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private Penthouse Party RP


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Percussive was about to take another sip, until his jaw nearly dropped from Shade saying she loves him.


Whoa, wait. Did she seriously just say she loves me?! And, why is her eyes so... Messed up?! Was it-- NNNGHGGH!


His thoughts were interrupted him when she hugged-- well, squeezed him, and saying she really loves him.


I don't get it! One minute she's fine, and the next minute, she's gone all haywire! Speaking of haywire, her mane is shooting out like crazy! Was it from that spark she put in her drink? Or was it something else? I can't think straight because I'm running out of air!


"Uh, Shade? Could you loosen... *gasp, speaking in a higher voice due to no air* on the hug a bit?"

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Shade lets go... "Why don't *zap* you have some more *zap* punch?"


Shade looked at him creepily... As she wated for his response


Strange thoughts went threw shade... Well one thought...


*love love love love love love love love love him love him love him love him love him*

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Something was definitely not right with Shade... Her mane was starting to shoot out more and more, and her expression looked demented... What was going on?!


"Uh.. I think it would be better for you to lay down.", Percussive said as he gently put her on her back, avoiding any shocks that shot out. "I really don't like that punch anyways... It's a bit too sweet for me.", he lied to her.

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Faceless kissed back, hugging Hunter as well. When the two broke, he blushed slightly.


"That was... I'm just... wow..." words failed Faceless for what he had just felt. Millions of butterflies fluttered in his stomach. Pull yourself together colt! Faceless thought to himself.


"Uhh, drink?" Flyer said, as he silently face-hoofed himself mentally.

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hunter nuzzled her lover

"I'd love to"

she put a wing around faceless and trotted with him back inside, this night is going so perfectly right now, she didnt want it to end. she loved the companionship with her nights hearts desire. she kissed him on the cheek as they trotted

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The doors to the penthouse opened, and in the doorway stood a slender unicorn. Her mane and tail were a long green tangle, but despite this, she held an air of beauty and grace about her. Behind her ear, she had tucked a fragrant rose that matched the soft red of her eyes. She appeared to be arguing with another pony, a greyish mare with an untidy, shockingly red mane. Without warning, the mare shoved her unceremoniously into the penthouse and slammed the door behind her. For the first time, the unicorn cast her gaze around the room, silently observing the partygoers. Feeling slightly out of place, she noticed somepony standing by himself near a punch bowl. Deciding that she had nothing better to do, and may as well meet somepony new, she trotted towards him. As she neared this pony with the golden mane, she noticed a pair of wings, and a horn!?!


*An alicorn!*


Now slightly intimidated, she veered off course and made like she was heading for the punch bowl instead. Now standing next to it, she inspected the punch. It seemed awfully pungent.


*Wait. That smell. It's familiar. It couldn't be...*

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Faceless smiled at Hunter, unable to produce proper trains of thought or sentences. He made his way to the punch, giving an odd look to the unicorn next to it.




"Excuse me," Flyer said, as he took a punch from the bowl and offered it to Hunter.




"Is this okay?" He said, noticing some odd behavior among the crowd as ponies seemingly hugging other ponies at random. Poor suckers, getting drunk like that...

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She stared at this new stranger with wide eyes. *This is just awful! I can't believe... Keep your cool, Rose.* She took a deep breath.


Rose wouldn't have bothered herself with the cursed punch if she wasn't seeing that pegasus offering it to another somepony. *I won't stand for this!* Dashing over to these two strangers, she knocked the glass of punch out of the pegasus' hoof just as the filly he was talking with was about to accept it. "What do you think you're doing?" she cried.

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Shade still had percussive in a tight hug... Going on and on about... How much she


"Love you love you love you love you love you"


Loves him..


Then shade was laid down on her back she held onto his hoof and


"Do you love me?" Shade said giving cute big eyes



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Percussive nearly jumps when Shade asked that. He honestly didn't know what to say right then and there. "Uh... I... Er.. Well, you see... I, uh.... yes , now why don't we head back inside? It's starting to get cold out here, and I could find a way to help you with... whatever this is."

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shade picked percussive up and flew him back inside...


she put him down on the balcony.. but didnt let go... still holding him tightly and...

"i know you love me! i really knew! that you loved me! i love you to and thats *twitch.. HELP* true! i love you *zap ME* and you love me which means we were meant for each other"

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*Nice lie, Percuss... Now she won't let go of you! Now think of something ELSE SMART!*


Percussive could only hug her back, receiving a shock or two from her mane. "I'm glad to hear it Shade... *under his breath* Now what? She's still like this... I need to find a doctor or some pony..."

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Without pausing to explain her actions to either of the two ponies she had just saved, Rose rushed back over to the fountain and, with her horn glowing, and pulling a few choice herbs out of a small pouch she always kept with her, and set to work over the fountain, trying to decontaminate it of all traces of the love curse set upon it. *I just hope nopony drank any,* she thought. *That could prove disastrous.* The fact that she was having to deal with this curse, as well as the reemergence of several bad memories drove from her mind the uneasiness of having to attend this ridiculous party.

