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Damon took a portal back to his room at the headquarters. He set the electronic device on a table and monitored the blip on the screen as he munched on a can of Pringles he got from a snack vendor outside his room. He waited for Jonah to come back, he didn't detect his presence so he figured he was gone for the time being.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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The Rocketeer sighed "yes we will have to do something about this, once night fall hits i will go out to look for her, im afraid some one might influence her in her current state," he looked at schwartz "is there anything you can do to help your friend?"


Hunter got a little sad  "you dont have like a science gun that can fix things?"


Night Hawk  took his helmet off and sat it beside him and put his head in his hands, he felt fully responsible for what happened, this wasnt the first bad decision hes made before, even when he was part of the spec ops he made bad leader ship choices, some got people killed,  he sat up and walked over to a set of sparring equiptment and started punching it, he broke the punching bag

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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"Right as rain!" Frey said. "Dont go forgettin', Maven aint here for no reason. High level humans tend to attract the wrong kind of attention. There's all sorts of the bad kind around this city, and not enough of the good. But listen closely to this, because this is the most important part. Maven may want to kill all of us, but Sasha is in extra danger. She's a quest class, no doubt about that, and that means shes a priority!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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*For a few seconds, Jonah simply stared at Hunter Track in disbelief of what he had just said. He then burst out into laughter at the absurdity of it.*

"Mr. Track, I am afraid things are not as easy as that! Not everything can be solved by the push of a button or the pull of a trigger. Things require finnese, things require logic. Things are not as simple as you would like to believe. Especially with a situation like your daughter is in."

*Jonah's laughter calmed down.*

"Our security cameras placed throuought the city have spotted your shadow possesed daughter with a member of a group we have reason to believe is not tied to the rebels. In fact, we believe that it may be the same people that had been holding you after the shooting. Unfortunatley, these people do not seem friendly to the government either."




*Shadow Sasha padded the ground knowingly, as if she agreed with what Eos was saying. And she did, she had never thought about these things before and simply blindly followed the rebel cause. She felt duped. Though she cared for her friends in the rebellion, RT, Night Hawk, King, Lester............*




*Schwartz nodded.*

"Im going to go check on Alpha. If she has calmed down back to Riza, then she and I will help you search."




"What is a quest class?"

*Lester asked.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Eos nodded, thankful she had followed the rambling ideas she had put forth. She sensed that Sasha felt wrong about something, though, and after a few more moments of silence spoke again.


"I'm not trying to say that you cannot have ties out of this base," she said, hoping her assumption was correct. "So long as they don't get information on our cause, of course. But you must keep in mind...to them, we're evil. If you choose to stay with us, you must understand that you may one day be attacked by these very same people, or be forced to attack them. You need to occasionally spy on them, even."


She looked at her with a sigh. "I had a...a friend who was a rebel supporter when the first uprising started...and he betrayed me," she softly stated. "Mixing work and relationships is tough. Would you be able to do it?"


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*Shadow Sasha thought for a moment. She then nodded her head. This was something that she had to do. She now knew that neither the government, nor the rebels were in the right place. This was her resolve now.*




*King was franticly searching the old warehouses for any sign of Sasha.*

"Sasha! Where are you?! Sasha!"

*He had failed her. He broke his promise. Back when they were in high school together, after saving Sasha from a group of bullies, he had promised her that he would never let anything bad happen to her. He promised to protect her, and he failed. He lost his composure, he sat down and leaned his back against a wall and began to silently cry about the loss of his closest friend.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"Someone who can create solid objects using their own energy. Its a special classification, and even the weakest quest class are extremely rare. But human quest class are unheard of! That doesnt come natural. Its not a wonder that our sect was hired to come here."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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The Rocketeer nodded and tried to think of their next plan but couldnt, he couldnt concentrate at the moment he put his hands in his head and sighed



Hunter "shes with them? their the bastards who gave me rat piss to drink! urrg..." he thought for a moment "do you have like a like a little spy robot? oh..what are they called...nano bots right?"


