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She is beautiful, isn't she post-28950-0-12753300-1413056493.png The bright smile on her face and her gleaming eyes... Her shiny mane and tail... Everything is just so sweet and glamorous... It exceeds the known limits of beauty... It is just perfect...


  • Brohoof 9
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looks like rarity has a rival , check this pony out







She is beautiful, isn't she The bright smile on her face and her gleaming eyes... Her shiny mane and tail... Everything is just so sweet and glamorous... It exceeds the known limits of beauty... It is just perfect...


oh yes she sure is beautiful alright



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Not in a very swell mood, so im just posting something Nightmare Nighty without much babbling.






I dont really find that meme scary, the piece is just pretty nice looking.

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I love the way she speaks. the best voice acting in the show imo


Imma take a moment to applaud that comment. Rarity has so many great character and visual qualities given to her by the creator, the writers, and the animators ... but Tabby gives her a soul. XXxqyiy.png




Also can't escape the best singing voice.





Tabby and Kazoons the RFD Salutes you!



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Just began rewatching Season 2 of FIM and I've already watched "Return to Harmony" Part 1 and 2 today.


Rarity has great taste in rain-gear




That was the scene where she told Applejack that she didn't want to get out from under her umbrella then gave umbrella to Twilight without hesitation. 


Clearly expressed that she didn't want to get out from under her umbrella. 


Gave umbella to Twilight. 


Element of Generosity! :D


Required Rarity picture:



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Check out Nuke's Review of Sweet & Elite :D It's always nice to see someone not trying to drag Rarity through the dirt in that episode and acknowledge her struggle as well as her wonderful performance throughout, is it not? :D

People that fail to understand Pearlpones struggle in that episode are probably the same people that accused her of not being generous in Just for Sidekicks for giving Spike the tiniest (but most valuable, and ripped from an expensive saddle she made herself) gem, and the ones that accused her of stealing the attention from Sweets in Sweetie Belle toils by making her costumes too good.


Always count on Rarity haters to make themselves look as stupid as they are.


Can't handle her greatness...


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Love love love the rarity fan club!!!!! She is by far the best! I relate with her i am the pony of generosity. It is sad that everypony doesnt show the same generosity. Love being around like minded ponys :D

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