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It's the Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot: The sun shines, the wind blows through the city, and the air is warm. Ponies of all kinds flock to the city, sampling the wonders it has to offer. The large podium is decked with ribbons and banners, ready for Celestia to emerge and bathe it in light.


The only spot of darkness lies far away, over the sea. A large thundercloud looms, flickers of red arcing through the smoky darkness. Many a pegasus has been sent to dispel it; all have returned, claiming it was impossible. However, nopony really cared; it was a holiday, after all. Who cared about one dark cloud?


Perhaps they should have.

Edited by Addem Up

And I dream of an absolution...



Addem Up: http://mlpforums.com.../addem-up-r1792

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Colt walks out of the hospital after recovering from his injury from his last mission and walks towards the podium.

"That last mission, was not worth it. I lost half of it paying for my medical care. Hopefully my next will go better, but for now you need to relax for once, it's the Summer Sun Celebration."

He smiles after the statement to himself and finds himself at the back of the crowd bulk.

"Hmm, I wonder when this thing starts, I've never been to one of these..."


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

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A teenage unicorn had holed up in her room, engaging herself in various spells, reading books, and solving puzzles. The unicorn, Star Rain, looked up all a sudden. She had almost forgotten that today was the Summer Sun Celebration! She snuck outside, careful not to awake her mother(who never gives her a taste of freedom). Once outside, she hid herself in the shadows, avoiding the crowds. She never trusted strangers, so she hoped to find a spot a decent distance away, preferably on a hill or something.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Steel was trotting around Ponyville, wondering as to why nopony was out in the streets.  And as he ran through his mental calendar, it struck him.  "Ah... Das ist es!  Es it die Summer Sun celebration!  I must move faster!"  He began galloping towards Canterlot full speed, and as he crossed the city limits, remembered he was a pegasus, and unfurled his wings as to not be late to his first festival of any kind in Equestria.

((Since I find it more fitting, the Steel I'm roleplaying here is significantly younger and lacks the foster son that is in his backstory, and also being in Equestria for not too long, still has his Germane accent :P))

"In the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing rather than to get the right


Newest addition,

My First OC,

Steel Forest
His foster son,

Shuttle Fire

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From the top balcony of one of the towers on Canterlot Castle a black shadow watched the celebrations below. Far from any eye to catch his sight the golden reptilian eyes of a dragon witnessed the joy of the new sun to be born. He is a “small” dragon, at least for his kind not taller than an alicorn when stood on his hind legs. His scales look like black shaded with blue.

His face is a testimony of the joy in his soul as we watched how the festivals, music and smiles down below captivate the hearts of the pony kind he has sworn to protect.

“You should be down there this year Colt” said a voice inside the room “Without your efforts this celebration may well not have happened” the source of the voice is a dark blue mare with a mane blue and beautiful as the morning sky. “Don’t be silly your majesty they would just run away screaming at the first glance they got on me” he answered with kindness to the mare.

“I have told you to call me Luna you stubborn dragon, we have been friends for more than 20 years and you still keep that silly role” a winged pony with a large horn walked towards the dragon. “They all know what you have done for Equestria Colt, they respect you”.

“No your mag..” he stoped after watching the alicorn frowned “No Luna they don’t. They love and respect you and your sister just as I do… but for me they only feel fear believing that Im a monster tamed by you two wating to go wild and vile.” He stoped for a second looking down below once more. He wanted to be with them enjoying with them but that was not possible.

“So this will be another year that you will keep us away from your company?” she asked with puppy like eyes “You know you can convince me to do anything with that face you silly filly” he said with a gentle stroke on the Luna’s mane. “But not this… I just don’t want to ruin everything” the dragon added with a sad voice “I will watch over you both from here”.

“That’s what you always do” The alicorn sighed sketching a sad face, in a way she knew he was right, the pony kind was just to afraid of the dragons and that did not change from the last year. “Well just be there on the banquette tonight ok? At least try to, it would mean a lot to Tia and me”. Before the dragon could answer Luna extended her wings and flew down to the center of the parade waiting for her sister to shine like every year with her dragon friend watching with wonder from above.

