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Which of the Mane 6 is Hardest to Write?


Which of the Mane 6 is Hardest to Write?  

69 users have voted

  1. 1. Which of the Mane 6 is Hardest to Write?

    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Applejack
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Rarity
    • Fluttershy
    • Pinkie Pie

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I have seen many people talking about this elsewhere, so I figured I might as well make it a topic so we could have some fun discussion and I could see where everyone stands on the issue. So, which of the Mane 6 do you think it is most difficult to write? To portray the complexity and depth of their character? To keep interesting and unique, yet still sympathetic and lovable?


There should be a poll for you if I put it together right, but I'm not going to vote because I'm stuck in a three way tie between Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash.


I think Rarity is hard to write because she is a very... contradictory character. She is capable of being one of the most or least mature of the 6, and is capable of changing  between these in the span of a few seconds. She is a very material person and yet is the Element of Generosity. She and her sister drive each other up the walls, but at the same time there is still a strong love between them. You also have to often subvert the audience's expectations of her a la Dragon Quest or Sisterhooves Social to keep her from becoming a stereotype.


Rainbow Dash is difficult because she's a very kind person who doesn't often consider the ramifications of what she does. For example in Sleepless in Ponyville, she was extremely slow to realize that something was wrong with Scootaloo but as soon as she caught on, she was determined to set the situation right. It's easy to play up her insensitivity without showing that she still cares for her friends and is more than willing to set her own interests aside when the chips are down.


And as for Pinkie Pie I have seen many people complaining about her behavior this season. I haven't particularly had issues with it, but I do think that it would be hard to show that even though she is a chaotic impulsive crazy person, she also has reasons for behaving the way she does and is capable of surprising depth at times. It could be easy to treat her more as a source of comic relief than as a character. I've observed this even on a larger level, on Fimfiction I have only found a few writers who are able to get inside her head and portray how she could conceivably think without it feeling forced or weird (any more than is natural, we are talking about Pinkie Pie here :) )


Hm, these three seem to have more haters than than the rest of the six, possibly a correlation?


In any case, these are my thoughts on the issue and I'd love to hear yours.

Edited by DashForever
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For me personally it is Rarity in part because she is my least favorite of the Mane 6, I don't hate her I really don't hate any characters in this show but it is very difficult for me to really get inside the mind of a character like that and that is really what you have to do if you are going to write a character convincingly. Rarity is into fashion which may not be my thing but her obsession with being with the "in" crowd makes is difficult for me to relate to her because frankly I have never really cared about being in the "in" crowd nor have I understood why anyone would have any interest in that. What I do like about her though is her creative side and if wrote a fanfic about her it would probably focus heavily on that and show off a bit of her generous side as well.


Applejack is also hard for me but for different reasons, I have a lot in common with Applejack but the perfectionist in me really wants to get it right I feel like I have to do her character justice. For Twilight is the easiest to write because like Applejack I have a lot in common with her but I don't have my perfectionist bearing down on me in part because Twilight's flaws are a bit more glaring and obvious than Applejacks and are great for comedic effect while still giving her character the respect it deserves.

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Definitely Applejack, by far. Half of the writers don't even know what to do with her. They finished her all the way back in Episode 4 of Season 1. See, the latest episode? That has such a similar plot to Applebuck Season that I don't even--


Yes. There's a reason why she has the least episodes and character development. Even during my short time as a fanfic writer, she was the hardest to write.

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Well, my personal bias yells "RD, push the button, it's definitely RD!" but I actually have to stop myself and not vote at all, because I can't decide. I think all six have amazing work behind them, which is one of the main reasons why this show is so good as it is.


I think RD can possibly lead as far as character development goes.

Rarity as you said is kinda deeper than she seems at the first glance.

Twillight is always great with her panic attacks.

Fluttershy is extremely cute, only complain I might have is that she seems to be rather stagnant, exactly the same from the first episode till now. At least in my opinion.

