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open Equestrian Civil War Roleplay


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Fluttershy was sitting near her house at the edge of the everfree forest. she wasnt actually allowed in, because it counted as part of ponyville. as a part of her home. A colt had appeared, making her jump back. he gave Fluttershy a note. "Balitimare?" she lowerd her head "ok..." as she trotted to her destination.

  • Brohoof 1

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Steeleye Sungazer

General Steeleye exited his tent, a look of determination on his features. Before him stood around twenty pony soldiers, in addition to his regular support staff, all in neat olderly lines. A quick once over showed a few discrepencies in dress code, but other than that nothing more. He was not a harsh leader to his men, understanding that the horror of war made ponies take to drink or other methods of escape. So he could tolerate a wrongly placed pin, or a scuffed boot. What he needed were soldiers, not little wind up toys that glittered in the light. Thus satisfied with hi quick review, he adressed those he had summonsed.


"Welcome Mares and Gentlecolts," He said in a friendly but authorotative tone. "You all know me, at least from a distance, so I will skip formal introductions. You all have been given the task of protecting my flank from getting fried, bombarded, and all manner of other horrible deaths so that we might get this war over with all the sooner." The mild self depricating humor drew a couple of smiles from those in the back row. "All the same, I need to tell you this. Nothing must get past your gaze. Not a single stick can be out of place under your supervision. I have no lofty opinion of myself as some other generals do. But I know this, the kingdom needs its generals now more than ever. If I die, all the forces arrayed here are sitting well trained ducks until we get a new general, if we do at all. You cannot allow me to die. Now, I would ask you all to go about your buisness for the remainder of today. Tomorrow you are to be formally inducted into the Honor Guard. Dismissed."


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Rag was all of a-bubble when she and Tag were walking back to their previous positions. Tag listened to her excited babbling wearily. "Who'd have ever thought, that we, those pesky Gemini twins, would be in the personal guard of the Solar Empire's best hope?" Tag laughed. "Definitely not old North Arrow. He thought we were thick as chocolate pudding, remember?" They laughed together, recalling fond memories of pranks they had pulled on their old friend North when they were young. Beneath the laughter, though, was a sadness and a shock and a bitterness that neither mentioned. They hadn't heard from North in weeks, from where he was positioned far to the north near the Cloudsdale front, and feared the worst, although neither acknowledged their fears, and acted like nothing was wrong. They were just ready for the war to end.

Edited by Descant

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General Applejack was flustered and furious at Vanguard. It was all she could do to not show that pony his place. Instead she took a deep breath and calmed herself. Luna had gone to bed and the hall was quiet. She hoped Fluttershy got the message to head to Baltimare. Applejack took of from the Basecamp and galloped all the way out to visit Sgt Golden Eye. She would need his help to pull off this plan to give up some ground in Ponyville and take Baltimare. When she arrived at the encampment, she found a scribe and had the following letter penned for Fluttershy.


Dear Fluttershy,


I know this war must be hard on you. No pony could want all this anger and pain around, but we must do what we can to end this quickly. You know I would never ask you put your animals in harms way, so I was hoping you would instead ask that they gather supplies for the coming battalions. We should already have a camp there for you to establish a place to stay on the outskirts of town. I will be there as soon as I am finished here.


Your friend,




She looked at the scroll and smiled. The scribe had removed all of her southern dialect from it. She admitted it make it easier to read. She gave it to the scribe to be magically sealed and be send off by way of Courier.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Golden Age paced around the camp, frustrated that the Lieutenant had not yet arrived. "Where the blazes is he?"


It was already in the afternoon, Golden Age became more and more concerned. "The longer it takes for Vanguard to get here, the bigger the chance we have of losing the element of surprise. And Celestia knows my men aren't the most experienced. Hell, they we're formed barely a month ago!"


His thoughts finished, he picked up his halberd and went along the line of breastworks, giving his comrades words of encouragement. He went to the pickets and gave them praise. Upon returning back to camp, he thought of an idea, a courier! He hurried back to his tent and pulled out a quill and paper, he then began to write a small letter.


Lt. Vanguard,

I am anxiously awaiting your arrival. How far away are you? I fear the Solars that are camped a few miles away may be planning something big. There has been no action today, but I assume you know the old saying "calm before the storm"? In addition, you must understand my men are green. They were formed just a month ago. I do hope you bring experience along with you. I do hope this letter reaches you without inccident.


