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private Whisper: The City of Darkness (DEAD)


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Did that pony just slap him? That pony just slapped? Why did that pony jus-

Oh look Pisces wasn't panicking anymore. By the time Pisces  had shaken himself out of his shock, Sagittarius had already walked away, not allowing Pisces to give any form of rebuttal. 



Libra followed after them, still frowning. There had to be more than two options! The town or the wilderness or.... Couldn't they just find there way back to the river? All they would really need to do was find a way to cross back over!
"Guys wait!" She called, coming to a halt. She paused before continuing on, not bothering to see if she had gotten their attention or not:
"Everypony acts as if we only have just those two options: Dying here," she gestured with her hoof to the desolate city, "Or dying there." She nodded towards the sparse wilderness, "Can't we just find the river again? I don't think it would be too hard! We could cross back and be home in a matter of days!"
She stopped, coming to a realization. If they went back, what would the Principal and his Assistant do to them? Her frown grew deeper, to her utmost chargrin. She huffed in frustration. Damn it. Damn it all to hell. Buck, why was life so unfair?
"We'll just have to risk it..." She murmured, almost half to herself.

Pisces considered Libra's argument for a moment, but quickly realized that finding the river meant going out into the wasteland where they would more than likely die. After a bit more thinking, which derailed into something about using paper maché to fuel a sky ship somewhere, Pisces decided that it would probably be best to stick with the group and just try not to think to hard. He picked up the cutlass and began to walk after the group headed into town without a word.

A pirate's life for me.

Edited by Galvin Starlight
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(No more Bold Green Letters, They are f***ing annoying to do..)


Tlalli walked over the the collection of weapons and scanned them all individually, They all.. seemed somewhat difficult to aquire. All the daggers, axes, maces and more was amazingly overwelming, Too much to choose from, she wished she had her own weapon from in her carved cabinets at home. Tlallis eyes eventually came across a nice, long sharp dagger, She picked it up in her mouth and swug it around abit, It was close to perfectly fit and balanced in her mouth; Tlalli turned around to see Sagittarius walking.. away. She put her weapon on the ground and talked to back of him "Hey, Where are you going?" she moved closer to him and kicked her dagger slightly as she walked, Just so she didn't have to run back to get it, When she got up next to him, She slowed her walking, Hoping he'd do the same "You're just going to walk into a insane murderious town where you could die easily?" she said, she exhaled softly and opened her mouth to speak again "Sounds like fun, Could I join you?" she picked up her Dagger in her mouth which was quite close to her now and kept walking beside Sagittarius, He seemed nice enough.. Atleast until she got to know him alittle better, or maybe her thoughts would twist with reality.


Hm? Somepony was following him?

Sagittarius turned his head to see Tlalli approaching him. Oh, she was just following the rest of the- WORDS OH CELESTIA WORDS AGAIN.

She seemed to be just full of questions for the colt. Why was she so interested? Sagittarius was a particularly uninteresting pony, and anypony taking interest in such an uninteresting pony was either very easily amused or needed medical help. Sagittarius was half-sure everypony here fit the latter category, so maybe Snooty Mc...

...Prissy Mc...


...he couldn't really think of a derogatory nickname for Tlalli, actually. She was alright in Sagittarius's book. Apparently sensible enough to point out that he was willingly walking into scary-crazy-murder-town, where he would more than likely be murdered by Stabby or Douchebag or Donner or Blitzen or all nine magical maim-deer at the same time. A flat nod was his only response to that.

And she wanted to follow him to scary-crazy-murder-town? That was fine with him. A nod to that as well. He seemed to be nodding a lot to her that day.

Well, he was okay with that.

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Midnight turned to libra, "no, we were tossed out here, there has to be a reason, dispite the never ending threat of dying here, i want to know why we were tossed out here with weapons and food, with nary a word, and im sure you want to as well." he smiled slightly, "i know its unfair, and its also terrible that they sent us..." he paused, what was the military term, "sent us on a suicide mission, but if we stick together, im sure we can survive just fine."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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He turned to libra ¨listen, this aint no fools joke, this is life no one can change what has happened and if we just walk back they will most likely just take an axe¨ He looked at the city ¨we could either go there and die or go back to the city and die, i stay here because if we can survive this we will survive death¨

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Aquarius was crazed to know that this horribleness wasn't a dream, so she just screamed inside of herself, it was quite noticeable, considering she was opening her mouth to scream, and nothing came out, she knew she was brave, so she just moved on with the going others. She had no clue of where they were going to go, though.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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Arianna turned back, listening to the ponies.  She gave up and sat on the ground next to Scorpiok.  Her her headband was falling over her eyes.  She quickly fixed it with her hooves, not wanting her hair in her face.  She peered in her back, double checking that all her books were there.  Satisfied that all of them were there she sealed her bag.

