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private Whisper: The City of Darkness (DEAD)


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Arianna nodded, just barely understanding his words.  "I noticed your name corresponded with what I assume is your zodiac.  Is that just a coincidence.  I'm an Aries but my parents just liked the name Arianna.  Weird coincidence."  She put the napkin into her now empty lunch bag, stuffing it onto her pack to throw away later.

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Aquarius sat down and just stared at her food, she was more of a private sporter, like doing archery, she had learned by herself, so in which, she didn't really like ponies. But it was nice to see someone being nice. She tapped her hoof on the table softly, unsure what to say, she wasn't really chatty, but if you got to know her, she is a chattering machine. 


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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¨Yes, yes my name scorpiok does go with my birth star sign or zodiac as other ponies call it, so your right and very cool that you are an aries well if you like birth signs¨ He put his now empty paper (or watev) casing that he had around the fish and levitated it to the bottom of his magical orb ¨anyways its magic class now right?¨ he asked her forgetting what the time was. (go with the flow, im just doing this for fun)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Tlalli Amithi -Taurus


She saw the Unicorn sit down and stare at her food silently, Tlalli didn't want her to feel left out, 'Hey, You looked alittle lonely over there, Just thought you'd need some company' she chirped 'I'm Tlalli Amithi, But you can call me Tlalli, and You are?' she smiled and looked at her Cutie Mark 'Your Cutie Mark.. Your name wouldn't happen to be Aquarius, Would it?' She looked her in the eye, with a friendly but questioning look

Edited by Crystal Dancer

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Paratyl - Virgo


He was shocked at Tlalli nuzzling him, he almost didn't see the purple Unicorn come sit down; She seemed abit fidgety and nervous so he gave her one of his half smiles, Although it probably didn't seem very friendly with those black eyes of his, He never quite understood his colour scheme, He was a nice enough pony, But Paratyl's colours would make it seem like he was up to no good, But it did keep people away from him, he was always a modest and shy person, But he kept the smile, just for the sake of itq


Stay Rosy! xox

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Aquarius saw the tan pony talk and said her name was Tlalli and ask if her name was Aquarius, lucky guess. Actually, it really wasn't it was actually really obvious that it was her name. " Yeah, My name is Aquarius. And its pretty obvious because of my cutie mark. " she replied.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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Arianna looked down at her watch and her eyes grew wide.  "That it is!" she said.  "We should get going if we want to avoid detention."  She got up and hoisted her bag over her shoulder, tossing her empty sack in the trash now.  "Detention would be bad."  She quickly started trotting to class.

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Leon stumbled out of Magic Class, He had to stay in class later because he accidently blew up the teachers pencil, He chuckled 'Worth it' He trotted into the cafeteria and got an apple and tried to find a place to sit, There where some lovebirds, artists and a group of 5, Of Course there was plenty of other ponies, But those groups in particular stood out, Leon couldn't be helled with choosing so he sat at an empty table and starting chewing..

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus


Yeah, My name is Aquarius. And its pretty obvious because of my cutie mark. " she replied.

 She smiled 'Thats Cool, So what do you like to do for fun?' Tlalli didn't want things to get things to get awkward, But she was afraid it alread was.. She saw Leon enter and sit alone at a table, She was thinking of joining over and joining him, But she already had a group going here, She put her attention back to Aquarius

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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" Tree Climbing, Archery, Sports, I don't like being alone, but its the way I kind of am, and I like doing weird things, like.....fill water balloons with pudding, drawing creepy pictures, its fun, though. " Aquarius answered. She thought about her biggest secret, and held her breath for a moment, she didn't dare tell ANYONE.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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Gen was walking around the fields after the bell rang, He was bored, Really, But he was feeling sort of hungry so he ended up going to the cafateria, Pretty boring day for Gen so far.. As he walked in, He saw his buddy Leon, So he grabbed some salad and went over to sit with him 'Hey Mate' he greeted 'Hows things for going for you?'

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus


" Tree Climbing, Archery, Sports, I don't like being alone, but its the way I kind of am, and I like doing weird things, like.....fill water balloons with pudding, drawing creepy pictures, its fun, though. " Aquarius answered.

Tlalli Giggled 'No, Thats Awesome! I'm pretty boring, All I do is explore and chase wildlife in the woods, Its where I-' she stopped herself and took a breath' 'Hang Out, Its where I hang out, Most of the time' Tlalli smiled 'Hey, I'm just as weird as you, Only weirder' she made a face and laughed, Hoping this one would be contagious, She wanted to see a smle on this ponies face..

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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'Hey Mate' he greeted 'Hows things for going for you?'

'Greetings!' he answered 'Nothing Much, I just got out of class, I had to stay in because I blew up the teachers Pencil, Totally worth it' He laughed, But it quickly died down, he looked over at the group of 5 Ponies, 2 of which he knew of, He looked back 'So Whatcha been up to?