Night Hawk continued punching the punching bag  even through it was broken

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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When Sasha nodded, Eos felt conflicted between happiness and depression. This was always the hardest part, when people made the choice to give up their old life. She remembered vividly the day she had.


Pulling up a chair next to Sasha, she gave her a small, sad smile.

"We're gonna be your new family now," she said. "Maybe not as good as the old one, but we do try."


Staring at one of the paintings of her old home, she began to speak in a different language, but Sasha was oddly able to understand it.


"All of us came here because we had nowhere else to go. The government and rebels alike had turned on us, our own friends and families too...this family was made out of grief and pain, and for all my talk of balance, you are all my number one priority in life. Out there in the real world I have to act tough, be who I'm not, but down here? I'm just a big wussy." She laughed harshly and looked down at her feet.


"Dyn and Fenyw. Kidnapped by government agencies at a young age to become super soldiers. Ended up being taken by the rebels and brutally experimented on, killing Fenyw and fusing her body with her brother's to become a single being. Escaped, acted as a government agent for years, and was then ordered to be killed on a special mission. Best friend took the shot. Found Dyn nearly dead, brought him here...first addition.


"Gwen. Grew up in a rich government family. Suffered from disorders due to drugs she was taking since she was born. Her parents had been testing them on her to see the effect for the rebels. Eventually snapped and killed her own parents due to a living tumour that developed in her brain she calls Blue, who forced her to do it. Rebels attempted to get her to their side because of her raw talent, but attempted to destroy Blue, who killed all of them and nearly Gwen. Found her in a section of the sewers attempting suicide.


"Carullo. Born to an unknown father and a government secretary mother. Turns out his dad was a rebel circle leader who led a raid on the government building they lived in. Watched his dad brutally murder his mother, then attempt to murder him."


At this point Eos was visibly upset, but she continued doggedly.


"The final member was a little girl, years and years ago. Parents were captured by rebel workers for no reason besides money, left her to die in the streets. Taken in by two mercenaries. Grew up and watched the only two she'd ever known try to kill each other on her birthday.


"The little girl continued to grow. She found herself a husband she loved very much, had three children. She thought that she would be happy a long while. Supported the rebels despite the pain they'd caused."


Eos' speech was getting thick as she began to cry.


"Turns out her husband didn't like that. He revealed himself to be a government spy, before he sadistically mutilated his own children and raped his own wife, and burned the place down.


"But the wife lived, she did, and she made that man pay. Now his body sits in a casket in the basement of the house, a reminder that no one is who they say they are. That no side can be trusted."


Eos turned her gaze to a large dark object in the corner, her eyes still teary. It looked like a large box-a casket.


Mortified, she stood up and wiped her tears away. She had told no one that story, just that the main part of the base had been a basement.


"Come on, let's go," she said quietly.


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"Im worried about her."

*Lester said.*

"I hope she is alright. I hope she didn't do anything reckless."

*Lester looked off into the distance.*




*Schwartz stood up and patted Rocketeer on his shoulder. She then went back to her room where Riza was. The ruckus seemed to have died down, so she took the chair away from the door, and opened it up. Riza was laying on the bed, calm and quiet. Schwartz sat down next to her and stroked her hair.*

"Hey, you feeling alright?"

*She asked.*


"Yeah, Alpha's mad though."

*Riza said in her usual quiet voice.*


"Come on, one of our allies has gone missing after a bad event. We need to go find her, you up for it?"

*Schwartz asked her friend.*


"Yeah, Im ready."

*Riza said and sat up next to Schwartz. She hugged her.*

"Im sorry Yani, I wish I could control this."


*Schwartz hugged her back.*

"Its alright, no one blames you for it."

*The two of them stood up and walked back out into the meeting room where Rocketeer awaited them.*

"We're ready to go if you are."




*Jonah sighed.*

"Mr. Track, we will do all we can to get your daughter back. You just sit back and get your rest."

*Jonah took a letter out of his jacket and handed it to Hunter.*

"Oh and there is this. The president has called for you. you are to be in the capitol in a week."

