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I tried asking my parents for a Rainbow Dash plush...*hangs head*


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Well, here's the story. I'd been wanting an MLP plushie for some time, and I decided to go with a Rainbow Dash one. The problem is it's only available on Amazon, so my mom would have to buy it. That didn't seem like too much of a problem, though, so I decided to tell them about it at dinner today.


It went something like this, my mom left the room for a moment, and my dad asked me what it was I wanted from Amazon. I said he probably wouldn't like it, and he responded "Is it My Little Pony stuff?" I, of course, responded yes, and he face-tabled, muttering "Oh gosh." My mom came back in, and my dad asked what it was I wanted. I said I wanted a Rainbow Dash plushie, and explained what it is (they didn't understand the terminology).


That's where things took a turn for the worse...


Both my mom and my dad looked at me weird and questioned why I wanted it, then said that I'm "broadcasting" my liking of the show to the rest of the world by buying it. They mentioned Facebook as well, saying that when I like MLP things on there, my friends can see it, and they'll judge me for it. Then they told me it wasn't "age-appropriate" to have one, and that it wasn't on my "developmental level". They also told me that when people think of the show, they think of little girls, therefore they're going to think I'm a pedophile because I have a "toy for little girls". My dad asked me what I'd do if someone I know saw it, to which I told him I'd explain what it is. Both my parents asked me to explain why I like the show, so I told them it teaches good morals, has interesting, unique characters that aren't cliche, and the show is high quality overall. Then he compared the show to Sesame Street because it also "has characters and teaches lessons" and asked me what I'd say if (someone I know) had plushes of Big Bird and Elmo. I told him I'd say that's his thing and I wouldn't judge him for it. He said that was fine, but others aren't like that.


They said a lot more, but it's really more of the same thing, and I think you get the idea. In truth, that was what I wanted for Christmas, but there's no hope for that now. And now I'm just sad because it's ever more present that my parents hate the fandom and wish I wasn't involved in it. The problem is I had a lot of plans, many related to MLP (like a movie party for when a My Little Dashie movie is released), but now...now I just don't know. The irony is they told me to have more confidence in myself. And yet...this happened. I don't know what to say, all I know is I'm anything but positive right now. In fact, I'm crushed, and it isn't because of the plush.  :(


Any advice? Thoughts?


Edit: Also, to all the people saying I should just buy it for myself, I can't, because I'd be going behind their backs if I did, which would only make them angry. I appreciate all the offers, though.

Edited by whoovesfan7698
  • Brohoof 27
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Well, tell them you'll be interested in whatever you choose, that you really don't think it matters what others think of you, and that they can't control any of those matters anyway. (Only, as politely and respectfully as you can...)

  • Brohoof 5
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Then he compared the show to Sesame Street because it also "has characters and teaches lessons" and asked me what I'd say if (someone I know) had plushes of Big Bird and Elmo. I told him I'd say that's his thing and I wouldn't judge him for it. He said that was fine, but others aren't like that.


Well, I've seen many an episode of South Park, Family Guy, and other 'adult'-oriented cartoons that strive to teach lessons. So that kinda shoots that argument in the foot, methinks.


I'm in the same sort of boat that you are in, and it all stems from a lack of understanding and an unwillingness to understand. I would say "Show them a sophisticated side of the show/fandom", but I can't quite say what that would be. A well-written story? Fallout: Equestria, perhaps? I dunno.


Anyways, my advice would be to drop it for now, but continue doing whatever you've done in the past. Let them know that being a brony is a part of who you are.

  • Brohoof 8

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Just go to your parents and say how much you want it. Also try to explain to them why you like MLP so much. And also say to them that you dont give a buck what other people think about you. Also dont you have an aunt or a uncle who could order it for you?

  • Brohoof 1


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Parents will be parents. Everyone from that generation was simply raised to hate things they don't understand. Gender roles were drilled into them constantly during their childhood. They think they're protecting you from being a freak. I would just try to understand where they're coming from. (And buy a prepaid debit card, that's how I get all my pony stuff.)

