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private Slice Of New Life


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They smile "wow. Its so calm now." They smile as they watch. They notice the younger mare and takes a picture of her of her face as they wait for the name of the young mare.

Hank smiles knowing that his life will be good but has a feeling he will get bullied.



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"Iv'e been waiting for you" she said happily the mare's body was a white color with what looked to be blue stripes along her body her mane was a blue color which flowed gracefully down her back. "Sorry sis i got caught up in the crowd its rly busy today" he said with a sorry voice the young mare looked at him "Oh silly didnt you know tomorrow is the summer sun celebration i heard the princess is going to be there" The mare said excited 

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They smile "wow he has a sister."

Hank smilesseeing the sister "wow. I hope they go to the celebration." He said.

The AIs watched the streets as they got a good view of Aryios and his sister and takes a picture and smiles as they kept watching glad that its calm now.



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"Oh yeah you're right it is that time again" he said his sister was bouncing around aryios like a ball "Well i also found out another interesting piece of info" the mare said with a look that made aryios's body shiver "And what that be sis" aryios said puzzled "The princess is coming to the school to observe how the school is functioning she has always been one to value the education of young ponies like us" "But in other news its almost time for class" the young mare grabbed aryios's hoof and pulled him along into the school.

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The AIs smile at when aryios got pulled by his sister. "So celestia is heading to the school." They smile "i wonder why. she never done that before but i guess she wants toknoe somethings." They smile

Hank smiles "she is so hyper active." He chuckles and watches.



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As the twins entered the school lobby there was alot young ponies around the same age as them running around to try and get to class  "Wow look at all the other ponies there so lively" the young mare said gleefully "Im sorry but i fail to find why you are so cheery about this." aryios said with a educated tone in his voice "Well i just like seeing all the friends i could make." the young mare said happily "well brother we better get to class you know where you are supposed to go right?" the young mare said intently "You need to be worried about getting to class you're self than worrying about me." He said in a serious tone. The young mare flashed him a bright smile and said "Ok brother cya later" and the two young ponies went down separate halls to go to class. 

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The AIs look at them and smiles "wow so much kids.. i dont think hank even went to school." They watch aryios' sister leave to her class room they follow Aryios to his classroom wondering what it will be like. The AIs are excited for the next day as they followed.



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As aryios walked upto the classroom he took a deep breath and opened the door. The room was filled with unicorns of all shapes,Sizes,and colors aryios walked into the class then he heard a voice "Well hello there you must be aryios it so great to have another bright face in my class" There was a slender looking mare dressed in what looked like to be a robe of some kind " Um...hello" aryios said silently the older mare  let out a slight chuckle "You dont need be shy around us why dont you take a seat next to the young mare over there" Aryios looked over to see a mare with a light rose colored mane and body and she had a rose as her cutie mark. Aryios went over and sat by the mare "Hello there my friend wonderful day isnt it." the mare said with an air of sophistication in her voice.

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The AIs smile "everypony is so nice." They examine the mare taking pictures of the mare makung sure to get every detail there is.

Hank smiles "that mare.. she looks familiar. I think i might.know who she is." The AIs kept watch of the mare and aryios as some went to learn also.



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"um yeah nice day indeed" aryios said calm voice  the mare just giggled "You know u remind me of my uncle you both are so serious"    " You may call me Rose"  Aryios thought to himself "Rose where have i heard that name before" "If i may ask what is you're uncles name?" he asked inquisitively the mare said "His name is Hank he is the right hooved pony of the princess" Aryios looked shocked as if he was standing in the face of Royalty. Then the instructor said "Alright everypony quite down we are going to have a special guest coming here today to observe you ponies for a chance at advancement into the higher echelon of pony society here at the college this will determine you're future here  at this school so dont hold anything back" The instructor waved out the window of the door and a grey pony with a white coat on walked into the room.

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The AIs smiled and watched.


He walks inside as he smiles warmly. they can see the scar where his horn used to be "hello everypony.. dont be nervous, you will always get moe than one chances when the time is right. Just think im not here and focus on the work ok?" He sat in the way back so he doesnt look like he is here.

Edited by kappa214



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Aryios could feel the tension in the classroom as the class went on the other ponies were practicing simple levitation magic any unicorn worth there salt could pull this one off  Aryios sat at his desk reading his textbook on the cover it said "Magic and you: A unicorns guide to the mystic arts 2nd edition" The he heard the instructor say "Ok aryios you're turn next" Aryios was nervous he walked over to the instructor He thought to himself "Ok aryios this is a simple magic novice level you should have no problem" Then the instructor said " Ok aryios for this demonstration i want you lift this flower pot shouldnt be too hard" Aryios relaxed his mind and as his horn radiated with power the pot was enveloped in a  blue light the pot was slowly being lifted off the table but then something broke aryios concentration and the pot smashed down on the table shattering the pot. The whole class burst into laughter the instructor tried to calm everyone down. Aryios was devastated he just made a fool of himself he was soaked from mane to tail in water everypony in the class was laughing at him "They are laughing at me" He thought to himself as  tears started welling up in his eyes he burst out the door. 

