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Any of you performance bronies ?

Miss Light Diamond

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Are there any bronies out there who are/want to perform for a living ?

By perform I mean the usual stuff, Acting, dancing, singing Ext

And if you do, What type of thing is it you want to do ?

Do you want to write dubstep or sing opera ?


I want to spin fire or do some kind of aerial act in the circus ^_^

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I don't do it for a living, as I am in high school, but I am in a dance group. Speaking of performances, I have one coming up this weekend :/


Why :/ .Do you not enjoy it ? or are you just not feeling the groove ?

What kind of dancing do you do ?

I have always been interested in ballroom dance.

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I used to be in a few metal bands. Those were some good times. If I ever got the chance to do that again (or even better: tour), I probably would.

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I live and breathe electronic music, thus I have a dream of becoming an international DJ/live dance music artist. I'm not sure if I'll ever reach that point, since 1) it requires time that I don't really put towards it, and 2) I'm working towards a Bachelor's of Computer Science and Engineering, which is quite a bit different than music.


Someday, if the opportunity presents itself, I'll take it and run. Until then...

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Why :/ .Do you not enjoy it ? or are you just not feeling the groove ?

What kind of dancing do you do ?

I have always been interested in ballroom dance.


Oh, no. You misunderstand me. I do group dance, and we do almost any kind of dance you can think of (that is in groups). African, Bollywood, classical jazz, modern, contemporary, adagio, hip-hop, and a little ballet, just to name a few.

The :/ face was because we are performing three dances, outside, when it was about 28F last year.

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I play alto saxophone (though if you can play one sax, you can play them all) and want to learn drums, bass, trumpet, and trombone (along with re-learning piano) so I can record some of my own jazz tunes in my free time. But I could never make it as a straight-up performer for my entire life.


If becoming an author counts as "performing", then that IS one possibly career path I was looking at.

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The :/ face was because we are performing three dances, outside, when it was about 28F last year.


three dances, outside, when it was about 28F last year.


outside, when it was about 28F last year.


when it was about 28F last year.




WHY?!? Please tell me that you were at least in long sweats and a coat or something...I sometimes run outside in freezing weather with just a T-shirt and shorts on, but that's on my own volition.

  • Brohoof 2
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Quite so, actually.


I would love to be a performing musician in a symphony on the tuba, but I also want to work on electronic music as a living because it's easier to make money and get in on.


But I wouldn't mind working retail through college. It'd probably be better for me c:

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Oh, no. You misunderstand me. I do group dance, and we do almost any kind of dance you can think of (that is in groups). African, Bollywood, classical jazz, modern, contemporary, adagio, hip-hop, and a little ballet, just to name a few.

The :/ face was because we are performing three dances, outside, when it was about 28F last year.


-2 C is cold?? Where are you from?? I am so confused about this right now since it's like minus 14 C and kids are still wearing tee-shirts lol :3

I'm not really a performer, but I do caricatures of people at our local farmers market every now and again :3

Does that count?

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WHY?!? Please tell me that you were at least in long sweats and a coat or something...I sometimes run outside in freezing weather with just a T-shirt and shorts on, but that's on my own volition.


Ahh, my good sir. I live in Idaho. We have a temp range from about 0F-110F. It's kinda crazy, but you get used to it. As to what we were wearing, I was wearing jeans, long sleeve under armor (that kinda made it colder though), and a t-shirt. And of course, skate shoes with no-show socks. It kinda sucked.
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The closest I come to performing is when I get invited to do circus skills at festivals. They're never paid but entry is free, I get free food and drink so I can't complain. But its more a hobby with benifits than a profession.

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-2 C is cold?? Where are you from?? I am so confused about this right now since it's like minus 14 C and kids are still wearing tee-shirts lol


Oh, same here. I rarely wear anything but. The only thing was that it went from about 72F to 25F in a few days. Kinda puts your body into shock. Plus I'm the only guy in the dance group, so all the girls were complaining.
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Oh, same here. I rarely wear anything but. The only thing was that it went from about 72F to 25F in a few days. Kinda puts your body into shock. Plus I'm the only guy in the dance group, so all the girls were complaining.