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Midnight shook his head, not wanting to go alone, but since everyone seemed to be pausing, he figured he could take the lead, where too? he didnt know, but he thought, the library! they could find some info about this place.

midnight smiled and looked around for some kind of map, then noticed a board, the name was faded, but there was a map that still looked in good repair, as he located the library, he turned to the others, "im going to the library, mabey we can find more information.....anypony that wants to come, you can, if not, then ill probibly be back in an hour or so, depending."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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¨IDC who you are but thats not a good idea considering we need to be one group to survive this or we could get something to just give ourselves to death, aside from that yes we would need to know info about the place but then we would need to go together as one unit not two units¨ (unit meaning team) Scorpiok blinked while saying this in the middle of the sentence, he just knew something was wrong here.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"Then why don't we all just go to the library?" Libra soothed, "We'll stay together and find some more information on this place, because a few vague legends about it being 'the first to be shadowed' aren't going to cut it..."

A library was a library, and Libra knew libraries. It paid to be a bookworm, but she digressed. Without a second thought, she went to stand beside Midnight, gazing, politely expectant, at the others.

Libra shivered involuntarily. What the buck? Her heart rate had picked up significantly and she found that the unfamiliar sensation of paranoia was beginning to set in, also she felt a strong urge to grab her stave and bludgeon any threat that got too close. Libra hated feeling out of control. She hated having to carry a weapon, she hated this city, and she hated their situation. She had a feeling she'd come to hate a lot of things pretty soon.

But now was the time to focus on information. Information and books and a quiet library. Yup.

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"That actually sounds like the best idea I've heard," Arianna smiled, getting up and walking over to her.  We can sit and relax and find out where the freaking heck we are."  She looked to the rest of the group, hoping they would agree.  It really did sound like a good idea to her.  She liked libraries.

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¨well you miss the flaws in the plan you have, firstly what if we cant read the books, secondly what if we can but the words are just jumbled around in the book or turned to dust¨ Scorpiok said with a calm voice ¨though the library must have been some sort of sanctuary around here before so i guess theres food there too... That way we could maybe use it or just avoid it.. Though survival is the way¨

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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I can swing my sword sword. Sword, my pirate sword sword. Pisces sang in his head in an attempt to keep himself from thinking. Oh look, ponies were making plans. Pisces liked plans. Especially when he wasn't thinking of them. Plans meant somepony had thought something out and knew what to do. Even if that plan stilled probably concluded with the deaths of everyone involved, it was still better than not having a plan and just sitting here thinking about dying. Thinking was the enemy as Pisces was beginning to discover. "Wll wm dmt ha-" Pisces spat the cutlass out of his mouth. "Well we don't really have anything else to go on," Pisces observed. He stared at the sword on the ground in front of him. "And I really need some better way to carry this thing around." Pisces picked up his cutlass again and walked over to join the "let's go to the library" group. "Who votes for books?!" Pisces called out, raising a hoof to the sky.

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"I do!" Arianna said glad to see someone was excited.  She raised her hoof as well.  "Do you always look on the negative side?" Arianna asked Scorpiok.  "Less negativity, more motivation.  I don't feel like dying out here."  She fixed her bag which was falling from her back.

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¨IDC who you are but thats not a good idea considering we need to be one group to survive this or we could get something to just give ourselves to death, aside from that yes we would need to know info about the place but then we would need to go together as one unit not two units¨ (unit meaning team) Scorpiok blinked while saying this in the middle of the sentence, he just knew something was wrong here.

(i know what unit means im not an idiot.)

Midnight nodded, "then lets go," he turned back to the faded map, committing it to memory, "alright, lets go," he looked up, "from what i can tell, its getting dark, and i doubt we want to be outside when that happens yes?" he started to slowly make his way down the street.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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¨i dont think on the negative side, i just think of possibilities of dark¨ he said as an answer going in town ¨but the plan has more than one thing to it so we should  go to it anyways¨ he noticed how it became darker and darker as if its going night ¨but we would need to hurry¨

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"Nonsense," said Libra as she followed after Midnight, "No book is unreadable unless I see it myself."

She sighed, somewhat exasperated and feeling another headache on the horizon. She was a bit unsure about venturing deeper into Delvia, but they needed shelter and information, and getting the lay of the land wasn't a bad idea either. They needed to be agreeable as well. They'd get nothing done standing around arguing. Libra could play peacekeeper. She hoped...