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Hank got up from the back as he rushes out to Aryios stopping him "hey. You ok? You slipped up there. I guess its because i was there. Do you want to give it another chance? That wasnt a really good try for you. I can feel you have magic no ordinary pony has." He smiles as he walks with him back to the classroom as he secretly used his AIs to dry him off



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"Oh welcome back aryios im sry you got laughed at but dont worry my dear i think you did fine" The instructor smiled at aryios "Im getting this feeling that a flower pot just doesnt suit somepony of you're caliber so Mr.Hank what do you think?" she asked hank with a inquisitional tone in her voice.

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Hank smiles "well i think it can increase but it is always good to start at something small." He looks at aryios "i know you can do better. Show me you can also ok?" He smiles warmly "we all have faith in you." He smiles "mostly rose over there. She has the most faith in you."



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Aryios looked over to see rose staring at him with a look of warmth and kindness "Does she rly have faith in me" he thought to himself. The instructor said "Ok lover boy lets save the eyes for later" she said with a smile "But ok where were we oh yes why dont you try and levitate two flower pots one alittle heavier than the other" The instructor waved her hoof and another flower pot appeared slighty larger than the one he tried to lift earlier. "Alright aryios this is you're chance you have have been waiting for getting a chance to rly strut you're stuff and impress not only the instructor and the observer but rose too" Aryios focused his mind again this time not letting a single sound bother him his eyes started to glow a radiant white color as his horn radiated with power the flower pots started to lift off the table. The whole class was left in complete silence not believing what they were seeing a first year doing something that none of the other ponies in his grade could do. Aryios set the pots back down on the table. "I...did....it....wooo." he said weakly as his body hit the floor.

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Hank smiles and helped him up. Carrying him to his seat "aryios. You did an amazing job. Im proud of you. If you could have more energy to lift things like that you would be a good member of the gift students celestia is teaching. How badly do you want to be in it?"



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Aryios said trying to catch his breath "I....give...anything....to.....be.....accepted." Everypony was looking at him stunned by what they had seen "Well well im impressed aryios i can tell you have great potential who knows you even might become an archmage one of these days." the instructor said with a great smile on her face. Aryios would have smiled but it hurt to much to move a single muscle and not to mention his horn felt like it was on fire.

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Hank touches his horn as he got his energy back and he stopped hurting "well. You can join." He startc to fill out a sheet of paper "ok just sign your name and ill send the application to celestia and you should be contacted later today or tomorrow." He smiles "i knew you could do it."



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Aryios read what the paper said "Exceptional Talent in magic" Aryios was beaming with joy he took the pen and signed his name This was the start of many good things to come with this paper he is one step closer to achieveing his dream of meeting the stallion in the gold armor.  

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Hank smiles and pats his head "also.. you get to bring one extra pony. It can be anypony that you know. Its a gift. From me to you." He smiles warmly "since celestia knows me well enough. I can pretty much do anything and she wont mind just as long as its a good thing."



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"Well i have a sister she rly talented too can she come too her name Ariya" He said with a confident tone "Oh you mean the little princess of 3A i didnt know she was you're sister" The instructor said " I will vouch for that pony she does show considerable talent in magic as well" Then the bell rang for lunch "Ok everypony dont forget to study page 25-50 in you're textbooks you never now when i might test you."

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Hank nods "ok." He writes her name on the application "ok.. so are you going to meet with her now since i need her signature and than i will be on my way." He smiles warmly "lets go ill carry your stuff." He takes his stuff as he winced abit. Aryios can see the scar where his horn is supposed to be.



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Aryios caught a glimpse of where hanks horn would have been "Woah did i just see that right that pony doesnt have a horn." He turned away as to not stare. Down the hall they saw his sister " Hi Brother guess what happened" she said happily Aryios looked at his sister and said "What?" She beamed "I just for information made one flower turn into a dozen hows that for magic" aryios looked at her " Well i have something better." He reached in his bag and pulled out the paper "Check it" he held the paper out for her to see she started to read the paper "Huh? whats this." She wondered "Its a full application to the most prestigious schools in all of equestria" She was ecstatic "Oh im so happy for you brother!" She leapt to give him a big hug "oh it gets better my friend here has something to say to you."  

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He smiles "Aryios' sister, since i am celestias right hoof pony. I can do anything as long as it is good. So im giving you a chance like your brother here tojoin the school." He shows the paper "just sign it and you shall be informed within the day or tomorrow ok?"



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