Ah lol, that makes more sense :3 I hate when its all nice out one day and then freezing the next :P Happens WAY too much around where I live....
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hmm performance... not somthing id aim for, but would take the opportunity to if it presents itself. Ive performed in a couple of talent shows and charity shows, playing my guitar, or playing with friends in a band. Played songs from classical(solo guitar) to metalcore, when with band :lol: . stage freight always gets me though http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

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The closest I come to performing is when I get invited to do circus skills at festivals. They're never paid but entry is free, I get free food and drink so I can't complain. But its more a hobby with benifits than a profession.


What kind of circus stuff did you do ?

I always love finding someone else who is into circus type things.

Also, Where did you do this ? I have never really performed in any festivals but I always loved the idea.

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What kind of circus stuff did you do ?

I always love finding somepony else who is into circus type things.

Also, Where did you do this ? I have never really performed in any festivals but I always loved the idea.


I do contact staff (fire as well), devil sticks (also with fire), fire breathing, some juggling and contact juggling. I'm saving up for a pair of power striders so I can start doing flips etc.


Well festivals come find me. I got a bit lucky at a little one I was just bumbling around at and bumped a events organizer. We became good friends and she went up in the world. Now I get invited to festivals like Glastonbury, Womad etc.

Edited by Fridge
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I do contact staff (fire as well), devil sticks (also with fire), fire breathing, some juggling and contact juggling. I'm saving up for a pair of power striders so I can start doing flips etc.


Thats epic, I have recently started getting into staff spinning (Contact staff looks to confusing for me... I CANT SPIN IT :blink: ) and know a little contact juggling.

I do fire poi, fire rope dart, juggling, and I know one or two tricks with the diabolo. And I know how to juggling clubs but I dont know any tricks... all I can do is throw them and hit myself on the head :lol:

I have always wanted to get a pair of Powerstriders They look so awesome ^_^

Edited by Flame Dancer.
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Thats epic, I have recently started getting into staff spinning and know a little contact juggling.

I do fire poi, fire rope dart, juggling, and I know one or two tricks with the diabolo. And I know how to juggling clubs but I dont know any tricks... all I can do is throw them and hit myself on the head :lol:

I have always wanted to get a pair of Powerstriders They look so awesome ^_^


They truly are a mate of mines got some and he outruns cars with them.


See, you've gone the opposite route to me. I can't poi to save my life, and while I like staff spinning I feel like I have no control, which is weird when you think about what you do in contact staff. Ah the diablo, it looks like so much fun but I've never tried it.

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I would love to make a living out of making music, but I'm not that skilled and it probably will never happen as I aim to do something in the gaming business, or at least in the IT. If I were able to I would be a solo artist that mixes all kinds of styles. I love extreme metal and many electronic genres and I haven't heard many songs that mix both of the genres, I would love to do that, just experimenting with different sounds and genres. That would be really awesome. But I'm not that musical, I just know music theory and I'm able to copy pretty much everything on an instrument if I am given enough time, that's about it, I don't have any creativity at all.

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Though I deeply love music, I don't see myself making a career out of it. I do though, take a high school class call "stage crafts" where me and a few other students help design and build the set for our schools theater. It is a pretty fun class.

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some day I'll be in a band/orchestra or both if I'm really lucky now. :wub:

music if everything to me, if I ever need to feel something, I always know what songs to listen to, hopefully someday I'll be able to extend that to other people by playing it on my bass :wub:

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im a high performance pony, turbo whine and bald tires in a cloud of smoke and black marks on pavement. well... thats how it looks in my mind. im sure thats not what the OP had in mind, but its still a type of performance lol.

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When it comes to art/entertainment, I'm more of a "behind the scenes" person... if that makes sense. :3


Although I am a professional model part time... usually in front of camera, so I'm not sure if that really counts, but I did do a small fashion show once as well.Posted Image


Though I deeply love music, I don't see myself making a career out of it. I do though, take a high school class call "stage crafts" where me and a few other students help design and build the set for our schools theater. It is a pretty fun class.


You and me both. Music has been a passion of mine for a very long time now... I don't see it ever going anywhere.


I blame reality. e_e

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