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private Filly Fantasy

Cherry Blossom

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Red's ears perked as he finished the song. He walked over to a passing group and greeted them, "Got a request? I used to be in the Royal Symphony, I can play anything you ask!" He eyed them carefully as he spoke, these were only a few of his targets. He decided to keep close to them.

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Dawnpath rolled his eyes, "Ya, hey, do Firefly by Hoofing City," he whispered softer to his comrades, "He gives me REAL bad vibes. I don't like him, not one bit. His eyes are shifty, and his racket should've attracted some fun-loving attention from Discord by now." He smiled at Red.

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Red's smile turned into a menacing glare at the mention of Discord, "Do NOT mention that name please......" He said as painful memories welled up within him. He snapped back to his mission, he began to play the requested song. While he did this he continued to make conversation, "Why do you think I am shifty sir?"

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Because you listened to me talking to my friend? "Hmm, well, you're playing music while three very power forces of bad, chaos, and more bad are taking over the kingdom, and you seem to be the only pony here who doesn't care? Because you look like you're looking for something? Because my gut tells me not to listen to you, and I trust my gut?"
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greaseslick awoke to a loud noise. He thinks to himself "the trains don't run this early" he leaped out of his bed and went to fix his mane. he went into his living room and grabbed his leather jacket and switchblade and walked out the door. that when he notice the terror outside....

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Red felt a bit of offense at his obvious distaste for music, "Music soothes the soul my friend," Red began, "Believe me if there were something I could do, I would. If I were one of the bearers of the Sacred Elements of Harmony, I would've gone after," Red cringed with the next word, "......Discord........a long time ago. But, I gotta be realistic, I'm just a musician. What could I possibly do to help?"

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"I don't hate music! I will have you know thatI play cello and bass guitar, as well as trombone," he was obviously hurt and offended, "AND I sing, not that any of you ponies would know that. And I write," as he says that, he looks sad, "So, what have YOU heard about the Elements of Harmony? We could certainly use those ponies right now."

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Red felt himself get slightly excited, "Oh? Care to demonstrate sometime?" he asked with a sincere smile, he loved playing with others. "Unfortunately I came here looking for them, I heard that the elements lived here before the crisis, so maybe the next bearers might be here, I figure?"

Red felt a great deal of satisfaction, this was going exactly as his master had predicted.......

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Discord who had been watching the ponies argue from a near by Cotton candy cloud for several minutes decided he would join in the fun. "Ohhhh Red... Why the hate ?" Discord asked, His voice Echoing around the town



"Dawnpath... Lets hope I get this right. But I feel the same way you do about this pony... He seem's to Dislike me. I have no idea why but... Why dont you have a little fun with him." This time He adressed Dawnpath

Edited by Flame Dancer.
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Red felt himself get slightly excited, "Oh? Care to demonstrate sometime?" he asked with a sincere smile, he loved playing with others. "Unfortunately I came here looking for them, I heard that the elements lived here before the crisis, so maybe the next bearers might be here, I figure?"

Red felt a great deal of satisfaction, this was going exactly as his master had predicted.......


"Uh, no... no... not at all there, mysterious pony..." Leaf said as he made some sort of lying face "We know there are no such thing as element barers and such and there just old mare's tales..." which he was lying about once again... he hoped that the mysterious pony would believe him...



Discord who had been watching the ponies argue from a near by Cotton candy cloud for several minutes decided he would join in the fun. "Ohhhh Red... Why the hate ?" Discord asked, Speaking to Red in his mind.



"Dawnpath... Lets hope I get this right. But I feel the same way you do about this pony... He seem's to Dislike me. I have no idea why but... Why dont you have a little fun with him." Discord spoke to Dawnpath, just like he did with Red.


"W-wait, arn't you what the legends called yo-" he said trying to hid his fear but a little bit came out... "I can hear voices except theirs in other ponies mind..." this would be the worst time to get corrupted by the likes of him... Edited by Danger Dashie
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Red instantly recognized the voice in his head, he banished the presence from his mind. He started looking around, vengence and rage filling his head. "Get out here NOW Discord!!!!! I know you're there!!!!!!! Here to finish what you started aren't you?! Well, this time I ain't some helpless kid!!!!!" Red took an defensive stance, in case Discord attacked the ponies that were Red's targets. This would be a perfect mission, he would not only please his master, but he would also finally avenge the murder of his family.

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Dawnpath suddenly froze as a voice entered his mind.That sounds like Discord. Discord=Bad. Bad bad bad. Out, gotta get him out of my head. How do you get a pony out of your head? Rhyme, that's it. There once was a colt with a cello / Hereally was quite a good fellow, there once was a foal in a bed / they say that he bumped his head, there once was a mare in Manehaton / She went to order a stallion, There once was a filly in Greyville / She had the most wonderful flute their. Is he gone?

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Cloud heard Discord's voice in the distance. *Gotta get back, gotta get back. Can't let Discord find or see me...* She thought to herself. She raced back to Diamonds house, but not before finding a route different than the one she came on. Once she got above the house, she practically dropped out of the sky to get to the yard. "Did you guys hear that too? It sounded like... Discord..." Cloud shivered when she said his name. She couldn't stand the beast.

