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open Harmony Betrayed


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shade looked at lord kazin, she showed no emotion.


"well then lord kazin, what do you want from me?"

she asked


"and what do you plan to do now?"


* i dont like the looks of this, but some how i find this amusing, i wonder whats going to happen? but who exactly is this guy, iv never read anything about him *



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Kazin walked around Shade slowly looking her over in her true form "Oh my dear it's not what I want but what you want. And what do you want money, love, power, or vengeance?"  Kazin saw Shades ears twitch on the last one. He smiled wickedly as he walked back around facing Shade. "I can help you my dear all you have to do is swear loyalty to me and I can help you get your vengeance on the ponies that have scorned and betrayed you ad help you with your other task." Kazin used his magic to lower the hidden door leading back out into the corridor "So what do you say my dear are you in or out?"

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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shade was too blind in hate and anger, she blinked once and looked at kazin, "i swear my loyalty to you"


she simply said


* if we could give me love... then i can grow on that love... but i cant feed on love like that... but iv never tried. but i will destroy every last pony that has judged me wrong *



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Whispers echoed through the building. Sunlit could tell something was happening. Those fangs. They weren't imagined. They were her true form. What is a halfling? Words. She heard one word clearly. Loyalty. It wasn't talking of the elements. Something else. Vengeance. Shade had something to do with it. A mistake was being made. And it had to be stopped.

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Kazin let a smile escape his lips but it was hidden by his mask "Come little one follow me." Kazin started walking, going through the door and down the hallway looking back to see Shade following him. He walked into the dinning hall and instantly Celestia and Luna stood up realizing who he was. "Kazin how did you!?" Celestia was cut off when he released a pulse of energy letting everypony in the room feel only a small bit of his power. "Oh Celestia and Luna how you've grown and how much I've missed because of your parents..." Kazin charged his horn "The hoof plague..." A blast of magic hit the walls blowing it out "The Discord Wars..." Another blast to a wall "Celestia and Luna's reunion." The final shot hit a wall but also blasted both Luna and Celestia into the wall.


Starlight was quick to shoot a blast of magic at Kazin only to have it absorbed "Mom you have to get the Elements of Harmony and stop him." Starlight stood her ground and when she saw Shade her heart sank "Shade what are you doing with him you need to get away from him...please."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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shade looked at starlight. "have you ever seen the wrath of a changeling? queen chrysalice was the only one to have done it, she almost took over all of canterlot... but she was love starved, and she needed to find a source of love. now look at me, i was just banished and chased off from the hive for being a halfling, i only wanted to make some friends and have a good life. but that cant happen, because im a monster and only a monster in your eyes, and everyponys eyes... even the princesses." 



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Jeterspry couldn't believe what was going on. He was trying to take it all in but something didn't seem right. Then when he saw Shade and heard the interchange between Starlight and Shade Jeterspry tried to call out, "You're only proving them right Shade! Don't please I believe that you want to be good. Don't listen to him!"

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Apple Doom felt his blood boiling. "I do not care about the consequences! You need to be dealt with." Apple Doom ran towards Shade. He was about to buck the pony."i will protect those i hold dear!" Apple Doom did not want to think what would happen. He didnt rationalize or plan his movements. He just charged.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Shade didnt respond to jeterspry... She just ignored him, almost like shade wasn't in cortrole of herself.


Then she looked at apple doom. He was charging at her, she simply took 3 steps to the left to avoid him...


Shade didn't say anything, she was quiet. And looking at starlight.



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Starlight couldn't believe her eyes she didn't know what was going on it didn't make any sense it was like it was some sort of dark magic but she didn't have anything to go on. "Shade please don't do this it isn't right he's just using you besides were friends right if I said or did anything to hurt you I'm sorry." Starlight just watched as Kazin lifted Apple up wiwth his magic and tossed him back to the group luckily he landed on his hooves. Starlight watched as her mother summoned the elements giving them to the harmony users and blasted Kazin with their combined power only to see him still standing there unscathed by the attack.