Edited by SurfSkateSoar
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Paratyl - Virgo

While Tlalli and Aquarius were chatting, Paratyl backed up and walked over to Leon and Gen, He'd leave the girl to their things, They were just talking normally, He stood behind them and poked his head between them 'Hello!' he said, Chuckling only the slightest, He went and sat next to Gen 'Whats up?'


Stay Rosy! xox

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Libra listened, almost halfheartedly, to their conversation. While she appeared to mearly be finishing her lunch, her mind worked furiously to work through this new bought of information. How many zodiacal ponies were there? Just why did she get the strangest of feelings whenever she was near them?

You'll figure it out soon enough, Libra... she thought to herself.

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What was all of this chit-chat about cutie marks? Everypony was apparently flipping their hooves in the metaphorical air over how zodiac signs were a thing. So what? Sagittarius had a zodiac sign for his cutie mark, and nopony ever asked him about it. Well, nopony really asked him anything anyway, so maybe that was the reason. Hey, and a new guy. Pink dude. And, surprise surprise, he had a zodiac cutie mark too. By the apparent pattern emerging, his name was probably Pisces. Sagittarius added a little Pisces sign to the piece of paper. That made, like, nine signs. Oh wait, ten, including him.

So, there was...

Virgo. The Blue one. He added a blue curly 'M' sign for that.

Scorpio, the unicorn that looked straight out of a Hearth's Warming Eve story. Heh, green and red. Sagittarius saw what he did there. One curly 'm' with an arrow at the end for him.

Aquarius, the short purple unicorn that seemed keen on suffocating herself by holding her breath. Purple zig-zags.

Aries, the red unicorn with the weird-looking horn. One red 'V' for her.

Ooh, Capricorn was the one that took a hoof to the face! Heh, and now an icepack to go with it. A stylish 'n' with a loop on the end. Purple.

Libra was the light-blue one (jeez she was tall too) with mechanical wings. The '=' sign with the top line kinda curvy. Done.

Taurus was the one that kicked whatshisface in the face! Which was pretty awesome, so her little brown '' symbol totally got a pair of shades and a two-hooves up in Sagittarius's book.

Leo was the light-blue unicorn with the blond mane and bracelets. What was his deal? One little 'o' with a squiggly at the end for him.

And then there was this douchebag sitting next to him. That was a bit mean to think, but it wasn't like anypony was a mind-reader, so Sagittarius felt he was justified in thinking whatever the buck he wanted to. Pink unicorn with a douchey-looking blue mane. One particularly douchey-looking ')-(' for him.

And then there was him; Sagittarius. He didn't even bother putting his sign on the paper. It wasn't like he was going to forget who he was anytime soon.

Why did blue pencil taste so weird?

Meh. He kept his doodling.

  • Brohoof 1
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midnight shook his head, the swelling having gone down enough, "hey, ill see you guys later, i have my archery class, umm...." he blushed, "want to meet up again after class, talk a bit more?"

he looked hopeful, he knew alot of them had classes near the archery range, and he would kinda like to meet up with them again.


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus

midnight shook his head, the swelling having gone down enough, "hey, ill see you guys later, i have my archery class, umm...." he blushed, "want to meet up again after class, talk a bit more?"

he looked hopeful, he knew alot of them had classes near the archery range, and he would kinda like to meet up with them again.

Tlalli smiled, She was greatful to make new friends 'That would be great to hang out with you guys again!' I've gotta run too, Coach hates it when I'm late to P.E' she looked at Libra, She seemed Deep in Thought, No wonder she wasn't talking much; But all too soon, Tlalli's hooves began to vibrate 'Oh Hell, Not now' she winced as she collasped on the floor, 'Don't Worry, I'll be fine in about 30 minutes, Just don't wake me up' she groaned, everything hurt: and Thats when everything went black.

Edited by Crystal Dancer

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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midnight turned and looked back at the unconsious pony who seemed to have fallen unconsious in a corner, out of the way and chucked at her luck, before rooting around in his saddlebag, and pulling out a blanket with his cutie mark sown in.

"you can barrow that." he chuckled and layed it over her, before turning and using his wings to propel himself to class, landing just inside the doorway and makng his way over to his locker, setting down his saddlebag and pulling out the quiver of arrows, and attaching it too his hips, before pulling out the bow.


trotting over to the furthest lane, he stood on his hindlegs with a balance rarely seen in a pegasus or earth pony, and picked up the bow, it seemingly to stick to his hoof, then drew an arrow and attached it to the bowstring, before pulling it to his cheek at full draw, and letting it fly.




he smiled, right above the center, where he usually seemed to hit.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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¨Yeah... We should hurry¨ he said as he started walking out of the cafeteria to the class 'hmmm, wonder what we will do today' he thought as he walked down the hallway when Arianna trotting there 'i should get my tail there too now' his horn glowed a light colour of redish black as he teleported to the class walking inside and sitting on his seat. (wait since when was sciorpioK scorpio or even have a scorpio cutie mark :)? )

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Oops. Doodled for too long.