Edited by Colt
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Fortune slowly wades his way through the crowd, tipping his hat at anypony who greets him.

"Is there anypony here that can tell me where I'm going exactly? I know I'm in the bulk of the crowd, but where is it being held."

I sigh from my voice being drowned out, before finally falling through the final line of ponies, right in front of the podium's position.


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

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Scrolls and scriptures lay scattered around in the dim light of a parrafin lamp. Pondah stands nearby, thinking how best to re-organise everything. "You know what? Screw this. I'm too young to waste my life sat down, inside and without friends. I'm getting out there. But where to?" Pondah flicks through a large stack of maps and randomly chooses a place to go. "Hm... Canterlot. This should be fun." After filling a saddlebag with some food for the journey and with the map, Pondah leaves his house. "It's time to get out there."

Edited by Coffee123
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Solar Flicker yawned. Staying up late the past several nights was taking a toll. Not that it mattered. Today was the Summer Sun Celebration, the biggest, most festive party of the year. One more night of sleeplessness couldn't make that big of a difference. A crowd of ponies swarmed around her, churning in their eagerness to celebrate Celestia's reign over the day. Personally she had always preferred Nightmare Night, but she had decided to branch out this year. She had never seen Celestia raise the sun before after all.

The crowd began to make her feei claustrophobic and she propelled herself off the ground with a powerful flap of her wings. There was more air higher up and it was less unnerving.When her nerves got the better of her she was a different pony altogether. One pony looked lost in the mele beneath her and asked where he was going. "Dunno, but go with the flow. It's sure to lead to some adventure!" She performed a double barrel roll across the sky.

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After several days of un-eventful travelling, Pondah reached Canterlot. "Now, it's time to do something good with my time." Pondah trotted into Canterlot but got his eyes transfixed on a nearby poster, hanging from the side of a house.


"Come one, come all! Come to the Summer Sun celebration tonight in Canterlot and see Princess Celestia raise the sun!"


"Hm." Pondah thought. "Looks the the organisers have used the same poster for everywhere, I'm in Canterlot now. But hey, could be some fun for the new Pondah. Pondah went walking to the Castle till it was time for the sun to be raised

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(Looks like everyone's here. Time to raise the sun.)


A hush falls over the crowd as Celestia climbs onto the podium, her armor sparkling in the moon's radiance. Nodding to her sister, she bows her head, horn glowing. Her wings open, lifting her into the air as the first traces of sunlight peek over the horizon. She continues to rise, the sun showing its face. The night slowly becomes day, Celestia merely a silhouette against the amber light. As she reaches the apex of her flight, a bolt of red lightning rockets from the cloud over the sea. Seeing it, a guardpony throws himself in front of it, to no avail. The bolt passes through his body and he falls, screaming, to the ground, his wings alight. Alerted by the screams, Celestia opens her eyes just in time to see the bolt hurtling towards her. It crashes into her chest, sending her skidding across the ground. Luna dashes over to her sister's side, helping her up. With  a grimace, Celestia says, "Sh-show yourself! Who are you?"


A rumble of thunder echoes over the land as the grey cloud moves closer. The guardpony that had been injured before chuckles, drawing a sword and slashing at his comrades. Chain lightning strikes the cloud; one bolt nearly fries Solar Flicker. The struck ponies collapse, groaning, then rise to their feet and attack the others. Celestia watches as her subjects battle, then turns her gaze to the cloud. She and luna look at each other, spread their wings, and hurtle towards the cloud, horns glowing. They rocket into its center... and do not emerge.


(When attempting to fight/use skills, use this link: http://rolz.org/group . The room name is MLPforums dice logger. Roll a d20 and add the corresponding stat bonus: +1 for 12/13, +2 for 14/15, +13 for 16/17, etc. generally, anything above 16 is a success. )

Edited by Addem Up

And I dream of an absolution...



Addem Up: http://mlpforums.com.../addem-up-r1792

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A cold terrible chill runs through the dragon’s spine with a roar that was born at the coar of heart “NO!!!” resounded across the now empty halls of the castle as he watched the princess of the sun being struck.

