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open Life in Ponyville -Slice of life-


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"If you can, maybe sort them by series?" Angel said softly as she enveloped the box carefully in the silver glow.  She went back up the stairs, letting the boxes lead.  Oh don't drop, don't drop... Angel pushed open her bedroom door, flooding the hall with light from the window in the bedroom and walked in, setting the boxes down carefully.  There.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"By series?  Uhhh... I can try.  I've never sorted books before but I'll try my best."  What if I don't know which are what series?  "Are they all labeled?  Cause if some aren't I'll just put them in their own group sorted by author."  Indigo began taking books out of the box.

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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"Okay.  You can just do that," Angel said as she opened the box of clothes.  She didn't have much considering she was from Canterlot.  Maybe four dresses, a couple really nice gowns, and maybe some winter clothes.  She didn't have any shoes.  Angel opened the closet and sneezed as dust flew out.  She looked up and realized she didn't have any clothes hangers.  Oh, great.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Indigo was busy sorting through books and placing them on the shelf.  Some of the series didn't have obvious numbers on them so he put the in alphabetical order, not knowing they had the order on the first pages usually.  It reminded him of the only time he ever went to the library in Ponyville, where he was supposed to help Twilight Sparkle with something for Roseluck.  Twilight wasn't home that day, so he just went home.  "Does Canterlot have a library?  Like the one in Ponyville?"  He asked Angel.

Edited by Fluttersnake31

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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Angel stared at the box.  Should I fold them up or just shove them in?  Or should I conjure up a few hangers and waste energy?  Or---"Hmm?  What?  Oh, yes it does.  There are actually a few.  One of them is very big.  It's right by the boarding school as well."  I usually went there.  Since I had nothing else to do.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Hmm...  Maybe one day you can take me to visit Canterlot?  If you wanted to visit there.  You could show me all the places you went to?"  Indigo was almost done.  There were only about five books left.  "Anyways, what do you want to do when we're done unpacking this stuff?"

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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Angel smiled.  "That would be nice."  Too bad I can't visit Cloudsdale.  "Maybe we should...walk around Ponyville," Angel said.  Then I could buy clothes hangers!  Angel quickly shoved all the clothes into the closet and closed the door.  Maybe he won't notice and I can hang them tonight, she thought even though there was no particular reason not to tell him.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"That'd be great, and maybe I could take you to Cloudsdale sometime too!"  I heard rumors that Pinkie Pie went to Cloudsdale once, so I bet I could find a way to take Angel there too.  "And walking sounds fun, we can look around some of the stores or something."  And we could probably stop for some groceries.  Then maybe tomorrow we'll go for a picnic for lunch, since she payed for lunch for me today.

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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"That'd be fun," Angel said.  Although she felt doubtful.  I think I read about spells for unicorns to stand on clouds, but I could never do it.  "I'm done," she said, kicking away the box with her back hoof.  "Want to do now?" she asked, suddenly feeling a bit awkward.  I can't believe what happened earlier...happened!



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Well, we can go into town like you said.  Or stay here and find something to do...  Whatever you would like to do..."  Indigo mostly wanted to just hold her close like earlier though, to feel that new feeling he experienced earlier today again. She was still running though his mind even when he was sorting those books.  I kinda want to just... What was the word?  Cuddle?  Yeah, I want to cuddle and read those stories she wrote with her.  But another walk would be just as nice too.

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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@@Iron Wing,


"Southern watchtower... Memorized! Okay, I'll be there~" Star nodded and went back to read. After a while he packed his stuff back up. He made a little trip to the Sugarcube corner shops and realized that Iron Wing hadn't specified how much, and what type of chocolate she needed for her recipe. He got two full bags of the stuff and headed for the south of the village. As Iron had told him, her watchtower was clearly visible from this point. He made a b-line for the building.

He rested the bags beside him and knocked on the door.

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Iron Wing was busy in the kitchen as somepony knocked on the door. She paused her work, opened the door and noticed Starstream. "Well come in! I have already started with everything. Do you want something to drink? Just feel at home and make yourself comfy." she smiled and invited him in. The watchtower wasn´t small so there was a living room and a kitchen in the ground floor and some stairs that leaded up to the 3rd floor were the start- and landing plattform was. Iron went to the kitchen and continued baking, the oven already had the correct temperature and pastry was ready to get into the cake pan. The only ingredient that was missing was the chocolate.


Duran, Irons pet came over to snuffle on Starstream. He was the first guest since Iron Wing build the watch tower so he was interested who this new pony was.