  • Brohoof 6

how even is otter and how can it be if

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It's good that you handled it maturely. Your situation does suck though. Nothing worse that not being able to have something you realistically want. When ever i'm in a situation like this with my parents, very rarely any more, i always put them in my position and explain that they probably went though the same thing at one stage and liked something no one else understood. It might bring them down to your level a little more. 


Unless they didn't have that issue when they were younger haha. Good lucky though, I hope they come around in the end.

  • Brohoof 4
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If I had loads of money to blow I would just buy it for you, because I can imagine how upsetting this must be. My mom is the most secure confidant I could ever hope to know, and who I could discuss anything with- I'd hate to have that security disappear. I see it as not being free in your own home, which is horrible. 


For solutions, I haven't got much but a bit of a stupid one, like all of my suggestions. If you make the money to cover it, ask, and if they still refuse just steal the damn card and leave them the money. Of course, I do not condone theft/fraud and all 'solutions' from myself should be taken with a grain of salt. 

  • Brohoof 3

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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My mum said the same thing about my development level and the show, if I were you (and in a sense, I sorta am in the same situation), I'd keep my head up high, it just goes to show that they actually do care about you but they're struggling to accept that you're a brony, at least they aren't throwing accusations to your sexuality like my family does, so I would just take it as your parents trying to parent their child, but don't worry, I say you wouldn't need any of that BS, you're great the way you are, as a brony and a person, you're maturity level allows you to connect to the show, the fanbase, and life in general.


Uh, have a nice life.




  • Brohoof 2

Don't Punch!



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Parents will be parents. Everyone from that generation was simply raised to hate things they don't understand.

That still happens today. Ever heard of anti-bronies? <_<


My advice is just tell your parents that this is who you are, and nobody else's opinions really matter. Don't let someone else's opinion change you. Now, if your parents don't want to explore the unknown like all of us bronies have, that's okay. But they shouldn't express their opinions about something unless they've given it a chance. (Read It and Weep, anypony?)

  • Brohoof 2

Hey you! Hey! Do you have Flash? Wanna animate ponies?


Pony Puppets for any version of Flash!


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That still happens today. Ever heard of anti-bronies?


I know. I'm just saying that, as a whole, this generation is more accepting to things outside of what we would conceive as "normal". 

  • Brohoof 2

how even is otter and how can it be if

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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *double facehoof*  you have nothing to be ashamed of dear brony because it is no crime to like MLP!  it's not like you're flunking out of school or doing drugs getting into serious trouble blah blah blah.  Rather have more bronies out there then snookies.  yeah.  the maturity  you showed handling this situation also deserves a huge brohoof.  because  i think iti's more important that you can be mature about this situation then just blow up at them.    If i had a ton of money i would buy it for you :D  I think I speak for all of us here in this thread  when i say I think it's a very awesome thing that you're a brony!  They may be trying to parent by trying to control you. but what they are saying will only seek to push you away.  for now i will say brohoof again and keep your chin up! /)*  This is who you are! you should be proud to be you! and not be the person your parents are trying to turn you into.

Edited by angels_gal
  • Brohoof 5


Pixel Art made by the talented Bruno! 


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Sigh...  :( you certainly are in a tough situation. That is awful that your parents would not listen to your explanation. I really wish people would give the show a chance! I would tell you too check out this website for plushie that are very nice for 25$, which is a very good price for custom plushies! I bought some for Christmas and here is what they look like 






I am so sorry that your parents got upset/mad like that... 


What I would do if I were you is just buy one yourself online ;)

  • Brohoof 2



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I have the a somewhat similar deal with mine, my aren't accepting with it ether but i just told them im not stopping  my dad went to the point of blocking the tag MLP on the router so i had my group of Brony friends send me my pony stuff,I now purposely put on pony music so they cant hear it and mix it with other music, funny cause they often like the pony music thinking its not pony music XD, I also would never stop because ponies has been the point that changed my life, i never knew i was good at art until i became a brony and started exploring the fandom. I finialy made a power point telling them all about the brony community (not a very good one mind you). But waht i am trying to say is that you should not ever give up and if you can, make your parents see that the community is not all bad, if you have brony friends bring that up cause there is always strength in numbers, Probably my biggest argument was that not only do i have like 9 brony friends at school but i some of my family members are also bronys.