*Jonah opened up a portal and walked through arriving at the top of the highest skyscraper in the city. He tapped on the pad on his glove, sending a message to Damon with his location. It was time to send their new operative on his first mission.*




*Sasha listened patiently and carefully through the entire story, and when Eos said it was time to go, she followed loyally. This was her home now, this was her family.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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When Eos stepped into the main room, she did a double take. Illium was quietly sitting, obviously waiting. She looked up when the pair entered and smiled.


"I guess our dear Fenyw wasn't enough dog for you," she said with a cocky smile. "You always loved the submissive ones."


She was purposefully messing about with her aura to throw the two off, and at Eos' confused expression knew it was working.


"What are you doing here?" the elf asked cagily. "How did you even get in?"


"Eos! How rude. I thought I raised you better than to fail to introduce us!" reprimanded Illium, and she looked at Sasha.

"Sasha. Fitting name for a cute little puppy," she said with a little smirk. "I'm Allison, dear."


Turning back to the wary Eos, she threw open her arms invitingly.

"Now I have a...proposition for you," she said, and glanced at Sasha. "Shoo, little doggie, and let the big kids talk."


"She's decided to stay, 'Allison'," Eos stated flatly. "She has a right to stay."


"I see you've lowered the bar," said Illium sadly, shaking her head. "Really, dear, this is a sad sight."


Before the elf could open her mouth Illium pressed on.

"Now everyone's searching for this poor dear," she said with a sad, dramatic sigh. "Both her despicable 'friends' and those dirty alchemist type government people. I'm sure bith would offer a...good price," she finished slyly.


"If you are even so much as implying that I should sell Sasha off like an animal, then you are quite wrong about what you think I am," snapped Eos.


"You're missing the point that she IS an animal," corrected Illium. "So you'd be selling her off AS one."


"That makes it so much better. Get out," hissed Eos. Illium sighed and rose gracefully, her thick blonde hair spilling behind her.


"You have made a grave error, darling. Now rather than one on your case, you'll have both. Ffarwel, fy annwyl." She strode out and soon there was the thud of the door. Eos sighed and looked at Sasha.


"Sorry. Now here's your room," she said, leading her into a small hallway. There were engraved names neatly attached to doors-Carullo, Dyn/Fenyw, Gwenwyn, Torri. At the end of the hall were a few blank ones, and Eos opened one. It was spacious and neat.




Illium ducked into a back alley where a shadowy figure waited.

"No go," the Siren said with a shake of her head. "And I'm not using my power on her, before you suggest it. I only go so far with her."

Gwen shrugged. "Your loss."

"I suppose, but I don't desire to put her in any more danger."

"Fine, but no cut for you if I convince the government," said Gwen, and she left to find Damon, Illium going a different way to seek King.




Carullo opened his eyes slowly. He was on a bed in a small, dingy medical bay. Olivia was shouting at some nurse about pain medication, rattling the ceiling with noise. Groaning, he blinked. Olivia was instantly at his bedside, peering at him.

"His eyes are dialated! What sort of funky thing did you do?" she yelled, and everyone had to cover their ears to escape the noise.


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The Rocketeer stood up "alright, lets go then," he walked out of the base with schwartz and riza and started walking the streets





The nurse replied "please calm down, it is just a side effect of the medicine, we will be fine, it seems he already has a form of healing factor, we've just been giving him pain medication to help with the pain, your friend will be fine, dont worry

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Damon heard a beeping coming from his glove, he looked down and held it up, a hologram coming up of the screen of someones location and a message. He sighed as he shambled up from his chair, opening a portal and taking to where ever it said he should go. He stepped out and noticed Jonah. "You need me?" He asked. 

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Scipio had been busy examining the layout of the rebel troops. They were the most organized out of all of the rebel factions which had appeared, but unfortunately small. He planned to make a suggestion to Rocketeer to have a recruitment team go out and rally the scattered

groups, and then make plans to better eveveryone's discipline and tactics. He headed out of the room he was in, allowing his transformation into Tartaros. Spotting Schwartz, Riza, and Rocketeer heading out, he quickly joined them.