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"No what is that mare doing" Featherheart dashed out from the living room and galloped towards the grey unicorn.

"Stop that at once, your ruining everything!"

He crashed into the mare, knocking her over. He then quickly started -as best he could- to scoop the hers out with his hoof, he turned back to the unicorn with his wings spread out and his horn glowing a bright orange, sparking at the tip. Anger flooded across his face.

"You ruined every thing, my revenge, my pain still grows because of you!"

Looking down at the saboteur he felt sorry for her, and himself. He closed his eyes, lowered his wings and the glow from his horn faded.

"I'm sorry, I just... here let me help you up."

Featherheart held out his hoof. "I'm just to kind for my own good" he thought with a deep sigh "least the punch is ok."

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Rose Petal lie on the ground, terrified. She looked up into the face of the alicorn from earlier. He wore an exp<b></b>ression of a terrible, sad rage. She closed her eyes, expecting that blast of furious magic that would snuff out her light... But it never came. Opening one eye, she saw that the alicorn was now offering to help her up, not preparing to blast her into oblivion. *What a strange pony.* she thought. She tried to stand up on her own, without accepting help from the alicorn, but couldn't. She was still trembling too badly. Not wanting to lie there all day, she clasped the Alicorn's hoof and allowed him to help her up."What was that all about?" She murmured, just loud enough to be heard.

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Featherheart pulled her up, his smile turned to a frown. "What can I do now, she knows I'm no threat to her now..." after helping her up he quickly released her hoof and looked away from her.

"Yes, um... that was well, just stay away from me and the punch. ok!"

There was a large flash and he was back in the safety of hunter's living room, he looked back over the party from the window, with proud posture.

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*... Was that... A threat?* Rose glances around, and notices several potted plants sitting in the corners of the room. *If it was a threat, he doesn't know what he's dealing with. He may be an alicorn, but I won't be alone.* Reaching back into her satchel, Rose pulls out one more herb and drops it into the punch. Immediately, the punch turns a strange orangish color, then reverts to its original, uncursed form, albeit smoking slightly. Satisfied with her work, Rose trots away from the punch with her head held high, back towards the two ponies she had saved from the cursed punch earlier.
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Featherheart watched over, he watched the mare go about her business, stopping his plans. But he did not care for more bright and dark ideas were building in his mind, as he concocted his mixture of evil deeds he couldn't help but think of the good he could do instead.

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"Wow. Thanks for saving us." Faceless smiled and took his hoof into hers to shake. "I am Faceless Flier, and this is Hunter."


He smiled at Hunter, before looking around at some of the ponies around. "You might want to try and save the others who drank it..." Faceless said, gesturing a hoof at some hugging ponies.

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Rose Petal took his hoof and shook it, surprised. She had expected him to be irritated about the punch. After all, she knocked it out of his grip without explanation. Maybe he recognized it. "Rose Petal." She introduced herself somewhat shyly, in a voice that was almost a whisper.


"Someone drank it? Someone actually drank the punch?" Rose Petal groaned. "Love curses are the worst."

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"So it's a love potion?" Faceless said, slowly. "I knew something was wrong by the way some of these ponies are going haywire, and by the way you knocked my drink with no good reason, I guessed it was the punch."


Faceless smiled at himself, proudly. "Although I have read some stuff on love potions. Anyway, where did Featherheart go?" Faceless looked through the crack of the door into the living room to see him by the window. "It's like talking to a brick wall." Faceless muttered before turning to Rose.


"So, any ideas what to do with this lot?"

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"Well, it would be more of a poison, if it were actually induced by herbs and potions. This one's a curse, magically induced. Far nastier than any love potion or love poison. I have certain herbs that counteract the curse and poisons, but only before they're consumed." She grimaced. Not fond memories.

Rose didn't feel particularly chatty, but she needed to find out what was going on if she was going to help. "Are you sure they drank any?" She asked, glancing over at the hugging couple. "It is a party, after all. And who's Featherheart? Was it... that alicorn?"

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Shade let go of percussive and huged his leg...


Still going on about how much she loved him and how much they were ment to be.... Lawl


"We are ment for each other! And it's awesome that * HELP we both love eachother *ME... And that------"


Talking like pinky pie... Except it was about love and not friends or parties... Lol

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Rose trots to the hugging couple Faceless had indicated, hoping that he and his companion would follow. Approaching with caution, she observes them. Clearly, from the expression on the stallion's face, and the almost alarming amount enthusiasm emanating from the mare's being, something was clearly wrong. Rose didn't think the mare had noticed her, and attempted to make eye contact with the stallion, who obviously was the saner of the two. It wasn't easy, considering the mare was all over him. Rose mouthed, "How much did she drink? Did you drink any?" as soon as she was sure the colt saw her.

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Faceless looked at the mare closely, studying for any signs of the curse at work.


More discharge of magic, a slightly glassy look in the eyes... Aha! Faceless smiled as he heard a small "help" being said.


"It seems like they try and tell the person what is happening, the curse isn't too strong, luckily." Faceless then saw a love heart shape, flash before the mare's eyes. "And that looks like another sign..."

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