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open Tears of Virtue

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The sword sinks into the changeling, bright green blood spurting from his chest. He coughs but maintains the spell, shivering slightly. In a burst of flame, the changeling disappears. Over the mental connection, Pondah hears: (Run, little earth pony. Run and hide and pray to your Princesses.) The link snaps.

And I dream of an absolution...



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Good thing that changeling didn't cast that spell. It would've spelled big trouble for us! Star rain though when the changeling teleported away. She turned to Pondah and took note on how badly he wanted to give it a slow death filled with nothing but agony. Does that pony know how low we would go if we did such a thing?!

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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[Damn it! No slaughter, no sword and no science. All losing to magic again. I need some of that.]

Pondah turned away from the ponies and the dragon and started to wonder slowly towards the keep. He could sense the hate and disgust from the other ponies and decided not to incite their wrath.

[Actually, no. Everypony has left the city, it's time to see if anyone has anything useful lying around.

Pondah changed direction and dashed towards a nearby house.

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(OOC: rolls 15 for wisdom)


Star Rain looked on as Pondah dashed off from the group. Well this isn't good. He's going to get killed if we're not around... She then saw a blob of green and dark grey and heard a snarl that she identified as a changeling's. She saw one of them about to cast a spell, so she casted a small shield spell on Pondah that surrounded him like a dome.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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The shield surrounds Pondah just in the nick of time; the spell smashes into it. Pondah is thrown backwards, but remains unharmed, Star Rain's magic protecting him from both the gout of magical fire and the resulting collision with the building behind him. The changelings continue to advance on the group.

And I dream of an absolution...



Addem Up: http://mlpforums.com.../addem-up-r1792

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"LEG IT!" Pondah charged towards the keep, hoping that within there would be a armoury. He took a detour towards the other ponies in the chance they would work as a distraction, causing some of the Changelings to stop following him.


[Mental Link with Changelings (ROLL 9+5=14)


[Hey, I am defenceless, pick on the others and come back later. That will please your master (CHA:13)]

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"I have that psycho a weapon and guarded him while he sharpened it."

I say to myself. "Pondah! Stop now! Where do you think you're going? We need to stick together... Even if I think you're methods are cruel and horrible."

I fly out towards him trying to dodge the changeling attacks.


( I rolled a 22! Yay!)


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

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The changelings ignore the mental communication, continuing to advance towards Pondah. They pause briefly as Fortune barrels through their ranks, but quickly resume pressing the charge, forcing the ponies back farther and farther. It's obvious they mean to pin them down and tear them apart.

And I dream of an absolution...



Addem Up: http://mlpforums.com.../addem-up-r1792

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"Hey Fortune, look out!" Pondah stopped dead and reared, letting out a mule kick to anything behind him in the hope a Changeling wouldn't see it coming and face plant right into his back hooves.(STR: 18)


[Link to Colt: WIS: 6+5=11]


[i'm sorry. I had to do what I did. Don't tell anypony. Oh, try not to get hit by me. I'm going for a cheap shot. Just so you know, you are not hallucinating, I really can mentally connect with people. That's what I can do. Not much good in a fight by myself. Sorry about the sword thing earlier. Sometimes everything gets to much to handle.]


"Hey everypony else, haul it to the keep and stay safe or get over and fight!

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"Everypony, scratch that previous idea, run for it! We can't handle this many at once!" Pondah went back to bolting at his top speed towards the keep door, the horde of Changelings behind him acting as encouragement to keep on going.

"What are you waiting for? Run! Or in Colt and Dragon Colt's cases, fly away!"

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@@Addem Up,


(OOC: I happen to have a lucky streak apparently.)


Star Rain bolted toward the door, but then stopped and turned to perform a spell to keep them back. Only a few sparks came out though(rolled 13 for wisdom. Guess my streak ends here...). Darn it! I have to keep running! she thought as she turned around and ran toward the door.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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"QUICK, EVERYPONY INSIDE, NOW!" Pondah rushed through the doors, his forehoof extended to allow the other ponies a quicker route inside by being pulled through the door. "The sooner we are inside, the sooner we plan our next move and our escape from this crazy city."


[i don't know how long that golden web thing will last but I sure do hope that it is a sign somepony is inside or that those Changelings get tired of their onslaught before the seal breaks.]