"Heading out to look fo Weiss we assume?"

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"I will NOT calm down!" raged Olivia, and objects began to float around the room as the gravity level was dropped severely. 

Carullo sighed and looked at the nurses.

"I will apologize on her behalf," he said, and Olivia snorted.

"I'm not sorry," she muttered, but the tools began to drop one by one even so.


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Sitting behind a desk with a sign that read "Chief V. Walsh", a man in a small police uniform with a skinny, but short frame was reading the latest reports of everything that he didn't have enough men to handle. He had faded blue eyes and short hair that was a mixture of black and grey.


Maven was also inside the office, standing despite being offered a seat.


Chief Walsh instinctively put a cigarette in his mouth before speaking. "I hired three Demons." he said. His voice was unusually calm and youthful for someone of his age. "Where's the rest of your Sect?"


"Clay is dead." Maven said.


"And... What about the short one, the one that talked funny?"


"Frey has lost his loyalty. He will be dealt with for free. He is my problem."


"Right." the Chief said, visibly disapointed. "Tell me about what you've found."


"A half breed fire demon who couldnt melt a stick of butter, and a Quest class woman."


"Anything else? Have you seen the black creature? The one with the tentacles."


"Not yet."


"Have you found the third organization?"


"Not yet."


"Do you know where the Half breed and the girl are?"


"Not yet."




Frey paused for a moment. "Do you mean to say that you don't know where Sasha is?" he raised his voice. "Don't be tellin me that ya let her go off on her own with a half invincible demon psychopath on her tail! Where is she? Tell me where she is!" he floated back down to the earth as he yelled.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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*Sasha walked into the room and looked around a bit. She then looked at Eos with a look that asked 'am I wanted here?'*




"Glad to see you have a quick response time."

*Jonah said to Damon.*

"We have your first job. Im sure you remember the girl Sasha Track, A.K.A. Weiss. She has become a strange sort of shadow being. you are to find her, and bring her to headquarters alive. Anything else doesn't matter, as long as she is intact."

*Jonah handed Damon a picture from surveillance that showed Shadow Sasha walking through the warehouses with Eos.*

"You are permitted access to the armory. Good luck."

*Jonah said, made a new portal and went through it, leaving Damon alone on the roof.*




*Schwartz nodded at Tartaros' question.*





"Last I saw, she and King were headed off to the Rebel base. But that was last night. I have no idea where she is now."

*Lester said sadly.*

"Im worried, I have the terrible feeling that something has happened."

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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Noting the look Sasha gave her, Eos gave her an slightly unconvincing smile.

"It's fine, everyone will come round," she said. "It's just that they're all very mistrustful of the rebels, and the fact that I brought one of their most prominent members in is going to be hard to take, even for me." She looked around the room. "We've only really got Carullo and Dyn left, so it shouldn't be too bad for you."


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Damon sighed. "Not her againnnn" He said with a groan. But after a few seconds nodded. "I suppose nothing is Impossible... Also, I placed a tracker on one of the rebels with a lot of armor, It followed him into the sewer." He explained. "Not sure if that's useful, but it's a plus I suppose" He commented as he watched him leave.

Edited by Hypno

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Noting the look Sasha gave her, Eos gave her an slightly unconvincing smile.

"It's fine, everyone will come round," she said. "It's just that they're all very mistrustful of the rebels, and the fact that I brought one of their most prominent members in is going to be hard to take, even for me." She looked around the room. "We've only really got Carullo and Dyn left, so it shouldn't be too bad for you."

Butajiri had a thin envelope strapped to his belt and an angry look on his face. He and Hirue had walked all the way to the entrance of the "Neutral's" hide out. (Assuming that you haven't switched locations.) And be began knocking on the door as hard as he could. "Eos!" He yelled to the door. "You know why I'm here! You had to see this coming!" (He's at the entrance to the base that you took him to earlier. His anger is misplaced.)





"Rebel base ya say?" Frey asked. "We gotta go there now!"


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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(OoC: She never told anyone her name, how fo you know it? XD)


Eos looked up at the sound of yelling and sighed. "Wait here a moment," she said.