Sergeant Golden Age


Golden Age proceeded to walk out to a crowd of soldiers "Anypony volunteer for a courier?" He asked. One raised his hand. "Splendid" Golden Age replied "I am expecting a pony of importance here, but alas they have not arrived. Take this, ride down the road that connects to Luna's Palace, you're bound to run into them. Look for a column of soldiers, and a stallion with black armor. And take this" Golden Age handed the pony a dagger "In case you run into trouble" 


"I won't fail you sir" The pony replied. "I've no doubt about it lad, Now, best be off, time is of the essence." Golden Age spoke.


And with that, the pony galloped off. Golden Age sat down among his men and joined in a conversation.

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Ice Opal sat at the desk of his quarters, quill in hand, ink to the right of the paper he was writing on. There were few words on it, it was just a beginning, but so far, the only sign of happiness anywhere near that paper was Celestia's sun shining brightly on it, a false atmosphere for how Ice Opal felt. His trash can was filled to the brim with crumpled papers, but the worst of it was that writing about his brother's death in the army due to those blasted Lunar Republicans was a near impossible task. But there was no other way to tell them.


Dear Opal Family,


Those happy messages I've been sending you these last months, do away with them. There is no time to be happy in a crisis like this. I'm afraid my trusted brother, your trusted brother, or even son, in mother's case, has died. Ezio Opal did not have the power to defeat 100 Lunes, let alone 10 times that amount. He lays dead in the battlefield, honor in his heart, and-


That is where this letter ended. Ice Opal didn't have the power to continue. A tear drop fell onto his paper, the distraught feeling of his family never knowing that his beloved brother had left Equestria lingering in his heart, and he crumpled the paper, like the others, before throwing in in the trash can. At the trashcan. It lay on the ground a meter away, and Ice Opal made no move to pick it up.




Ezio Opal was surrounded and outnumbered, no way to escape. He glanced back and forth, looking for any way out, any way to live, but there was none. Lunar Forces were advancing on him, no gaps, and he lunged in one direction to take out one, but another Lune appeared to take the fallen's place, and Ezio quickly jumped back to avoid to get hurt himself. He looked up at Ice Opal, standing at the top of a rock further up the hill, a look of honor for Celestia in his eyes. Then his eyes immediately turned hard. A blade was now sticking out of his stomach, and he tumbled to the ground, staring up at the bright sky.




It was too hard to bare that moment when it replayed in his mind, his brother, loyal to everything he believed in, falling victim to the New Lunar Republics ruthlessness. He stood up and left his room, slamming the door behind him, before making his way down the hallway. Those Lunes would pay for what they did to Ezio, to his brother. He would do everything in his power to beat them, and he knew he could make himself untouchable if he wanted. That's what he hoped, at least.


He knocked on the door of the Briefing Room, where there would probably be many orders being given out. More and more troops were needed to support Ponyville, which was continuously becoming a simple pile of rubble, when Ice Opal looked at it from the far reaches of Canterlot. Fights continued there, and it took twice as long for ponies from Canterlot to get to Ponyville that it did for the New Lunar Republicans who were in Dragon's Mountain.


He stepped inside, not waiting for an answer, and headed right for the Archmage's office. It was a rare occasion for somepony to willingly go fight, but he felt like he couldn't go back, that he owed to much to his brother and his family. "Private Opal on duty." It hurt him to say it. He used to be called Private Opal II, since him and his brother always were mixed up, but to simply be Private Opal, it almost emphasized that he was the one and only Opal helping in the war. "Ready to go and help the Solar Kingdom."


The Archmage nodded, looking up over the brim of his glasses. It was classic that one has a piece of paper with exactly what a mage was to do when away, but Ice Opal wanted to go and do what he could, so the Archmage simple took out a paper and scribbled something onto it. He handed it to Ice Opal, saying, "Give this to Ol' Berry, and he'll try and put you in one of the troops heading to Ponyville. Now go."


Ice Opal took the sheet of paper, not even glancing at it, and headed out the door, straight to the main hall, where most troops gathered right before they left. Ol' Berry, one of the guards that guarded the main gate, let them in and out, and made sure everything was in order. He went straight to his station at the edge of the gate and handed the paper to him. Ol' Berry looked at  it then gave Ice Opal a quick inspection, before nodding to a group of ponies in rectangle formation standing at the gate. "We're missing one in the 2nd row, column number 5. Take his spot." Ice Opal nodded his thanks and shuffled between the ponies, before taking up the spot. For Ezio.