Yup. She definitely had a headache now.

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¨we will discuss once we get to the library... Though it has flaws the points of survival is more there than standing here when it is dark, so i guess our biggest chance of surviving is there¨ Scorpiok headed into town ¨those who come with me survive those who dont come with me... You get it¨ he said levitating the bags with his dark red greenish magic.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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midnight sighed, "hmm, i have an idea, theres 12 of us right? well, theres two buildings of intrest that i wouldnt mind heading too, the city hall, and the library. but beacuse its getting dark it might be dangerous." he smiled, "split into two teams of 6, and since most of us are unicorns... we can send letters and teleport to each other.....i mean its just an idea, but it could work right?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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theres 12 of us right?


(Actually, Theres Eleven.) 


Tlalli looked at the ponies, A Library? She didn't think that was much of a good idea. She didn't like the idea of not going with everypony either, But on the other hoof, They might all be lead into a trap then the other ponies wouldn't be able to save them, But on the first hoof, One group might get lost, Maybe it would be better to stay all together, But on the second hoof.. Tllali sighed quietly though her long dagger as her brain spilt in half and fought. "Maybe.." she said, looking at Midnight, She still wasn't sure about this, This town didn't seem friendly..


(Sorry for not posting, MLP Forums is really glitchly for me now, I have no idea why but sometimes it won't let me look at threads sad.png )

Edited by Sweet Innocence
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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Aquarius heard the others mentioning about going to the library, she thought it was a good idea, actually. She just wanted to know, why would the school send us here? She thought, "I was stressing so much before, like, WAAAAAYYY too stressful." She thought, "Was the school trying to get them out of there? Do they just randomly hate us? Noooooo, that's stupid. But they must have a reason to have us here.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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The prospect of splitting up was probably the most idiotic idea Sagittarius had ever heard. To put into perspective: Imagine a group of ponies in a B-rated horror flic. They all wake up in the middle of a mysterious town, which may or may not want to see them all dead. One pony, in a spark of genius, decides that the gang should split up to cover more ground.

...what do you think was going to happen to one of those groups? What pony honestly believes this story could end well? Because by the looks of it, that was exactly what Midnight was doing. If this was a written story, Sagittarius would be putting his bits on Midnight as being the first to 'disappear'.

But of course, Sagittarius was not a pony particularly prone to pronouncing his position.

Instead, the blue colt walked alongside the rest of the group, turning his head every so often to note where he was. The buildings all looked similar, which worried him. Everything looked crippled. Wounded, even, as if the town itself was a living creature on its last throes. He would have pitied it, save for the fact that the odds seemed to indicate this place being his grave as well.


Don't you know? You never split the party

Clerics in the back to keep those fighters hale and hearty

The wizard in the middle, where he can shed some light

And you never let that damn thief out of sight...


It would have been more humorous if he wasn't going to die soon.

Edited by White Out
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Pisces looked over at Midnight. "I'm not sure that's a good idea Midnight," Pisces said looking concerned. "I mean if we go by the whole 'strength in numbers' things and split up evenly than we only have a fifty percent chance of not dying and we only have half as much chance as surviving." Pisces began to gesture with his hooves as he spoke. "And, if we go with that math than we're at only 25 percent chance of getting through this, and that's only if we split up evenly and since there are an odd number of us here than one group would have even lesser chance of staying alive." That was how math worked right? Pisces was pretty sure that his math was accurate, as he had a pretty good streak in his math courses. In fact his math teacher one year had like him so much she asked him to stay another year.

Either way, splitting up was probably pretty abysmal in terms of being helpful to anypony involved. .

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Arianna thought.  "I think Midnight has a good idea," she said.  "We really need to get to shelter before night comes and it'd be better to check out both places at once just in case one is a dead end.  The unicorns in the group can then teleport to the other building to join up with the other group."

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¨no need you all go to the library and ill go to the town hall¨ he said with cold in his voice ¨i dont need anyone to do anything in this town...¨ he continued into the city and actully had parted the rations with them so that he only had 1/112 of it ¨just make sure you dont die¨ he levitated 1 of the weapon bags back taking the other 2 with him, walking into the city... Alone.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"You'll get yourself killed!" She argued, hurrying after Scorpiok, "I don't care how strong you think you are, weren't you the one who suggested we all stay together?!"

She caught up to him, glaring exasperatedly.

"Look, everyone agrees this place gives them the creeps and its not safe!"

((I probably should have mentioned this before, so it's my fault not anyone else's, but I don't want people walking off alone. We can split into two groups if neccissary but not alone....))

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