Applejack, well, she has character, I just find her hard to like too much because of the whole "Texas yeeeeaaaaaw" thing she has going on.

And Pinkie, well, how can anyone complain. Pinkie is Pinkie and if Pinkie changes, I will be very displeased.


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Rarity is by far the hardest to write and they did a damn good job with her personality. It's pretty difficult to understand Rarity behaviour in some sort of scnearios and that's why people see her as a shallow and overly dramatic bitch. I can understand these people positions, but at the same time I cannot accept that they attack Rarity so bluntly if they didn't put a little bit of thought on her character first.

Her personality is pretty complex, but underneath those many layers of make up and fashion, there's a very kind and noble pony who is willing to do her best to please her friends, no matter the price.


Now Rainbow Dash seems to be very hard to write, but until I watched Wonderbolts Academy in which I saw Rainbow Dash for the first time ever being a good pony, I realized that she's not that hard, I mean the episode flowed as smooth as water running down the river, there was nothing else to analyze about Rainbow Dash.

I just wish more Rainbow Dash's episodes were like this, before that, I saw in Rainbow Dash the same complexity as Rarity but I never saw saw these traits that made her a good friend, everything pretty much was negative.


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Rainbow Dash is difficult because she's a very kind person who doesn't often consider the ramifications of what she does.


That's a perfect way to sum up Rainbow Dash. 


I'm going with Rarity. There's a fine line between caring but dramatic and just a drama queen, and it seems in some episodes that they missed the mark. I remember hearing an interview somewhere with Mitch Larson I think, where he said that the hardest pony for him to write was Fluttershy, as it was difficult to not go too much or too little on her traits. My memory may be faulty though.

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Rainbow Dash and Rarity are both tough characters to write because at first glance, they appear to be one-dimensional and not worth writing about in the first place. As time goes on, you might start to see what people consider to be the "bad sides" of both characters as both of them can be pretty selfish - in Rarity's case, slightly vain and shallow and Rainbow Dash arrogant and boastful. When it's this tricky to distinguish their actual traits than characteristics that are ultimately idiosyncratic, you do tend to lean towards writing them off as "hard to write".


That said, Rainbow is the hardest to write about. Her demeanour demands that she show off her glorious attitude yet at the same time, keep a level-head and not let it annoy readers. In my experience, that's been difficult to do no matter the setting or storyline. It is also sometimes tricky for the writers to get her personality just right to satisfy the crowd, save for a few occasions such as Wonderbolts Academy. I would also vote Rarity, but I think her own sense of humour attracts more people than one may originally expect. Who doesn't love a funny drama queen, after all?

Edited by Alfonzo Dennard
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Now Rainbow Dash seems to be very hard to write, but until I watched Wonderbolts Academy in which I saw Rainbow Dash for the first time ever being a good pony, I realized that she's not that hard, I mean the episode flowed as smooth as water running down the river, there was nothing else to analyze about Rainbow Dash.

I just wish more Rainbow Dash's episodes were like this, before that, I saw in Rainbow Dash the same complexity as Rarity but I never saw saw these traits that made her a good friend, everything pretty much was negative.


There's a lot of unnoticed quirks in Rainbow's personality that make it difficult to cover, not the other way around. For the record, feeling conflicted during Wonderbolts Academy caught up to her quite well and it was actually very easy to establish that she had to either leave the academy because she did not like her stay (no thanks to Lightning Dust's antics and her yearning to be a lead pony), or to press on and hope for the best.


Rainbow is not the emotional one of the group, mind you. Her tomboyish-ness easily separates her from the rest of the pack and seeing through her outspokenness makes it all the more difficult to just break down, especially if it's a first-glance sort of thing. Do you see where I am getting at? The inability to see this makes her extremely hard to portray. On the contrary, there's a lot of hidden perks to Dash that haven't even been told yet and, my friend, is what makes a character complex. You can have "set" traits on a piece of paper and all, but not knowing what to do with them is one thing - if they're not even there, or if they're just plain tough to crack, then it's on another level. You have to dig much deeper when writing about Dash moreso than anypony else.

