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private Slice Of New Life


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Hank hugs back "its ok. You dont have to owe me anything." He smiles as he looks st sam "hey sam. Rocket.. you two are the best friends i could have. I would do anything to make you both happy."


Celestia shrugs "im not sure.. he might have nightmares. and he might be seeing sombra.."

sam gasps "why didn't he say anything?" sam shhok her head at the bravery of hank ,she didn't understand how anypony would want that pain and know they would have that pain.

Rocket stood up and looked at sam with a smile, "sam for the first time in ever I feel.... at peace" sam ran up and hugged rocket with a huge smile.


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Celestia smiles "a guard of mine always does things that is to give others peace, even if it means that he has to deal with the pain."


Hank smiles "and sam. To help others there are things that need to be hidden." He smiles at what rocket said and smiles bigger when they hugged. Hank hugs celestia.



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Celestia smiles "a guard of mine always does things that is to give others peace, even if it means that he has to deal with the pain."


Hank smiles "and sam. To help others there are things that need to be hidden." He smiles at what rocket said and smiles bigger when they hugged. Hank hugs celestia.

rocket runs downstairs and grabs a bottle of hard cider and four glasses. when he runs back upstairs he says "this is sams favorite brand!" he says, poring four glasses, he hands one to evverypony in the room and makes a toast. "Heres to our new friendship!"


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Celestia levitates the glass and smiles and nods.


Hank weakly lifts it up and smiles "to the friendship." They all clink glasses as hank drinks his and collapses to the ground. Celestia gasps and helps hank up "hank are you ok!" She is tearing up

Hank nods slowly as he yawns



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Celestia levitates the glass and smiles and nods.


Hank weakly lifts it up and smiles "to the friendship." They all clink glasses as hank drinks his and collapses to the ground. Celestia gasps and helps hank up "hank are you ok!" She is tearing up

Hank nods slowly as he yawns

"hank.... whats going on?" sam asked worried. rocket went over to grab hank a chair to sit on so he wouldn't collapse again.


"hank, please take a seat, I don't want you to collapse again." rocket said, helping hank to the seat he had just pulled up for him.

sam and rocket looked over hank to make sure he was ok.


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Hank looks at them "im not sure.. dont worry ok? Im fine. Just adjusting to having that memory in me now." He smiles weakly.


Celestia smiles at them "thank you both. Maybe.. when hank gets better we can have that party pinkie pie is planning. I heard she throws the best parties."



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Hank looks at them "im not sure.. dont worry ok? Im fine. Just adjusting to having that memory in me now." He smiles weakly.


Celestia smiles at them "thank you both. Maybe.. when hank gets better we can have that party pinkie pie is planning. I heard she throws the best parties."

rocket said, "yea of course I haven't been to a good party in  a while."  he laughed as he took another drink of his hard cider. sam sat and looked around and said "yea, after all the revalations tonight, im going to need to go to a pretty awesome party soon!" and then she laughed.


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Hank fell asleep.(if anyone can be somber it will be helpful.)

Celestia nods "yea i do need one also. And let me go raise the sun." Her horn starts to glow as she raises the sun. She smiles "its so nice, and i bet luna is happy that we enjoyed her night." She giggles and nuzzles hank.



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rocket smiled, "well my little nap rejuvenated me, so im ready for the day!!!" he turned to sam "so you want to go to the hospital first? or do you want to try to find a empty building first?"


"lets get the easy one out of the way and go to the hospital" Sam had decided.


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Celestia smiles "ill help look also. Im sure there is an open room at the hospital." She said.

Hank is shaking and kicking "sombra leave me alone!" He said loudly as he shakes

Celestia gulps and hugs hank "its ok.. shhh it will be all right." She kisses hank. And smiles.



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Celestia smiles "ill help look also. Im sure there is an open room at the hospital." She said.

Hank is shaking and kicking "sombra leave me alone!" He said loudly as he shakes

Celestia gulps and hugs hank "its ok.. shhh it will be all right." She kisses hank. And smiles.

Sombra looks down at hank and says, "you thought you could escape me forever!?! you DARE underestimate the power of the mighty king sombra! I will grind you to a dust and scatter the remains across canterlot! they will never remember the name Hank!!!!"  then he lets out an evil laugh and lunges towards hank.


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Hanks eyes widened and dives out of the way "sombra! Why would you want me gone! I cant harm you anymore!" He is crawling away from him scared "you already harmed me enough!" He yelled as he bumped into the corner. he notices a table and straps and shard objects around it.



