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private Slice Of New Life


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The AIs winced at the first hit and they braced for the second but saw that he didnt get it.


Hank winced also at the hit as Celestia holds him close.


The AIs took a picture of the stallion that hit Aryios and made sure it was a great view of his face to see what he looked like. They thought "does hank remind aryios of that stallion because of the scar?"



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The scene changed to an outdoor scene it was a bright sunny spring time day there was all the sounds of nature. The landscape was dotted with beautiful roses with hues of red and blue. Then a loud crack broke the silence of the day. Young aryios was practicing his magic he was levating a rock that was twice the young colts size he horn blazed with power as he tried to hold the giant rock up "Brother its too heavy i cant hold it much longer" young aryios said with a sound of pain in his voice" The other pony was a older stallion with a brown coat and a mane that was shaped like a mohawk then he said" Hah! i knew you were too soft maybe you should stick to you're little wood carvings and you're books loser" Then the stallion let out a bolt of energy from his horn striking young aryios in his flank almost burning it aryios winced in pain as the burning sensation rolled through out his body. Then the stallion sighed and said "Fine i will let the little baby rest" Later that night young aryios sat alone in a room where the walls were made of thick stone so thick where no light could get in then the older stallion appeared and he had a dish of food or what could be called food. Then he said "well here is youre food i think its fitting for somepony like you" He threw the tray down on the floor and it made a loud crashing sound that echoed though out the room. "enjoy you're food loser" The stallion walked away laughing as he closed the door leaving young aryios in the dark cold room alone.

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The AIs cried "that reminds us of how hank was treated when he was under sombras control.."


Hank yelled in pain when Aryios got struck. It seems that any pain that happens in the memory hank feels.


The AIs kept watch as they look at each other "brothers.. sisters.. dad.. we could go into his memory.. and help him.. but it will change the future..



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As young aryios sat alone in the room he heard a voice "Whats the matter aryios why so sad" Young aryios looked around the room and there was nopony there then he called out "Is somepony there." Then the voice spoke again but this time it appeared as a black mist " I know what you want you want to feel loved and appreciated now i can give you this power to achieve this goal" Young aryios looked puzzled he thought to himself "How does this voice know me" The mist said "You are wondering how i know about well young aryios i have been keeping an eye on you and you posses great potential but you are denying you're self of the power you hold but i can help if you will help me so what say you." Young aryios was thought to himself "Yeah maybe this is my chance i will show everypony that im no weakling i will show them." Then young aryios said "Whoever you are i will help you." The mist flew around the room with almost as if it was happy then it said "Very well young aryios consider this a start of a wonderful friendship" Then the black mist envloped young aryios.

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They look closely trying to examine the black figure worried "is that the evil in him? The evil that made him kill hank? What is Aryios hiding from us.. is there more evil with him than what we know?" They kept watching.


Hank is shaking as he got what the AIs saw



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When the mist evaporated young aryios felt strange as if his body was surging with power he then heard the voice "So how does it fell my boy feels good don't it" "It feels great as if nopony could beat me" young aryios said with vigor. As the door opened the older stallion walked in the room and said "Alright loser time to get up" young aryios wouldn't budge the stallion got furious and he said "I told you to get up" And before the hoof made contact with the young colts body he grabbed the stallions hoof. Then young aryios looked in the stallions eyes and said "I would suggest you never try that again if you wish to live" Then he thew the stallion across the room the stallions body hit the wall with a great thud. The stallion stumbled back on to his feet but aryios was on him in a blink he grabbed the stallion by the throat and slammed him against the wall "Hehehe...whats the matter brother am i too strong for you let me tell you there is a new and improved aryios around so i would suggest you watch you're back" He said in a violent voice. He then released the stallions throat and his body hit the floor the stallion was gasping for breath the the stallion said "What...are...you....you're....not normal" Young aryios let out a maniacal laugh and said "Oh thats just the first course keep trying me and will show you more" "and believe me there is going to be a wonderful bonfire later"

Edited by Luna'sChosen
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The AIs gasp "so when he gets angry.. he gets a special strength or something? Does it enhance his magic also?" They sigh "i just hope he doesnt hurt hank anymore." Said the alpha AI as he watches closely. Delta is taking notes as epsilon is capturing main things that happened.



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Then the scene changed this time there was smoke and fire everywhere young aryios was fighting his father when he struck him with a lightning bolt which the stallion tried to guard against but it was too strong the blast knocked the stallion on the ground. Then young aryios walked over to the stallion and said "Whats wrong father isnt this the kinda of power you wanted to see" The stallion tried to get up but his body was too beaten by the fight then the stallion said "I hope you burn in the flames of tartarus you monster!" Young aryios let out a maniacal laugh the laugh of a deranged killer then he said "Oh no father i wont be heading there but you on the other hoof im going to send you on a one way trip" Young Aryios then lifted up his hoof and brought it down hard on the stallions skull the stallion who he once called father was dead. Young Aryios looked around but something inside brought him back to his senses momentarily he saw all the devastation he had caused young aryios said to him self "Did i do all this no its impossible i didnt mean for it to end this way" Then aryios let out a cry of extreme sadness and pain which threw the Al's out of aryios mind and back to hank  

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Once the AIs got launched out. the sudden rush of it gave hank a heart attack. the AIs went to stabilize hanks body as he slowly got up and went to aryios 'hey.. aryios.. you ... awake?" He said weakly as he shakes him "aryios.. your.. past.. was.. twisted.. you can.. change.. now.."



