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My only question before I sign onto this project. Could we get a picture of her cutie... Er, I mean her cute moon-marked rump?


EDIT: Also, congrats on making your goal! :lol:


That's something I just noticed too.


Don't get me wrong, this plush is an excellent representation compared to most.


In addition, where is her crown/tiara? Does it come with one or...?

Edited by Party Cannon
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I'll post all the current updates that can only be seen by backers currently:



Working with manufacturer to increase rear embroidery emblems size to correct proportions.

The rear emblems thread is being changed into pure black rather than the deep iridescent indigo which caused too many highlights. This is to make it more accurate to the form we have in mind.


Before changes: http://i.imgur.com/AsghA.jpg

Product Support


(I know it's early but do the number of orders, statistically it will happen, might as well be ready.)

To help keep everything... sparkling well organized. Please use the following e-mail address for any problem you may have with a reward such as damage upon arrival etc. Even thou everything will be closely inspected before shipping, we all know that stuff happens, even to plushies! (Had a fork truck impale a box on a personal shipment.)

E-mail: Support@carbonesque.com


Then someone had brought this to my attention under the updates comment section:

"That is a great idea! While you're making changes, I have a tiny suggestion for one. Her eyes are a tad off. They're mostly white, but Luna's eyes are mostly big bluegreen iris. Maybe work a little on the white to iris balance? Then she would be PERFECT ! Can't wait to see her finally!"


For which I had to respond:



So I back tracked all the information I sent them and followed it to see what happened. Basically a whole bunch of little inconsistencies compounded on each-other due to the transition of making this physical.

First, all the eyes are a gradient with a light and darker side. The reference I used didn't have the light side visible. Also for embroidery, it gets very complicated to do a gradient at this scale. So I had to pick a solid color, which happened to be on the darker side.

Secondly, color on a screen doesn't translate well into physical color. So we use the Pantone system as a way of standardizing it into real world color. This allows us to recreate the same color from different places consistently. As a result, there are significantly less colors that can be easily manufactured. Therefore it's common that a color ends up in-between two colors on the Pantone system and we are forced to go one way or another. This time the hue that was deemed closer by the computer was bias for the blue.


I had referenced an image with her looking forwards, as the a result the iris was smaller and pushed forwards. The ratio of the amount of black got shifted towards black because of thread thickness.


I will see what I can do to correct these details. I was focusing so much on trying to get the form right, and these errors were so gradual, didn't notice it until you pointed that out. Some of the colors already are going to have be custom dyed, which is going to cost a decent amount extra. However I won't have them send anything into production till this kickstarter is over and we all see the modified sample.

Thanks for pointing that out!"


Later, for post of someone who wanted to make sure this was indeed what they thought it was, backed with this comment:


"Your happiness is my number one goal. Mass production will not start till everyone has been given the opportunity to view the new changed sample and make comments. Some things I will be unable to change since they are in there for manufacturing purposes. Others will be errors that I didn't notice, such as the eye color."


This means the final form is not set in stone. It costs the manufacture a lot of money to make samples, therefore I will have to wait till I'm sure the project is 100% go ahead (end of kickstarter date). So from now till then, I'm making list of corrections. I did not make it a large message to backers yet because we are still not in the clear. Then everyone can make their comments on the final update comments section. Some of the changes won't be possible for manufactering problems. If there is a split on a change, current form takes bias. Once we have the list, I will make drawings to show the changes, they will make a sample and take photos and give to us. If everything is good after that then they can mass produce it. This might delay the project by 3-5 days, but I think that it's for the best.


Her crown had been omitted for a few reasons. First, at the scale it was being done at, all of the stiching made it look unacceptable. It also adds a lot of stichwork to an already crowded area, which at this scale could lead to cross thread pulling as the machine pulls on threads that are put down before it, causing poor qualitly control and deformations. Therefore I decided it to be best for the crown to be omited.


Sadly I can not do anyother characters. I don't have enough money to do this again. However, since I didn't make any money from this, and the many other legal walls for protection I have. I'm thinking about asking hasbro for an offical license to sell beanbag versions. While working on this I realized that the shows proportions are very close to beanbag style with their extremely wide legs to body proportions. I feel it would be easy to make it look more show accurate than funrises demons. Plush they would be cheap, fun to play with. sold at Toys R US. This however would have to mean the liences given to Funrise doesn't include beanbags as a definition of a plush.


