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private Whisper: The City of Darkness (DEAD)


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She was about to respond to Pisces when she saw that Tlalli had awoken.

"No, we're not dead, thank Celestia, but...." She stopped, not really knowing how to explain the situation farther then what all of them could clearly see for themselves...

She glanced around once more, this time scanning for some sort of hint as to where they were. A billboard, a poster, a-

Ah! A town-limits sign! They were quite literally abandoned on the doorstep of the city!

She squinted, just barely able to decipher the words on the sign:


"Delvia?" Pisces asked turning back toward Libra. "Oh, hey Tlalli, Pisces said, "glad to see somepony else is up." He turned back toward Libra again. "So...Delvia? Geography class is my nap-time so would somepony please tell me where are exactly?"


At least they had the name of a location, hopefully that was enough to let them know where exactly they were, or at least what they were supposed to be doing out here in the first place.

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Scorpiok stood in the shadows waiting for something to happen, Then he heard someone say what delvia is on the map and since he like that class he have scouted the whole map of their side of the river and walked out of the shadows with a simple word ¨no¨ he walked up to them ¨no, Delvia is not on the map of Equestra... Atleast not the newer ones since the darkness¨ he added the darkness because nobody knew WHAT was here ¨since my family is pretty old we have older stories and it said this very town was the first one to be shadowed more than that i dont know...¨ he thought for a moment 'i thought this was just a legend... Guess its not'

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"The first to be shadowed?" Libra repeated in confusion. So Delvia was the first city to be affected by the darkness. The first city without sunlight, a trait that had quickly spread throughout the land...

She glanced once more at the delapidated buildings. The place sure fit the bill! Plus the clouds did actually look darker than that of those that constantly hung over their home. Though she supposed the slightly darker hue came with time...

"Do those legends of yours mention anything else?"

((Y'all I am writing this from the top floor of the Hilton hotel in Knoxville! This is so amazing!! Btw, there is a big reason as to why Delvia was the first city to be darkened....))

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Hokay. Sagittarius was done laying down now.

The ground was uncomfortable, the air was cold, and the surroundings weren't showing any signs of turning into rainbows and puppies anytime soon. Inaction wasn't going to accomplish anything except dwindling the time away, and though Sagittarius was normally a pony in favor of inaction, time seemed to be a restraint in this particular case. Time to get their bearings, time to prepare for the worst, time to make a plan of action.

The blue colt stood up again, finally finished with his internal flip-out, and scanned the surroundings again. There was Libra, and Pisces, and Aquarius and Scorpio(k?). They were in a place called Delvia. There were a bunch of unconscious ponies lying around. When would they wake up? Would they wake up? Sagittarius mentally stepped away from that grim thought. No, they were alive. Still breathing, it looked like, so that was a good sign. This town was...creepy. And...it was the first to be 'shadowed'? The conversation happening in his vicinity didn't make too much sense, but from the lack of life around them, the state of the town they were in, and the fact that the universe didn't like giving Sagittarius a bucking break, he reasoned that they were south of the Everfree River. And that was a very, very bad thing. There were stories he'd heard about ponies going across the river, sure, but it never crossed his mind that he would be one of the unlucky few. It seemed that him and ten lucky others had recently won an all-expense-paid vacation to Tartarus. And this 'Delvia' was just the front gate. What a nice welcome committee, too.

One thing that caught the colt's eye were the bags littering the ground among the unconscious jamboree. Travel bags. And...they were packed, apparently. Why pack travel bags for a group of students if you were sending them to their deaths?

It was occurring to Sagittarius that he was thinking of death in quite an apathetic tone. Lost in an unknown location, sure, he'd flip his shiitake mushrooms, but apparently dying wasn't on his agenda of things to worry about that day.

Either way, this bag next to him was beginning to look mighty tempting. What would a principle even pack for a group of ponies on death-row? A sleeping bag? Did ponies need this shit in the afterlife? Sagittarius was guessing 'no', but there were quite a few things he wasn't an expert on, so he left the thought up for debate.

The colt slowly approached the packed saddlebag, fell to his haunches, and curiously unlatched the top flap to peer inside.

On second thought, it might have been a bag of poisonous snakes or something.