In less than a second his dragon wings opened and using the balcony railing he impulse with all his strength towards the scene. Colt was darting towards the sisters as he saw them rising up to the wicked cloud and was about to follow them but the Innocent ponies below were being slain by their love ones. “I trust you two, be safe” were his thoughts towards the royal siblings as he flapped his wings going to the now flaming guard that attacked the crowd and his comrades.

The dragon tackled the unicorn with now flaming wings and after a roll he kicked him far-off using his legs then standing up after finishing the roll. “Shake the fear off.” He shouted to the crowd “Royal guards stand your ground!” After all most of them were once recruits under his teaching “Gentlecolts I don’t want casualties take them down but not killing they are our people” was his order as the to the guards.

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“Shake the fear off.” He shouted to the crowd “Royal guards stand your ground!” After all most of them were once recruits under his teaching “Gentlecolts I don’t want casualties take them down but not killing they are our people” was his order as the to the guards.


A few of the guards paused momentarily, looking up at the dragon. This proved to be a mistake; they were swiftly subdued by the crowd. The remainder of the guards began to flee towards the city gates. The large doors slammed shut just as they reached them, the crash mixed with the rumble of thunder. 

And I dream of an absolution...



Addem Up: http://mlpforums.com.../addem-up-r1792

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Pondah turned his gaze towards the dragon flying towards the dark cloud. "Heh. First event as new Pondah and it is already looking interesting. Best follow that dragon, I'm not in the mood to be attacked by royal guards or nut-job civilians." Pondah sprinted as fast as he could, frequently looking skywards to see if he was still following the dragon. Unfortunately, he forget the gates were closed and collided with them with a loud crash. "I am going to feel that one in the morning." Pondah thought as he rubbed his forehead.

"Well, looks like I best get into the castle, maybe those guards could keep me safe till I work out how to get out." Pondah sprinted back towards the castle. He reached the door but decided to wait to see how hostile the guards would be.

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Steel watched in awe as the princesses flew into the cloud, and a dragon following close behind, and feeling he's missing the festival, trotted faster towards the city gates.  To him, this was just part of the festival.  He arrived at the gates, and tapped on them with his hoof.  "Hallo?  Ist anyvon here?"

"In the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing rather than to get the right


Newest addition,

My First OC,

Steel Forest
His foster son,

Shuttle Fire

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"Crap, I'm not built for fighting. I need to get out of here, but I can't run with this damn leg. What to do? What to do? I can't just stand here helpless... I guess I need to go before this crowd tramples me."

He looks around for any friendlies.

"Anypony not out for blood willing to help? I could really use it right now!"


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

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Star Rain watched intently as Princess Celestia prepared to raise the sun, but her excitement didn't last long when chaos broke out. She saw some evil-looking ponies coming her way and she dashed off, horn glowing cyan incase they caught up to her.


(OOC: Oh geez, I have no idea what all these codes are and stuff!)

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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The crowd went mad and the “crazy” ponies kept the civilians at risk Colt flew to have a better look of the situation. There were lots of chaos and fighting but his eyes got the image of a young stallion moving his hooves asking for help he was injured and there was no way he would be able to stay safe. The dragon dive down to him and grab his hoof.

“Don’t worry son I’ll take you to safety”. He took his other hoof and flew to a close balcony on a third floor of the nearby buildings. “Stay here” the dragon said to the young pegasus.

Once again went back down landing in front of a group of the ponies that were out of his mind. As landing his eyes glowed with golden light and two white streams of diamond like dust started to flow to a spark in the middle of his hands. A cold atmosphere was felt by those close to the dragon by that moment. The ponies charged against him as he slammed both his hands on the ground sending streams of magic energy through the ground that frost as the waves traveled until it reached those who were out of their mind.

Ice instantly grow from the ground covering the bodies of the wicked ponies. “Maybe that can stop them” he said as his magic was taking efect.

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The frozen ponies toppled to the ground, completely covered in ice. The remainder of the crazed ponies turned their attention towards  the dragon, growling. One of them shudders, then spews a long green flame from his mouth.



A group of ponies charge towards Star Rain as well, teeth bared.



A large griffon swoops down, his talons extended towards the pegasus at the gates.

