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private The Amulet of the Eventide (RP)


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Flame stayed quiet, listening to the ponies around him speak. He took off his saddle bag and placed it and his spear on a table, sitting down at tapping his hooves against the floor. *I hope this all turns out alright.* He thought, Looking at his double ended spear.

Something something something something


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Discharge could see that Goldseek was distressed about something, and right to be. Of course he didn't to say anything to alarm the rest of the group. "Well...the standard Equestria guard patrol consists of 7 ponies, right? A royal patrol normally consists of at least double that. The ponies who returned to Canterlot with the good news where also sent with the royal patrol that was sent to investigate. There has been no word sinse, so we can safely assume there are at least 20 missing guards." 




"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get to blow something up soon enough. As Lost Knowledge said, we can't be getting ahead of ourselves. And the journey will take as long as it takes." 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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(Just to clear things up, Quip's voice sounds like

, just try and ignore the grunts and strange noises, and he isn't crazy)

Quip eyed the stallion, but simply ignored him for the most part. "I'm as prepared and level headed as i can be, don't tell me you doubt me. It doesn't matter how much armor they have, bombs blow up EVERYTHING."

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"You both are correct we all need to make sure that we are fully prepared, you can blow as much stuff you want up but if you run out of food, or you are not prepared if you take an injury then you become a burden, of course it's in my nature to not leave anypony behind but you all need to think first and make sure you're ready thats all", Aqua was not causing an argument just preventing trouble from happening further on in the expedition.

Edited by Aqua Pura

My OCs

Ponysona - Aqua Pura 



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Maroon Sky was positively amazed when the bar's interior shifted around them, and even more so when Advent explained what would be their mission. Such important amulet, and yet Princess Luna seemed to refuse to send another squad of Royal Guards, and resorted to hire a bunch of civilians instead. Was there something about the amulet that she couldn't risk of being heard by the Canterlot? What could make the amulet so important to her? Maybe... The sheer thought that they might had been sent too retrieve an amulet of power was enough to send a shiver to Maroon's spine.


He noticed Lost Knowledge's barely veiled lust for the amulet. He made a mental note to pay extra attention to the old stallion, the amulet was simply too precious to be sold to the highest bidder.


Maroon Sky raised a hoof. "If it's possible, I would like to know what kind guards Princess Luna sent to retrieve the amulet before us, how many of them are Pegasi and such. Does Princess Celestia knows about this amulet and us?" He asked to Ardent.

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@@Starshine@@Aqua Pura,


Discharge shook his head "I do not know. But being the royal guards of one of the Princesses of our land, one can assume they would be among the best. Personally, I would assume they would be of all races, but there must have been at least some pegasi there to return the message." He began to check the straps on his equipment as he was talking now "As for our Princess Celestia, I do not know. I would guess she would know of this, she is our watchful ruler after all, and I doubt she would let something as important as this go unnoticed. However...I find it...curious that we where asked by Princess Luna..." He trailed off, slowing what he was doing as he spoke before picking up again "I would suggest you all take 5 minutes to check your equipment and prepare, then meet me outside. We will need to leave soon." With this, Discharge headed over to the door, and stepped outside, gesturing for Aqua to follow him.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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He noticed Lost Knowledge's barely veiled lust for the amulet. He made a mental note to pay extra attention to the old stallion, the amulet was simply too precious to be sold to the highest bidder.


(Lost Knowledge's interest in the amulet is mainly academic. Opportunities to discover (well not discover exactly, but close enough) something like this don't come along very often. He's hoping that he'll earn more renown among archaeologists as a result of this mission, but he has no interest in possessing the amulet himself.)




Lost Knowledge checked his machete and hatchet, making sure they were fastened safely onto his belt, and went through his back, confirming that he had everything he needed. He then headed outside and waited for the others.

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Night Song picked her bow up, relieved it wasn't damaged in any way. She checked her arrows, all razor sharp and gleaming with her ability to use them. She checked her food supplies and her water bottle. She had packed some apples and carrots, as well as a few sweets. And around her neck hung the white treble clef.

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Maroon Sky took a moment to let Ardent's words sink in. There was a possibility that Celestia had no idea about this expedition. He silently prayed in Her name that this expedition wouldn't end in the most terrible way imaginable. He was not a coward, no, but there was a lingering doubt in his heart whether Princess Luna was truly atoned from her dark ways or not.

He sighed. It was not the time for him to contemplate anything. He unlatched his stone clubs from his saddle and swung them around with his telekinesis to check for any fault. Satisfied that there was none, he moved to inspect his supplies. Food, water, personal first aid kit, a small dagger Ardent gave him from days before, a brown blanket, and last but not least, a lucky charm. Maroon Sky cradled the small hoof mirror a mare once gave to him before stuffing everything back to his saddlebag. He trotted to join Ardent and the others.

  • Brohoof 1


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Quip huffed and refused to check his pack again for the hundredth time. Its not like his bombs would just explode without the fuses being lit, and his supplies were filed to the brim of his pack.



Quip noticed a very young navy blue mare, she was checking her supplies and weapons, but she looked too inexperienced to even pull back the drawstring on that bow.


Quip walked over and briefly examined her. "You don't seem at all like the fighting ty- or for that matter, the adventurous type. Why are you coming along?" he said a bit more offensively than he intended.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Night Song flinched at the stallion's comment, but not surprised since she was so different from the other ponies in the room in terms of appearance. She was just surprised that somepony would bring it up. "Well, just because I look weak and helpless doesn't mean I can't fight or take care of myself," she said politely, hiding her shock.