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There's a lot of unnoticed quirks in Rainbow's personality that make it difficult to cover, not the other way around. For the record, feeling conflicted during Wonderbolts Academy caught up to her quite well and it was actually very easy to establish that she had to either leave the academy because she did not like her stay (no thanks to Lightning Dust's antics and her yearning to be a lead pony), or to press on and hope for the best.


Rainbow is not the emotional one of the group, mind you. Her tomboyish-ness easily separates her from the rest of the pack and seeing through her outspokenness makes it all the more difficult to just break down, especially if it's a first-glance sort of thing. Do you see where I am getting at? The inability to see this makes her extremely hard to portray. On the contrary, there's a lot of hidden perks to Dash that haven't even been told yet and, my friend, is what makes a character complex. You can have "set" traits on a piece of paper and all, but not knowing what to do with them is one thing - if they're not even there, or if they're just plain tough to crack, then it's on another level. You have to dig much deeper when writing about Dash moreso than anypony else.

In the previous seasons I just saw her being rude, insensitive, a bully, blunt, and many more things, then when she did something that I would consider good, it wasn't related at all to her bad action, it's like she  was being good for convenience, or just because the show is titled friendship is magic, so she MUST be a good friend even if it's forced.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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In the previous seasons I just saw her being rude, insensitive, a bully, blunt, and many more things, then when she did something that I would consider good, it wasn't related at all to her bad action, it's like she  was being good for convenience, or just because the show is titled friendship is magic, so she MUST be a good friend even if it's forced.


That is how you kickstart characters, of course. There needs to be some sort of conflict that hinders their interactions with others in order to establish a scene. I've already said this, but a brash, outspoken tomboy is already tricky to crack and thus even the writers had to go with something to develop her character. It wasn't ever forced, though. It just means that she's developing in her own way. Being brash does not make one a bully. The reason why she appeared to be being good for convenience is that she is not the emotional one. This is like a broken record. She just doesn't like showing emotion, or getting sad. She doesn't get "sappy" though it's pretty clear most of the time that her passion exceeds her reputation.


And... if you seriously think that any of the characters are developed just because the show is called "Friendship is Magic", please, do some more research. This group wouldn't work at all if that were the case. No way in hell would the writers write one of their own off as shallow as that. Do you really think Dash's loyalty to Pinkie was that superficial when she stood up to Gilda's rude antics? No, it wasn't. She acted on what she believed to be right, and lo and behold, it was. It takes guts to stand up like that to one of your old friends.

  • Brohoof 2
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Either Rarity or Rainbow Dash due to how they probably have the most noticable flaws out of the rest of the mane 6, and jimmies will rustled if the writers aren't too careful with these two.


In the end, I voted for Rainbow Dash because there are a lot of examples when they handle her really well, as well as examples where they get careless, especially in season 2

Edited by Megas75
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Rarity most definitely.  she's the most multi layered out of all of them.  and the fashion obsessed part of her  is pretty easy to write for.   But it's when you start meshing and mixing those layers that things get a little more complicated.

  • Brohoof 2


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That is how you kickstart characters, of course. There needs to be some sort of conflict that hinders their interactions with others in order to establish a scene. I've already said this, but a brash, outspoken tomboy is already tricky to crack and thus even the writers had to go with something to develop her character. It wasn't ever forced, though. It just means that she's developing in her own way. Being brash does not make one a bully. The reason why she appeared to be being good for convenience is that she is not the emotional one. This is like a broken record. She just doesn't like showing emotion, or getting sad. She doesn't get "sappy" though it's pretty clear most of the time that her passion exceeds her reputation.


