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"By authorities I'm also somewhat including the rebels non-human people with their own special powers that probably wouldn't take too kindly to you massacring the innocent citizens. These kind of people probably would be a bit more resilient to your tricks, and you wouldn't have anyone to back you up but the weak citizens themselves you might be able to control." He explained. "If you truly feel you have everything in the palm of your hand still, I suppose i'm not of any use to you." He added.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"Then I guess Ill go on a little tidbit from my old man."

*Lester said.*

"He has been talking to me in my mind for several days now, and here is his advice for this fight. When searching for a needle in a haystack, the answer is a simple one. Burn the hay."

*Lester smiled. A new chakram appeared in his hand to replace the previous one. They spun around in his hands fast, really fast. Eventually, they were going so fast that they ignited from the friction with the air. Lester slammed the chakrams down onto the ground, igniting the tall grass around them. The fire quickly spread throught the empty stadium.*

"This fire is special, see? It will only harm who I want it to harm. And right now, the only one I want it to harm, is you yokai boy."

*Lester said with a smile. Sasha knew he was telling the truth, because she was surrounded, engulfed even, by the flames, and it wasnt harming her at all. It was warm actually, in a gentle way. It energized her and got her ready for the task ahead. Maven however would be feeling the heat. Igniting his clothes and burning his skin. The fire spread even more until eventually, the entire stadium, stands included, were ablaze. Everything was burning.*

Maven sunk into the floor feet first, carrying his vital organs first, then the rest of his flesh. (His clothes are actually part of his body)


"What's the matter?"he asked. "Youve used so much energy, and I havent made a single attack!"


Ten fingers shot out of the ground at Lester with the force and speed to break through bone.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Tartaros's body changed, becoming amorphous as he slithered away from the skulls and their sharp bites.

"Reminds me of puppy nips," he mocked as he quickly reformed behind Butajiri. He grabbed his shoulder's and forcibly pulled him down to get a nice, powerful chomp on the side of shoulder muscles. The bite was virulent, dripping with venom meant to weaken. He saw more skulls coming, and prepared to leap out of the way.

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Tartaros's body changed, becoming amorphous as he slithered away from the skulls and their sharp bites.

"Reminds me of puppy nips," he mocked as he quickly reformed behind Butajiri. He grabbed his shoulder's and forcibly pulled him down to get a nice, powerful chomp on the side of shoulder muscles. The bite was virulent, dripping with venom meant to weaken. He saw more skulls coming, and prepared to leap out of the way.

Butajiri disappeared in a cloud of smoke. A batlike creature emerged with the sword still in its hands. "Onto my next trick..."he said, flying in a quick burst to the left. He was only visible when he stopped moving as he darted around randomly in the lobby. "Human eyes are so slow... Tell me if Im too fast for you... Come on, keep up... where am I? ...Do I frighten you?" He appeared behind Tartarus as the skulls flew in from the front. "Do I?!?!" He thrust the sword at his spine.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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*Sasha spotted the fingers coming out of the ground, and thinking quickly, made a blade out of the flaming light energy all around them ad slashed at the fingers, cutting them off.*

"Bad dog."

*She said calmly. Lester smiled at her.*


"Lets beat thig guy quick and get home."

*He said to her with his smile.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"You think us still human?"

Tartaros laughed, his giratendrils forming a protective shield to block the spine thrust. The other two tendrils which didn't take part in forming the shield became scythelike, and slashed quickly at Butajiri with the same draining venom. Tartaros was hit by the skulls, hissing in pain as the ethereal weapons bit on him. He flipped over behind his enemy, sending a raking slash of venomous claws towards his back.


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The fingers reattatched themselves to their other halves by creating intertwining strands of flesh and reforming skin. Maven pulled himself out of the earth. "Didnt I tell you it was hopeless?"


"Aye, but did ya tell 'em why youre tryin' to kill 'em?" Frey asked. He had been tracking his teammates energy for quite some time. He dropped down from the sky between Maven and his opponents. "Not a single good thing can come of this. So what if they aint all demons? They done nothin wrong by me.


Maven started to walk past Jin. "This doesnt concern you."

Edited by Pretty Koenma


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Illium leaned forwards. "Now, now, negotiations aren't over yet. I need some cold hard facts; how many men do you have?" She cocked her head. "And why would you want me, a stranger you just met, on your 'team'? What's its end goal? You cannot simply demand I ally with you with no hard readons why."


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"You think us still human?"

Tartaros laughed, his giratendrils forming a protective shield to block the spine thrust. The other two tendrils which didn't take part in forming the shield became scythelike, and slashed quickly at Butajiri with the same draining venom. Tartaros was hit by the skulls, hissing in pain as the ethereal weapons bit on him. He flipped over behind his enemy, sending a raking slash of venomous claws towards his back.

