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private Whisper: The City of Darkness (DEAD)


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Scorpiok took out a blade he had hidden in his hoof... Wait in his hoof? Ok anyways he took it out and pointed it at the principal ¨what do you want now old man... Another assassination or just want to meet me¨ he said totally calm ignoring the other pony in the room. (ok now you know what he did :D)

The Principal's straightforward expression didn't waver an inch. He raised one ridiculously bushy eyebrow and stared, unimpressed, at Scorpiok's antics.

"I've called the two of you here to inform you that, along with your fellow classmates that have gathered in the hallway, you will be attending a special trip for a maximum if a week. This subject is not under debate, you will be in attendance, or an officer will be sent to you residency to collect you." He said in a stern, monotonous, and almost rehearsed way, "You may join your fellow peers in the hallway for a moment..."

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¨whatever old man¨ his blade rolled back into his hoof as he walked out to the corridor sitting at the opposite place from where the others were 'ugh... Can this day possibly get any worse?!' he thought as he sat down angry for whatever reasons he have to be angry.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Welp. It seemed like Sagittarius was going on a roadtrip now with a bus-full of weirdos, psychos, and schizophrenics. And the principle didn't seem to want to budge on the subject, so Sagittarius was apparently going whether he wanted to or not. Seeing no other options in the conversation, the bluish colt raised a hoof, took a breath to respond, and then simply nodded. He would deal like this like he dealt with the rest of his problems. Which was to say, he would do nothing about them and wait for them to go away of their own accord.

In this particular case, that meant leaving the office and waiting with the others. He did so with gusto.

Following the green/red knife-wielding maniac unicorn, Sagittarius found himself in a mob of ponies. He did not like being in a mob of ponies, but at least he could think of things like 'at least' to make the situation seem better than it really was. That was a plus.

So, a fieldtrip. A mandatory fieldtrip. A fieldtrip so mandatory that the principle even threatened to have the local law force Sagittarius to go if he didn't comply. Nope, nothing fishy going on here. Just another normal day at school. 

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Pisces was bored, and being bored was not good for Pisces, because when Pisces was bored, Pisces did something that was not good for any pony especially Pisces.


Pisces thought.


What in the name of Sleipnir's legs is going on? What are we doing out here? Why are we waiting in the hall while those two are in there?


Well it was awfully crowded in there.


Still, why would the principal tell us we're going on a field trip and then just send us outside and tell those two?


You don't know is they're going on the field trip. They could be in there for totally different reasons.


That's true, and on that note, what's the deal with this field trip? Where are we going? Why are we going? What's Midnight deal with wanting to bring weapons? What's the principal's deal with letting him?! Is there a reason all of us are going?


Didn't Tlalli and Libra say something about cutie marks? What about our cutie marks? Speaking of Libra I never got to find out about her wings.


Eh, it probably doesn't matter. It’ll involve a horrible tragedy where her family was killed in a fire and she lost her wings or something like that.



Can only pegasi get metal wings? I want metal wings. That would be like the coolest thing ever! You can fly….and hold snacks!



What’s taking so long? Where are those others two? Who were those other two? I asked if anypony knew who the blue one was. Did nopony hear my question? Are they ignoring me? Did they not notice him? What was his cutie mark? I don’t really remember. Wait a minute. Maybe he doesn't have a cutie mark, and not having a cutie mark is his cutie mark because nopony knows him and his special talent is not being noticed and that’s why nopony answered my question!!! IT ALL. MAKES. SEN-



Oh there they are.



Pisces watched as the two ponies trotted out of the Principal’s office. Pisces looked and spotted a blue arrow thingy on the nameless stallion’s flank.



Well there goes that theory. Unless….

The arrow symbolizes that attention is drawn away from him OF COURSE!!!!



Pisces thoughts continued to spin around the inside of his head, being the complete bane of all productivity, everywhere.