[OOC: Am I allowed to scan for other minds in the keep? If so, I rolled (WIS:7+5=14)]

[if anypony is in here and able to copy this, shout "I am here". We all need any help we can get. There are 5 of us including a Royal Guard. We are not hostile. Usually. So I say it again, if you can hear me, shout "I am here"]

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After the near onslaught of the changelings Fortune flies to the keep behind the other ponies, shooting random arrows to fend them off, landing non-fatal distracting hits every now and then from luck alone. He fires off one last arrow before finally entering in the keep.

"Well, today certainly is an interesting day. But does anypony here have any medical experience? This leg is just getting better, I'm still not completely well."

He lands down on the ground lightly landing his injured leg.

"Because if this thing re opens... I may not be around much longer to help anypony."


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

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"Hey Colt. I came prepared for three things. Hunger, getting lost and injuries. This will have to do until we find somepony with skill in medicine." Pondah pulls his forehoof inside and pulls out a bandage. "It very crude but I am not a doctor." Pondah wraps Colt's leg in the bandage and puts his forehoof back outside to help drag the others into the keep.

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"Well it's no permanent solution. But it helps, like I said earlier that mission was a lot more trouble than it was worth."

He finishes tying the bandage around tightly and walks around with a limp for a moment.

"I can't believe the Canterlot doctors couldn't fully fix it up, Celestia bless their souls. But at least they were able to seal it for a time."

He then stresses from relief.

"I'm gonna go see if this place has a library, a nice story can help calm my nerves."

I walk off in search of a library.


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

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The young group is now in the tower and the magic defenses of the city are keeping the weird black creatures at bay. Some of them are not in the best shape and the weird conduct of Ponda have broken the already week trust of the group.


Colt listen to the idea of Fortune to go top into the tower knowing that the menace is still outside and separating the group would be a terrible Idea for the wounded pony the dragon address to him.


“Fortune wait, we are still under the knife’s edge we don’t know if the magical defenses will last long against such numbers and I think we should make our way far from Canterlot.” He said to Fortune and the rest of the group.


“There is a passage way that the cadets of the guard use to go drink and relax while in training, it leads to the caves below Canterlot and that caves have a lot of tunnels that lead to the main mountain pass that leads in and out the city.” He explained to the ponies around him.


“I think that is our best odd to get all of you out of here alive”.


@, @, @, @@MagicalStarRain, @@Addem Up,

Edited by Colt
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"Good idea. I have a map that should let us reach several major places in Equestria. I'm thinking we get going to the nearest large place nearby. Ponyville has a hospital that might be able to do something more suitable for Colt and has a library that may have some idea of what is going on. Not to mention some chance of getting some rest. Lead the way."


Pondah turned to Fortune


"Hey, need a hoof walking?"

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Star Rain nodded to the dragon in agreement. She looked outside the window and took note of the sheer number of changelings. "Yeah, we should get out of here as soon as possible. We won't want these changelings to follow us and we'd better not leave any traces behind," she said as she noticed a few strands of hair from her own mane had fallen out. She swept them under the rug and stomp on the rug it make it flat.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Solar Flicker sighed. She hated to leave the fight, but it seemed hopeless. She followed the others into the keep and hovered over all the others.Being on the ground with the others made her claustrophobic at times. The changelings swarmed outside the door. She shuddered. She hated being underground. The chrystals were hideously unalive, constantly bristling at her. Ten she sighed. "I suppose if it's the only way to make it out alive. But I'd hate to go there."

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"I'm fine... But I see your point. I can put it off for a bit."
He notices Pondah's question.

"No, thank you though Pondah. Even though I don't agree with everything you do, you seem like a decent enough pony. Even though that sword belonged to my father and his before him..."

He sighed and took a seat on the ground.

"I guess I'm here whenever the rest of you want to pull out. I guess I'll mess around with the gem."

Fortune pulls the gem out of his saddlebag and gazes into it, almost entrancingly.

"This gem is beautiful... I only wish I could find out more about it."

He rotates the gem and checks it for anything new for the hundredth time then sighs.

"Maybe it's just not for me. Maybe it's just a legend."


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

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"Hey wait. Somepony is in here. I can here them. They are congratulating us for our success or something. I say we look for them. They could help us. Colt, do you know if this place has an armory? I think everything will be easier if we are all armed."


A glint of shining light bounced from the Dragon's Tear and caught Pondah's eyes.


"So shiny." Pondah said, enthralled by the flawless radiance of the gem's shine.

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The voice sounds again, this time projecting into everypony's head: "You have done well to reach me... Come, o heroes..." A golden ball of light pops into existence, gently bobbing as if rocked by invisible waves. It begins to float towards a doorway leading to the top of the tower.

And I dream of an absolution...



Addem Up: http://mlpforums.com.../addem-up-r1792

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