And I dream of an absolution...



Addem Up: http://mlpforums.com.../addem-up-r1792

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"Glad I'm up here... But that dragon needs help. I wish I had my weapons with me, but I never thought I'd need them."

He gazes at the sights in front of him, the group of ponies charging at the lone pony, a griffon flying around, the dragon trying to give crowd control.

"What to do? I can't just let her die... Buck, I'll do what I can. I'm sorry... dragon, but this is an order I'm gonna need to disobey."

I fly down towards the lone pony to pick her up off the ground.

"Don't worry, you're gonna be fine... Now just to get you to a safe spot. Just hold on, I'm not used to this."

I fly as fast as I can to the nearest balcony and set her down before taking a rest myself.

"So uhh... Got a name?"

Edited by Colt-Fortune


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

Check out my OC here:


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(yes, you did. For dice rolls, just PM me. In fact, I'm gonna make a group convo for dice rolls and OOC discussion.


Also, if anyone's confused, as Star seems to be, just ask me. I'm perfectly willing to clarify any problems you have.


Word limits are not okay things.)

"Glad I'm up here... But that dragon needs help. I wish I had my weapons with me, but I never thought I'd need them."

He gazes at the sights in front of him, the group of ponies charging at the lone pony, a griffon flying around, the dragon trying to give crowd control.

"What to do? I can't just let her die... Buck, I'll do what I can. I'm sorry... dragon, but this is an order I'm gonna need to disobey."

I fly down towards the lone pony to pick her up off the ground.


(OOC, I got an 18 so did I successfully save her?)

And I dream of an absolution...



Addem Up: http://mlpforums.com.../addem-up-r1792

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Solar Flicker barely dodged the bolt of lightning. She bared her teeth. Nopony tried to kill her and managed to get away with it. She barreled towards the cloud, ignoring the static coming from it. Her eyes widened as the cloud swallowed the princesses of night and day, but did not slow down. She kicked the cloud and darted away, performing a barrel roll. "I'm coming for you!" She yelled to the princesses. The sky was stuck in twilight now.

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Solar Flicker barely dodged the bolt of lightning. She bared her teeth. Nopony tried to kill her and managed to get away with it. She barreled towards the cloud, ignoring the static coming from it. Her eyes widened as the cloud swallowed the princesses of night and day, but did not slow down. She kicked the cloud and darted away, performing a barrel roll. "I'm coming for you!" She yelled to the princesses. The sky was stuck in twilight now.


As she does, a large buglike creature emerges from the cloud, slamming into her. It snaps at her neck as they plummet towards the ground.

A bolt of the same red lightning hurtles towards the newly risen sun; with a groan, its light shifts from yellow to red, casting a bloody pall over Canterlot.

And I dream of an absolution...



Addem Up: http://mlpforums.com.../addem-up-r1792

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Colt glances over at the crowd, nervously pacing.

"Actually hold that thought miss, I'll be right back. I need to work my magic."

I fly down onto the podium and yell into the microphone set up there.

"Ponies, calm down! This chaos isn't going to help anypony! We need to stand together and face the threat. We need to root out the traitor guard, or whatever is possessing him! Don't go attacking innocents! If we do this, we're just letting that Discord creature from the history books win. Bear with me, and don't cause needless chaos."

I stare at the crowd that's just staring back at me.

Edited by Colt-Fortune


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

Check out my OC here:


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Crap. Flicker thought as the creature pinned her to the ground. It was coming dangerously close to her neck now. She began panting as  the new beeing drew closer to the vital veins in her throat. In desperation she lashed out with her hooves, hoping to damage its face long enoug for her to get away.

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Steel froze as his ear twitched, being especially accustomed to detect the sound of wind over feather.  He turned his head around and locked his gaze on the incoming threat.  Knowing he could probably withstand some of the attacker's attack and fight better on the ground, he swung around and faced the griffon, planting his hooves in the dirt bracing for the imminent attack.

Edited by Ian

"In the new approach, as you know, the important thing is to understand what you're doing rather than to get the right


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My First OC,

Steel Forest
His foster son,

Shuttle Fire

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