Edited by Galvin Starlight
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Aquarius went back to the office, realizing it actually wasn't time to go back to class, when she got there she saw the others as well, she came back just in time to see the others, with two inside the office, and the others sitting, looking bored, she shrugged, pulled a notebook out of her saddle bag, and began to draw an alicorn with 8 legs.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus


'Stars and moons and air balloons, Fluffy clouds to the horizion..

I'll wrap you in rainbows, and rock you to sl-'

Tlalli opened her eyes at the sounds of hooves, She streched her back and got up, She blinked heavily and walked over to a stallion with a Sagittarius symbol on his flank and smiled 'Hey, Sagittarius, Right?' she asked 'I see you drawing sometimes, I'm Tlalli, Nice to meet you' she nodded her head repectfully as the last word fell out of her mouth 'I'm guessing your as confused by this random field trip as we all are? Oh by the way, We're allowed to bring weapons' she chuckled and looked over at midnight and smiled then returned her look to Sagittarius

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 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Sagittarius took a look around the little melting-pot of weirdos. Huh, maybe this group wasn't-AAAAAAAA WORDS.

Words were now being directed at Sagittarius. That took him by surprise, to say the least. Since when were words said to him? And it was...uh, the one with the Taurus symbol. Right. The one that kicked the 'face' part of 'whatshisface'.

Okay, he could do conversation. It was as easy as 1, 1, 2, 3. Fibonacci-level easiness.

She asked about his name. Yes, his name was Sagittarius. And hey, she pronounced it right, too.

A nod for that.

Okay, and then she said her name, and said her greeting. All well and good. Par for the course.

Another nod as a 'hello'. Still normal.

Then she asked if he was as confused as everypony else.

Another nod.

And...weapons? What an odd thing to bring up. Or maybe she was just talking about Stabby the red-coat maim-deer over there. Yeah, that made more sense. The bluish colt rolled his eyes in the red unicorn's direction.

Sagittarius never really found a point for weapons in his life. Weapons were for when things ever got to hot to handle, which was never. Even if he did have a thingy to hit stuff with, it wasn't like he knew how the buck to use it. Earth pony mouths weren't exactly fit for holding things that weren't food, and even less so for using it to swing stuff. Swinging something around with your mouth was just asking for lost teeth.

Besides, why in the ever-loving buck would anypony here need a weapon for a fieldtrip?

Alright, now he was just taunting the dice-gods. He might as well be saying 'nothing could possibly go wrong' or 'it'll all turn out fine'.

Bad Sagittarius! No tempting fate! Bad!

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((Hehheh I'm afraid I've been tardy just a smidgen today.... I'm so tired, I've been traveling every bucking direction all bucking day ;-;))

Libra frowned. Sadly, frowning was beginning to become commonplace today, to her ultimate disappointment.

To her, it seemed that there was a knowledge she would be wearing the discontented facial expression a lot more in the near future...

Tlalli had immediately began her rapid-fire interrogation of the pony called Sagittarius as soon as he'd stepped over the threshold of the Principal's office.

He looked confused.

And, as you could have already guessed: confusion was now commonplace as well....

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midnight yawned and streached "mmmn, so when are we leaving?" he tilted his head and looked between all of the ponies currently in the room.

shaking his head "i just hope its soon, id rather know where im going, and what im going to find there, but i figure on this trip, its dangrous."


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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White Rose was currently panicking. The demons- or, that's what they sounded like- were getting closer. She quickly and quietly slipped out of the front door, scampered down the bank of the city's river, and followed it into the park. At the lake, she exited and entered a nearby building- it had a cupcake on it, so... a bakery, perhaps? No matter. It sounded like all of Tartarus had opened up onto... where was she, again? No matter. Not at the moment, anyways. But she had to keep moving away from the howls...

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The principal returned to his desk with a sigh, just as the students had left, his secretary closing the door securely behind them...