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Cool Bloom's head erupted with sudden sounds, and they all resembled...Discord. It was him. No, nonono. You aren't getting in this mind. She tried her best to think of keeping peace within herself as well as she did with others. If she could quell and argument, she could definitely shut Discord's voice out. What do I do when feel stressed? Her father's voice almost ran through her mind. We count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10... She dared to listen again, and it was gone. "D-Did you guys hear that?"


((OOC: Sorry, I couldn't think of any peacekeeping methods, so I stole one from the long lost cousins of Peter and Fudge, if ya know what I mean.))

  • Brohoof 1
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(OOC: I switched it so he was just talking but, No one has to edit it ok, Lets just keep going.)


Diamond's eyes widened as she heard the cold voice of somepony... or something off in the distance.

Then she saw Cloud Puff land "Oh Celestia... We have Got to find the other ponies NOW." She said, trotting down the stairs of her front porch.




"I have no business with you Red." Discord Snapped, Flying down from his cloud and landing on one of the roof tops. "And Why cant we just be friends... Lets over look the past. We all have the same goal anyway." He said, smiling and bringing on a flash of day, But the sun instantly set. "Ugh... Nightmare Moon alway's messing with my fun."

Edited by Flame Dancer.
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Red looked back to the group behind him, "Run, this is my fight...." he said, his voice's tone completely different from the friendliness he was exerting before. His instruments all pointed at Discord, "You sure had business with my family!" he screamed, "business enough to slaughter them! Die!!!!!!!!" His instruments began to all resound together, the sound waves turned into a concentrated energy beam which fired towards Discord's cloud, incinerating it instantly. Red was ready for this, he would destroy Discord tonight.

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Discord raised his eyebrows and hopped out of the way of the beam. "Let me say it again Red... You are going to have to fix your problems with me because Chrysalis, King Sombra and I are all going to be working together. So Any problems between us need to be fixed." He snapped his finger's at the last word and the roads turned into soap.

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Red tackled Discord and teleported out of the town with him, "Fine, but when this is over, I promise YOU ARE DEAD you monster!"

Red got off of the spirit of chaos and composed himself, "Now, as for business, I can't have you blowing my cover like that. We have to either always be 'fighting' when in proximity to each other, OR avoid each other entirely......." Red's horn began to glow, "by the way, try using buter rather than soap, much more lubrication that way...." Red teleported back to town, "Is everypony okay?" he yelled.

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Discord smiled at Red. "You said it... Chaos is my thing, Blowing your cover... It was fun. And Soap smells better than butter." He said, as Red disappeared. "Well that was Quite enjoyable." He thought, snapping his finger's and teleporting to Canterlot where he hoped to talk to Chrysalis.



(OOC: I said Soup instead of Soap... I just thought that was funny.)

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Winds had been following Diamond and when he heard Discord's voice he shivered. "This guy has been chasing me all Bucking week," he said annoyedly as he rushed up and grabbed Daimond. "RUNNING, RUNNING IS DEFINATLY WHAT WE SHOULD BE DOING," he said to her as he started running in the opposite direction.


(Posting from school is always fun, also my internet was down yesterday. D: )

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Star shook him off. "If Discord is here... He is here for a reason... I am going to sneak over and see if maybe somepony else who had the dream is there. Maybe we can help them." She said, trotting to where she heard the voice and hopping out of the way of a small shower of chocolate milk rain.

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Apple Mint set up a snare right in front of the path that Snowy Fields was possibly heading towards. He immediately covered the trap with leaves and hid right behind a bush, ready to strike.


Changelings started to land onto Ponyville and attack its citizens. Sour Blossom floated in the sky, with her wings flapping and her cold red eyes watching the chaos from her raven black hood.




I wouldn't be surprised if some of you imitated this scene.


There are 12 of you and I only brought 45 Changelings... What was I thinking?



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Diamond walked around a corner leading to the downtown aria of Ponyville and saw a large group of changelings landing on the ground. "Oh...Buck." She muttered taking a couple steps back as a few changelings approached. "Oh Buck." She yelled, turning around and galloping back towards her house.

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(Heh, throw stone ability from Final Fantasy Tactics ftw)


Dawnpath was about to say something, and then saw a Changeling land on top of a pony. He felt fire ignite in his gut. "'Ey! Offa her!" He had a stone in his hoof. Not... Entirely sure how he got it, and not really caring at the moment, he used years of snowball-fighting experience to accurately throw the stone. It drilled the Changeling in the face, and it rolled off of the pony. "ATTACK!" He yelled, grabbing another stone.

  • Brohoof 1
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Marisa was still trying to decide if she should go outside. For the past few days a dream was torturing her every night, she didn't know if it really meant her, she had locked herself in her house, but she could be saving all of Equestria... but what would she do? She needed to find a suitable group to join first, but she didn't even know where to find them. She walked over to the front door and hesitantly opened it, she saw a pony running from... were those changlings? Maybe she was a fighter! Marisa chased after the pony running from changlings, while staying out of view of them.

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