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open Harmony Betrayed


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(it just now occurs to me that you were adressing Emerald. The irony is that I've just been sitting here waiting for an excuse to post something.)


Emerald was taken aback for a moment. "My name is Emerald. Um... who are you? And why would there be a spy on the train?"

(Actually, I was addressing Apple Doom. xD Anyway)

Sunlit turned his direction to Emerald. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you there. I'm Sunlit. And, why wouldn't there be a spy on the train. The elements of harmony, saviours of Equestria, meeting up. Actually... Are you a spy? You look like you could be. What you got hiding in that vest? Hmm? My mother is Rainbow Dash, so don't try any funny stuff." Sunlit poked a hoof at Emeralds chest.

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(Actually, I was addressing Apple Doom. xD Anyway)

Sunlit turned his direction to Emerald. "Oh, sorry, didn't see you there. I'm Sunlit. And, why wouldn't there be a spy on the train. The elements of harmony, saviours of Equestria, meeting up. Actually... Are you a spy? You look like you could be. What you got hiding in that vest? Hmm? My mother is Rainbow Dash, so don't try any funny stuff." Sunlit poked a hoof at Emeralds chest.

"Umm, well there's a magnifying glass in my vest pocket, but I wasn't really hiding it... Wait your mom is Rainbow Dash? I'm Rarity's son! I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you, it's just been so long since the last time I saw any of you. I guess this is kind of an awkward reunion, huh?

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cupcake bounced around in circles. she went around and around sunlit and emerald and apple doom. "oh, you boy are so silly!" she giggled with glee. she bounced higher and higher. 


"hiah everypony!!!" cupcake turned to see her mother, pinkie pie, walk off the train with her father.


"mummy, daddy!!!" cupcake giggled and ran to her parents. she gave them a huge hug. after a geneal catchup, her mother told her to get on the train.


"we are going to canterlot!!!"


cupcake bounced onto the train, followed by her parents. "come on everypony!!! dont want to be late!!!"

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Now even more confused than ever, Emerald followed Cupcake onto the train. Boy, these ponies are weird. I hope things get more normal, or I might just go insane by the end of the train ride. Then he realized how uncomfortable his dad looked. I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't feel like they belong here.


(OOC: I must sleep now. Don't expect me to post anything for a good seven hours.)

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

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"Umm, well there's a magnifying glass in my vest pocket, but I wasn't really hiding it... Wait your mom is Rainbow Dash? I'm Rarity's son! I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you, it's just been so long since the last time I saw any of you. I guess this is kind of an awkward reunion, huh?

"Oh yes, the drama queen obsessed in clothing? Rainbow Dash didn't tell me much about Rarity. Anyway, good to see you!.




cupcake bounced around in circles. she went around and around sunlit and emerald and apple doom. "oh, you boy are so silly!" she giggled with glee. she bounced higher and higher. 


"hiah everypony!!!" cupcake turned to see her mother, pinkie pie, walk off the train with her father.


"mummy, daddy!!!" cupcake giggled and ran to her parents. she gave them a huge hug. after a geneal catchup, her mother told her to get on the train.


"we are going to canterlot!!!"


cupcake bounced onto the train, followed by her parents. "come on everypony!!! dont want to be late!!!"

Seeing Pinkie emerge from the train, covered in balloons, Sunlit knew she was in for a party. "Hey Pinkie! Good to see you! What have you got planned? Party cannon? Cakes? Pranks?" Sunlit loved Pinkie's parties. They were always great.

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pinkie laughed. she turned to sunlit. "ive learnt a lot about sweets on my journeys, so this party has a CANDY CANNON!!!" she sat down next to her husband and cupcake sat behind them. it had been a while since her last trip to canterlot. she giggled as she hummed a song she wrote. she patted the chair next to her for someone to sit next to her.

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Apple Doom started to ease into the conversations and strange happenings. " So, what does everypony know about Princess Celestia? I heard that she reigned with her sister Luma? I honestly didnt pay much at school growing up,ya know?" Apple Doom regretted the words he spoke. He didnt want to seem stupid but he had feeling like thats how he will come across.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"princess celestia is an awesome princess who cooks the sun everyday, and then luna eats it everynight!" cupcake stated factually. "or at least, thats what poundcake told me..." she giggled slightly. "they are both really pretty!" she concluded. she pulled a cupcake out of nowhere and nommed on it.

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Yup these were still the same ponies that he remembered. It was going to be fun watching them get into trouble, after all with such a vast amount of personalities there was bound to be some issues. He could see his Mother and Father getting closer. As Fluttershy and Tempest landed he kind of smiled. "Bout time you two got here."

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Apple Doom looks around him and walks to the nearest free seat to lay down. "i think i might catch up on my sleeping. Don't disturb me unless its really important. I wanna see if i can dream that I am the richest pony in the world." after saying these words Apple Doom slowly closes his eyes.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Emerald sat down next to Cupcake, "My mom took me to the castle to meet the princesses once.They're more than just 'really pretty', they're breathtaking. No words can adequately describe just how beautiful they are. They don't eat the sun either, Celestia raises it in the morning with her magic and Luna raises the moon at night with hers. They've been around for thousands of years, so they're really wise and powerful, but they're really nice too."