When the secretary turned to look at the Principal, her face was malicious, hateful...deadly. The Principal stared back, lifting his chin defiantly. With a soft, echoing hiss, the Secretary's face dissolved into mist, revieling a shadowy Spector, eyes wide, glowing, and bloody red. It's mouth was stretched in a gruesome Cheshire Cat grin, silver liquid, the blood of souls, dripping from its jagged fangs.

"Well done Prinsssiple Burkely..." It said, dragging out the word in a series of serpentine hisses.

"Do not patronize me, Daniel." The Principal growled, eyes flashing with guilt, "I've just sentenced my own students to certain doom."

"And you did ssso without batting an eye. I'm quite proud of you Ssstanely" it gloated, "We're working together! Jussst like old timesss!"

"Do not think I've done this because we were old friends, Spector! You have my family held captive by your demons!" The Principal snapped bitterly.

"Well there isss that..." The Spector says thoughtfully.

"You used them against me! And because of that, now those students are all going to die!" The Principal's retort was remorseful.

"Come now, you've done your job well, and Ive promised not to harm your wife or child!" The Spector assures him, and his malicious grin widens, "But you are quite right, old friend..... Those little colts are doomed...."

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Arianna sat impatiently.  She had listened to the conversations, quickly understanding what was going on.  A field trip?  And what was with the talk of weapons.  She shook her head, fixing her crooked head band to stop her hair from falling loose.  She let out a sigh,, hoping to learn more.

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Aquarius had not finished her drawing when she realized she had to go, she groaned, closed her notebook, and put it in her saddlebag. Aquarius was still stumped why they could bring weapons, and that's all she thought about for the rest of the day. Aquarius thought about if she would bring a weapon, which she already had right that moment. Her horn.


                                                | Sig Made By: Azura |

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Okay, SO. Everyone here was going on a 'field trip', they were allowed 'weapons' and everyone was either being silent or drawing, Leon presumed no one knew whats up, The Greedy guy behind the desk wasn't really going to tell them either, he coughed slightly "Well" he said "Who knows? This might be fun" he looked around at everyone and half-smiled, He wasn't too sure about that himself, But he figured if he could make everyone else happy, He'd be fine.. Right? His eyes drooped, He got himself thinking of the heat of the fire that one night.. He shook his head, this was no time to think about this: Leon and everypony else was going a field trip.. But some questions seriously needed to be answer, Where, What, Why, How? How was probably by bus or train or something, What, as said by the princible, is an 'Expedition for our destination' is what he said, Half of Why was answered to his first speaking, he said us ponies because of our 'Outstanding Skill', Leon didn't know about everypony else, But he didn't have any skills apart from pissing of teachers and blowing up tiny things like pencils and erasers, So now just Where was unknown.. Leon looked around, He could swear he heard someone breathing around him, but he was standing alone; He calmed down realising it was his own breathing, He was starting to get stressed out.. He wondered what was going on in everypony elses heads, Gen and Paratyl were probably scared to the hells, He looked at Gen, Yup, His wings were fluffy, He was nervous. Paratyl just that look in his black eyes and you instandly knew he was afraid, But Leon? Meh, He was just trying to make happy ponies.                               Trying.

(1301 characters! WOOP!)

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midnight looked from left to right, he was seeing the shadows again, and this time they were speaking, in a language only he really understood, old germane, but....why?

shaking his head he shut his eyes for a moment, opening them again, but they were still there, but now they werent moving, what were they waiting for, its not like he can run from them..... but they just sat there, until he felt something cold on his shoulder, and jumped attaching himself to one of the lights on the cieling.


(what, i needed something to happen x3)

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                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Something had spooked Midnight. That much was clear.

"Midnight?" She began, looking at him in concern. What was wrong with him?

She was about to ask aloud, when the door to the Principal's office opened wide.

It was the Principal's Assistant.

