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open Need for Heroes! (Revamp) Role Play

Octavia's Bow

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Feraen (The Sparking Flame is how your character knows her) blushed as he scooped her up, and blushed more as he talked about his conscious. "Why, such a gentlecolt. What if I say... Grew up sleeping on rags, and what if, hypothetically, sleeping on a bed meant you were sick?"




Thunder Hooves looked at her and patted the cloud he was on. "You're very welcome to come on this cloud with me but I don't think that will work out for you," he told her. "Besides, you deserve a lot better than a shanty apartment and a pile of rags, you're a hero after all," he continued. "Just get a good sleep, we might need you tomorrow," he finished.

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She laughed, "I might deserve better, but it doesn't much matter. The biggest thing I like about this place is that, between the ages of 1 month to 7 years, it was my home. Of course, the water quality has only deteriorated. But for me, it's still home sweet home." She pulled the covers over her body.

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"I'll take that as a yes," Sapphire grins, bouncing up stairs, "Come on Speedy, I made brownies!" She said it like an excited foal... She might need some attention, get out from behind the desk. Then again, Sapphire being a self-sustaining essance of happiness, maybe not. Who knows.


Maven smiles smally, "Relax Nightfall. We both love you, and you'll have us both. One of them would have to be secret though. Like, if you chose Maven, you'd have to move out to avoid rumors. And if you chose Delphina, I couldn't display affection on the job. Stuff like that."


"You always make brownies."

But she followed Speedy anyway, smiling. She loved that her marefriend was always happy. It made her quite happy as well.


Nightfall didn't want to answer. He didn't want to move out, and he didn't quite want Maven to stop showing affection on the job.

"Which would be harder for you: to stop showing affection on the job, or to live alone?"

In his mind, Nightfall wanted to chose Delphina, but didn't want to make Maven upset.

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"... Probably living alone. I don't know Nightfall, it's your decision. There is one more option," she sighed, "I either give up hero work, or I take it as my life's work, and do nothing but hero work. But you'd still have to chose. It's not something that has to happen right now either."

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Démence felt the kick and cringed. "I'm Prisoner 37, Démence, Code name The Stripe. Arrested for murder and use of illegal explosives." He threw his bag to the attacker, as a gesture that he was un-armed. "Now, tell me, who are you and what happens to me now?" He tried to hide the fact that he had triggered one of the bombs in the bag.

Frey knew that he couldn't deal with the bag and Demence at the same time. Too many things could go wrong. He tossed the bag to the wall behind him and walked within a few feet of Demence. "Right then. I'm Frey. Worst of pleasent circumstances to be making aquantence, I say. Now pick yourself up nice and slowlike."


Den sighed, "Because when Nightfall forces you to take a Vigilante License, I'm probably going to end up being partnered with you. So, I'll be the one deciding whether or not you go back to the pit. Sapphire has her hands full, and Nightfall... Is Nightfall: I don't think Maven will ever be 'ready' to go on her own, and I don't think Nightfall cares."

Cumulus put the mirror down bellow the chair and looked at the wall in front of him. "Oh... well, I see why that would be an issue." He said, almost to himself. "I wasn't expecting that..." He sighed, picked the mirror up again and fiddled with its handle. "Does this mean we have to be nice to each other now?"

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"... Probably living alone. I don't know Nightfall, it's your decision. There is one more option," she sighed, "I either give up hero work, or I take it as my life's work, and do nothing but hero work. But you'd still have to chose. It's not something that has to happen right now either."


Nightfall let out a breath, trying not to make it sound too relieved.

"Maven... I'm- I'm going to be honest: I don't want to choose. I mean, is it really too bad that a hero and the police chief have a relationship?"

He was truly asking the question, although to him it was a stupid question. He thought it wasn't bad, but Maven might think otherwise.

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"No, it's not a bad thing. I'm just saying that it will be interesting when the press thinks you're cheating on me for me, and a little awkward to respond without them thinking your a polygamist," she replied. Then she kissed his cheek and said, "Now sleep," and began to softly sing a lullaby.


Den shrugged, "Well, no. But it does mean that killing or hurting me is a big no-no, and that probably doing unlawful things won't help you either. However, I do not believe that you are evaluated on treatment of your counterpart. If you wish to have a bad relationship with me, that is your prerogative."

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Arrow silently walked down the street towards a small old cafe.



Slicer grimaced at the pain that shot threw his body as he flew above the street's towards a small old building. he landed on top next to a unicorn. "You were late...I got on the floor much to early. What if he jumped down next to me you idiot." "I saved your life...Now...My payment ?" "Come with me to my apartment." "Didn't the police clear that place out ?" "They thought they did." He grinned and walked towards the door leading onto the roof. "You have a car right, Croak ?" The unicorn nodded and followed Slicer into the building.

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"No, it's not a bad thing. I'm just saying that it will be interesting when the press thinks you're cheating on me for me, and a little awkward to respond without them thinking your a polygamist," she replied. Then she kissed his cheek and said, "Now sleep," and began to softly sing a lullaby.


