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open Harmony Betrayed


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When they arrived at the castle, Emerald saw Apple heading off out of the corner of his eye, and decided to follow him, hoping for some excitement and curious to see what the colt was up to.


"Where exactly do you think you're going, friend?", Emerald asked in a vaguely accusing tone.

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"Ugghhh." Sunlit said, burnt and electrocuted. "My head is killing me. I am going to get that guy back." Sunlit flew to the ground, not able to fly straight. "Umm... Is Shade even aloud to walk into the castle? I mean, no one in there expected him, as far as I know." Sunlit looked at the pegasus flying into the castle.

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Apple Doom heard a ponies voice and his heart dropped. "BWAA! I wasnt doing nothin..." he turned around to see Emerald there. " Oh its you. you know you could give some pony a heart attack." Apple Doom breathed a sigh of relief. "I was just gonna nose around if you wanted to join." Apple Doom smiled at Emerald and waited for the ponies reply. I wonder how this pony noticed me im sure i was being cautious. He thought to himself.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"Are you sure that's a good idea? We're supposed to be going to the lunch with our parents and the Princesses, and if you get caught, you could get in serious trouble. The guards don't take very kindly to people snooping around the castle grounds you know."

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

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Apple Doom felt like he had to check the place out but at the same time he didnt want to get another pony in trouble. "If you feel like we'll get in trouble then you can go back. Its not often a Pony like me gets to come here." Apple Doom started to walk ahead keeping an eye out for guards. Something kept gnawing at him. He didnt know if this was a good idea or not

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Shade looks at sunlit who was walking and complaining

"I'm right here! I can hear you. And if you haven't notesed, I'm a mare, not a stallion."


She said abit annoyed

* me? A stallion? Even if I'm a changeling, Iv never desguised myself as a stallion.*


"And stop complaining, were pegasi, you can handle a little shock"



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Starlight took to the air again and flew over to where Apple and Emerald were talking floating down to them. "Don't you two even think of wandering off. Celestia has arranged for a tour for all of us while they finish getting the food prepared so that our parents can get caught up with the Princesses." Starlight flew over rounding up the others into a small group as a older pony came out and requested that they follow her. Starlight flew over and landed next to Shade "This'll be so much fun Shade I already talked with Celestia and she said it was ok for you to join us." Starlight giggled as she started walking with the elder pony.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Apple Doom followed Starlight and her words. "Well this is actually better. Now i won't feel guilty walking around the grounds now." Apple Doom walked with the group eager about the tour. "I wonder if they keep any thing cool like dragons on the grounds."

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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shade stuck close to starlight, as much as she was exited to be in canterlot castle, she was trembling with fear.


she knew that the princesses had experience with changeling, knowing the story about the queens fail in canterlot. but since she wasnt anypony elts she would be fine. but she was afraid anyways  



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He shook off the shock and headed to the earth. Next time he would be more careful. Landing next to his parents he got an ear full from his Father about how to treat other ponies. He resisted the urge to say something about the stories he had heard about his Father when he was a colt. Instead he just nodded his head and kept walking. He tried to catch up to Starlight to talk. After all he always felt more comfortable around her.

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Starlight looked over at Shade and saw how nervous she was getting and put her wing on her "Don't worry Shade the Princesess will love you besides we're friends right." Starlight gave a cheerful smile to shade. Turning her head she saw Jeterspry trotting up to her as they made their way through the castle each stop the tour pony told them about each winng of the castle. "Hey Jeterspry what's up haven't gotten to talk to you in a while everything ok with you?" Starlight waited for an answer as they passed through a corridor an eirie aura brushed past her hooves sending a chill up her back. Starlight felt uneasy when the aura touched her it was like it was coming through the wall and she quickly moving furthur ahead but the aura didn't follow it had found what it was looking for somepony with darkness in their heart. It was a dark lurring aura like it was waiting for somepony to follow it and it had chosen none other that the dark grey pony with the black and green mane.


(Sorry for not posting guys been busy with work but all should be good lets keep this RP going it's getting good.)

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Emerald followed the others through the castle. Having lived in Canterlot most of his life, he was already fairly familiar with the castle grounds and as such, he was rather bored. He wished his father were here, he'd liven things up.


As they were walking Emerald suddenly felt a strange chill, as if something malevolent was dwelling within the castle. But that was ridiculous, after all this was the home of the princesses, how could there be anything sinister here?