"Alright everyone," she trills, eyeing them all strictly, "Since the Academy is the single financier of your trip, we have provided anything and everything you will need along your journey." She explains.

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Scorpiok looked at her ¨just get it over with you idiotic creation of nothingness¨ he said with a silent scorpion like voice, he walked over to the window ¨if we dont get this over with ill just vanish and go there myself i guess... Well wherever we are headed¨ scorpiok said looking out at the defiled world Equestria has turned into.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Fantastic! Sagittarius was already looking forward to this field trip. I mean, what wasn't to like? They had the whole shebang there: mandatory field-trips, threats of physical force, jumpy pegasi, teachers and principles that seemed to despise their very existence, and don't even get him started on the life insurance!
Wait, they did have a life insurance policy here, right? That was really the only reason Sagittarius could find for sending a group of ponies on a mandatory 'field-trip' with permission to bring weapons. He could imagine the conversation a week later: 'Oops, looks like all of those ponies died completely by accident. Wow, it's a good thing they were all ensured, so now we can fix this school up!'
To which the principle would reply 'Oops' and they would all have a tea-party with mandatory monocles and fancy accents. And funny mustaches; because if Sagittarius was going to think silly thoughts, he might as well take the 'silly' factor to a billion.
The bluish colt wondered what the assistant meant when she said 'anything and everything'. Did that mean that if he asked, he would get a banana? Or a pencil? Or a cast-iron miniature of himself? Alright, time to stop being stupid, as funny as it was.
'Anything and everything' probably just referred to transportation, lodging, and food. Though she did say it quite ominously...
Then again, everypony said everything ominously. Especially Stabby over there by the window, who seemed keen on playing the 'mysterious and pessimistic' gambit. It wasn't even much of an insult, really. Maybe 'idiotic' was a bit hurtful, but overall it sounded more like some amalgamation of whatever any stupidly-mysterious story-book antihero would say. Then again, that served as a pretty textbook definition for the red unicorn himself, really.
Whatever. Sagittarius waited quietly for the principle's assistant to finish her spiel. The sooner she told them all where they were going, the sooner they could all be there. Oh joy!

Edited by White Out
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Something had spooked Midnight. That much was clear.

"Midnight?" She began, looking at him in concern. What was wrong with him?

She was about to ask aloud, when the door to the Principal's office opened wide.

It was the Principal's Assistant.

"Alright everyone," she trills, eyeing them all strictly, "Since the Academy is the single financier of your trip, we have provided anything and everything you will need along your journey." She explains.


Of course that doesn't explain everything. In the event of such a phenomenon they were going to need a massive amount of glue. Not to mention what would happen to the unicycles!  The conditions of the lightning rods would be to poor for them to be essential anymore which meant they were going to have to rely on the can opener to separate the oranges from the charcoal so that in the event of a flux the "pencils," for lack of a proper term, would remain within the plains of entropy, allowing the barons to harness enough energy to create a nexus gateway capable of transporting enough mass so that the Droviskir 's Arch-tower would be filled with enough matter to expand the conduit of reality which would then trigger-

Oh look things were happening! Pisces really needed to stop doing that thinking thing. It never really ended well.

“So when exactly are we leaving, and where are we going?"


Pisces decided, after thinking it over, (which is itself an oxymoron) that maybe this trip wouldn't be so bad. The call of adventure was beckoning.  Perhaps they would be whisked away on a grand adventure, fought with danger, peril, treasure, and all that cool stuff you find in adventures. Pisces was also expecting to find some skulls in this adventure. No adventure was complete without skulls! Either way Pisces was going to stay positive about this.

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Libra looks expectantly at the Assistant, who narrows her eyes at the perfectly innocent question.

"The Principal has asked that I keep your final destination a secret. However, you will be leaving immeadiatly." She says.

"What, like now?!" Libra gasps, " What about our parents? Won't they be worried if we just disappear"

"Your parents have already been notified." The Assistant's response is so immediate, Libra can hear they lie in her voice.