  • Brohoof 1

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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As fluttershy walked along to help, another pny had come along to give her a note. "oh, im sorry." she said apologeticly "here, ill take that for you." she picks up the letter, and reads it through. "applejack wants me? but why me?" She got her animals together, in the most adorable battalion you ever did see, and headed out to help applejack.

  • Brohoof 2

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Steeleye Sungazer:

A little after dawn, Steeleye Sungazer gave the order to begin advancing into Lunar Republic territory. Pegasus squadrons flew out in criss-crossing patterns, looking for all possible enemies ahead. The earth ponies kept to the outer ranks, sporting their sheilds and close range weapons. There were some mixed in with the unicorns to supply a backup in case the lines were breached. At the front edge of the column, a constant rotation of unicorns cleared the forest in front of the army, burning and slashing a path with their magic. By the time half of the troops assembled passed by, all traces of vegetation were crushed into paste. Steeleye marched with his Honor Guard, whom he had summoned before the march began, in the exact center of the marching ranks. Far from cowardice, he made sure he was in a position to keep an eye on all of his troops in case of ambush.


As this spearhead began to push into the Lunar Republic, newly arrived troops began to spread out to the sides, intending to surround the fortresses along the border from behind aswell as in front. Much like the first breach in a dam, a tidal wave of conflict spread out from the destroyed hill, encroaching ever further inwards towards Luna. Two more forts fell in quick succesion, without the total destruction previously used. General Steeleye however, remained merciless in his tactics, as Twilight Sparkle had not yet arrived. Though not pillaging and stealing, the Solar troops under his command ousted all Lunar supporters from their homes and livelyhoods. Only enough farms to supply the Solar Troops were left standing, everything else was burned to the ground.


Whats more, any children with magical talent found amongst the rebels were kidnapped, carted away to Canterlot. What happened there was not certain, but no one ever saw those fillies and colts again. Some of Steeleye's own troops began to grow wary of him, but not fearful. To his allies and compatriots he was gracious and kind. To those he considered his enemies he was like a demon. After two days, Steeleye commanded the razng of three seperate towns, scattering refuge families into whatever structures remained. Perhaps the greatest atrocity of all, was the Burning of  Apple-Loosa. By far one of the largest apple production centers in the Lunar Republic.


Enlisting the help of the Buffalo tribes, General Steeleye burned down every last structure and tree in the entire settlement, leaving its stunned residents in the hands of the Buffalo at his departure. The Buffalo were not kind to their captives and few ponies would remain in that land for a long time. Turning frm his original line of conquest from the border to Apple-Loosa, General Steeleye focused his gaze on Everfree Forest. If he was succesful there, his forces would join the others assaulting Dragon Mountain.


Dragon Mountain:

It had once been a wonderful spot that pleased her eye. Now it was full of death and stomping hooves. Celestia viewed the current assault on Dragon Mountain, which was becoming a stalemate yet again. Her personal commad from inside Canterlot via magical orbs had kept casualties light thus far. Unlike her commander, she could not even concieve of brutal strategy. Still, she felt she would wear down the enemy defenses with time. Yet again her attention was drawn to the influx of students in the Canterlot Magical Academies. So many frightened young fillies and colts had begun to arive as of late. She didn't know where they all came from, but she felt a certain sense of dread with each wagon that arrived.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Dead Eye pick a target a few hundred meters away, notched and arrow and took a deep breath. He stedied his gaze and let the arrow loose. The projectile whistled through the air and hit its target with a *thump*. The solar soldier fell to the ground, but just one of many. The battle of Dragon Mountain was becoming long and tiresome, the lunars had the supplies to sustain them for a long while but the amount of ponies was starting to dwindle compared to the Solar troops attacking. Dead Eye sighed then notched another arrow letting it fly into the crowed of enemy.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Sergeant Golden Age soon became aware of the events that were happening under Steeleye, and he was nothing short of infuriated.


He had recently gotten word of the battle that he heard a few days ago. He found out that not a single Lunar was left alive. Golden Age assumed it to be a massacre. And now, he kept getting word of Lunar supporters being evicted from their homes and buildings being torched by Solar forces. He gathered up his soldiers by the fire, and let them know of his opinions on the matter.


"This Steeleye Sungazer is nothing short of a DEVIL! He has burnt our homes, evicted our families! He massacred an entire fort for Celestia's sake! I am infuriated beyond comprehension my friends! SHE IS NOT A OFFICER, SHE IS A MURDERER!" Golden Age took a deep exhale "I am tempted, very tempted...to march to that Solar camp, and massacre every single last one of them! I...I even have reports of children being kidnapped, yes, CHILDREN! Do these demons have no lines? Are they incapable of a moral compass?" 