Den shrugged, "Well, no. But it does mean that killing or hurting me is a big no-no, and that probably doing unlawful things won't help you either. However, I do not believe that you are evaluated on treatment of your counterpart. If you wish to have a bad relationship with me, that is your prerogative."


As Nightfall was falling asleep, he remembered what she had said about keeping her identity safe. But ti didn't matter much, for soon he was in a very, very deep sleep. The long days of keeping himself up with coffee and spells would mean it would take a few days for him to fully recover.

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Frey knew that he couldn't deal with the bag and Demence at the same time. Too many things could go wrong. He tossed the bag to the wall behind him and walked within a few feet of Demence. "Right then. I'm Frey. Worst of pleasent circumstances to be making aquantence, I say. Now pick yourself up nice and slowlike."

Démence forced himself onto his four hooves as the bag exploded. "Well, I guess I'm off to prison?" He looked at Frey with disgust. What did he have to do with anything anyway? None of the ponies seemed like police, and Démence doubted they were undercover. So why would they stop him?

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"That's good." Cumulus said. "I'm not getting friendly."



Frey brushed some of the rubble off of his clothes. "Well, that didn't quite work out." He said. "I hope ya know that have ya been up to fighting someone else, they wouldn't have been able to stop you from killing yourself." He said as he put one hoof over Demences shoulder.

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Den grunted in an amused matter. "It'd probably speed the process if you're not a jerk the whole time. Or trying to kill innocent ponies. You are, after all, pretty much on probation."


Maven nestled him and slept until morning, where she woke up, took a shower, and cooked breakfast. Should I be Maven or Delphina today. I figure it'll be easiest for him if I give him a sample of what it'd be like if I did one or the other. Oh, things to do, things to do...

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Arrow trotted into the cafe, got a coffee and a sandwich, then she made her way back to her apartment.


After stepping through the doorway, Croak stuffed the gun into a large bag then followed Slicer down the stairs.

After a few minutes they exited the building. Slicer smiled as he looked across the street, Ponies were looking rather panicked inside the hospital. Croak waved at a taxi carriage then him and Slicer climbed into the back, after telling telling the driver where they needed to go.

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(Cumulus disapproves.(-4)20px-Ico_DisAppr_Heart.png )


(Sorry, but I cannot resist the urge for a Dragonage Origins reference.)


"Don't think that I'm doing this because you're forcing me!" Cumulus scoffed. "You will never see the day that a few ponies have the power to influence my decisions! I am doing this because I want to. My reasons are my own..." He tilted his head upward and stared at the ceiling, but in his eyes he saw waves of adoring fans.

Edited by Pretty Koenma
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Maven nestled him and slept until morning, where she woke up, took a shower, and cooked breakfast. Should I be Maven or Delphina today. I figure it'll be easiest for him if I give him a sample of what it'd be like if I did one or the other. Oh, things to do, things to do...


It took a good long time for Nightfall to wake up, and a good amount of the time, he was lying in the bed under the covers, wanting more rest but feeling like he needed to work. Eventually, he opened his eyes and got out of the bed, feeling only very slightly better from yesterday.


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Den shook his head, "Your doing it for fame. Don't deny it, I remember the crowd of mares that USED to crowd around you. But, with your sensitive hearing and such, it might be easier to just, say... Start a band. Maybe a band of daemons. It can't kill you, except maybe drugs, and it's not illegal."


She entered the room, smiling. "Shh Captain. I'm right here. Here, I made some restorative tea, and I through together some breakfast. Sapphire stopped by earlier, and added the brownie supplement. You just sit back and rest." She leaned in and kissed him, setting the plate next to the bottle on the nightstand. She set the tea down next to said bottle. "I know you don't drink, but it's there anyways. If you need anything, I should be in the other room." She closed the blinds, and the light on the phone was mysteriously off. (Because she unplugged it) She sat in the living room with the TV on, starring at Nightfall's radio.


Sapphire was up to day two of radio work, waiting for Speedy to come back. She'd seen Patches off to school that morning, cheerfully telling him using her spirit connection exactly where and why Den was. She'd also made sure he had her notes on the complex algorithms and a couple baggies of brownies, "So he could go the entire day without an empty stomachs." And thus, she waited.


Feraen woke up, and watch the Spark pony. She rolled off her bed, and started the stove, putting some water in a pan. Boiling the water, she put a filter over another pan and transferred it. Then she put some pasta in the pan: pasta was cheap, and she liked it. She was making enough for two, in case the pony stayed.

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(Cumulus really disapproves (-8)img-1135858-1-20px-Ico_DisAppr_Heart.png )


"No. I'm not doing that. (because he has no musical talent.) I don't approve of that insult. Do I need to remind you that I was able to singlehandedly take on your entire team of misfits? I would have had you all beaten if it weren't for Gama's betrayal."