Sorry for the super long posts, I'm strapped for time as you could imagine and I am unable to visit here as often as I should. I have to answer every single comment and e-mail by myself. Some nights it can take hours.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'll post all the current updates that can only be seen by backers currently:



Working with manufacturer to increase rear embroidery emblems size to correct proportions.

The rear emblems thread is being changed into pure black rather than the deep iridescent indigo which caused too many highlights. This is to make it more accurate to the form we have in mind.


Before changes: http://i.imgur.com/AsghA.jpg

Product Support


(I know it's early but do the number of orders, statistically it will happen, might as well be ready.)

To help keep everything... sparkling well organized. Please use the following e-mail address for any problem you may have with a reward such as damage upon arrival etc. Even thou everything will be closely inspected before shipping, we all know that stuff happens, even to plushies! (Had a fork truck impale a box on a personal shipment.)

E-mail: Support@carbonesque.com


Then someone had brought this to my attention under the updates comment section:

"That is a great idea! While you're making changes, I have a tiny suggestion for one. Her eyes are a tad off. They're mostly white, but Luna's eyes are mostly big bluegreen iris. Maybe work a little on the white to iris balance? Then she would be PERFECT ! Can't wait to see her finally!"


For which I had to respond:



So I back tracked all the information I sent them and followed it to see what happened. Basically a whole bunch of little inconsistencies compounded on each-other due to the transition of making this physical.

First, all the eyes are a gradient with a light and darker side. The reference I used didn't have the light side visible. Also for embroidery, it gets very complicated to do a gradient at this scale. So I had to pick a solid color, which happened to be on the darker side.

Secondly, color on a screen doesn't translate well into physical color. So we use the Pantone system as a way of standardizing it into real world color. This allows us to recreate the same color from different places consistently. As a result, there are significantly less colors that can be easily manufactured. Therefore it's common that a color ends up in-between two colors on the Pantone system and we are forced to go one way or another. This time the hue that was deemed closer by the computer was bias for the blue.


I had referenced an image with her looking forwards, as the a result the iris was smaller and pushed forwards. The ratio of the amount of black got shifted towards black because of thread thickness.


I will see what I can do to correct these details. I was focusing so much on trying to get the form right, and these errors were so gradual, didn't notice it until you pointed that out. Some of the colors already are going to have be custom dyed, which is going to cost a decent amount extra. However I won't have them send anything into production till this kickstarter is over and we all see the modified sample.

Thanks for pointing that out!"



Haha That was me! XD I just was looking at her and was like "hmm..She looks like she was looking forward...but from the side." So I thought I would mention it! I'm glad you liked the suggestion! And I'm glad my awkward description got across my meaning XD It kind of makes it hard to think in three dimensions when you're looking at two dimensional reference images doesn't it? It's a challenge you have to face a lot when customizing so I figured that was what had happened:3 You're doing a great job, I can't wait to see the new concept sketches.


One thing though, I would hold off on asking for licenses from Hasbro until this project is absolutely 100% complete and shipped out. I would be afraid that if you didn't and they got wind that you were mass producing these they would slap you with a cease and desist order, no matter how good your intentions AND QUALITY are. I would use this project as a "Hey, this is what happened when a product of real quality came out, we did this, it looked like this. DO THIS." And see what happens from there. :) Then they can't stop distribution before it happens :) Great work, keep it up!




SO...I..uh...Thought of a couple more ideas...and got a little fancy with my tablet and drew on your picture with my ideas. I'm kinda a Luna enthusiast and have done a lot of customs of her for my own funsies so ^^ OF COURSE these are just for constructive change possibilities. In case you have a hard time reading my horrible tablet driven writing the main ones are:

1. Eye changes (Using side view show shots for refrences, not my horrid drawing skills of course!)

2. Mane change: Connect mane at base of neck using small angle of fabric indicated by drawing. Will not interfere with wings, and will look more show accurate :D

3. Enlarge cutie mark to be more scale with body/add some show accurate speckles.

4. Embroider her a cute little smiley/royal smirk mouth in indicated spot

5. (Least important, more of a detail) Horn swirl embroidery stitching.