It would have helped just a tiny bit if there was an accompanying sound of a hundred screaming angels of death to mark the beginning of the next class, but apparently that was a right reserved for ponies that cared. What time was it? Half past a fetlock, judging by Sagittarius's lack of a watch. Oh well. Next class was that one where they taught stuff about ponies, so maybe his description would be vague enough to land him in the correct classroom. He decided against bidding farewell to whatshisfaceprobablyPisces next to him, and unceremoniously stuffed everything in front of him into the bag at his side. Excluding the half-finished soup, of course; he wasn't that stupid.


Alright, bag across his back, and probably negative four minutes to spare, judging by the rush of ponies leaving the cafeteria, and Sagittarius was somewhere that wasn't the cafeteria. Probably science class. Or history. They talked an awful lot about some stallion named Bill Neigh, so either it was a particularly history-based science class or a particularly science-based history class. Either way, Sagittarius did what he always did, and began a new 'masterpiece'. Ooh, maybe something about whatsherface. The one with the Taurus symbol on her flank.

You know, the one he saw collapsed on the floor with a blanket and decided to walk past instead of inquiring. That one.

Maybe he should have done something about that?

Meh. His usual level of 'helping' was about as useful as doodling shitty drawings during science/history class, because honestly, that's exactly what he did.

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus

It was still black, She couldn't see anything, But she could hear hoofsteps getting fainter in her ears, there was a speck of light in the darkness, Growing bigger ever so slowly, But The Voice came before she could process that she was in a blackout, This time, The Voice was an alluring deep female voice, It spoke to her, the same thing as always..

'Together in grief shadows race though spires
Memories from your past, your vision will aquire'

It was just a loud whisper in her ear, The voice was sickening, at the second line, It became a double voice, The Deep female voice and a Dark Bewitched Voice Spoke to her.
'You'll be alone down darkness' aisle'
The light began to grow, and the voice became louder, Now a normal speaking voice
'The chain from your neck forever spins'
The light was bright now, The voices were a doing a Royal Canterlot one, Tlalli got the feeling of being strangled
'The whine from the depths, the screams of vile'
The line was a scream, the light consumed her and her neck was restrained..

And Suddently She Was 8 Again, On the beach with her little brother at sunset; She was collecting seashells and 6 year old him was chasing wild Butterflies 'Come on Racing' she heard herself say 'Its getting dark' the young earth pony stopped chasing the butterflies and came over and nuzzled her, Tlalli wanted to cry her heart out, But she couldn't: It was only a memory.

(1141 Characters in this post xD)

Edited by Crystal Dancer
  • Brohoof 1

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Arianna sat at her desk, taking out her things and opening her text book quickly.  She looked at the board to find what page she should be turning to and quickly shut her book.  It was a hands on day, her favorite type of lesson.  She shoved her bag under herdesk and waited patiently for the teacher to come in.

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Libra would be dammed if she was just going to leave Tlalli lying on the floor like that. She remained at the table, patiently waiting for her new friend to get up. She skimmed her book to pass the time, though she found herself, unsurprisingly, unable to retain attention to it. Tlalli had said she'd be fine. Like she knew for certain. Did this kind of thing happen often? She closed the book, watching the unconscious pony with troubled eyes.

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You know what? History class was boring. Everyday it was the same thing. Guardians of Harmony this, The King that. Don't cross the Everfree River. Blah blah, huge problems, nopony cares. 


Some random pony passing out for no apparent reason, however, seemed quite interesting. Currently there was only one other pony next to the unconscious one with... was that a circle with a frowning unibrow as a cutie mark? Pisces couldn't really tell with the blanket covering most of her. What kinda of special talent was that? Oh well, Pisces wasn't one to judge no matter how strange one's special talents were.

Pisces walked up to the blue pega- DISCORD'S BEARD WERE THOSE MECHANICAL WINGS!?!? Pisces wanted mechanical wings. Those things looked awesome! I mean you could totally fly around with those things like normal wings, but then at the same time you could put all kinds of cool stuff in them. Like a snack compartment! Could you put a snack compartment in normal wings? No!


The pink earth pony shook himself out of his stupor as he approached the FRIGGIN' AWESOME MECHANICAL WINGED pegasus who probably had some many snacks in her wings right now she was like a walking buffet! 


Pisces stopped himself again. Don't freak out Pisces, just play it cool and you might find out if she has any food in her wings. Oh sweet six, please let there be some kelp in there!


Pisces nonchalantly walked p to the blue pegasus. "What happened to her?" he asked, pointing at the brown pony with an upset donut on her flank.

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