Golden Age took a long pause before speaking once more I am VERY close, to assembling a company, and marching down to that camp, and committing just the act that Steeleye did not to long ago, an utter massacre. I would torch every tent, every structure, and kill every stallion there! But...something inside me keeps these actions at bay. And besides, they're not Steeleye's regiment. I'll wait until I have his, and then I'll see about a massacre. T'would be unfair to massacre a regiment for the doings of another yes? I will not stand for this, occupation is one thing, but eviction of civilians and torching of private property is NOT what I call war. I'm all for bloodshed, but I do have some humanity in me.


As a precaution, I want more pickets posted around the encampment. And has the bloody courier returned yet?" Golden Age asked. "Not sir, haven't seen him yet." A soldier in the crowd replied.

"Great, just great. Well...dismissed."


Golden Age picked up his halberd sat himself down by one of the breastworks. He did not thing he would get much sleep that night.

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Applejack looked at a map of Ponyville. Right now is was torn right down the middle and it was going to be hard to give up even a little space and let the Solar Empire get closer to their Military Stronghold at Sweet Apple Acres. This would mean they would get Rarity's place and that was going to be hard on her. Back in the day when the war just started Rarity swore none of those Solar "Ruffians" would set foot on her property...but then again we all said things back then that were wrong. Plus, Applejack knew that the Battle for Ponyville was all about Moral. To gain ground would certainly give a boost to Solar but to gain the resourses of Baltimare would be a huge step in the right direction towards out flank (snicker) ing them. She found a nearby Soldier.


"I need ya to find Col. Mac and have'em meet me here, please?"


The soldier nodded and departed. It was time to go over the plan and start moving the pieces. She looked out over Ponyville again and sighed. She hoped Fluttershy had made it to their forces in Baltimare safe and the process of gathering supplies was underway.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Golden Age awoke from his slumber. It was still dark out. He thought about whether he should move his forces or stay put. He felt he needed meet with some friendly force. Leaving Los Pegasus would bring that opprotunity. However, Vanguard was supposed to arrive here sometime. He feared if he moved he would miss him.


After a few minutes of pondering, he finally made his desicion.


He would wait 3 more days for Vanguard, if he did not arrive by then, he would move out towards the closets Lunar occupied territory. He readjusted his hat and placed it over his face and eventually went back to sleep.

Edited by HistoricallyInaccurate
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Unbeknownst to Vanguard, many of his own forces had been split back to the three divisions. His company had taken a severe cut in numbers, leaving only a handful of Pegasi at his command. He had to make do with what he had. Within the hour they were ready, but soon he was held up by and unexpected talk with one of the fellow captains. He wasn't too keen on the idea of rushing out there with so few troops at this hour. Vanguard insisted, proceeding as planned. It had taken longer than expected but he had arrived, and not a moment too soon. He landed outside the commanders tent, ordering his Pegasi to set up camp. He took entrance to the quarters, addressing the restful captain.


"Golden Age, my regiment has arrived."

  • Brohoof 1


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Fluttershy had eventualy made it to baltimare, with all the little animals carrying supplies. she looked back and smiled "if only things could be thins easy." she sighed, telling the animals to go and store the supplies. She also rememberd the airforce was situated here. she walked to the camp, and demmanded they all came to the yard. from here, she could situate a plan of attack to help the lunar republic.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Golden Age turned to face the Lieutenant. "I am very glad to see you. But I take it the courier did not find you? Ah, but that does not matter now, for you are here. I would like to have the opprotunity to brief you on our situation" Golden Age spoke. He then invited the Lieutenant to sit down with him.

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Luna tumbled out of bed and threw some clothes on. Curses! She overslept. We certainly needed it, but it won't help us. She peered outside. They were almost halfway up the mountain outside! She quickly wrote a letter.

"Dear Bio Hazard

I have need of your services. Take a school of mages and help to throw back the invaders. Move quickly, and do not lt them know you are there until you strike.

Princess Luna."


She sent it, and then took out another paper.

"Dear Fire Blade,

Due to the emergency efforts required, you have been promoted to lieutenant. Take control of your school, and prevent the Solar Empire from destroying our base!

Princess Luna"


She took out a third piece of paper.

"Dear Night Star

Please come to our aid in defending our base..."