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Quip eyed the mare, "I don't remember saying 'weak' OR 'helpless', i just said you didn't look like the fighting or adventurous type, that doesn't suggest that i think you look weak or helpless. You just look a bit inexperienced, and you have all the right to prove me wrong" he said with a slight shrug and a tilt of the head.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Flame stood back up and put his saddle bag back on after seeing a pony trot outside. He strapped his spear to his back and trotted over to the door. He stopped and stood next to it, Unsure weather they were leaving right now or not. *Say something.* He thought. "...Uh..." He muttered.

Something something something something


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"Right eveypony who is still in here check your stuff, if you haven't already and like you have been told, please make your way outside with the rest we dont have all day chop chop", Aqua said with a very demanding voice. Checking his stuff for the last time, then walking out side past the pony stood next to the door, to join the rest of the ponies that were out there, when he turned round and asked the pony "is there something the matter?".

Edited by Aqua Pura

My OCs

Ponysona - Aqua Pura 



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Night Song normally wasn't one make bold actions, but she decided to prove it. She looked around to see that nopony but Quip was watching and then saw a center point on a cushion on the other side of the room that she was sure would block out all noise. She  began to hover and picked up her bow, strung an arrow onto it, and pulled it back with no stress. After a few seconds, she fired the arrow into the center point of the cushion in a straight line.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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@@Aqua Pura,


"Uuuh...No." He said, stepping outside the door. "You just answered my question so." He gave a weak smile. *Ok...Why did I sign up to do this again ?* He thought, Kicking a pebble across the dirt road. *I mean really...I could be off at dinner with Star or something.* He thought.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Quip chuckled and shook his head. "So you can pull back a bow string and just happen to have lady luck on your side, doesn't prove anything but the fact you can pull back a bow string. I meant you can prove it to me while were on the mission. Now go and get your arrow back, wouldn't want to lose the entire mission because you forgot to retrieve an arrow".


He sighed and left to go outside and join the others. That mare was interesting, he would have to spend more time with her later.

Edited by Ponyworld Destroyer
  • Brohoof 1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Night Song became rather discouraged by Quip and the light reflecting in her eyes almost seemed to disappeared. It takes more than luck to hit the target at its center she reminded herself, bringing that glint back. She yanked her arrow out of the cushion and placed it black into her quiver and trotted outside to join the others. Her wings were flared open with a strong ambition to prove herself strong.

Edited by MagicalStarRain
  • Brohoof 1

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"ok no problem" Aqua replied as he joined up with the rest of the group, all of the ponies looking ready to set off. All they were waiting for now was for the rest of the group to join, and then they could all set off together.


(OOC : this is my last post i am off to bed now my eyes are closing them selfs even tho i dont want them to)

My OCs

Ponysona - Aqua Pura 



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Goldseek made sure the sheath of his blade was fastened, then walked out to join the others. Twenty. Twenty guards. He tried to convince himself that mind control wouldn't be used. Why would it be? If the princess wants the amulet, it wouldn't be evil. He repeated that in his mind. 

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Discharge examined the still dead streets around them, before making his next speech "We'll be taking a carriage along the route Princess Luna's royal guards should have taken - if we don't find any sign of the Amulet or the guards on the way, we will make the journey to the Tower the of the Crystal Moon ourselves, and search for what we can. The carriage owner has said that he will not be able to make the entire journey up to the tower, and will be forced to drop us off at the base of the mountains. From there, we will have to proceed on foot up the mountain to the tower." Discharge announced to the group "Is everypony ready to go?"

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Discharge examined the still dead streets around them, before making his next speech "We'll be taking a carriage along the route Princess Luna's royal guards should have taken - if we don't find any sign of the Amulet or the guards on the way, we will make the journey to the Tower the of the Crystal Moon ourselves, and search for what we can. The carriage owner has said that he will not be able to make the entire journey up to the tower, and will be forced to drop us off at the base of the mountains. From there, we will have to proceed on foot up the mountain to the tower." Discharge announced to the group "Is everypony ready to go?"

"I believe I am." Goldseek really wasn't ready for anything, but no point in stalling. He had seen much, and no doubt this wouldn't be much different. "And what if we see a guard?" He asked, puzzled by that sentence. Why they would see a guard, he didn't know, unless by some odd chance his theory was correct.

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Discharge let out a hearty laugh "Why do you think we where paid in advance?" he joked as he began walking. "If we see a guard, we'll get answers. That's what we're hoping for, at least. But we should get moving, lets start making our way to the carriages, they're waiting for us at the train station, we'll be riding aside the tracks."

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Quip eyed Discharge. His laugh was confusing to him, but he tried not to worry about it.


Quip pulled out a small grenade and examined it, not what you would expect though. This was more like a small version of the normal impact bomb, and a very crude design, that's why it was rarely used in equestrian military, although efficient for the cost.

Quip had modified a few of these grenades to be held in a net, and thrown on the ground as an array of mines, unable to detonate unless stepped on. He had very few of these, but he hoped they would come in handy.

Edited by Ponyworld Destroyer

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Is everypony ready to go?"

"I'm ready to go," Maroon Sky said calmly, determination was clear in his voice. He trotted along with the rest of the group. Ardent said that they would start the journey by riding the carriage alongside the tracks, does that mean the Tower of the Crystal Moon was near one of the train routes? Maroon Sky didn't know what that should mean to him, but he was slightly worried about something else. There was something missing, but for the life of him he couldn't tell what it was.



Quip pulled out a small grenade and examined it


Maroon Sky noticed the green earth pony from earlier had pulled out a small object that could only be an explosive. If his hunch was right, the stallion could make a very useful ally in this expedition. He trotted closer to the pony. "So, I take it your talent is explosion? How many of those things you have in there?"


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