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cupcake giggled as she bounced through the castle. she bounced up to emerald. "you look thoughtful... does it hurt?" she laughed as she bounced around in circles. "i hope they have thickshakes!!! I DIBS CHOCOLATE!!!" in her mind she asked herself about the meaning of balloons.

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Shade stayed at starlights side, she looked at the strange black aurora.


"What is that?" She asked "it's looks, cold"


She didn't know what it was, but it seemed to get her attention. She had a look of interest in the aurora... But she stuck close to starlight





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cupcake giggled as she bounced through the castle. she bounced up to emerald. "you look thoughtful... does it hurt?" she laughed as she bounced around in circles. "i hope they have thickshakes!!! I DIBS CHOCOLATE!!!" in her mind she asked herself about the meaning of balloons.

Emerald was confused and almost frightened by Cupcake's hyperactivity. The way she was bouncing around was driving him out of his mind. How could anyone maintain such a hyper state all the time?


"Thunderin' Jaysus, calm down lass! Where do you get so much energy, anyway?"

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"SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR!!!" she bounced so high that she nearly touched the candle on the wall. she smiled at emerald  and bounced over his head. she pulled a cupcake out of nowhere and started to eat it. she had hid it a while ago, but it was still spongey and sweet.

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Apple Doom walked with the group observing them. Haha, that pony sure has alot of energy. Apple Doom looked at the Pony named Shade. He began to wonder to himself, I wonder how that pony got their mane like that. looks pretty cool"Hey Cupcake, do you ever put that energy of your's to good use?"

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"Not a lot other then you know getting into trouble cause I don't like sitting still. Mom thinks I need to focus and be safer, Dad thinks that I'm like him when he was young and I should be more careful. It was cool when I got my cutie mark for gardening though. About the only time I can sit still. You think they'll let us see the gardens?" He took a deep breath. It had been a long time sense they had talked and he missed it. He found himself trying to put everything they hadn't talked about into one thought.

Edited by Tempest Chaser
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"yes, yes, yes. one time i made a whole wedding cake in just under half an hour. mostly i use it to stop starlight from studying though!" she chuckled and finished nomming her cupcake. she bounced behind everyone, then gets distracted by a pretty candle.

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"Hmm... Your right! We can handle a bit of SHOCK." Sunlit zapped Shade, laughing. However, Sunlit stopped laughing when she was sure she saw fangs, but they disapeared shortly after. Shrugging it off, she decided it was just her imagination, and went back to laughing.

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shade felt the shock but it didnt shock her... her fangs showed for a split second before she shield them.


she looks at sunlit who was laughing...

"so you shock me... very funny... so what are you going to laugh at now? how much that didnt hurt?"


shade turned away from sunlit and continued to walk



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Starlight snapped her head around and glared at Sunlit taking flight, something she didn't do very often at home and flew right up to Sunlit. "That's enough Sunlit don't pick on my friend just because she's new!" Starlight growled catching everyponies attention before floating back down to Shade hurrying her along catching up with the tour pony. The tour took them outside giving Jeterspry a view of the royal gardens many exotic flowers and plants resided there. The tour finally ended at the dining hall where Starlight could see her everyponies parents sitting and talking with the Princesess. Starlight made her way to the table coaxing Shade along with her "Why Starlight it's good to see my star pupil again and who's this?" Starlight bowed to Celestia and Luna before introducing Shade "This is my new friend Shade I hope it's ok for her to join us." Starlight gave Shade a nudge and a head bob to try and make a good impression.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Apple Doom caught a glimpse of the two royalties and decided to hide behind the nearest object he could find. Oh glob, i dont think i ever been this close to the princesses before in my life! Apple Doom's heart was beating fast. He knew they were kind and benevolent but he was still afraid of messing up

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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after looking at the candle she raced after her friends. she saw the table and jumped into her chair. the table shook slightly as she did so. "hi princess celestia and princess luna!!!" she acted casual and still as happy as in the halls. she looked around, she liked the look of the dining hall.

Edited by lilymalady123
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Sunlit landed and lowered her head in respect as the two princesses walked into the room. She didn't want to mess anything up and be banished from Equestria. Or banished to the moon. She shuddered at the thought. Her mother had told her that Luna was banished to the moon once.

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