"Have they really?" She challenges.

The assistant's glare is icy, but Libra is ignored.

"Come now everypony. It's best the you go ahead and board the bus." She says, "At once, if you please...."

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¨not that i really cared about this trip or if my parents agree... But i guess i have no choice... Now do i?¨ he asked the assistant while Libra was asking the obvious question 'question is, why do we need to go to a trip like this if we are not gonna have a teacher...' he asked himself thinking.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Hey, it seemed the time to move was now. And their parents were 'notified'. Yup, nothing could possibly be wrong with this picture. Nothing wrong in the slightest. This establishment was simply the epitome of integrity. Not a single chance that they were being taken somewhere dangerous. Not a chance at all.

But they weren't looking for chances, were they?

No, Sagittarius supposed not. But he digressed; there was a bus they were supposed to be on. Sagittarius was ready to follow anypony about to leave, but he wasn't much of a pony to walk ahead. He was the type of pony to follow. Follow who? Buck if he knew. He just did what he knew best, and what he knew best was doing nothing. Or, at least, nothing of terrible importance. If one of the other weirdos wanted to go ahead, he was fine with that, though. What an odd group. It got him thinking, really. What was so significant of having thematic similarities between their cutie marks? And why did that constitute throwing the whole lot into a bus? Was it just a universal fact that ponies with similar cutie marks should be culled in the same fashion?

Bluh. Sagittarius wasn't much one for philosophy. Or maybe he was, and he just liked to say to himself that he wasn't. Either way, he was feeling just off-the-wall ecstatic to be getting on that bus!

...why was he always so sarcastic in his thoughts?

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus

Tlalli blinked, Right now. We were leaving, Right now. Well, That esculated quickly.. She heard the Scorpick pony say something to the Assistiant, Gosh he was cocky, Seems like he just couldn't speak without being insulting in some shape or form. Tlalli shrugged it off and took 3 steps before turning to the Assistiant with a questioning face 'What about weapons? The Princible said we could bring weapons, Can I quickly run back home and grab some useful stuff or..?' she trailed off, Feeling like it was a good place for an answer to be brought up. Tlalli was getting abit worked up over this, Questions needed to be answered.. and soon, She could see Paratyl with that look in his black eyes, and Gen's wings were ruffled up, She didn't know about everypony else, But she was sure worried too; She sighed and thought of lullabys again


'Lullay Moon Princess, Goodnight sister mine'

'and Rest now in moonlights embrace..'

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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midnight having seemingly unlatched himself from the light landed softly on his hooves and looked around before shaking his head and looking over at libra as they were pushed down the hall, "yeah,..." he paused then looked back hearing only voices, no longer seeing the shadows, "yeah im fine."


"warnings, dont go? dont go where, the buck are you talking about I DONT KNOW YOUR THE ALL KNOWING SHADOW PONY....." he paused then looked around realizing he yelled that out loud.....he lowered his head sheepishly and moved to the very back of the bus.


he tilted his head, the voices changed, and he heard.....singing? or was it them speaking again, he wish he was like his adoptive father, and could remember his old germane.

"where light fears to go, and ponies fear to tread, theres a town in the snow, where if your not careful, you may end up dead."


midnight swallowed and muttered, "what a lovely nursery ryme" he said dryly as he shook his head and shut his eyes hoping for the best.

Edited by King_Sombrero


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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The Assisstant turned towards Tlalli, impatient.

"As mentioned before, everything you need has been provided for..."

Libra shrugged and, giving a concerned look at Midnight and Tlalli, exited the hallway and entered the Courtyard.

Her apprehension spiked as she boarded the bus. There was nothing on this bus. Not even a driver.....She turned, heart hammering with dread and feeling like she needed to get off that bus. She needed out. Now.

But alas, the Assistant was standing at the front of the bus, motioning for Libra's classmates to board.

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