And... if you seriously think that any of the characters are developed just because the show is called "Friendship is Magic", please, do some more research. This group wouldn't work at all if that were the case. No way in hell would the writers write one of their own off as shallow as that. Do you really think Dash's loyalty to Pinkie was that superficial when she stood up to Gilda's rude antics? No, it wasn't. She acted on what she believed to be right, and lo and behold, it was. It takes guts to stand up like that to one of your old friends.

The only info that we get from the characters is what we see on the episodes, whatever thing we don't see, it's speculation material, and since we are bronies, we always go beyond of what the show portrays.

This show's title is "Frienship is Magic" and the characters will live around that title wheter you like it or not. Despite the fact of how Rainbow Dash is (to me, I hate her but after Wonderbolts Academy I am not sure anymore), in the end she's going to be the "loyal" friend of these ponies. It is what it is.

But what if these characters would act on their own, without writers and other external influences? how would they be? yes, Rainbow Dash stood by Pinkie's side and told Guilda to buzz off but what about the mare do well episode? what about "Fall Weather Friends"? I have found her a bad sport and a very sore loser who cheat, also a bully for mocking Twilight, even though Applejack was on her side too. What about the pet episode, she was mean to all the pets, what about "The crystal empire" she was super rude? these are things that I don't like in a person, and these things are all bottled inside Rainbow Dash character.

Yes she has good traits, but these are, like I said million of times, overshadowed by the things that bother me about her.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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The only info that we get from the characters is what we see on the episodes, whatever thing we don't see, it's speculation material, and since we are bronies, we always go beyond of what the show portrays.

This show's title is "Frienship is Magic" and the characters will live around that title wheter you like it or not. Despite the fact of how Rainbow Dash is (to me, I hate her but after Wonderbolts Academy I am not sure anymore), in the end she's going to be the "loyal" friend of these ponies. It is what it is.

But what if these characters would act on their own, without writers and other external influences? how would they be? yes, Rainbow Dash stood by Pinkie's side and told Guilda to buzz off but what about the mare do well episode? what about "Fall Weather Friends"? I have found her a bad sport and a very sore loser who cheat, also a bully for mocking Twilight, even though Applejack was on her side too. What about the pet episode, she was mean to all the pets, what about "The crystal empire" she was super rude? these are things that I don't like in a person, and these things are all bottled inside Rainbow Dash character.

Yes she has good traits, but these are, like I said million of times, overshadowed by the things that bother me about her.

Oh come on, now you're just doing it on purpose.

Your definition of bullying and rudeness are just overkill and being rather prideful and somewhat self-centered is part of the character. Actually, if there were only good traits, the character would be just dull. Flaws are part of any character that's worthy of being called a character (that's actually what makes the MLP characters interesting).

Being a little bit of an ass, but standing up when it counts - I'd say that's close to a real person. And I'd say that's a good thing.

  • Brohoof 1


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But what if these characters would act on their own, without writers and other external influences? how would they be? yes, Rainbow Dash stood by Pinkie's side and told Guilda to buzz off but what about the mare do well episode? what about "Fall Weather Friends"? I have found her a bad sport and a very sore loser who cheat, also a bully for mocking Twilight, even though Applejack was on her side too. What about the pet episode, she was mean to all the pets, what about "The crystal empire" she was super rude? these are things that I don't like in a person, and these things are all bottled inside Rainbow Dash character.

Yes she has good traits, but these are, like I said million of times, overshadowed by the things that bother me about her.


Every character has had low moments where they have needed assistance to get back on track. You mean to tell me that any of them have not gone through the same, if not harsher times than her? The Mare Do Well and the Fall Weather Friends episode only showcased what happens when you take your competitive spirit too far in hopes of gaining recognition, both times where she showed tremendous resolution. On that note, I wouldn't call her a bully for mocking Twilight, either - that's simply what happens if you find something to be extremely ridiculous. Really, a librarian who doesn't even try to partake in anything athletics-related suddenly enters a race expecting to get good results? Applejack did it as well, but you seem to have forgotten that or just blatantly not mention it.


