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planning A Strange World. (Planning)

Miss Light Diamond

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so...two kids or adult and child? secretly kidnapped means the higher ups kidnapped her for nafarious purposes and not all scientests are aware that they're working for an evil organisation and just figure 'its for science and the parents are well payed", yes?

  • Brohoof 1
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so...two kids or adult and child? secretly kidnapped means the higher ups kidnapped her for nafarious purposes and not all scientests are aware that they're working for an evil organisation and just figure 'its for science and the parents are well payed", yes?

Pretty much. And one kid is kidnapped, The scientists working on this project may or may not be evil... I was planning on having my OC be super nice to the kid, And thats why he was closer to her... Just trying to comfort her. That was my original plan at least.

So your OC can be evil or good, Maybe their being forced to work for the company, Maybe its the only way they can make money, We may never know  :blink: (Or we can just start the RP.)

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There is/would be one kid... Thats why I was asking @Obsidian_Winter if she could make her OC younger.

And what do you mean by More people ? Do you mean more people for the RP or more people as in More Humans In the RP ?




Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

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Well theres me, and I'm good to go at any point you guys are. I may be going to sleep soon though so if you decide to start it, I may not reply till tomorrow. I already know my position in this. Facility Security. Head of Security for the Lab. I was there watching to ensure humane treatment of the child and to monitor the safety risks. ~.^

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Well theres me, and I'm good to go at any point you guys are. I may be going to sleep soon though so if you decide to start it, I may not reply till tomorrow. I already know my position in this. Facility Security. Head of Security for the Lab. I was there watching to ensure humane treatment of the child and to monitor the safety risks. ~.^

So are you going to be an alicorn or no ? Because I was planning to have two of every kind of pony... And the little girl and myself would be the two alicorns... Or maybe we should just have no alicorns... What do you guys think ?


XD in an Evil organisation?! thats hilarious! oh wait, were you serious?

My character...or wait, can I play two from different sides of the spectrum? 0.o

You could play two, But only if you are good at playing two characters.


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Well, my OC is an Alicorn but I guess I can say she is just a Unicorn if I have to. Its up to you. I personally have no issue with Alicorns.

I dont have an issue with alicorn's ether I was just planning on only having two... The little girl and hopefully... Myself, But we could say the little girl stays human or something

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hmm, kepping her human would be interesting...possible because as a child she'd be 'more connected' which is why in the first MLP 80s/90s movies kids could enter the world until it bacame an adult who 'doesn't believe' the adults in the room would be separated from her after the experiment went awry and then the ponies would have to rescue her as well as escape with a human!

  • Brohoof 1
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hmm, kepping her human would be interesting...possible because as a child she'd be 'more connected' which is why in the first MLP 80s/90s movies kids could enter the world until it bacame an adult who 'doesn't believe' the adults in the room would be separated from her after the experiment went awry and then the ponies would have to rescue her as well as escape with a human!


I am a little confused as to what you mean.



I really don't care. I can play either a Pegasus or Unicorn. I don't have to play an alicorn. Its sweet of you to ask me though.

Its ok, I think the little girl is not going to turn into a pony, So you can be an alicorn.

  • Brohoof 1

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I am a little confused as to what you mean.

 how so?


hmm, kepping her human would be interesting...possible because as a child she'd be 'more connected' which is why in the first MLP 80s/90s movies kids could enter the world until it bacame an adult who 'doesn't believe' the adults in the room would be separated from her after the experiment went awry and then the ponies would have to rescue her as well as escape with a human!

as you mentioned earlier, the little girl is more connected, so when the portal opens, she wouldnt be ponified, but any adult would be. because of such a reaction, the girl would be put in a s eparate area in the building. the other (still human) scientists would keep the ponyfolk separated from her for 'scientific' purposes (if they're still connected to the magic of the other world without the little girl around and such) but the ponyfolk would escape the 'cell' and try to find her + escaping the organisation and trying to find another way to open the portal...maybe trying to find a Bronycon or something for help..? XD kidding

  • Brohoof 1
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 how so?


as you mentioned earlier, the little girl is more connected, so when the portal opens, she wouldnt be ponified, but any adult would be. because of such a reaction, the girl would be put in a s eparate area in the building. the other (still human) scientists would keep the ponyfolk separated from her for 'scientific' purposes (if they're still connected to the magic of the other world without the little girl around and such) but the ponyfolk would escape the 'cell' and try to find her + escaping the organisation and trying to find another way to open the portal...maybe trying to find a Bronycon or something for help..? XD kidding






Well, I am going to go spend hours making an OOC topic... I will take some ideas from here and mix it up.

Wish me luck.


@Obsidian_Winter Before I start... Did you want to handle the RP topic ? You will be in control of what happens and when it happens... I am not good at being a DM so... Yea.

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link it here so we can  go to that one too ^.^

and whats the difference between this and an OOC topic?

This is the planning... People who want to make an RP but dont really have any good ideas make a planning topic then other people can make suggestions  :)

And yes, I will link it here.

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and, again i ask...whats the difference between that and an ooc topic?




and yeah, i have no other questions...for now..XD

I just told you that  :P

A planning topic is where everyone plans for the RP, People throw out ideas and stuff.

The OOC topic is where people sign up and say things about the RP that has already been planned.



So are we sticking with the name as "A Strange World"? Also, are we still searching for players or no?

We are sticking with the name and yea, We are still searching for players... Tell your friends  :)





This is what I have for the OOC Topic... If you guys could take a look at it before I post it, That would be awesome.




Heeere we go.



This RP is about a group of Scientists working for an evil organisation. Anyhow The scientists discover a way to open a portal to another world... The only problem is, They need someone who has a special connection too that world. In this case a young girl who is connected to Equestria.

So, The organisation kidnaps the girl.

But when they turn on the machine to open the portal instead of the scientists sending something through the portal something gets sent back at them... Magic.

The eight scientists in the room get transformed into technicolor ponies.



1. Reserved

2. Reserved






Earth Ponies.








The little girl.



Humans that want to help.





The other scientists decide to keep the newly transformed ponies in the laboratory. Now the ponies must escape with the girl to ether Find a way to become human Or find out how to get too Equestria so they can live a care free life, Without having to look over their shoulders.






Proper Grammar is a must, I can handle a few minor mistakes but if it keeps happening I will need to kick you from the RP.


NO godmodding. That is all, Just no... No.... NOOOOOOOOO.


I am going to ask you to follow the OOC topic and the RP topic so you will know when someone posts.


Dont sign up if you are not going to post... PLEAAAASE.


Put an @ sign a space in front of your character link.


Have fun  :lol:

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

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Hey Flame? I need the link to the OOC topic you are creating so I can put it in with the RP at the top.

We need people to join before we create the RP.

Also I havent made it yet, I just wanted to know what you guys think of what I wrote... Should I change anything ?





Here is the OOC topic. I really hope we get lots of people who are interested.





http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lexon-r2133 And Here is my Character... If you want to take a look.

  • Brohoof 1

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