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As Aryios started to regain conciseness his body started to shake his whole body broke out in a drenching sweat. He looked at his hooves  his eyes were stricken with fear he curled up into a ball and started to say "Momma im so sry" Then he broke out into a hysterical sobbing "Im so sry" he kept repeating that as he was rocking himself back and forth like a pony in a strighit jacket.

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Hank holds him "its.. ok.." the AIs failed and the heart attack happens. Hank puts a hoof over his chest as he looks like he is in tremendous pain.


Celestia gasps 'hank! Aryios please you will befine. You can make up for what you did! You can make your mom proud! But for now help hank!"



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It was no use all he couldnt here anything he was trapped in his own mind he tried to respond to the calls of the other ponies but his body wouldnt respond he thought to himself "why cant i move come on body move" His body was in a complete mental break down  state.

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Hank was twitching and turning as he soon went limp.


He appears in a white room looking around


Celestia cries "hank!" She went to him and checks his heart beat and cries on his body "no heart beat!" She burst more into tears 'why does this happen to him!" She holds hanks body close



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The room changed it was filled with roses of all colors then a white mare approached hank and said "You must be Hank it is a pleasure to meet you it always nice to meet Little Ari's friends" The white mare said with glee. Then another pony appeared it was aryios's father he said. "What you doing here it isnt you're time yet?" 

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He looks at the white mare "i like you. You could have been the nicest pony ever back on equestria." He smiles and bows "have you watched aryios? Are you disapointed? I can help him change.' It looks like he was ignoring the father. He looks at the father and he stares at the scar 'that scar.. like mine.. and i died.. didnt you see!"



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(Sweet mother of Jesus! Lots of posts)


Rocket and Sam awoke to a commotion. Sam went to hanks side and looked at him.


"Rocket go get me some water! I'm going to see what I can do!" Sam said, rocket ran to get her a glass I water


Sams horn began to glow as she looked to see if there was any activity going on in hanks mind. She breathed a sigh of relief and looked at celestia.


"Good news," Sam said "there is brain activity, so he is still with us.... But he's stuck in a sort of limbo, I don't know when he will come out of it"


(I hope I didn't ruin any plot with this, I just wanted Sam to use her abilities)


SIgnature by Reverie


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The father said "Yeah i saw you my boy clobbered you good back at the library but that was not the power i wanted him to have i was only tough on him casue i wanted him to become strong but not like this" he said with a hint of resentment in his voice. "I know aryios can be a handful at times but he rly is a good pony he's just misunderstood" "she said with a hint of sadness in his voice "Aryios was always different than the other ponies he was gifted with unlimited potential he was very smart memorizing things at an alarming rate he was branded a prodigy but that also brought about great enviousness in the other ponies" She said. The father spoke up "Yeah are boy was always bulled for how he looked and how smart he was so i tried to toughen him up but i guess i dropped the ball on that one" 

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Hank glares at him "he clobbered me cause the princess was there. It is my duty to keep her safe no matter what." He went to swing at him "you shouldnt have bullied him. Now because of you! He cant fully understand what it means to have friends. You made him alone! You treated him like how somber treated me! like dirt for him to tread on until he treads on it enough to when it crumbles under him!"

He sighs and looks at the mother. "My friends, my marefriend, and my sister will help aryios out. even if it kills me."


Celestia nods "lets have him be."

Edited by kappa214



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The Father Dodged the blow then he said " I know i made him this way but i didnt mean too it's just." The white mare nuzzled her husband and said " I know you tried dear you're methods were a little extreme but i know you had his best interest at heart." The mother said "But i know deep down in my heart that you and you're friends are the ones that can give him what couldnt" "We will return you back to you're world and tell aryios that he doesnt need to be afraid anymore he has a new family and please ask if celestia will mentor him i know she will take good care of him" The white mare focused her magic and a bright light enveloped hank.

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Hank nods as he salutes to the mare and stares at the stallion and looks back at the mare 'we wont let you down." Soon enough he woke up in his body and looks at aryios "hey.. aryios. I talked to your parents and they said that they are sorry that they were harsh. They thought it was good for you.. but it wasnt. dont worry. You have a family. and thats us. Also. Your mom wants celestia to mentor you, but both celestia and i will mentor you." He smiles.


Celestia holds hank tightly as a crack was heard.



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Aryios thought he heard something words comforting words "Friends....Family.....Mother"  Aryios felt comfort by these few little words "How did hank now this about my parents did he transcend" Aryios snapped out of his coma only to see the smiling faces of his friends he walks over to celestia and bows to her says "I heard everything my mother thinks you would be a great mentor so would you be my mentor" he asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

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Celestia was massaging Hanks back after almos snapping him. "Sure.. but only if hank helps also ok also, i thought you dint want me to helo you. Remember when we first met?"she smiles at him.


Hank nods "your mom knows your a good pony. Your just misunderstood. And thats why you need friends.. to help guide you." He smiles "i met them when i had the heart attack."

Edited by kappa214



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"You mean you crossed over to the other side" he said with hint of curiosity "But i dont understand why they would be so forgiving i mean i killed them with my own hooves i slaughtered everypony in the estate burned it to the ground and they forgive just like that how?" he said puzzled  

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He sighs "well. Since you got bullied alot. They pushed you so you can get better. They didnt expect for you to get that kind of power and kill them. Your dad was sorry for what he done.. and they are always watching you. So make them proud" he smiles as celestia looks at him "so i guess i will mentor you about friendship.. and hank can be the one to mentor you about your anger."



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"I...dont know what to say i mean im honored to have you as my personal mentors" He said stammering while scratching the back of his head confused.  "But anyways i guess i need some serious anger management training huh?" he said with a slight chuckle.' The he asked hank "did see my sister when you were on the other side?"

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