  • Brohoof 2
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This is actually quite upsetting to hear. Honestly, I would order you a RD plush if I knew you better. Everyone wishing for something so simple as a plushie for Christmas should really never get shot down like that. I understand your parents are.. trying to look out for you and you can't blame them too much, but to the point where they kind of really start attacking it without even knowing what it is we watch, well that's just rude and very close-minded. They seem like a couple of intelligent folks, maybe try and approach them again. Let them know this is what you want, this is the life you've accepted and love. 


Never change your views on something you believe in, though. When you allow others to think for you, that's when you've lost. Take it as another one in the shoulder and drive on. It takes time, but even the most stern parents will finally fall in to the groove and accept it. Explain to them that you accepted the risk of being judged by peers when you entered this fandom, and you would like a little more support than what you're getting from your own family. I'm sure they will stand behind you on your decision eventually. Shoot, if I can get my brother to accept the fact, I know you can get your parents to. 


Good luck bud, push them and never change! It's not worth giving up something you love for other's ideals. Remember that.

  • Brohoof 6


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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Well, I've seen many an episode of South Park, Family Guy, and other 'adult'-oriented cartoons that strive to teach lessons. So that kinda shoots that argument in the foot, methinks.


I'm in the same sort of boat that you are in, and it all stems from a lack of understanding and an unwillingness to understand. I would say "Show them a sophisticated side of the show/fandom", but I can't quite say what that would be. A well-written story? Fallout: Equestria, perhaps? I dunno.


Anyways, my advice would be to drop it for now, but continue doing whatever you've done in the past. Let them know that being a brony is a part of who you are.

That's the thing, though, they don't want it to be a part of me, and I think it's fairly obvious they will do anything possible to keep it hidden or extinguish it.


Also, they probably won't go for the FiMfics. They'd probably just say those people are incredibly obsessed with the show and have no lives. On a side note, I'm writing one myself, yet I'm keeping it a secret from them. Understand what I mean?

  • Brohoof 2
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That's the thing, though, they don't want it to be a part of me, and I think it's fairly obvious they will do anything possible to keep it hidden or extinguish it.


Also, they probably won't go for the FiMfics. They'd probably just say those people are incredibly obsessed with the show and have no lives. On a side note, I'm writing one myself, yet I'm keeping it a secret from them. Understand what I mean?


Well, they can go shove it! If this is something you're interested in (interested enough to be writing for it), then they can deal with it. Just put on a brave face whenever someone is getting you down about it. And maybe not the stories...there are plenty of songs written by bronies that relate to ponies that don't SOUND like they relate to ponies. If that makes sense. Just show them some songs from a genre they enjoy and, when they ask who it's by, say "Yeah, it's by a brony. DealWithIt.jpg"


On a side note, I'm interested in your writing. If you ever need an editor or something, please hit me up.  :wub:

  • Brohoof 3

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Well, they can go shove it! If this is something you're interested in (interested enough to be writing for it), then they can deal with it. Just put on a brave face whenever someone is getting you down about it. And maybe not the stories...there are plenty of songs written by bronies that relate to ponies that don't SOUND like they relate to ponies. If that makes sense. Just show them some songs from a genre they enjoy and, when they ask who it's by, say "Yeah, it's by a brony. DealWithIt.jpg"


On a side note, I'm interested in your writing. If you ever need an editor or something, please hit me up.  :wub:


Actually, I've already got a proofreader, but thanks for the offer!


Also, I've already shown them brony music that doesn't sound like it's MLP based ("Spectrum" by AcousticBrony comes to mind), but they just blow it off. It's the fact that I like a show that, in their minds, is for little girls that is the issue.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well then. It sounds like they aren't likely to see reason anytime soon. Best bet is to lay low and not make a big deal out of it. Can you convince a friend to buy you the plushie and then you pay them back?