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Apple Doom wakes up and looks around him. "Are we there yet?" he asks. He knows he could just look out the window but he wants to make sure everypony isn't ignoring him. He continues to look around him to see if his mother is near. She is now where in sight. He notices that some pony was finished talking but he could not make it out due to his hazy eyes.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Shade arrives at the train station, she looks at the trian that says it's going to canterlot.

* canterlot?! There's lots of diamonds there! I could probably get some for... No, I left the life of being a theaf.* she continues to look at the train, she walks up to it and gets on it. * never been to canterlot, so I might as well go now*

She looks at the fillies from earlier. She sits near them but not too close to them.



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Starlight just laughed as she watched all of her friends getting to know each other once again Sunlit flying around asking everypony if they were a spy. "Ok everypony calm down noponies a spy and we'll be leaving very..." Before she could finish her sentence the train horn sounded and the train started moving towards their destination. Starlight saw her mom getting reaquianted with her friends and looked over at shade sitting in a lone booth. She walked over and sat down next to her "Hey you look a little lonely." Starlight smiled at Shade "You want to be friends? What's your story that is if you're willing to tell me?" Starlight's eyes caught her flank noticing that she hadn't gotten her cutie mark yet. It wasn't unheard of each pony got their marks on their own when they find their special talent.

Edited by storm-fire

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Upon hearing that the train just started moving Apple Doom let out a loud groan "I hate trains!" he noticed Starlight being friendly to this unique looking pony and he decided to listen in on their conversation. This pony looks weird, he thought to himself.Of course i might look weird in any ponies eyes come to think about it. Apple Doom patted his own head and smiled as he listened in on various conversations.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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shade looks at starlight, "well, if you've been threw what ive been threw, then you'd understand why im alone. you see, i grew up in manehatten, the big city. and its hard to make any friends there when you...." shade stopped herself there, she didnt want to talk about it too much, " but i try to look past all of it, so i came to ponyville to, yah... rest and play"



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Sunlit noticed the black and green pony behind her. As far as she knew, he wasn't son or daughter of any of the elements. The pony had no cutie mark, which was odd. Something about the pony seemed familiar. As if she was something Rainbow had told Sunlit about, yet, not. Sunlit thought about it, then fell asleep, tired from all the accusing.

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shade looks at starlight, "well, if you've been threw what ive been threw, then you'd understand why im alone. you see, i grew up in manehatten, the big city. and its hard to make any friends there when you...." shade stopped herself there, she didnt want to talk about it too much, " but i try to look past all of it, so i came to ponyville to, yah... rest and play"


Starlight listened to what the new pony was saying she felt sorry for her she wasn't sure why since she'd never met her before but something told her to be as kind to her as possible. "Well I don't want to push since it's a personal issue so I'll leave it at that. But how about you and I become friends you can come to the lunch with us I'm sure the princess wont mind at all." Starlight was sure Celestia and Luna wouldn't care I mean after all she was their prized student and pretty much had free run of the castle. Starlight looked out of the window in their short ammount of time on the train they were almost at Canterlot. Something was amis, a barrier covered the city it was keeping anypony not wanted outside the city. As the train rolled up to the shield Starlight put her wing around Shade and used her magic to diguise her pressence as they passed through the barrier. "Just stick with me Shade and you'll be fine." Starlight smiled releasing her magic once they were through.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Apple Doom suddenly realized something his mother told him about his aunt. He turns and tries to face everypony and says,"My sister was part of something called the 'Cutie Mark something or other' has anybody heard of that?" He hoped that he didn't make himself appear awkward.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Emerald turned around to answer Appledoom's question, "You mean the Cutie Mark Crusaders? My aunt Sweetie Belle was one of the founding members. From what I've heard they mostly just get into trouble coming up with schemes to get their cutie marks. Why do you ask?"

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"i... i dont know what to say" shade said as she had a big smile * i really dont know what to say... nopony ever wants to be my friend... guess thats because of... um... me...*


"hold on... did you say you know the princess???"


*lunch with the princess? is it a good idea if i go? i think they have experience with... ponies like me * 



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Apple Doom looked over Emerald and said "well i was thinking that since there are some ponies here who don't have a cutie mark that we could resurrect the CMC. I mean its just an idea it sounds silly forget i ever mentioned it." Apple Doom quickly looked at the side of him to avoid any awkward eye contact.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Emerald shrugged, "I don't think it's a particularly bad idea, but of course I already have mine so it doesn't much matter to me. But still, I think if you want to do it then you should go for it. I'll try to help you if I can. Finding your special talent is important, after all."

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shade looks at her flank


* i dont even know if a pony like me can get on *


" um... help me getting my cutie mark? iv never really had any time to... try things, iv been busy with stuff in manehatten and... magic school... no really time to try things"


* wait! did i just say magic school?!?!?!* she looks at her forehead * stupid stupid stupid!!!!!!! im a pegasus not a unicorn, how could i have screwed up something like that???*



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Apple Doom looks at the strange pony and thinks to himself: a pegesus using magic? that is strange, though i have seen stranger things happen. Apple Doom then looked at the other ponies to see if they had any reaction but he figured it wasnt worth asking because the pony seemed off. I will keep an eye on that pony if i need to he says to himself in his mind

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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