Too late to turn back now, he supposed.

Edited by White Out
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Midnight awoke last, not sure if he was fully awake or not, not even sure he was alive, but looking around himself he figured he was awake, he was off the bus and laying in the dirt.

slowly getting too his hooves he looked around, he was alone..... but....where had everypony gone? looking around he didnt know where he was, he was in a town of sorts, but it was shoddy, many of the buildings were old. 

he noticed many ponies in the coreners of the windows, staring at him, watching him, and they gave him the creeps.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

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¨Well yes they do... But not much, just that some shadow streaks around in delvia consuming every living thing that dare enter it from 'the solar side' so not much to say¨ He quickly looked at the town seeing shadows move around... But seeing its strange since theres no sun here. (Shadows :D and White you finally got the name right just remove the ( ) around the k and its perfect XD)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Aquarius had no idea what was going on, and she didn't want to know, Maybe she was just hallucinating from the gas. No, A field trip wouldn't put something like that in the bus. Maybe she was just dreaming! Maybe this whole thing was just a big stupid dream! Aquarius thought, " Damn, I'm crazy. " And hit herself with her hoof. No. She wasn't dreaming, this was real life.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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¨Well yes they do... But not much, just that some shadow streaks around in delvia consuming every living thing that dare enter it from 'the solar side' so not much to say¨ He quickly looked at the town seeing shadows move around... But seeing its strange since theres no sun here. (Shadows :D and White you finally got the name right just remove the ( ) around the k and its perfect XD)

"Okay, okay, okay. Let's me clarify a few things just to be sure I understand everything," Pisces said. "We are currently in Delvia, the 'city to first be shadowed.'" Pisces took a deep breath. "Two, Delvia is in the darkened lands of what used to be Equestria. Three, Delvia, being the first city to be shadowed, would be the capital of the darkened lands south of the Everfree i terms of evil badness and all things that go bump in the night." Pisces was beginning to hyperventilate. "Four, Delvia has some legend about a shadowy thing that consumes all living things within the city. Five." Pisces was visibly shaking. "We are living things! And finally! Number six. Our. School. Sent us HERE!!!" Pisces screamed. "Am I understanding this all correctly?! Because I could sure use somepony telling me that I forgot something right now!"

Edited by Galvin Starlight
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¨you forgot that they left you with a psychopatic pony who dont wanna be a dragon slayer.¨ he said jokingly enough... Even if he cant joke at all ¨anyways we should get going to some sort of defensive place where we can 'survive' with eachother or be food for the wolves¨

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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midnight shook his head, no no, he couldnt be alone, he decided to walk around the town a bit try and find the others.


as he started his trek into the city, he could see shadows everywhere, but there were some that had marked diffrences that followed him as he delved a little deeper, but he tried not to notice.

looking around, he noticed fountians, trees, all sorts of things that were....melting away, "bucking hell...." he shook his head, "what happened? its like this place went to hell."


shaking his head, he blinked, and realized he was on the ground again, the shadows were there, but only on the edge of his vision, although some chose to stay, but this time, he noticed the others and immiedietly went to libra, the pony he seemed to trust the most.


"h-hey, whats going on?"

Edited by Midnight_moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Arianna took longer to awake than some of the other ponies.  She was on her stomach when she started to awake and rolled onto her side.  She looked around, finally stumbling to her feet and joining the other ponies.  Why was she always the last to respond to everything?  She sat down, listening as they conversed.

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Libra nodded to Midnight but did not speak; she squinted as she thought. She turned in time to see Sagittarius flip open one of the five bulky travel bags so "courteously" placed around them. She went to his side to glimpse at the bag's contents. She gaped

"Holy shit!"

When teachers promised weapons, they sure as buck were not kidding around! How the hell did they even get their hooves on these things?!

Most of them were small, and most deffinately for close range combat. Staves, daggers, small axes, flechettes, maces, cudgels, a scaled down crossbow or two, even a miniature cutlass...

"Whoa..." She whispered and picked up one of the needle-like staves. Still clutching it tightly, she made her way to another bag close by, opening warily.

More weapons. Bucking hell. She went around slowly until all five had been opened. She had been relieved to find rations in two of the three that had been left. But still. All those weapons.