  • Brohoof 2

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Just go to your parents and say how much you want it. Also try to explain to them why you like MLP so much. And also say to them that you dont give a buck what other people think about you. Also dont you have an aunt or a uncle who could order it for you?


Yes, I do, but put it this way: do you really think they're going to be happy about me going and getting the plushie anyways after they clearly told me I shouldn't get it? I don't. Otherwise, I would, I was even given that offer prior to telling my parents, but I said basically what I'm telling you.


Well then. It sounds like they aren't likely to see reason anytime soon. Best bet is to lay low and not make a big deal out of it. Can you convince a friend to buy you the plushie and then you pay them back?


Someone already suggested that, see what I put above for the details. I wish it were that simple, but it just isn't. Plus, my friends are all haters or non-bronies (with one of them a major hater, but don't get me started on him.), so that's a no go.

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I honestly know that feeling, I used to be quite open about my liking towards My Little Pony (still somewhat am thanks to my mom and my grandma :3) however, my dad is the stereotypical man.


He really doesn't hate me for liking it, he's just really not too enthused by it



My stepmother however, was a bitch about it...


She tried to make me into a typical man and I wasn't having any of that

  • Brohoof 4


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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Well, tell them you'll be interested in whatever you choose, that you really don't think it matters what others think of you, and that they can't control any of those matters anyway. (Only, as politely and respectfully as you can...)


It isn't that easy. I've already said that I like what I like, but they just seem to be deadset on removing me from the fandom.


I mean, they took a newspaper article that was nothing but slander on bronies, and used that as evidence that we're weird and immature. However, I found a news article myself from a source that I covertly confirmed with them to be a "reliable source" that said positive things about the fandom (http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2012/11/26/my-little-pony/1725375/), so you'd think that would mean an instant success, right? Sorry to say, that's not how my parents work. In their minds, if it doesn't match up with their opinions, it's automatically false. So yeah, they're basically a lost cause.

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Someone already suggested that, see what I put above for the details. I wish it were that simple, but it just isn't. Plus, my friends are all haters or non-bronies (with one of them a major hater, but don't get me started on him.), so that's a no go.

Wait,wait,wait.Forgive me if I sound rude or anything,but why can't you ask one of your nicer non-brony friends to buy it for you?The hater friends,I can understand,but I clearly don't see why a friend who simply doesn't like MLP won't not buy the plushie for you if you'll pay them back.They could it do as a belated Christmas present for you even.


However,if that simply does not work out,you could try getting the money if you haven't already.Order it through your parents.If they have any qualms,tell them it's your goddamned money,you spend it how you please.Hell,even pull the self-confidence card on them if they have any qualms,saying that by buying this plushie for yourself,you are building self-confidence and independence because you are buying something that you worked for.It was not a Christmas present or anything,but by God,did you work for it.If you're using Christmas money,just stick with the "It's my money,I'll use it as I see fit" thing or say that whoever gave you the money is buying it for you.It's technically true too,so thye can't deny it.


If all else fails,you could steal their credit card number and pay them back.Just saying.

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She tried to make me into a typical man and I wasn't having any of that

I have always found being normal to be boring anyway, most of my interests wouldn't raise too many questions about my masculinity but I have those interests including MLP simply because I like them not because society or someone else told me to like them. I will admit though that I never thought in a million years one of my interests would be cartoon ponies but life has an interesting sense of humor sometimes.

  • Brohoof 4
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I now purposely put on pony music so they cant hear it and mix it with other music, funny cause they often like the pony music thinking its not pony music XD, I also would never stop because ponies has been the point that changed my life, i never knew i was good at art until i became a brony and started exploring the fandom. I finialy made a power point telling them all about the brony community (not a very good one mind you).


Yeah, I've put on some pony music myself that they've liked, but they've just shrugged the brony part off. As for the powerpoint, I would do that, but they'd probably just see it as a bad thing, because I'm "so obsessed over the show, that I'd make a powerpoint over it." (my speculated response).

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