Butajiri rolled forward. Despite his best efforts, he had a long cut on his arm. "Poison?"He asked as he licked his arm. "My my, you havent ever fought a Yokai before, have you?" He rubbed the venom into his blood to show its uselessness. He suddenly remembered the effects sound had on the creature and made a plan. He jumped up and started zipping around again.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"I'm not demanding, you were the one who invited me for coffee after all." He said. "We have about 40 hundred, and still in recruitment stage. Not including Rufus, Lenny, or the special toys we've been building. The end goal would be to crush the rebellion, their cause poses a problem in our cash flow if it were to go through and destroy the government. And I have no real reason to ask you to join specifically, but you seem like someone who has a very useful set of skills."

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Tartaros snarled angrily and stomped his foot on the ground. A flurry of writhing, spiked tendrils suddenly erupted from the ground in various directions, lashing out to grab hold of anything near them. Tartaros flicked out his tongue to register the air and find his opponent's location. When it seemed right, he sent some of the tendrils to lash in the direction Butajiri seemed tone at.

The symbiotic senses were alerted to something big coming, and Tartaros readied himself for anything.

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*Lester and Sasha sighed.*

"Glad to see at least one of my kind has some sense."

*Lester said to Frey.*

"First demon Ive met in person who hasnt almost immediately tried to kill us."

*He commented.*


"Mainly me."

*Sasha said.*

"First was that Damon dude who shot me in the face, then was the big guy, who got killed by baldie over here, and now baldie himself."

*Sasha counted the three demons who had tried to kill her that day.*

"Not a great track record."




*King grunted as he made the last heave-ho of pushing Clay's corpse into the dumpster behind Sasha's apartment building.*

"Phew, lets hope no real cops come along and see this."

*He said as he closed the dumpster. Clay's size prevented the dumpster from closing all the way.*

"Damn, thats a problem...."

*He thought to himself for a moment. He heard footsteps coming from the shadows of the allyway.*


"Well, that seems a tad inconvenient."

*A female voice said.*

"Need a hand rebel?"


*King frowned.*

"Now what are you talking about? Im Alexander King. A rockstar sponsored by the government. Im no rebel."


"Oh, but you are, arent you? You hate the government, dont you. They killed your-"


"Who are you? Answer me now."

*King said in a stern voice. He was in no mood for games.*


"All in good time Alexander. All in good time. Just thought Id let you know, there is a storm brewing, and you are going to be a part of it."

*The female figure rose up into the sky. She came across the skyline, and King could make out that she definitley wasnt normal. Especially sonce she had a large pair of bat-like wings.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"Because I was going to con you but the tables seemed to have turned," lamented Illium. "Thing is, my old team is making loads if money off the war...so really, who do I choose? The ones who wish the government to continue, or the ones with the balance of this city and their surbival in mind?"

She shrugged. "What work would I be doing?"


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(Goin to bed soon.)


Butajiri parried the tendril with his sword and thrust the Banshee Shriek into the ground. "This ones called the cage of Hell!"


They were both surrounded on all sides by a blue wall and ceiling comprised of screaming and wailing faces. Butajiri started twirling hs sword creating more screaming. The noise was enough to even make Butajiri cringe, who was very used to the sound.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"Except for sometimes coming along the 'buisness trips' or persuading people to do something for us by being less gory than usual I'm not asking much as for work besides limiting your targets to mainly rebels for victims." He said as he finished his drink. "Balance and survival are very boring and less thrilling words in my mind. But i'm a fan of being fair so i'm not going to try to force you to join me." He added. "Take your time and think, if you decide you want to join a team and pick mine, stop by my place." He said giving her an address as he got up, about to take his leave.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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"I killed Clay." Said Maven.


"Bah! Dont be tryin ta put me in a good mood! Scram! Go find somewheres else to be.


"You cant order me!"


Frey threw his robe at Maven. "And neither can you now."


Maven sighed, "I have no sect. But by my honor, I'll kill all of you soon!" He started to run off to plan.

Edited by Pretty Koenma


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Tartaros roared in agony, losing control of his ground tendrils which made them recede into the ground. He failed about angrily, until finally the first signs of his otherworldly abilities began to shine, literally. His crimson areas began to glow an eerie red, and the light spread around him quickly. He managed to stabilize himself, although he was still in pain.

"SHUT UP!" Tartaros roared. "Why don't we raise the bar a little? Tartarus Rend!"

A shimmering, twisting energy spread out from his aura, pulling and tearing at the space around them to rip the wall. Tartaros focused the energy towards Butajiri, causing tendrils of the red, eerie energy to stem forth and surround the demon. The gravity around them heightened, attempting to trap Butajiri and crush him if they could. The red glowed brighter as it grew stronger, then trying to incinerate Tartarus's foe....

With a roar, Tartaros drew closer to the demon and slashed at him with both tendrils and claws, all glowing with the same energy.

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"No contracted work? THAT is dull," moaned Illium, lolling in her chair. "Where's the challenge in that list? Kill a handfulla rebels, get some stuff from people...that's not what I had in mind." She shrugged and stood up. "But it depends on if my 'family' sees it fit to trap me in a box for another ninety years."


She walked out before Damon, catching sight of Alex. She approached him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey," she said with a smile, but it didn't look as forced and fake as normal. She had also dropped her twenties demeanour.


Carullo watched the two battle, still holding on to Olivia, who was in shock. He knew he had to intervene before they lost sight of a much more recent and persistant problem-Gwen.


