead set on something and Dogboot's of all ponies seems organised enough to conduct some sort of scheme. But what do I do if I do find out about some sort of plan. Do I help, do I stop them? Do I simply do nothing and let it proceed as planned? Maybe I should find out what it is before coming to conclusions just yet.


Star gazed around the cafe,looking to where Dogboot's had once stood conversing with the staff. They did seem awfully cheery today. He looked to see the chef plating up the next meal. He slipped something from his pocket, no more than a couple small looking capsules. He sprinkled its contence on the meal before placing it in the pre-heated oven. Was he going to poison somepony? Wait a second; Dogboot's had a plan, a plan to ruin Eris. He has the side of the staff and he is most probably the route behind this. But what would he did to ruin Eris involving some kind of drug. He's been caught with drugs before surely  but what kind of drugs would ruin him? Dogboot's was clever, he would have thought of this.


Bugger, that's it. Physical Stimulative's, Steroids. Oh Dogboot's, you clever clever pony. He has access to the lockers, perfect for planting the evidence. The meal is now tainted with traces of the drug. There is noway h can't be caught. That is brilliant, yet so wrong. So wrong in many ways. That wouldn't just get him kicked from the team and the College, but he'd probably lose everything dear to him. It would be a disgrace. Does he deserve it? Yeah... but does that mean it has to happen?


Star Keeper got up from his seat just as the waitress was bringing him his coffee. He simply told her she could have it and quickly cantered off down the campus. There was no use in looking for Dogboot's, what would that accomplish. What he had to do was first confirm his suspicions. Afterwards he would need help, not to stop it, but to figure out if he should just let it happen.Did any pony deserve that kind of fate, despite all they've done to others, to Shire...



((Simplified: Star arrives back at the cafe, works out Dogboot's plan, and now is debating whether to stop it or let it happen as planned. I don't even know what to do at this stage.))

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Vinyl blushed and looked down. "You know. That feeling. The warmth inside of me. I don't know why. I've felt it before from other guys, but... It's like it's different when it comes from him." She leaned over and rested her head on Winter's chest. "Winter,... Am I a bad pony?"

She laughed warmly. "You have needs Vinyl, nothing more. It doesn't make you a bad pony, it just means your desires are a little more.......err....active then other ponies?" She leaned down and nuzzled her. "I wish there was something I could do to help.


"Do you love him, do you think?"

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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She laughed warmly. "You have needs Vinyl, nothing more. It doesn't make you a bad pony, it just means your desires are a little more.......err....active then other ponies?" She leaned down and nuzzled her. "I wish there was something I could do to help.


"Do you love him, do you think?"

"Honestly... I don't know. I just hope these desires don't get in the way of our relationship... I'm sorry for running out on you earlier." Vinyl laid down and rested her head on Winter's lap. "I think all you need to do right now is hold me. Or we could maybe... You know."

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Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Honestly... I don't know. I just hope these desires don't get in the way of our relationship... I'm sorry for running out on you earlier." Vinyl laid down and rested her head on Winter's lap. "I think all you need to do right now is hold me. Or we could maybe... You know."

She blushed deeply then held her close to her. "Of course I'll be here for you and I hope you stay strong. I don't want you to fall under his spell again. As for what you're refering we could do....err.....well.....I haven't done anything like that in a very long time....years really..."

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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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As Ice Beam entered the room, Lovely greeted him. The group then headed over to Nightfall's room and Percussive explained to Nightfall what happened after he got knocked out by Eris. Percussive looked over at Ice Beam and Lovely, and Ice Beam nodded in agreement.


Ice Beam turned to Nightfall. "How you feeling, dude? What are you gonna do about Eris?"

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"I don't know. I thought I would fight him, but in light of recent events- er, as in more recent than the other fight, I'm thinking I'll need to work out some... Things before I go in and actually try. I've never had a plan about too much, and I look around and get advice to think ahead and know where to stop. I may need help..."

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"She also called me a dramatic idiot." Lovely sneered, "can't exactly say I'm her biggest fan." Talking about what happened brought back Lovely's feelings from earlier. she frowned, "you'll never be able to beat Eris. He always win at everything he does. He's perfect. That's why mother and father revere him so much and not me." Lovely shook her head, she had gotten into too much of a digression. "I would suggest just staying away from him, unless you want to end up here permanently." Lovely looked up a Nightfall with genuine concern in her eyes. Sure she was mad at him, but that didn't mean he deserved what he got.

Eris' coat was drenched from a few hours of working out. It was a great way to get out his excess frustration, Vinyl could help with the rest of it. Eris checked his phone. He had messages, but not from anyone he wanted to here from. Eris took a minute to stare at his last text from Lovely. He had to make things right between them. He sent her a quick 'can we talk?' text. Eris scrolled to his next message, it was from Vinyl. It had been a while, she must have gotten over her fit. Eris headed up to Vinyl's room and barged into to see Vinyl and Obsidian cuddling on her bed. "Vinyl. My room now." 

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"She also called me a dramatic idiot." Lovely sneered, "can't exactly say I'm her biggest fan." Talking about what happened brought back Lovely's feelings from earlier. she frowned, "you'll never be able to beat Eris. He always win at everything he does. He's perfect. That's why mother and father revere him so much and not me." Lovely shook her head, she had gotten into too much of a digression. "I would suggest just staying away from him, unless you want to end up here permanently." Lovely looked up a Nightfall with genuine concern in her eyes. Sure she was mad at him, but that didn't mean he deserved what he got.

Eris' coat was drenched from a few hours of working out. It was a great way to get out his excess frustration, Vinyl could help with the rest of it. Eris checked his phone. He had messages, but not from anyone he wanted to here from. Eris took a minute to stare at his last text from Lovely. He had to make things right between them. He sent her a quick 'can we talk?' text. Eris scrolled to his next message, it was from Vinyl. It had been a while, she must have gotten over her fit. Eris headed up to Vinyl's room and barged into to see Vinyl and Obsidian cuddling on her bed. "Vinyl. My room now." 


Obsidian jerked her neck up at the familiar voice. She frown with deep scorn at the prissy colt. " I think shes fine wheres shes at. I had a feeling you'd be coming back for her.....you can't stand to lose your 'property' can you? I'm trying to teach her she can do better then you by finding someone that will treat her with respect, a word I am certain is new to you."

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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Percussive stood next to Lovely, listening to her replies. He knew what Eris did was totally wrong, but... This was his first friend... He didn't want to upset her. He already likes her, too.... Maybe if he agrees to what she says, then he could get a spark or two going from this. He only nodded to what she said.

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"Did she? She never seems like that around me..."

He knew what Obsidian had said was true, to a degree, but he couldn't say that to Lovely.

"But never mind that. Let me try. Let me have a plan. If I have one chance to get at him when I am fully prepared, they will see... They will see that Eris isn't invincible, and that he is just another colt. Even if I end up here again, I can show him... Give me time..."

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