Kazin just scoffed at their attempt to stop him using his power he easily took the elements away from Twilight and the others. Kazin leaned his head towards Shades ear "Are you really going to listen to her Shade after all she's acting like nothing happened just a bit ago." Kazin released another blast of dark energy pushing everypony back a little bit their hooves sliding on the floor. Starlight held her ground using some of the earth magic she learned to brace her hooves "Kazin I don't know what you've done to Shade but I'll bring her....aaaahhhh!" Starlight screamed when she was suddenly hit with a blast of Kazins magic. He just watched as she bounced off the ground twice before sliding to a stop a good distance away. "Come Shade we're leaving oh and Celestia about the Elements." As Kazin took to the air he turned the elements back into stone before scattering them across Equestria "Just wait until all of my power returns when it does Equestria will be mine."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Cupcake had sat silently during the whole thing. She stood behind her father, bouncing to try and see Over his head. When kazin hit starlight, she stopped bouncing, pushed her father away and chugged a sherbet pop. She raced towards kazin, only for him to disappear a second later. She ran into a wall and hit her head. "Tell me about the rabbits George. " she said as she flopped to the ground.

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Sunlit watched as the elements flew across Equestria and she could do nothing. Lord Kazin had just taken Equestria with out even lifting a hoof. She wasn't about to let it end like this. She flew over to help Starlight, who had been hit directly by Kazin's magic. "You okay?"

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Apple Doom's mouth was wide open. "What the buck just happened? I mean seriously can someone please tell me that didnt happen?" He looked around the room and hit himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. This is all kinds of messed up. i never knew the elements of harmony could do that. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"Well...this is certainly a problem"


That was all Emerald had to say. After everything that had happened, he was left in shock and basically speechless. He had known the halfling was trouble, but this was far more than just trouble, this was the fate of Equestria. 


"We have to... do...something."

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Shade looked at starlight, "so were friends again? Really? And yes, you did hurt me... Along with your friends, and the princesses. You never gave me a chance to explain myself. All of you instantly pointed your horns at me just because I'm a halfling, you instantly think I'm a love feeding monster. When really, i don't feed on love."


Shade left with kazin



Shades minion was in canterlot castle, it wasn't too different from a regular changeling minion, exept it had green eyes like shade. It sees shade fly away and tries to follow passing tge group of ponies, it stops infront of them...

It paused for a second and, "what happened to shade? I can't communicate with her for some reason" it asked stepping back incase they attacked it.



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@ @@aRegularPony


Starlight tried to move but her chest was in terrible pain and it made it hard for her to breath as well. She guessed that the two times she hit the ground she must've either cracked or broken some ribs. It was then that she saw Sunlit come over to help her "I'm fine just a few.....aaahhhh!" Starlight screamed as dark energy pulsed around her body like little lightening bolts causing large amounts of pain her father was quick to come to her aid along with Celestia. Starlight watched as Celestia touched her horn to Starlight's body removing the dark magic and healing her wounds. It was strong magic that ended up leaving Celestia exhausted, Starlight wanted to go after Kazin but after what had just happened she wouldn't be able to do much at all. Right now all she could do was watch as Kazin turned the elements back to stone and scattered them before flying off. Starlight stood up seeing the minion that was following Shade "She left with some evil pony named Kain please you have to make her see reason." Starlight begged.


Kazin flew through the air with great speed looking back he could see Shade following behind him. Even with all of the armor that he was wearing it was as if he had nothing on at all. He landed on a rocky outcropping in the Badlands he stared off into the vast distance as he heard Shade land behind him. "Now my dear what kind of vengeance did you want to get and upon who?" Kazin asked never once turning around to look at Shade.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"lets start with canterlot, then i want to head back to manehatten and destroy that place all of it, then who knows, maybe the changeling hive." shade responded not showing emotion.




shade minion looked at the damage that was done " something isnt right, its like some magic is blocking me from contacting her, what happened? she was crying about something a short time ago, thats when she started, acting weird." 



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Kazin turned around his mask catching her eyes the wind in the Badlands blowing through his mane "Hmm that sounds like a wonderful plan first Canterlot will fall and then Manehatten." Kazin turned back looking out into the barren and jagged area he charged his horn the blood red color engulfing it before he let out a blast of energy that shook the land they were on. The blast flew out into the distance and then a castle appeared from what seemed like another dimension. "Once we take down Canterlot and the other major cities we shall return here and I'll use my power to take down everypony and rule Equestria and you my dear will be my knight."


Starlight took a few more steps forward regrouping with the rest of her friends and her mother who was panicking and wanting to make sure she was all right. She didn't want to hurt this changeling after what had apparently happened even though she had no recollection of the event. "It's gotta be Kazin he has to be the one doing this to her." Starlight wasn't sure what was going on and then she looked back at her friends "What do you think we should do you guys?"