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"... Have you ever met Sapphire? I forget. No... That would've been before she split away from me, wouldn't it? I think you'll find things much more capable now. What do you want, me to inflate you're ego? All I'm saying is; you buy a synthesizer, a soundboard, and make some lyrics, and you can start your own, popular band. And mares dig bands. And, the best part, you get paid. A lot. That's only if you get big though. On the bright side, if you walk into a bar and just prowl the counter for a few hours, you could probably pick somepony up."

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Arrow walked back to her apartment and sat down on the empty bed frame, Sipping her Coffee and taking a few bites of her sandwich, Staring at a spot on the wall...thinking.



Slicer and Croak drove through a very old neighborhood and eventually arrived at house. All the window's were broken and the door was smashed to pieces. They payed the cab driver who was eager to get away, then they both walked into the house. "Sooo...My payment." Croaks asked, Looking around the old house.

Slicer grinned and opened a closet under the stairs, rats scurried out across the floor as Slicer stepped inside. He bought his hoof back and hit the floor as hard as he could. There was a loud *CRACK* As the floor broke away, revealing a small compartment.

Slicer pulled out a a large dufflebag then, his smile widened as he pulled out a very small black bag. "Is that it ?" Croak asked, stepping into the closet. Slicer shook his head. "No...But this is." He said, pulling a small hoofgun from the compartment and shooting Croak in the head. "That's for being late...I also need to get my reputation back." He said, picking up the dufflebag and placing the gun inside. "This is the first place the police will look, I want to leave them a message...Bye Croak." He said, Casually walking out the back door.

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"I said no already, didn't I?" Cumuls said. "What does it take to convince you? No. No. No. No. No. I'm not starting a damn band. Do you need me to clarify further, or have I given you enough information for you to figure out that I'm not interested? And I don't need help with mares either. Would you just look at my perfectly sculpted form and magnificent mane? Perhaps you can be of help to me though... Hmmm... Yes. You would make me look a little better by comparison."

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Spark woke up and noticed Ferean cooking some pasta. "Well well well," he said as he walked up behind her. "Waking up with a beautiful mare cooking for me, not a bad way to wake up if you ask me," he continued with a wink. "Well, I guess I'll stay for breakfast but after that I need to find a normal pony job and a place to stay, I can't stand taking advantage of you," he finally said.

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Den grinned, "Ya, it's true. I look more like a bouncer than a cop. Maybe a street fighter. But at least my real form and the form I use are exactly the same. You could box, you know. You have the unfair advantage of super natural powers, even with your sword broken. And, if it's a condolence, mares don't mind a few scars, if you remember the stories of how you got them."


"It's fine. Honestly, I don't get to talk to many ponies. It's interesting to meet new one, especially fellow heroes." She set the pasta aside to let it cool, and began to boil more water. "Do you. Like your pasta with sauce, or with butter and cheese?" she asked, levitating her costume off the floor, and putting it folded onto her bed.

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"It's fine. Honestly, I don't get to talk to many ponies. It's interesting to meet new one, especially fellow heroes." She set the pasta aside to let it cool, and began to boil more water. "Do you. Like your pasta with sauce, or with butter and cheese?" she asked, levitating her costume off the floor, and putting it folded onto her bed.


"Butter and Cheese is fine," he said as he picked up his mask and put it in his saddlebag and then took out a bottle of Applejack Daniels (Eyup) and took a swig. "Man I wish I had more of this stuff," he muttered. He then took out his rifle and other inventions and started inspecting them.

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She entered the room, smiling. "Shh Captain. I'm right here. Here, I made some restorative tea, and I through together some breakfast. Sapphire stopped by earlier, and added the brownie supplement. You just sit back and rest." She leaned in and kissed him, setting the plate next to the bottle on the nightstand. She set the tea down next to said bottle. "I know you don't drink, but it's there anyways. If you need anything, I should be in the other room." She closed the blinds, and the light on the phone was mysteriously off. (Because she unplugged it) She sat in the living room with the TV on, starring at Nightfall's radio.


"But if I-" he began to protest, but saw it was no use. He sat there, not really hungry, not really thirsty. He looked at the bottle, trying not to think back on Cherry leaving, and the disappearance of Jack. He shuddered and grabbed the bottle, taking a big gulp. In this case, he didn't mind it. He only wanted to forget. He closed his eyes, hurting emotionally. He didn't know what to do, where to go, how to handle the current situation. He felt lost, with the worst part being a section of him knowing he shouldn't feel lost. He glanced at the bottle, seeing suddenly enough gone for three big swigs. He got up, aching a little and not fully steady. He opened the door and wordlessly stumbled over to Delphina. He sat down next to her and leaned into her, closing his eyes again and still holding the bottle.

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Cumulus sighed. "Listen, buddy. I see what you're trying to do, and I understand why you want me to do anything but being a hero. Believe me, I'm not thrilled about what this means either, but I have a few more reasons than fame to do this. That old pony seems to know me better than I do, and I don't see how that's possible. He trusts me to keep you safe the same way that he did and... I've never been trusted before."

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