(OOC: A level 9 dark/ 6 chaos wizard. Chew on that, Higu.)

  • Brohoof 1
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Fire Blade was waiting to see if he would be accepted when he got his letter.

"From Luna herself! Damn, they must need me bad..."

He found his way to his school fairly quickly. Inside were about 30 wizards, all a mix of colts and mares.

"Attention! Luna herself has just told me to take control of this school and to defend this base. All I require is that you do as I say with no questions and that you defend the base to the best of your ability and beyond. Understood?"

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General Applejack frowned as she heard the grim news from Big Mac. There was a heavy advance that destroyed much of the Everyfree forest and most of Appleloosa. (I'm going to go with this and just kind back track it a bit) She paled and was near speechless with fury and sorrow all at once.


"Whadda ya wanna do Aj?" Big Mac said, his tone no different then usual...calming but firm.


"Oh, those damn Solar ponies!" She spit and kicked the dirt. "They wanna play that game, well alright then. Send a full Corp and 1 Special forces regiment. Cut. Them. Off. They ain't about to run inta the heart of our territory and be coming out alive. Big Mac, I need you to stay here and execute the evacuation of everythin' in ponyville down to tha river. Move all blockades, air support and such thats assigned to ponyville's defense to that part. Then go ahead and send the troops that were there on to Baltimare. Fluttershy, bless her heart will have to start that shindig without me. Make sure to keep your main defense here, including Air support and Mage support. Sweet Apple Acres is a stronghold, but all the same. I wanna be careful. Thanks big brother. Dismissed"


"Eeyup" Col Mac said and trotted off.


"Scribe, take a letter to Sky Warden" The scribed and began to write as she spoke.


Sky Warden,


Your presence is required to stave off an invasion of epic proportions. The murderer known as Steeleye has entered our land, burned our villiages and there are reports of missing children. I need you to head out with me, along with my personal regiment and honorguard. Bring every pony with wings under your command. I cannot afford to wait any longer then a single night. I shall hope this finds you will and our dear Princess blesses you with speed.


General Applejack


"Alright, magically encode that and send on the wings of our fastest and most stealth flier in this base. The entire war could be at stake, ya hear?! Go!"


The pony didn't even take time to salute. He just ran. Fast. Applejack, who usually was so friendly with her troops to the point no one really even called her 'General', just 'AJ'. Not today.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Princes Celestia:

In a short space of time, the war hard transformed from two competing ideals to a giant, confused, and monstrous blood feud. News of what was truely happening in the deep south had come to her far to loot for any hope of repair. Her own personal academy was packed to the brim with kidnapped filles and colts, the south was being burned ever as she thought, and more and more of her top advisors were calling for total war. Not simply the re-unification of Equestria, but every last pony on the other sie being ground to less than dust. She knew it was not just those at the top of the chain. Even from miles away the pure hatred born of tradgedy washed over her in continous waves. It seemed to her, that while the south's homes and livelyhood burned, the north had lit its own passions aflame. Every dawn was more strained than the last, every raising of the sun more difficult to bare.


So now she found herself at the precipice, the fork in the road as it were. She could turn back now and try to smother the flames, or she would jump blindly into the abyss. There was little to no hope of this ending happily. To many ponies had died and too much had been destroyed. Even if she did dispose Steeleye, surely something more terrible would rise in his stead. Her kingdom would be conquered, or somepony would take command that would utterly destroy both nations in his or her fervor. She knew Steeleye, as she knew all of those who served in her direct command. He was a kind pony, stead-fast and as loyal as any companion bred from birth. But now that loyalty was turned into these same attrocities and she struggled to find a way that he could redeem himself.


While she thought over these things, she had her staff organize troop movements. One important resolution would have horrified her, that they could forsake Ponyville for the time being. Logically, important troops were tied up in an unwinnable battle. The recent actions of their wayward General had given them a solution, even if the enemy took the town. They would destroy it all, right down to the last blade of grass. As such preparations were made to load so many booby-traps into the structures in their half that they were unlivable, not to mention the surrounding countryside. Some of the withdrawn troops were sent east to bolster border patrol efforts and some as far as Baltimare, hoping to recruit fresh troops.


General Steeleye:

No good General left themselves so far into enemy territory that they had no supply train. While unaware of Applejack's plans, Steeleye had altered his army's course to go straight toward the nearest Solar territory. At a quick but sustainable march, they planned to reach the border and travel west, taking out Lunar Forts along their progress to further open the wound created by Steeleye's attacks. The temporary reprieve from assault had allowed the newly conquered fortresses to bolter their defences and now stood above the skyline. In addition, recon flocks were sent out far and wide across enemy territory, searching for enemy troop movements.