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Angel glanced at the closet.  "Lets go for walk," she said.  And so that was going to be her mission until she completed it.  Silly Angel.  Angel smiled at Indigo.  She wanted to move closer and nudge him like she had earlier that day.  But, inside, she still felt unsure that it had been reality.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Indigo looked into Angel's eyes.  I want to... kiss her again, but I'm afraid she wont be ok with it right now... But, why wouldn't she?  Indigo moved closer to Angel.  "Alright, are you... Ready to go walking?"  This day has been so perfect though...  I don't get this kind of luck hardly ever...  Was it fate that I was supposed to meet her?  And feel so perfect being with her?

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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Angel smiled at him and nudged him with the top of her head.  it doesn't have to mean anything, Angel thought.  "Let's go then!" she said.  Angel hopped down the stairs and snatched her bag from the ground as she passed it, heading for the door.  My mind surely couldn't made it up.  Surely not something so...real.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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She nudged me, and this time, I know it was out of affection!  Indigo blushed and let out a tiny squeek.  Then he followed Angel down the stairs and towards the door.  Maybe I'll just have that picnic tonight?  That'd be really nice and I owe her dinner at least for paying for my lunch and letting me stay at her house.

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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"Where should we go walking?" Should I ask about shops or would that be too obvious?  But he doesn't know really does he?  Oh well.  Angel went outside and went down her porch.  She walked over to the sidewalk and took a look at her house so she would not forget again.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Hmmm.... Wanna walk through the middle of town again?"  Indigo didn't want to give away oo much what he pas planning for their dinner.  "And I think I know where the other side of that path was, if I remember correctly."  Although Indigo didn't really wander Ponyville enough today to remember where everything was, some of his mental map was coming back to him on it's own.

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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"Okay, then," Angel said.  Slowly, she realized she was opening up more.  As to be expected.  By tomorrow, I wonder if I'll be the same.  I'm always quiet in the mornings.  Angel looked around at every pony as they walked.  She always did.  Making sure that...'she' wasn't there.  But she didn't actually expect her.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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@@Iron Wing,


Star gave Iron a friendly bow and walked in. "Thank you kindly. And I'm okay thanks, not very thirsty yet." He looked around him for a minute, taking in the impressive interior of the tower. He noticed Iron's pet cautiously getting near him. He waited until Duran was done examining him and he lowered himself to his eye level. "Hai-hai~ My name is Star. I hope you don't mind if I stay here a little while. You see, I'm an acquaintance of Iron and I'm here to assist her in baking a nice, big cake... Speaking of which... I'll be right back, okay~?"


Star rubbed Duran on his head and went to the kitchen. He rested his two bags on the counter and said with a smile, "I wasn't sure what to get... so I got as much as I could carry. I hope this works for you."

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As they walked, it seemed as if something was on Angel's mind.  "Something on your mind?"  Indigo asked.  I feel a little different somehow.  I've never thought of having a picnic with anypony ever before, or kissed anypony, or went on nice walks like this with anypony.  I wonder if she's thinking the same things as me? About how.... Breathtaking today has been.

Edited by Fluttersnake31

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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"No, no.  I'm okay," she said.  She didn't even realize he was talking about her looking through the crowd.  She had done it too often that she no longer thought about it.  Then, of course, she saw her.

Immediately, Angel turned tail and ran directionlessly, without thinking anything except for No, no, no, no, no!



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Indigo was confused, did he do something wrong?  He ran after Angel, not knowing where she was going.  "Angel? whats wrong? Where are you going?  Why are you running?"  He called out after her as he ran.  It looked like she was looking for somepony... Maybe it has something to do with her past and whatever made her cry earlier?

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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Angel could only hear him calling after her in the back of her mind.  All she could think was; No, no, no!  Leave me alone!  I never hurt you, I never did anything!  I loved you!  I loved you, mommy!

She found herself running straight for a tree.  Her horn started glowing immediately as she turned moving it out of the way, too upset to change her course.  Her magic didn't seem to care about her panic and she crashed right into the tree, falling backwards.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Is she heading straight for that tree!?  Indigo ran as fast as he could but cound't get to Angel before she ran into the tree but managed to catch her after she fell backwards from the force of the collision.  "Angel are you ok?  What happened?"  What a great protector I am, I coudn't catch up to her in time before hitting that tree.  Indigo felt that his eyes were tearing up.

Edited by Fluttersnake31

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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