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private Filly Fantasy

Cherry Blossom

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"Well... I do remember several other ponies... I cant really think of what they looked like... But I am sure if I were to see them than I would probably recognize them. What do you think we should do, I mean... all of us having the same dream must be a message or something ?" She said, Pouring some hot water into a mug. "What kind of tea would you like ?" She asked, opening a cupboard practically overflowing with tea bags.

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"Yeah, same here... Oh! Uh... Mint, please?" Cloud lost her train of thought as Diamond opened the tea cupboard. She was completely amazed with how much tea this one mare owned. "I recognized a unicorn from the dream this morning, and he said he had the same dream, too. I hope we find everypony, it'll make everything so much easier once we know who and what we are dealing with."


(Sorry for taking so long, guys, I too kan art break.

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"It will be nice to figure out." She said. "Where is the mint ?" She thought closing the cupboard and opening another that had almost the same amount of tea. "Here it is." She muttered, pulling out a box of mint tea bags and dropping one into her mug. "Would you like some sugar ?" She asked, trotting over to a couch, sitting down and gesturing for Cloud to come sit down as well. A small bowl of sugar sat on the coffee table next to the couch.
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"Yes,please" Cloud answered Diamond as they went int the living room. As Cloud sat on the couch, she thought up a conversation starter. "So, Diamond, what do you do for a living? What's your special talent?" Cloud asked awkwardly. She looked outside to see the sun slowly beginning to rise.

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"Well, I make art... Which I suppose counts as a talent... and I sell some of my art at Star Song's shop... she's my roommate... She is in manehattan at the moment... I am terribly worried about her." She said, sipping her tea and staring at a small violin case in the corner of the room. "Anyway... how about you ?"
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Sky awoke. "Whoaa, that was some crazy dream. At least I'll never have to do anything like that." Sky mumbled to himself as he walked down into his kitchen, grabbed a apple and left his house. He saw somepony yell about chosen ones. "...Maybe the dream was real." Sky mumbled to himself.

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Cool Bloom paced around her bedroom with a touch of anger in her voice. "Savior of Equestria, I thought that was the Princesses' job! Not some random pony they happened to sought out! Her anger eventually drained from her a while later, and it was replaced by sadness. "C'mon now, Cool Bloom. You have got to keep your anger in check." She opened the door that led out of her room and the house, and wandered the streets aimlessly, the thought of doing the impossible filling her mind.

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Chrysalis walked over to the now unconscious Cherry Blossom and started invading her mind with a green light emanating from her horn.

"Even for a Pegasus, you seem to be a master at White Magic. Ah, you also have a second personality, 'Sour Blossom'. I could flip your shy, kind, and gentle mind and turn it into an unmerciful, deadly, cold blooded killer... Though I could use you to wipe out the remaining resistance, after I also replace that White magic with Dark magic." she said, laughing. Then she began to warp Cherry Blossom's mind, but after what seemed like 30 minutes, she finished.


Cherry Blossom woke up and opened her eyes, revealing two shy eyes with blood red irises. "I, Sour Blossom, am loyal to you my queen." Cherry Blossom, or rather Sour Blossom bowed down to Chrysalis. Her mane turned silver and her bow darkened to a raven black color.


Queen Chrysalis did nothing, but smile with an evil grin and tossed a black robe, stiched with a red pentagram. She also gave her a dark staff, surrounded by a dark and purple aura.


"Now go and crush the hope of those fighting back against us." Queen Chrysalis ordered. "Yes your highness." "We shall do what you demand." Apple Mint and Cherry Blossom said, bowing their heads down as a sign of loyalty. After that, they walked out of the throne and exited the castle.

Edited by Cherry Blossom
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" Well, I am second-in-command of the weather team, right behind my friend Esme- you might know her. Anyway, I go up to Cloudsdale when I can to help with the Storm making when I have a free day, or when I'm bored. Right now I'm thinking about enrolling in the Cloudsdale Metoerolgy University. I also Storm Chase when the season is right." Cloud told Diamond.

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Winds determined that he wasn't going to get any information from these ponies. So he decided to ask around town. he started by knocking on every door he could. "HELLO HAVE ANY OF YOU BEEN HAVING DREAMS WHERE SOME HOT BLUE ALICORN TELLS YOU YOU HAVE TO SAVE EQUESTRIA!" He shouted as he banged on a random door.