Steeleye himself had no intention of staying in the Lunar Republic for long. After allowing their own forces to plug the gap he had made, he would withdraw his troops to Canterlot so that they might recuperate. He also hoped to pick up fresh soldiers when he arrived, those would fill in the minor casualties he had sustained. Currently, his beeline to the border had gotten him one half of the way between Apple-Loosa's former location and the outer border.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Night Star woke up. A scroll was waiting for him. He glanced over it as he stepped outside of his quarters - and it was hot outside. He looked at the temperature. 45 degrees.

Yep. It sure was hot.

He read the letter again, and then smiled. He stepped five feet to the ledge outside of his quarters, and watched the battle. They were more than halfway up the mountain. Time for some... intervention. Or else he wouldn't get breakfast. The last time that happened... well, he got some new ice sculptures out of it.

He quickly leaped down into cover. Where his hooves hit the ground, a thin sheet of ice appeared. He had always liked that cosmetic effect. It showed just how in sync he was with ice- his chosen element. He quickly iced the ground underneath all of the mountain- watching the ponies from both sides slip and slide down the mountain, and crossed to the dining hall. He wanted something down his gullet before entering a giant battle.


(There you go- your average Lv.9 mage- not in action. That'll come in a few posts.)

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Oh yeah...Applejack totally forgot to write to Fluttershy and even tell her she was starting that battle without her...might be helpful....

She penned this one with her own mouth.


Dear Fluttershy,


A sudden incursion to our south has forced a delay in my ability to join the Battle for Baltimare. Sadly you will need to start it without me. I am sending the ponies from Ponyville to Baltimare. There should be one School of Mages, 1 Battalion of Infantry and (whatever the unit is for the Pegasus are, lets say 30 of them). When they arrive, let them rest for the are moving double time and then you must lead this battle...however...Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east. (sorry, had to..)


Be safe my friend,




She had the scroll magically sealed and sent out quickly to the frontlines of Baltimare.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Dead Eye hoped from the rock he was perched on as bolts of magic hit it, only to jump on to the ice that Night star had placed with his magic. "Oh shi-!" dead eye yelped as he started to slide down the mountain, he dug his hooves into the ice to slow him down but to no avail. He moved to plan B and slid diagonally to reduce his speed a bit. He hit the ground hard but seemed unharmed due to the lack of heavy armor. He shook himself off and took in his surroundings."Good no Solars around here. But damn where did that ice come from?" He started up the mountain again hoping from out cropping to outcropping to get to the mountaintop.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Ice Opal left the mass of fighting mages and decided to sneak away to the west to try and launch a solo sneak attack, but close to attacking, he withdrew and counted up the Lunarians, only to back off and reconsider. He turned around to perhaps sneak his way back to the troop, but his eyes caught a giant burned trail of woods leading through the Everfree Forest. Very peculiar, he thought to himself, and began to follow it.


Stepping onto a burning piece of wood, he jumped back and blew at it, covering his hoof with frost before dissolving it. He stared at the burning scene and shock turned to common sense as he slowly cooled the ground from where he was continuing forward. Curious, as no Lune would burn it's own base, he began to follow it at a paced gallop, occasionally slowing down to push ahead with the cooling.




By the time Ice Opal entered the barren wasteland that lead to Apple Loosa, which was clearly the intended destination for, as he now was sure of, the Solarians who had traveled through here. He was exhausted by this time, but he refused to give up. He continued for another hour or so until red flags with a sun imprinted on it came into sight. Grinning with satisfaction that he had finally found it after nearly half a day to even close to the full day, he sped up his pace, but several hundred meters away from the flags, his legs gave way and he collapsed, catching a glimpse of the flags once more before giving way to complete exhaustion and unconsciousness.


((OOC: Your move, Higurashi. Time to discover Ice Opal.))

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Fire Blade moved on, moving from the NLR base. He wanted to get to a frontline with a general so he could show, even though he had just recruited, he was worth his weight in gold. He needed orders to go to a frontline, though. And which one would he be sent to: Ponyville? Baltimare?

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As Fluttershy was briefing her regiment(?) A letter appeared next to her. "alright, go and practice. were going out tomorrow." She opened the letter, and read through it. "well,at least we'll have more troops to fight." she sighed "this war really is gunna be tough."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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