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Hanks eyes widened and dives out of the way "sombra! Why would you want me gone! I cant harm you anymore!" He is crawling away from him scared "you already harmed me enough!" He yelled as he bumped into the corner. he notices a table and straps and shard objects around it.

"no, hank, I haven't done anything yet" Sombra said menacingly, he looks at the table, "you say you cant harm me anymore? of course you cant harm me anymore... IM STRONGER THAN YOU!!!!!!!!!" sombra grabs a sharp object off of the table "now don't move, or I could miss and hit youre precious AI's.... actually.... that's exactly what I want to do.. hahaha" SOmbra says as he drives the knife towards the AI's Hub.


(hope im not going over the deep end with this)




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Hank gulps and moves out of the fay getting stabbed in the back. "AAHHHHH" he yelled in pain. "Sombra.. please.. why are you doing this! What are you telling me!" He got a tear and holds it back as he crawls away. Reaching for the table so he can get a knife

(No your not.)



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Hank gulps and moves out of the fay getting stabbed in the back. "AAHHHHH" he yelled in pain. "Sombra.. please.. why are you doing this! What are you telling me!" He got a tear and holds it back as he crawls away. Reaching for the table so he can get a knife

(No your not.)

Rocket and sam look in confusion, "celestia what is going on???"


Sombra laughs, "you think im going to let you grab a knife?" sombra pulls the table away from hank. "I have four knifes here, one for rockets throat, one for sams head, on for your AI's" sombra grabs the final knife and looks meniacly at hank, "And one for celestias heart"


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Celestia gulps "im not sure.. i hope he will be fine."


Hank gulps "i wont let you hurt ny friends and my marefriend!" He jumps at him removing the knife away fron thwm both "you will not hurt anypony! Anymore! As long as im alive!" He hits him and moves away from him



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Celestia gulps "im not sure.. i hope he will be fine."


Hank gulps "i wont let you hurt ny friends and my marefriend!" He jumps at him removing the knife away fron thwm both "you will not hurt anypony! Anymore! As long as im alive!" He hits him and moves away from him

Sombra looks at hank with fire in his eyes, "you dare strike me!!!!!" sombra begins to transform into his smoke form, "you will never stop me! never!" he yells as hi smoke form engulfs hank and the entire room, leaving hank in nothing but a black room full of nothing.


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Hank ran around trying to find where he should go "sombra you coward!'

Celestia kisses hank "its ok hank." She kisses him and sighs.

Hank kept running "somber! I will kill you!" He runs around still as he used his AIs for the light hoping that he will be able to see.



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Hank ran around trying to find where he should go "sombra you coward!'

Celestia kisses hank "its ok hank." She kisses him and sighs.

Hank kept running "somber! I will kill you!" He runs around still as he used his AIs for the light hoping that he will be able to see.

"Celestia stand back!" sam said, her horn glowing, she placed her horn on hanks head and began casting the calming spell.


Sombra was right at the point were he was going to kill hank. "its time to DIE!" he yelled, then all of sudden. sombra began to glow and disappear. "huh? NOOOO!!!!!" he yelled as he dissapeared


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Celestia smiles.


Hank jolts up panting and sweating 'what happened! Did you remove him from me!" He seems mad "sombra was there. He was going to kill us all. He wanted to cut celestias heart, rockets neck, your head.. i am worried that he might be back. Im really worried i dont want to goback."



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"What a week this has been all this crazy things has happened" Aryios thought to him self As he looked out the window of his room to see hank relaxing while drinking his hard cider. "Why does he drink that stuff isnt that bad for his health but whatever." He thought to himself and he thought he saw hank waving at him to come here so aryios jumped out the window and flew down to where hank was sitting.

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Hank smiles "hey.. aryios.. is it ok.. if you could tell me more about your past? It can give a better chance for us to help you." he smiles as the AIs appear around hanks head "they will not hurt you ok? It doesnt hurt when they enter your mind either. trust me ok?" He smiles.



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*sigh* "You know i rly dont like others prying around in my head but as celestia said i need to be more open." Aryios stood up and and walked over to a patch of ground and sat down and crossed his hooves together and he said "If you're going do it do it now." Then aryios closed his eyes and he meditated.

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hank nods as he followed him. His eyes change color as the AIs circle around them and they went into Aryios' mind. They went to random memory of his as they made sure they can get a good view of everything and went to make sure that they can get everything.



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It was a normal spring day as a young aryios slipped on his bag and started to walk to school as he walked he saw that the canterlot town square was bustling merchants doing work trading goods "Wow i wonder why the square is so busy" he thought to himself curiously when he got to school he heard somepony calling him "Ari" As aryios turned to look at who was calling him he saw a young mare running towards him.

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