A lot of characters have also displayed rudeness in episodes as well. Does that make them any less than they are? No. They don't. Don't single out Rainbow's behaviour in Crystal Empire to be the sole scapegoat, a case where the high tension can easily get to you in hopes of saving the world. It's easy to lose your cool in a scenario like that, especially if it were as unexpected as receiving a new mission with stakes as high as it highlighted.


None of her traits are overshadowed by her faults as easy as you claim them to be. It's hard to be outspoken as she is, with all the bravado she gives off most of the time. Maybe the reason why you've expressed distaste for her is simply because you find her to be complex, which is what I've stated multiple times already.

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Oh come on, now you're just doing it on purpose.

Your definition of bullying and rudeness are just overkill and being rather prideful and somewhat self-centered is part of the character. Actually, if there were only good traits, the character would be just dull. Flaws are part of any character that's worthy of being called a character (that's actually what makes the MLP characters interesting).

Being a little bit of an ass, but standing up when it counts - I'd say that's close to a real person. And I'd say that's a good thing.

I never said that a character is perfect if it doesn't have any flaws, I don't know if being "awesome" is considered a flaw anyways. They are all close to real persons (except for pinkie a little bit). But it happens that I would dislike or be very cautious of a person that behaves like Rainbow Dash.


On that note, I wouldn't call her a bully for mocking Twilight, either - that's simply what happens if you find something to be extremely ridiculous. Really, a librarian who doesn't even try to partake in anything athletics-related suddenly enters a race expecting to get good results? Applejack did it as well, but you seem to have forgotten that or just blatantly not mention it.

In that small part, is not exactly what she said, but how she said it, she was continuously laughing and making fun of Twilight, Applejack was laughing as well, Twilight put a face of frutration, but since these ponies are forced to be friends no matter what, everything was cool.

If you traslate that to a real escenario, Twilight would have said "fuck you" or something else, or she would just keep her cool like she did in the show, that's why I was mentioning the title of the show so many times.

I don't know about you, but a person that laughs at you for something about yourself, without you being part of fun itself, that's called bullying no matter what you say, if you don't like it or you feel unconfortable with it, that's bullying, and these are small things about Rainbow Dash that made me dislike her a lot, I cannot stand these kind of people.


A lot of characters have also displayed rudeness in episodes as well. Does that make them any less than they are? No. They don't. Don't single out Rainbow's behaviour in Crystal Empire to be the sole scapegoat, a case where the high tension can easily get to you in hopes of saving the world. It's easy to lose your cool in a scenario like that, especially if it were as unexpected as receiving a new mission with stakes as high as it highlighted.

Rainbow Dash was probably one of the most helpful ponies in the Crystal Empire but at what cost? to be an agressive and intimidating bitch to the Crystal Ponies, because she couldn't keep her cool because the fate of the world was in a jeopardy? oh! also when she kicked Fluttershy's flank without any compassion, and also the pressuring and manipulative techniques she used on her for the entertainment of the crystal ponies.

Even though she she wanted to get the job done, her ways to do it was too much for me to handle.


None of her traits are overshadowed by her faults as easy as you claim them to be. It's hard to be outspoken as she is, with all the bravado she gives off most of the time. Maybe the reason why you've expressed distaste for her is simply because you find her to be complex, which is what I've stated multiple times already.

Pinkie and Rarity are both very outspoken ponies and I love both of them. 

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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Eh...I don't know why people find RD to be a complex character. For me, it's so easy to write her, her personality is so clear to me, I don't need people to explain to me how "oh, she can be an ass but she's loyal most of the time." If that is so, then Applejack could be considered a complex character in the fact that "she may be stubborn but is just trying to help." I can't see how.


Rarity, I also find very easy to write. I just understand the characters a lot. Maybe it's just me though.


Oh, and to people who said AJ made fun of Twilight as well, read the transcript of Fall Weather Friends again. She didn't. She tried to stifle her laughing and never taunted Twi. 