  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Kazin turned around his mask catching her eyes the wind in the Badlands blowing through his mane "Hmm that sounds like a wonderful plan first Canterlot will fall and then Manehatten." Kazin turned back looking out into the barren and jagged area he charged his horn the blood red color engulfing it before he let out a blast of energy that shook the land they were on. The blast flew out into the distance and then a castle appeared from what seemed like another dimension. "Once we take down Canterlot and the other major cities we shall return here and I'll use my power to take down everypony and rule Equestria and you my dear will be my knight."


Starlight took a few more steps forward regrouping with the rest of her friends and her mother who was panicking and wanting to make sure she was all right. She didn't want to hurt this changeling after what had apparently happened even though she had no recollection of the event. "It's gotta be Kazin he has to be the one doing this to her." Starlight wasn't sure what was going on and then she looked back at her friends "What do you think we should do you guys?"

"Well, we can't just sit here. We have to go get the elements! Shouldn't be that hard... right?" Sunlit tried to slow down what just happened in her head. Shade is a changeling. Kazin threw elements all over Equestria. Kazin will take over Equestria. Sunlit flew into the air, checking to see if she could tell where any of the elements were.

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Shade cracked a small smile, she looked into the distance.


"So when do we start lord kazin?" She asked



Back in canterlot, shades minion was waiting for a response... It looked at everypony, who were wondering what to do.

" I didn't really understand her, she said something about can't have nice things and something about never able to have friends."



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Rambler tried to think of a plan. After a few minutes he gave up.


"Well, this is far beyond anything I know how to deal with. Even if we get the Elements of Harmony back, they might not do us any good. After all, they didn't work on Kazin a few minutes ago, he just seemed to ignore them."

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

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Celestia walked over to Starlight while Luna spoke with the guards "Listen carefully my little ponies I'm giving you a direct order to go and recover the elements of harmony and bring them back here. Once your parents have the elements they can stop Kazin with mine and Luna's help." Starlight nodded "But where do we start looking I mean the elements could be anywhere in Equestria." Luna had finished briefing the gaurds putting them on high alert for the next few days. "The elements seemed to go in the direction of some of the major cities. I would suggest Manehatten first the train can leave immediately and get you there in no time." Starlight looked at her friends and then to her parents who gave her a loving smile. Putting her hoof down she gave a stern look at Celestia "We won't let you down Princess, and you changeling please go find Shade and try to talk some sense into her. Come on everypony we need to go now and get a head start on Kazin." Starlight started running towards the train station she would fly most of the way although she wasn't the fastest flyer she could keep up with most and she wanted to end this fast.


Kazin was ready to go right into battle but there was something missing he felt incomplete. Kazin took his mask off something he normally never did and attached it to his armor. He closed his eyes and let out a slow deep breath as his horn glowed and a dark ring formed around him turning to fire and then a mist that surrounded him. The mist swirled around him faster and faster until it started to flow into him before he let out a roar. The amount of magic released was tremendous even at just a fraction of the power and he looked back at Shade. One eye was completely yellow no pupil or anything and it had the effect of pure terror in it like he would slaughter almost anything that wasn't working with him. His eye slowly turned back to normal as he put his mask back on "Make your preparations Shade and then we'll be off and who knows if everything goes well I might even make you my queen when this is over."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Shade just snorted... She was ready whenever kazin was ready...



The minion noded it's head, his ears twitched for a second then it's horn started to glow. A green fire surrounded it and sunk into the ground. And the minion was gone.


It re appeared right behind shade it went over to her and tried comunicating with her * master? Are you ok? Shade? Are you there*


Shade looked back at her minion but didn't respond.


* somethings not right about you... What happened to trying to make friends?*


There was still no response from shade.



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Apple Doom had a drained look on his face." Yeah 'cause you know running all around Equestria doesn't seem so bad" He said sarcastically. Apple Doom started to run, following Starlight. " So a direct order from the princess herself. I know this is serious but, I can't help but to feel giddy" He said while running.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Emerald ran after the others, "I'm still not sure this is going to work, but I'm sure not going to give up and let that guy win. If there's going to be a fight, you can bet I'm up for it." He had his doubts, but the worst thing they could do at this point was nothing at all..

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