She turned to the others, grim-faced.

"You guys really need to take a look at some of these weapons. If its here, Celestia knows we may need it later..."

With that, she quickly severed a small piece of the harness on one of the bags. She used it to tie the stave she had grabbed to her front hoof, just above her bracelets. There. That would help her keep up with it...

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Scorpiok walked over to the ones with the weapons ¨hmmm i think ill take this and this¨ he said as he took up two twin daggers ¨these are more like me two twin daggers perfect balanced if i may say so¨ he walked over to a tree giving 3 quick stabs and deep cuts from slash dance ¨they sure are pretty little stuff¨¨ he said hearing... Steps? ¨shhhh, i think somethings coming¨ he said in a low voice as he heard the steps getting further away. (guess who?)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Midnight picked up the crossbow, it wasnt like his regular bow, which he still had in his saddlebag, but it would do if he needed to hit a very long range target, as he could only draw his bow so much. so he picked up the crossbow, the bolts and followed libra over to the rations bag, and picked up a bunch and placed them in his own bag. 

turning he folded up the crossbow and strapped it within hoofs reach, then pulled out his magical bow, and placed it around his neck, "alright, so.......where too?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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The shit?
Sagittarius was expecting snakes. He opened that pack, and was a little surprised to not be greeted by a face full of fangs. Instead, knives. And sticks. And something else he wasn't sure the name was. Were all of these things filled with weapons? Why in the ever-loving buck would anypony want to outfit a group of students with sharp, pointy objects? It was bad enough that Stabby was already so practically giddy that he decided to show his stabs to a tree, but now there was an entire bus-worth of colts and fillies with pointy objects he had to worry about!

It wasn't as if Sagittarius knew how to use a weapon in the first place. Scorpio: Bane of Trees Everywhere had his magic to rely on, but the earth pony was offered no such luck. Well, at least the bag could be useful, he guessed...

With one deft motion and a flat expression, Sagittarius grabbed at the bottom and flipped the saddlebag over, spilling its pointy contents to the ground with a ringing clatter. There: all fixed. If anypony wanted this unbelievably shitty pile of swords, that was their problem. The light-blue colt pushed himself back up from the mess of weapons at his hooves, and threw the pack over his back. It wasn't a perfect replacement for all of his other stuff he lost, but it was something. A bag was a bag was a bag.

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Arianna studied the weapons warily.  She knew she wouldn't have a problem weilding them.  She was pretty strong.  She had just never wanted to resort to it.  She stared at them for a few minutes before finally selecting a spear and a small ax.  She suddenly thought back to her combative magic book.  Where was it now?  She searched frantically for her bag, quickly finding it under a large rock.  Her book was gone though.  Several other volumes filled the bag, but the one she felt would be most important was missing.

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Scorpiok looked at the city ¨if were gonna survive we need a living place so who wanna live in the cold plains and who want to live in the city¨ he said sitting on top of the sign without it breaking ¨and if you wonder... The plains would be worse than living here¨

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Okay. So everypony was okay with the fact they had been dumped in the middle of nowhere. Nowhere's population being some flesh eating shadow thing or whatever, and they had been given weapons. Actual, literal weapons! And everypony was just picking them up like nothing was wrong!


Well alright then. If Pisces was going to panic, then he was going to panic while going along with the group. 


The pink earth pony picked up a single cutlass in his mouth. Pisces of course had absolutely no training with any weaponry of any kind, aside from the history of those weapons. The cutlass, if Pisces remembered correctly, was most famous for being the chosen weapon of pirates. Pisces liked pirates, so if he was going to die, which he probably would in the next thirty minutes, he might has well have some fun and be a pirate.


"Sho we cn eder" Pisces spat the cutlass out of his mouth. "So we can either head out into unknown plains and die a horribly slow deaths of stavation when our rations run out, or we can head into town and probably be killed by some shadowy monsters. Which to do? Does anyone have a coin we could flip? Or maybe enie menie miney moe if you prefer rhymes." Pisces was obviously having a complete nervous breakdown. "If you ask me it doesn't really matter. I'm fine with any decision the group makes. In fact I'm just peachy!"