After navigating the veritable maze of the large basement she arrived at the door, which she heaved open. Stepping outside she shut it, the enchantment back in place.

"I do not see what's coming," she said icily. "Pray tell."


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"Don't play stupid, elf!" Butajiri replied. "Maybe you won't be so smug when you see these." He opened the envelope on his belt and held up seven photos of the same bald man (Maven) in different locations around the city. "This bastard has been trying the same thing that I've been doing. Every time I track down a high level human or demon, he's there first! Oh, but it gets better then that! I caught him following me just half a day ago! I know he works for you! That's where you're getting all your information, isn't it? Only you would be so bold!"





(This is some time after the chief and Maven's first conversation.)


"And you made sure he saw you?" The Chief asked intently.


"Of course." Maven answered. He was kneeling on the office floor, much to the chiefs displeasure.


"Good." Walsh said, extinguishing his cigarette. "He's our best lead, but its best if he believes he has the upper hand."

Edited by Pretty Koenma


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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*Sasha nodded and Eos left the room. She looked around again and saw the bed. She hopped up onto it and curled up, awaiting Eos' return.*




"Okay, lets go."

*Lester said to Frey and the two of them headed off to the rebel base.*




*King stepped into Mercy Hospital, the best hospital in the city, second only to the capitol's hospitol many miles away. He walked up to the receptionist, who was reading a book intently.*

"Excuse me, Im here to visit Kelly King."

*He said to the receptionist, who sighed and didn't look up from her book.*


"Sorry bub, the only one allowed to visit Kelly King is her brother, the superstar Alexander King."

*She said sounding annoyed.*


"Yeah, and thats what I would like to do."

*King said more intently.*


"Listen here you-"

*The receptionist froze as she looked up to see the one and only Alexander King, standing before her.*


*She said astonished.*


"Listen, could I just have a visitor's pass, I dont want to make a scene."

*King said.*


"O-of course Mr. King.*

*The receptionist said astonished. She handed him a visitor's pass.*


"Thank you."

*King said. He gave her a weak smile and the receptionist swooned. King walked over to the elevator and went up to floor 17. He walked down the hallway and entered room 17G. He sat down on the chair next to the single bed with a single occupant. King looked down at his sister with a sad look on his face.*

"Im sorry Kelly. I failed."

*He said sadly.*

"I promised that I wouldnt fail anyone again like I failed you, but I did. I lost Sasha. She's gone."

*He put a hand on his head and struggled to keep from crying.*

"I made a vow, and I failed. I know I act all cool and confident, but thats just what it is! An act. Im a failure, to you, to Sasha, to mom and dad."

*King choked. He was crying now, nothing could hold back his tears anymore.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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The Rocketeer and friends walk about the city, they checked the  bomb site as their starting point and went in a direction weiss could of gone, they stuck to shadows and avoided goverment patrols, there was no time to get caught up in combat, the group looked around the entire city


Hunters phone rang, he picked it up "hello?...ah hello mister president, how may i help you?...what?...geez what do you mean the country is country is running out of money? *sigh* you need to learn better money management or call me every time you make a decision...no i am not insulting you im just saying...look, weve been working together for  20 years, i figured in that time youd learn something...yes, i understand...ugh ok just raise taxes by 10% until i can go over there and formulate a better plan, though that might stir up those rebels...yes i have come to recognize their threat...well if you recall they shot me the other day...look i just got home a few hours ago i need....ok fine! let me put on a new suit and ill be over!"  he hangs up and goes to his room

Night Hawk is busy shooting in a shooting range in his home 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Tartaros flicked his forked tongue, trying his best to pick up Weiss' scent.

"#The shadows that consume her make it hard to pick up the scent. We don't know her that well, so do any of you know a place she would go to if distressed. Or a person she holds dearly? Those could be key to finding or bringing her out."


"If she hasn't been caught by someone else that is..."


During his search, Tartaros couldnt help but notice two presences. Demons, hehad encountered them before, and lately there seemed to bea tonaround town...

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