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I never said that a character is perfect if it doesn't have any flaws, I don't know if being "awesome" is considered a flaw anyways. They are all close to real persons (except for pinkie a little bit). But it happens that I would dislike or be very cautious of a person that behaves like Rainbow Dash.

I don't know, element of loyalty. Probably should tell you something.

She must be given bonus points for carrying the most important message for kids in the whole series: Reading is cool, read books kids. -  That is something that the younger generations really need to be reminded of. 


Also, "aggressive intimidating bitch who can't keep her cool"? You are doing it on purpose after all.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't know, element of loyalty. Probably should tell you something.

She must be given bonus points for carrying the most important message for kids in the whole series: Reading is cool, read books kids. -  That is something that the younger generations really need to be reminded of. 


Also, "aggressive intimidating bitch who can't keep her cool"? You are doing it on purpose after all.

seriously, I'm seeing Rainbow Dash both in your avvie and signature, it's clear to me that she's your favorite or something. So what you gain in asking one and over and over again "you are saying it on purpose"....

I hate her, If I do it it's my choice, and if you don't like the things that I say about her don't quote me, you are giving me more reasons to speak my mind about Rainbow Dash. And to answer your question I'm not doing it in purpose, I trully dislike her and I think that she's a bitch, everyone on the forums knows that.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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seriously, I'm seeing Rainbow Dash both in your avvie and signature, it's clear to me that she's your favorite or something. So what you gain in asking one and over and over again "you are saying it on purpose"....

I hate her, If I do it it's my choice, and if you don't like the things that I say about her don't quote me, you are giving me more reasons to speak my mind about Rainbow Dash. And to answer your question I'm not doing it in purpose, I trully dislike her and I think that she's a bitch, everyone on the forums knows that.

Sorry, there might be a little misunderstanding, by "on purpose" I mean provoking on purpose by making somewhat disingenuous exaggerations and using a little bit of harsh language, not disliking or hating on purpose.

Now when that's out of the way - I didn't say you are not entitled to choose or have opinions. It's just about how you present them. And I sure hope "everyone on the forums knows that" is an exaggeration too, otherwise it could mean you might have some deep running issues with certain character archetype.

Now that I bitchslapped you back, let's get serious.


I take it you like Rarity then (based on your profile). Out of curiosity, did you always like her or did you start at some particular point in the series? Don't worry, it's not a trap. As I've said, I like all 6 of them, with slight positive bias towards RD. And I prolly like her for the same reasons you "hate" her. Interesting.


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I was stuck between Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Rarity is so formal, but I usually decipher that kind of stuff and spit it out in the words I need the to speak. Metaphorically, of course.


Pinkie Pie... She's just so funny and random it's nearly impossible to pin her personality down exactly. I've seen so many well-written fanfictions that give an awesome stoyline, and has the exact personality of each character except Pinkie Pie. Most try to imitate her, but fail. Why? Well, they don't think about what they're writing. With any pony, you have to imagine them actually saying something like that in the show. If it doesn't seem legit, you didn't quite get their personality. This is especially true with Pinkie Pie. For example, here's a line I remember reading in a fanfic:


“Oh, that’s good!” Pinkie accepted with a grin. “Because I looked over and you looked really sad and you kept staring all angry at your soup! And then I thought maybe she didn’t like the soup but then I realised that’s ridiculous Pinkie you make AMAZING soup so I just had to come over and find out why your making all these frowny faces!”


Does that sound like something that would honestly come from our lovable pink friend? I don't think it does. It's almost as if the author was trying too hard to be funny. Yes, it's possible. It can ruin the pony's personality, like the above paragraph.


That was a bit longer than I had originally planned. :blink:  Anyway, my end decision was Pinkie. So much RANDOMNESS!!! :angry:

Hey you! Hey! Do you have Flash? Wanna animate ponies?


Pony Puppets for any version of Flash!


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