Approaching slowly, he called out to them beseechingly. "Stop fighting, we have work to do," he said tersely. Olivia covered her ears to block the loud noises.

Edited by Captain Hammer


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*Lester heard sirens outside the burning stadium.*

"Hey! We should get some distance from this place!"

*Lester shouted to Frey.*

"The place sounds like its gonna start coming down!"

*As if on cue, an i-beam from the roof of the stadium broke loose and crashed down onto the ground.*

"You wanna come to our place with us? Its only moderately unsafe there!"




*Meanwhile, King had just finished fixing the door that seperated Sasha's apartment, from the hallway.*

"I cant belive they went off to have a fun fight and left me to clean up."

*He walked inside to where he had cleaned up the cloodstained carpet from where Damon had shot Sasha, and where he had cleared the wreakage from where Allie had broken the wall. King examined the wall. The hoke was only about a foot and a half from the open archway that provided acess to the kitchen. Maybe they could knock out the rest of that wall and just make a bigger opening. It would certainly take less time than trying to repair the wall. King left the apartment again to go and get some supplies. On his way to the store, he saw Allie, who approached him and said hi.*


"Hey there beautiful. How you been since you left?"

*King said with a smile.*

Edited by Stormwing

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Damon sighed as he watched her leave before him. "That didn't exactly turn out in my favor..." He thought as he walked back over to the counter and ordered another coffee. He sat back down, looking out the window as he passively sipped on his coffee. Once he finished it he got up and decided to take a walk down the city. He opened the door and started off.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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(OoC: Sorry, I thought he was still next to the Dumpster.)


Illium shrugged. "Besides the fact that I may feel minor guilt for blatantly lying to you, good. That feeling could also just mean I'm hungry." She shrugged at him. "It's probably better that you just know by Allie, though. Anyways, how are your friends doing?"


She was much different from how she'd acted earlier.

Edited by Captain Hammer


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(OoC: Sorry, I thought he was still next to the Dumpster.)


Illium shrugged. "Besides the fact that I may feel minor guilt for blatantly lying to you, good. That feeling could also just mean I'm hungry." She shrugged at him. "It's probably better that you just know by Allie, though. Anyways, how are your friends doing?"


She was much different from how she'd acted earlier.

*King chickled a bit.*

"Come on, Ill treat to to dinner."

*He said with a smile.*

"Anna woke up and started watching a movie, and Sasha and Lester went off and started fighting this guy who kicked in our door."

*King said as they walked.*

"So nothing out of the ordinary."

*King joked. He noticed that she was acting a bit different. Seemed liless like acting, and more like a real person. It was nice.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Damon continued to walk, deciding he wanted something a bit more sinister to do. He walked until he found a clothing store, looking at it with a grin, he walked in, locking the door behind him. He looked through the selection, finding a black tie and putting in on his red shirt below his peacoat. He then grabbed a pair of wool fingerless gloves and put them on. He noticed about ten people inside, not including the few at the register and two security guards. "Hey, could someone help me with a tie?" He called out as he grabbed a spare, wrapping it around his two hands and waiting.


One of the salesman walked up. "How may I help you sir?" He asked. "This tie right here, what's it made out of?" He asked. The man looked away towards the item. As he did this, Damon slipped the tie around his neck and started to strangle the man, using his strength to snap his neck a few seconds later. He then fell to the ground, dead. 


One of the security guards noticed this, running up to him and attempting to tackle him while yelling. Damon let his Kukri fall out of his sleeve and then into his hand, he proceeded to stab the guard straight through the chest, then slicing his neck and kicking him across the room and into a shelf with a crash. 


The other security guard pulled a pistol, but Damon responded by throwing a fireball, lighting the mans sleeve on fire and causing him to drop the gun. Damon ran up, doing a flying drop kick to the mans chest and knocking him over the counter while burning.


The rest of the store started to run towards the front door to get out, but realized it was locked. He spawned a automatic rifle, cocked it and opened fire on the crowd of citizens, gunning them all down. After that he dropped the rifle, walking towards the maintenance room and screwing with some of the settings, suddenly, gas started to fill the room. 


Damon slowly walked out looking at the gory scene, whistling as he did so. He reached outside and looked back in, blood spattered on the glass. He got to a safe distance and readied a fireball, blasting it towards the store and breaking the glass. as soon as it the did the whole place exploded with a loud bang. Damon chuckled, and then started to slowly walk off.

Edited by Hypno

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Fear head a loud commotion downstairs and headed to a stairwell, there could be someone down there to manipulate into freeing him from the straight jacket that was binding him, once her got to the stairs he slowly walked down the stairs so he didnt trip or fall

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Damon started off, wondering what he could do next that he got some clothing he wanted. He noticed an Asylum in the distance, and felt some energy coming from it. He grinned as he started walking towards it. Once he reached the doors he kicked them in and started inside the asylum humming a song as he did so, holding his kukri in his hand still. He felt two energy signals in the distance, and a singular one a bit closer. He walked towards the closer one and noticed someone in a straight jacket. "Why hello there..." He said

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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