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"That's very interesting. I have been told a couple stories from my friends about storm chasing... I have heard that it can be quite dangerous." She said, sipping her tea and glancing out the window up at the sky. "Well, I think today is going to be a nice day." She said. "Oh great now you have resorted to small talk." She thought.
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Time decided to enter her house and looked through his new telescope. Supposively, it was able to see all the way to Canterlot. That wasn't... wow. That is one powerful telescope.

But what's this? Two ponies seemed to be exiting the castle. One of them hat this funny orange hat, and the other had fancy armor and a spear. "I have a feeling that they will be important... but I can't tell why..." He shook his head, and left his house again. Maybe a walk outside of Ponyville would help him to clear his mind...

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"Yeah, it does..." Cloud trailed off when she heard pounding and shouting outside. "Do you hear that? I think they are yelling about and Alicorn- Luna? And saving Equestr- Do you think they had THE DREAM?" Cloud said excitedly. She felt like she absolutely NEEDED to talk to this pony.

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Diamond jumped up and accidentally knocked over her tea as she ran to the door. "Hello hello... hello ?" No one was there, She glanced down the street and saw somepony knocking loudly on her neighbor's door and yelling about the dream. "HEY YOU." She waved at the pony and gestured for him to come over.

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Trotting past a rather loud pony, who disturbed the peace of the early morning darkness. There seemed to be multiples of them, so many ponies around, talking about some dream. "I suppose they all had the same dream, though I doubt it's the same one I had as well," she mumbled, and was about to move on. However, the pony was still making noise, so she moved toward the mare, as far as she could tell from the distance, and asked as she got closer, "Why so loud?" Strange question, she thought to herself, as she already knew that they were talking about a dream.

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Sky looked at the pony shouting and knocking on other ponies doors. "You are an idiot." Sky mumbled as he walked up to him. Sky was about to say something to him but then another pony called him over. So Sky casted his invisible spell on himself and decided to follow him. "Maybe I can find out more about the dream..." He thought to himself.

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Winds saw a pony gesture for him to come over across the street and trotted over. "So uh, have you had the dream or haven't you?" He asked as he came closer. "I can't imagine such a pretty mare being called to save Equestria," he told her with a wink and a chuckle.

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Diamond gave him a suspicious look. "I could save Equestria with one hoof tied behind my back. But that's not the point... My friend and I were just talking about it, And it seems you have had the same dream as the two of us so... Have you met anypony else who has also had the dream ?" She asked.

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Cloud followed Diamond out the front door. She saw two other ponies there, but one promptly disappeared. "We both have," Cloud cut in. "So it was kinda like Luna told you and a bunch of other ponies you were destined to save Equestria?" Cloud was a bit excited, she couldn't believe so many ponies had the same dream on the same night.

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(Aww man, sorry for not posting, quite busy yesterday xL)


Sugar Rush woke up "Did I fall asleep on a stray cloud again?" she asked herself, she stretched her wings before taking off "Must of flew around town early, I'm pretty sure I went home last night" she thought as she landed gracefully in the ground "Weird dream last night" she said quietly to herself. Her stomach grumbled in response to which she giggled at "Guess I should get myself something to eat, a cupcake can do the job" she said as she trotted towards Sugarcube.

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Sky followed the stallion with silence, to the door of the mares house. He listened to their conversation and once Sky heard the mare ask if anypony else had He said "I have had the dream. The name's Sky by the way" As he deactivated the invisibility spell.

Edited by Sky
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Diamond stared at the two ponies standing at her door step. "I think we will need more tea." She said, turning around and trotting into the kitchen to put the kettle back on the stove.

When she had done that she trotted back over to the door. "You two can come inside if you like."

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Sky entered the house and smiled at Diamond. "Thank you." Sky said to Diamond politely. Sky then sat down on a couch in what he assumed was the living room of the house and waited. "These 'Chosen ones' have some interesting personality's." Sky thought to himself.

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"Sure, as long as you have food that is," Winds replied stepping inside. "Being chased by Discord does tend to wear a pony out. The name is Winds,by the way," he added with a bow of his head. "So that hot Alicorn was the princess of the night I keep hearing about?" He asked them quizzically.

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"Um...Yea." She said, giving Winds a strange look and trotting into the kitchen. "My name is Light DIamond... You can just call me Diamond though... Or if you prefer Light you can go with that, I dont really mind." She said, taking three mugs out of a cupboard. "What kind of tea would you two like ?" She asked.
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