Here are the two pictures for comparison :)

Posted Image



And then my idea edits :3

Posted Image

Thoughts? :wub:

Edited by Bunny_San
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Haha That was me! XD I just was looking at her and was like "hmm..She looks like she was looking forward...but from the side." So I thought I would mention it! I'm glad you liked the suggestion! And I'm glad my awkward description got across my meaning XD It kind of makes it hard to think in three dimensions when you're looking at two dimensional reference images doesn't it? It's a challenge you have to face a lot when customizing so I figured that was what had happened:3 You're doing a great job, I can't wait to see the new concept sketches.


One thing though, I would hold off on asking for licenses from Hasbro until this project is absolutely 100% complete and shipped out. I would be afraid that if you didn't and they got wind that you were mass producing these they would slap you with a cease and desist order, no matter how good your intentions AND QUALITY are. I would use this project as a "Hey, this is what happened when a product of real quality came out, we did this, it looked like this. DO THIS." And see what happens from there. :) Then they can't stop distribution before it happens :) Great work, keep it up!




SO...I..uh...Thought of a couple more ideas...and got a little fancy with my tablet and drew on your picture with my ideas. I'm kinda a Luna enthusiast and have done a lot of customs of her for my own funsies so ^^ OF COURSE these are just for constructive change possibilities. In case you have a hard time reading my horrible tablet driven writing the main ones are:

1. Eye changes (Using side view show shots for refrences, not my horrid drawing skills of course!)

2. Mane change: Connect mane at base of neck using small angle of fabric indicated by drawing. Will not interfere with wings, and will look more show accurate :D

3. Enlarge cutie mark to be more scale with body/add some show accurate speckles.

4. Embroider her a cute little smiley/royal smirk mouth in indicated spot

5. (Least important, more of a detail) Horn swirl embroidery stitching.


Here are the two pictures for comparison :)

Posted Image



And then my idea edits :3

Posted Image

Thoughts? :wub:


The emblem in back is getting made bigger, that is already set down. The thread on horn was on the board at first also. It was axed over marker look it gave. To get a nice crisp line it has to be embroidered or constricting the fabric by making a slight crease. Neither is easily done at this scale and has high margin of error.

For the smile, it too was on the list, but was removed because while easy to imagine on side view, the true angles of the face were giving it a wavy pattern. The same way drawing a straight line on a pumpkin only is straight from one vantage point. It always had this perpetual sad face or cheesy smile.

The eyes as you mentioned are also being processed and are in the works.

That mane is back to haunt us again I see. The mane has been shortened and lengthened so many times that it’s excluded from half the drawings. We have the show accuracy fighting from two angles on this one. Show actuality would say, lengthen it. When we go listen to show dynamics it says shorten it to maintain the free waviness and positions. For the larger the points of contact on a curved shape, the less a plane can move without serious deformation. In this case a wrinkle would appear when flopped over to the side.


As for anything offical, I can't do anything till everyone has their plush in their hands. No worry about that.

However, on that note. This is my grand overreaction to the one message I got today that blew my mind. I got the message saying:


"isnt this a character from neopets?"

To at what I responded: "If there is one that resembles this, then it's 100% coincidence.” Next message he mentioned something else about it being copyrighted so I franticly searched for what in Celestia’s Luna’s name this guy was talking about.


Finally it struck me… This person actually thought that the name Luna was something original that was created by neopets. With the glory of the internet and all the easy information available, that this person is clearly on… went out of his way to message me… to tell me that I might be infringing on someone’s copyright… by using a 3000 year old word… (Ignoring the obvious part to us)

Posted Image

Where was this kid when he learned about a “Lunar Eclipse” in science? I forgive those who don’t know the basics such as, it’s from Latin. But to not take the time to double check something when making such a direct statement when the information is in your lap? The whole thing just made my head shutdown as I stared in disbelief. It wasn’t even a troll account. His profile had more activity than anyone else that I have bothered to check.


As I said, this is just me overacting, I tend hold the general populous to unrealistic standards in terms of unnecessary knowledge.

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I would like to bump this topic since the kickstarter is almost at it's deadline. I know I'm excited to be a part of this, and the results are impressive! Maybe a few more interested people can join in at the last minute.


Less than 12 hours left.

Edited by Auryn
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