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Hey! I'm BerryPunch! I'm very energetic and love booze! I am a very good mother though... So don't go thinkink I'm some kinda...

Okay, really BerryPunch is just my username. My real name (well, still not my real name, but what I go as) is Moop. I've been a huge My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan since March. I am also an animation, art, and music buff, (which helps my love for ponies grow with each addition of fan work to the fandom.)I hope this fandom never quits being so awesome and hope even more that MLP last forEVER! (yeah, I just said that...)

  • Brohoof 2
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You took my #1 choice for a username... I will never forgive you...


Nah, just kidding. Help yourself to a donut.


No really, Someone took that name before me too but I creatively use different i since I use this ì


i ì See any difference? Very Clever of me. :3

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, at least I was lucky enough to even get an official pony name, seeing as though over 200 people were eagerly awaiting this forum.

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Hey! I'm BerryPunch! I'm very energetic and love booze! I am a very good mother though... So don't go thinkink I'm some kinda...

Okay, really BerryPunch is just my username. My real name (well, still not my real name, but what I go as) is Moop. I've been a huge My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan since March. I am also an animation, art, and music buff, (which helps my love for ponies grow with each addition of fan work to the fandom.)I hope this fandom never quits being so awesome and hope even more that MLP last forEVER! (yeah, I just said that...)


Hey Moop, glad to have you here! :3 I, too, hope the fandom never dies.

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey Moop! Nice original favorite pony (or maybe just me that hasn't noticed too many BerryPunch fans).

Wow so many original official names, Pony Joe, Berry Punch, Vinyl Scratch, Soarin..... maybe I should have picked a different name :lol:

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  • 1 year later...



Allo! Nice to meet you! As for Ocatvia... 9.5/10~! (I don't think I'm really that popular.

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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