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midnight shook his head, "i dont know about you guys, but im going into town, find out if anypony is here, and if we might be able to get some information." midnight set his quiver of arrows on one of his rear legs then tightened the straps making sure it wouldnt slip off.

he turned, noticing the shadows a bit clearer this time, the didnt scare him anymore, if they were showing themselves, he had nothing to fear anymore, mabey they were just warning him. "nur der Tod wartet."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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¨Well im going into town either if the group want to or not because i dont wanna be killed by animals or starve to death... Which we would in here too but im just too bored figuring out which would be fastest to death¨ he said walking into town but stopping to think 'maybe they wanted us to go into town...'

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Sagittarius wordlessly approached Pisces from his little corner of silence and slapped him across the face. He slapped him as hard as he bucking could. Then he walked back to his previous spot, apparently satisfied with the development.


With that percussive therapy finished, the colt could focus more on the more important things at hoof, like the choice everypony was making. And seeing how the decision seemed to be unanimously 'scary crazy murder town', the colt was inclined to agree that, yes, everypony was crazy, and everypony could use a good slap just like Douchebag McFlipOut. But Sagittarius didn't have the patience to personally therapize every crazy pony in his vicinity, so he'd have to deal with more important problems first. Like scary-crazy-murder-town, for instance. That was quite the problem.


He was a little lost, actually. Not literally, but mentally. Perhaps it would be better to simply follow the rest of the ponies. No use splitting the party, after all. 'The more the merrier'? Maybe 'strength in numbers' was more appropriate. Either way, sticking with the majority seemed to be the best option if he wanted to keep being not-dead. Dying was not his favorite hobby.

Scary-Crazy-Murder-Town it was. He began walking.

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(No more Bold Green Letters, They are f***ing annoying to do..)

Tlalli walked over the the collection of weapons and scanned them all individually, They all.. seemed somewhat difficult to aquire. All the daggers, axes, maces and more was amazingly overwelming, Too much to choose from, she wished she had her own weapon from in her carved cabinets at home. Tlallis eyes eventually came across a nice, long sharp dagger, She picked it up in her mouth and swug it around abit, It was close to perfectly fit and balanced in her mouth; Tlalli turned around to see Sagittarius walking.. away. She put her weapon on the ground and talked to back of him "Hey, Where are you going?" she moved closer to him and kicked her dagger slightly as she walked, Just so she didn't have to run back to get it, When she got up next to him, She slowed her walking, Hoping he'd do the same "You're just going to walk into a insane murderious town where you could die easily?" she said, she exhaled softly and opened her mouth to speak again "Sounds like fun, Could I join you?" she picked up her Dagger in her mouth which was quite close to her now and kept walking beside Sagittarius, He seemed nice enough.. Atleast until she got to know him alittle better, or maybe her thoughts would twist with reality.

Edited by Sweet Innocence

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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midnight followed the others headed into town, if he was going to die like they said, A: he was going down fighting, B: hes going down with the group, beacuse dying alone is probibly one of his greatest fears in the world, noone to help him, he shuddered then turned to libra and the rest.

"well, you guys coming?"


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Arianna quickly hurried after them, not wanting to be alone.  She tried a wuick summoning spell as she walked, smiling in contentment when her bag grew just a bit heavier.  She didn't open the back to make sure it was the right one, not wanting to cause any suspision among the others.

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Libra followed after them, still frowning. There had to be more than two options! The town or the wilderness or.... Couldn't they just find there way back to the river? All they would really need to do was find a way to cross back over!

"Guys wait!" She called, coming to a halt. She paused before continuing on, not bothering to see if she had gotten their attention or not:

"Everypony acts as if we only have just those two options: Dying here," she gestured with her hoof to the desolate city, "Or dying there." She nodded towards the sparse wilderness, "Can't we just find the river again? I don't think it would be too hard! We could cross back and be home in a matter of days!"

She stopped, coming to a realization. If they went back, what would the Principal and his Assistant do to them? Her frown grew deeper, to her utmost chargrin. She huffed in frustration. Damn it. Damn it all to hell. Buck, why was life so unfair?

"We'll just have to risk it..." She murmured, almost half to herself.

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